Snakecharmer / Unified Kingdom / 2CDR

Snakecharmer / Unified Kingdom / 2CDR / Non Label

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The Stables, Milton Keynes, UK 26th January 2014.


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WHITESNAKE, WISHBONE ASH, THUNDER, HEARTLAND …… of the British Empire , latest live of “SNAKECHARMER” There was an urgent arrival! I let me hear the blues-rock catchy condensed the tradition of British rock in his debut album, but for the grabs the soul of British rock fans in any more, and play with plenty of classic group of WHITESNAKE will live!Dream Twin called “WHITESNAKE + WISHBONE ASH”, a group of classic revived in British voice that Jason Bonham also fell in love! The full inclusion in the best audience master of full first appearance that is not known at all in between traders, the Milton Keynes concert January 26, 2014 in this work. In the sense of reality excellent and realism of the performance even more than the line sources, I will to enjoy the hot live!   Between mania love early 2013, the good old British rock, debut of a certain band became a big topic. It is SNAKECHARMER. In this band Neil Murray and Mickey Moody original WHITESNAKE has become the center, with the arrival in vocal Chris Uzi of HEARTLAND, Harry James original THUNDER served as drum, and son Adam wake of that Rick Wakeman Man participated as keyboard.The bringing together of players who are known as the “school ability” in the UK, there was more than sufficient impact of this alone.  But surprise mania more than that, was pushed up this “case” of the band, was the participation of Raleigh-wise the original field WISHBONE ASH. initial WHITESNAKE that Mickey has been enrolled, with WISHBONE ASH of Raleigh, the band walked the high road of British rock. There laid the one era in Twin lead individual both further. “In that band, this meeting together is … Once you have achieved” and, rock fans to dream “Moshimo” is, it became a reality.  studio album which they announced in 2013 was proud of high quality as a matter of course, but the fans were expecting this, “Organizing a dream” It was live more than anything. Activity is started from the end of 2011 prior to the album production in the UK, (in the form of sew appointments busy members) show off live UK sporadically thereafter. The stage fulfilling was pleasing mania in the UK.  However, the actual situation is not transmitted easily in Japan across the distant sea, mania “I want to listen to live their” had accumulated frustration. Live video of the audience has been seen here and there on the net recently, although material to entertain the show in a comprehensive way, was not still.  It is this work it’s come true in the form of the best, the desire of such a fan of “! Want to hear!” Also in recent years, press CD title of BLACK SABBATH and “CELEBRATION GATHERING”, Bernie Marsden: I recorded the “BLUES FOR BERNIE Milton Keynes 2013”, the direct use of the original master in the name of the UK’s leading taper. I will reproduce the sound of the audience superlative, the Milton Keynes “The Suteiburusu performances” of January 26 this year!  From the opening of live, direct feeling and clearness of sound overwhelming! Base of Neil and guitar of Raleigh and Mickey floats as line sources, I will hit the hand drum of Harry is listening. Of hot hall and close air feeling of the club only gig, it’s delicious of all, (the great voices of all because do not mind during the performance but) peaceful mood.Among people who love the British rock is, moments of dream to share each. Sound of superlative, I can enjoy the air and field performance in this work!  New song of two decorate the dawn is live. Play a groovy of Neil and Mickey does not stay in the mere retrospective principle in “A Little Rock ‘n’ Roll”, a play melodic Raleigh to emphasize the “active sense” in “Guilty As Charged”. Unbearable catchy and “Accident Prone”, “cry” down the pot is in the “Falling Leaves”, guitar phrase cozy Raleigh, greatly enlivens the music as the core of the band further.  Only if there is a fresh impression of these new songs and ensembles, WHITESNAKE number and “Ready An ‘Willing” and “Walking In The Shadow Of The Blues” is shining more. Chris Uzi albeit at Paul Rodgers system, although it does not emphasize the “depth” especially as Kavu~aderu, but to deepen slowly and carefully gradually, in a variety of tune voice and soulful. It is the singer of orthodox feel Rogers style fastball more. together, also WHITESNAKE number of familiar these, phrasing that Raleigh plays in melodious also WISHBONE ASH number Neil and (Mickey to play to you and brew different band and “M3″や”THE SNAKES” former, deep flavor I wanted to hear as well!). Let’s clearly affirm the other. The draw maximum taste of the white snake number in the 21st century, it is not a WHITESNAKE. They what is the successor of the best!  Beginning of the disk 2, “Slow An ‘Easy” is listening place from intro Adam lead. I understand that it’s in that name value more than just “son of Rick Wakeman”, the skill is being evaluated to join him. Chris singing of powerful, highlights of the new song live three volley following this song Husky! To “My Angel” and “Cover Me In You” and “Nothing To Lose”, presence not to lose to WHITESNAKE classic songs either. Delicate sense of Raleigh Bruce feeling of Mickey will blends exquisite sense of unity is here!  Then, from the organ of Adam to remind Jon Lord, point of Chris must listen to hear the singing of intimacy is “Here I Go Again!” Classic “Fool For Your Loving” is played on Kuruvu body and full of delicacy of blues, last concludes the live in a great mood!  SNAKECHARMER live the master of six that was its name known in the United Kingdom has become one, tells us the royal road of British rock. Audience sound quality no more and let enjoy the sense of reality just like the site, good acting of the band not enjoy common in Japan in this work!  (As well as live and Bernie Marsden) would not be able to collect the attention of the rock world this work. However, it is not noticeable such, but what of live deep, deep taste, accomplishment of the British timeless. It is also a privilege of collectible can enjoy such a live. So that you do not miss it, the two pieces you want to listen to the mania of all who love the UK rock! 

WHITESNAKE、WISHBONE ASH、THUNDER、HEARTLAND……大英帝国の英知が集結したスーパーバンド、“SNAKECHARMER”の最新ライヴが緊急入荷しました! デビューアルバムでもブリティッシュ・ロックの伝統を凝縮したキャッチーなブルースロックを聴かせてくれましたが、それ以上に英国ロックファンの魂を鷲づかみにするのは、WHITESNAKEの名曲群をたっぷりと演奏するライヴでしょう! 「WHITESNAKE+WISHBONE ASH」というドリーム・ツインに、ジェイソン・ボーナムも惚れ込んだブリティッシュ・ヴォイスで甦る名曲群! 本作では2014年1月26日のミルトン・キーンズ公演を、トレーダー間でも一切知られていない完全初登場の極上オーディエンス・マスターで完全収録。ライン音源をも超える演奏のリアルさと絶品の臨場感で、熱いライヴを満喫させます!

しかしそれ以上にマニアを驚かせ、このバンドの”格”を押し上げたのが、元WISHBONE ASHのローリー・ワイズフィールドの参加でした。ミッキーが在籍した初期WHITESNAKE、ローリーのWISHBONE ASHとも、ブリティッシュ・ロックの王道を歩んだバンド。さらに両者とも個性的なツイン・リードで一時代を築いた存在。「あのバンドで、この顔合わせが実現したら・・・」という、ロック・ファンが夢想する「もしも」が、現実のものとなったのです。
そんなファンの「聴きたい!」という念願を、最良の形で叶えるのが本作です! 近年も、BLACK SABBATHのプレスCDタイトル「CELEBRATION GATHERING」や、バーニー・マースデンの「BLUES FOR BERNIE: Milton Keynes 2013」を録音した、イギリス屈指の名テーパーによるオリジナル・マスターをダイレクト使用。今年1月26日のミルトン・キーンズ”ザ・ステイブルス”公演を、最上級のオーディエンス・サウンドで再現します!

ライヴのオープニングから、サウンドのクリアネスとダイレクト感は圧倒的! ミッキーとローリーのギターそしてニールのベースがライン音源のように浮かび、ハリーのドラムが聴き手を直撃します。何より美味なのは、クラブ・ギグならではの密接な空気感と場内の熱く、和やかなムード(しかし演奏中は一切の話し声が気にならないから凄い)。ブリティッシュ・ロックを愛する者同士が、それぞれ共有する夢のひと時。本作では最上級のサウンドで、演奏と現場の空気を満喫できます!
ライヴは2つの新曲が幕開けを飾ります。「Guilty As Charged」ではローリーのメロディアスなプレイを、「A Little Rock ‘n’ Roll」ではミッキーとニールのグルーヴィなプレイが、単なる回顧主義に留まらない”現役感”を強調。さらにキャッチーな「Accident Prone」や、ツボを押さえた”泣き”が堪らない「Falling Leaves」では、ローリーの心地よいギター・フレーズが、バンドの中核として楽曲を大いに盛り上げます。
これら新曲やアンサンブルのフレッシュな印象があればこそ、「Ready An’ Willing」や「Walking In The Shadow Of The Blues」といったWHITESNAKEナンバーがより輝く。クリス・ウージーはポール・ロジャース系ではあるものの、カヴァデールのように殊更「深み」を強調しませんが、ソウルフルな歌声と多彩な節回しでじんわり・じっくりと深めていく。より直球なロジャース・スタイルを感じさせる正統派のシンガーです。ローリーがメロディアスに奏でるフレージングも相まって、これらお馴染みのWHITESNAKEナンバーも、かつての”THE SNAKES”や”M3″といったバンドと違った、深い味わいを醸しています(ミッキーやニールがプレイするWISHBONE ASHナンバーも聴きたかった!)。もうハッキリ断言しましょう。21世紀に白蛇ナンバーの旨みを最大限引き出せるのは、WHITESNAKEではありません。彼らこそ、最高の継承者です!
ディスク2の冒頭、「Slow An’ Easy」はアダムが導くイントロから聴き所。彼の加入は「リック・ウェイクマンの息子」というネームバリュー以上に、その技量が評価されての事だと判ります。ハスキーでパワフルなクリスの歌唱は、この曲に続く新曲3連発はライヴのハイライト! 「My Angel」に「Cover Me In You」、そして「Nothing To Lose」と、いずれの曲もWHITESNAKEクラシックに負けない存在感。ここではミッキーのブルース・フィーリングとローリーの繊細なセンスが、絶妙な一体感で溶け合います!
そして、ジョン・ロードを思い出させるアダムのオルガンから、クリスが入魂の歌唱を聴かせる「Here I Go Again」は必聴のポイント! ラストは名曲「Fool For Your Loving」が、ブルースの滋味溢れるコクとクルーヴで演奏され、素晴らしいムードの中でライヴを締めくくります!


Disc 1(46:34)
1. Intro 2. Guilty As Charged 3. A Little Rock ‘n’ Roll 4. Ready An’ Willing
5. Accident Prone 6. Walking In The Shadow Of The Blues 7. Falling Leaves 8. Moody’s Blues

Disc 2(48:55)
1. Slow An’ Easy 2. My Angel 3. Band Introductions 4. Cover Me In You 5. Nothing To Lose
6. Here I Go Again 7. Take Me With You incl. Drum Solo 8. Fool For Your Loving 9. Outro

Chris Ousey – Lead Vocals Micky Moody – Guitar, Slide Guitar, Vocals
Laurie Wisefield – Guitar, VocalsAdam Wakeman – Keyboards, Vocals
Neil Murray – Bass Harry James – Drums, Vocals

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