Thin Lizzy / LA Forum 1978 Mike Millard Original Master Tape / 1CD

Thin Lizzy / LA Forum 1978 Mike Millard Original Master Tape / 1CD / Zodiac

Live at the Forum, Inglewood, CA, USA 16th August 1978.

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Superb live album from the Gary Moore era is a miracle explosion! Urgent, permanent preservation press CD decision.
The record of this work was “August 16, 1978 Inglewood Performance”. It is a transcendental audience recording that the whole story has been recorded by legendary recording artist Mike Millard. Gary participated in THIN LIZZY three times, “1974 (Trio era)”, “1977 (Robo deputy)” and “1978-1979 (officially joined)”, but this work Brian Robert “1978-1979” period after it was decided to leave Son. Speaking of live performances in the Gary era, the officially-produced TV pro shot of Sydney is famous, but first of all, let’s look back at the schedule at that time and check the position of the show.

● 1978
<< “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” release on June 2nd >>
<< July 30: Gary rejoins / Now Thief participation >>
・ August 8th-October 15th: North America # 1 (42 performances) ← ★ here ★
<< September 30 “BACK ON THE STREETS” release >>
・ October 20-29: Australia (5 performances) ← * Official video
・ December 17: London performance (Downey return)
● 1979
<< February “BLACK ROSE” completion >>
・ March 2-25: North America # 2 (24 performances)
・ March 29-May 22: Europe (43 performances)
・ June 29th-July 4th: North America # 3 (5 performances)
<< July 6: Gary’s departure >>

This is the flow from Gary official participation to re-withdrawal. Its first job was the opening of KANSAS’s US tour, and this work was the 9th concert of “North America # 1”. In addition, Brian Downey temporarily left before the tour due to family circumstances. Mark Nowshe also served as the hitting drummer.
This work recorded at such a show is a very superb sound of the attack. As mentioned before, this tour is famous for the professional shot of Sydney performance, but this work is far better than its official sound board. Its core is strong and shiny, and there is no sense of distance at all. Gary’s machine gun picking has sharp edges and detailed vibes in each shot, and without a vibrato, you can feel not only the nuances of the performance, but also the slight effect knobs that can be applied. The sound board in Sydney performance was low level even though it was official, but this work is an audience but it is BBC broadcast level. The superb quality of the official name board. It is “Gary & THIN LIZZY’s No.1 live album” without any questions.
Although it is a name recording that has no choice but to lie down on Mike Millard’s awesomeness, this work is also its highest peak. Actually, the original sound released on the net was almost perfect but not perfect. Perhaps the main purpose of the mirror was KANSAS, but in the opening THIN LIZZY, the first song “Warrior” started with a fade-in, and the volume is adjusted so that the on-site PA can be confirmed. As expected, recording omission can not be done, but volume adjustment is corrected by mastering. Achieving a stable feeling with little shaking.
The show drawn with such a sound is THIN LIZZY, which was reborn brilliantly by Gary’s guitar. Since it’s an opening act, it lasts about 40 minutes, but there are songs that couldn’t be heard even at the Sydney performance. Now let’s organize the contents.

・ Nightlife: Still In Love With You (★)
・ Jailbreak: Warriors (★) / Cowboy Song / The Boys Are Back In Town
・ Johnny Heron: Do n’t Believe A Word (★)
・ Black Rose: Waiting For An Alibi
・ Others: Are You Ready? / Me And The Boys
* Note: The “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the Sydney performance DVD / CD “THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN”.

… And this is how it looks. At that time, “Are You Ready?” And “Me And The Boys” were also played immediately after “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” was released, but the Gary effect has appeared even earlier. The famous song “Waiting For An Alibi” from “BLACK ROSE” was released, and Gary also played in the original take and remade many times, “Still In Love With You”, “BACK ON THE STREETS” version “Don’t Believe A Word”, which was about to be released, was also chosen. The number of Gary’s edge is packed even though it is as short as 8 songs.
And above all, the guitar. You’ll just have to listen to this. Gary’s guitars are always great, but at the time they were synonymous with “guitar crazy.” Moreover, despite being a newcomer, Gary’s guitar is mixed on the front side without hiding the band side strangely, and you can also enjoy the extremely rapid fire and the crying Vivrat with the sound at your ears. And Scott Gorham, who seems to be approaching there in harmony, is another excellent dish. The breathing sensation that fits tightly is too wonderful without the strange rivalry.

Gary era was the most glamorous in the entire history of THIN LIZZY, where various guitarists were intermingled. Even from Gary’s career, it was a climax when there were two guitars in addition to the beauty of twins. This work is a miracle-like No.1 live album where you can enjoy the real pleasure. A piece that engraves a miracle twin with a quality far exceeding that of a sound board. Please enjoy the permanent preservation press CD!

ゲイリー・ムーア時代の超極上ライヴアルバムが奇跡の爆誕! 緊急、永久保存プレスCD化決定です。
そんな本作が記録されたのは「1978年8月16日イングルウッド公演」。その一部始終を伝説の録音家マイク・ミラードが記録しきった超絶級オーディエンス録音です。ゲイリーがTHIN LIZZYに参加したのは大きく3回「1974年(トリオ時代)」「1977年(ロボの代打)」「1978-1979年(正式加入)」あったわけですが、本作はブライアン・ロバートソンの脱退が決まった後の「1978-1979年」期。ゲイリー時代のライヴと言えば、公式化もされたシドニー公演のTVプロショットが有名なわけですが、まずはそれも含めて当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・8月8日-10月15日:北米#1(42公演) ←★ココ★
・10月20日-29日:豪州(5公演) ←※公式映像
《2月『BLACK ROSE』完成》

そんなショウで記録された本作は、まさに襲撃の超極上サウンド。前述の通り、このツアーにはシドニー公演のプロショットが有名なわけですが、本作はその公式サウンドボードよりも遙かに良い。その芯は力強くもとんでもなく艶やかで、距離感などまったくない。ゲイリーのマシンガン・ピッキングは1発1発に鋭いエッジとヴァイヴの細やかさが宿り、無きのヴィヴラートは演奏のニュアンスどころか、わずかにかけられるエフェクトのツマミ具合まで感じ取れる。シドニー公演サウンドボードは公式とは言ってもレベルが低かったわけですが、本作はオーディエンスでありながらそれこそBBC放送レベル。オフィシャル名盤級の超絶クオリティ。問答無用で「ゲイリー&THIN LIZZYのNo.1ライヴアルバム」なのです。
まったくもってマイク・ミラードの凄味に平伏するしかない名録音ですが、本作はその最高峰でもある。実のところ、ネットに公開された原音はほぼほぼ完璧でも完全無欠ではなかった。ミラードの目的はメインのKANSASだったのか、オープニングのTHIN LIZZYは1曲目「Warrior」がフェイドインで始まり、現場PAを確かめるように音量を調整しているのです。さすがに録音漏れはどうにもできませんが、音量調整の方はマスタリングで補正。ほとんど揺れのないビシッとした安定感を実現しました。
そんなサウンドで描かれるショウは、ゲイリーのギターによって華やかに生まれ変わったTHIN LIZZY。あくまでもオープニング・アクトなので約40分ほどの持ち時間なのですが、そこにはシドニー公演でも聴けなかった曲も披露される。ここで、その内容を整理してみましょう。

・ナイトライフ:Still In Love With You(★)
・脱獄:Warriors(★)/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
・サギ師ジョニー:Don’t Believe A Word(★)
・ブラックローズ:Waiting For An Alibi
・その他:Are You Ready?/Me And The Boys
※注:「★」印はシドニー公演DVD/CD『THE BOYS ARE BACK IN TOWN』では聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。当時は『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』発売直後とあって「Are You Ready?」「Me And The Boys」も演奏されていますが、それ以上に早くもゲイリー効果が現れている。『BLACK ROSE』の名曲「Waiting For An Alibi」が披露され、さらにオリジナル・テイクでもゲイリーが弾き、何度もリメイクしている名バラード「Still In Love With You」、『BACK ON THE STREETS』版のリリースも迫っていた「Don’t Believe A Word」もチョイス。8曲という短い中にもゲイリー縁のナンバーがギュウ詰めされているのです。

さまざまなギタリストが交錯したTHIN LIZZY全史でも、最も華やかだったゲイリー時代。ゲイリーのキャリアから見てもギター乱舞にツインの美しさまで加わった2つとない絶頂期でした。本作は、その醍醐味を味わえる奇跡のようなNo.1ライヴアルバムなのです。サウンドボードを遙かに超えるクオリティで奇跡のツインを心に刻める1枚。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで存分にお楽しみください!


1. Warrior
2. Waiting For An Alibi
3. Still In Love With You
4. Cowboy Song
5. The Boys Are Back In Town
6. Don’t Believe A Word
7. Are You Ready?
8. Me And The Boys

Philip Lynott – Vocal, Bass
Scott Gorham – Guitar
Gary Moore – Guitar
Mark Nauseef – Drums


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