Skid Row / Toronto 1989 / 1CDR

Skid Row / Toronto 1989 / 1CDR / Shades
Rock N’ Roll Heaven, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2nd June 1989 STEREO SBD

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1989’s SKID ROW caused a big sensation with his debut. Introducing a soundboard album that conveys the shocking stage.
Two stereo sound board recordings are recorded in this work. This is the definitive board with a bonus recording of the very early demo before joining Sebastian Bach, centered on “June 2, 1989 Toronto performance”. First and foremost, the main Toronto performance. Let’s look back on the situation at the time when we suddenly became a darling of the times and confirm the position of the show.

● 1989
・ January 1-21: North America # 1a (4 performances)
<< January 24, “SKID ROW” released >>
・ January 26-July 12: North America # 1b (111 performances) ← ★ Here ★
・ July 17-24: Japan # 1 (7 performances)
・ July 28-August 4: North America # 2 (6 performances)
・ August 12-20: Europe # 1 (4 performances)
・ August 23-October 4: North America # 3 (30 performances)
・ October 14th-November 13th: Europe # 2 (24 performances)
・ December 15-31: North America # 4a (10 performances)
● 1990
・ January 1st-March 31st: North America # 4b (52 performances)
・ May 9-16: Oceania (6 performances)
・ May 26 + 27: WORLD SERIES OF ROCK appearance
・ December 31: Japan # 2 (countdown performance)

This is 1989/1990 SKID ROW. It’s amazing that there are more than 250 performances in two years, but most of them (more than 190 performances) were done in 1989. Of course, the main battlefield is North America, and the Toronto performance of this work is the 87th performance of “North America # 1”, which is the main performance among them. It was a concert about a month before my first visit to Japan.
This show is also known for being broadcast on FM, and has long been popular as a staple. Although this work is the same sound board recording, it is one that updates the highest quality. The sound is clear and natural. In the previous version, the treble was distorted due to the strong noise reduction and the mokomoko, but this work is different. The clear and clear transparency is also wonderful, and even the finest parts are clear and clear. The distortion is not zero, but it is a completely different dimension from the existing group. As a matter of fact, the mix is ​​rough and it’s not the original sound board, so I can’t tout it as “completely official!”, But it’s definitely the best ever.
The highest peak update sound is drawn with a taste like “a debut album strengthened by the main stage tension”. In fact, out of all 11 songs from his debut work “SKID ROW”, he performed all songs except “Can’t Stand the Heartache”. After that, he played the fun covers “Train Kept A Rollin'” and “Traveling Band” as an encore. Especially delicious is the last “Traveling Band”. It’s a very rare song that has been recorded only on this day, but it’s not the only song. On this day, Jon Bon Jovi and Richie Sambora, who were performing at another venue, jumped in and participated.
Although such a full show alone is full, this work also adds an even more rare bonus track. It contains 5 studio demos before Sebastian Bach joined. Singing is the first singer Matt Fallon (formerly ANTHRAX, who succeeded Neil Turbin). “Midnight / Tornado”, which Fallon also participated in the composition, and the early version “Youth Gone Wild” are delicious, but even rarer are “Forever”, which will see the light of day in “40 SEASONS”, and the unreleased song “Rescue You”. “Walk With A Stranger”. Of course, it is recorded with the highest quality ever, which is different from the existing group whose pitch was crazy.
A rare cover to the masterpieces of “SKID ROW” that was exploded with hyper stage tension, and a valuable co-star with BON OJVI … It is a decisive board that you can enjoy all of them with the highest peak update quality. That’s the one I want to collect next to my debut work. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ A definitive board that includes a bonus recording of the very early demo before joining Sebastian Bach on the stereo sound board recording of “June 2, 1989 Toronto performance”. The highest peak version of the FM sound board that has been popular as a standard, much clearer and more natural than the conventional version. The clear and transparent feeling is also wonderful, and even the finest parts are clear and clear. Out of all 11 songs of his debut work “SKID ROW”, he performed all songs except “Can’t Stand the Heartache”, and in Angkor, John Bon Jovi & Richie Sambora jumped in and participated in the extremely rare “Traveling Band”. Show off. That is the one I want to collect next to my debut work.

デビューと共に一大センセーションを巻き起こした1989年のSKID ROW。その衝撃のステージを伝えるサウンドボード・アルバムが登場です。

《1月24日『SKID ROW』発売》

これが1989年/1990年のSKID ROW。2年で250公演以上というのも凄いですが、そのほとんど(190公演以上)を1989年中にこなしている。もちろん主戦場は北米で、本作のトロント公演はその中でもメインとなる「北米#1」の87公演目。初来日の約1ヶ月前にあたるコンサートでした。
その最高峰更新サウンドで描かれるのは「本生ステージ・テンションで強化されたデビュー・アルバム」といった趣き。実際、デビュー作『SKID ROW』の全11曲のうち「Can’t Stand the Heartache」以外の全曲を披露。その後でアンコールとしてお楽しみカバー「Train Kept A Rollin’」「Traveling Band」を演奏しています。特に美味しいのがラストの「Traveling Band」。この日にしか記録に残っていない激レア曲なのですが、それだけではない。この日、別会場でショウを行っていたジョン・ボンジョヴィとリッチー・サンボラが飛び入り参加しているのです。
そんなフルショウだけでもお腹いっぱいですが、本作はさらに激レアなボーナス・トラックも追加。まだセバスチャン・バックが加入する前のスタジオ・デモを5曲収録しています。歌っているのは初代シンガーのマット・ファロン(元ANTHRAXで、ニール・タービンの後任でした)。ファロンも作曲に参加した「Midnight/Tornado」や初期バージョンの「Youth Gone Wild」も美味しいですが、さらにレアなのは『40 SEASONS』で日の目をみる事になる「Forever」や未発表曲の「Rescue You」「Walk With A Stranger」。もちろん、ピッチが狂いまくっていた既発群とは次元の違う過去最高クオリティで収録しています。
ハイパーなステージ・テンションで爆上げされた『SKID ROW』の名曲群にレアなカバー、それにBON OJVIとの貴重な共演……そのすべてを最高峰更新クオリティで楽しめる決定盤です。それこそ、デビュー作の隣に置いてコレクションしたい1枚。どうぞ、存分にお楽しみください。

★「1989年6月2日トロント公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音に、セバスチャン・バック加入前の極初期デモをボーナス収録した決定盤。定番として親しまれてきたFMサウンドボードの最高峰版で、従来盤よりも遙かにクリア&ナチュラル。晴れ渡った透明感も素晴らしく、微細部までクッキリ・ハッキリ。デビュー作『SKID ROW』の全11曲のうち「Can’t Stand the Heartache」以外の全曲を披露し、アンコールではジョン・ボンジョヴィ&リッチー・サンボラが飛び入り参加して激レアな「Traveling Band」を披露。それこそ、デビュー作の隣に置いてコレクションしたい1枚です。

1. Makin’ A Mess
2. Midnight/Tornado
3. Piece Of Me
4. Big Guns
5. 18 And Life
6. Sweet Little Sister
7. Rattlesnake Shake
8. I Remember You
9. Here I Am
10. Youth Gone Wild
11. Train Kept A Rollin’
12. Traveling Band (With Jon Bon Jovi & Richie Sambora)

Demos 1987 with Matt Fallon on Vocal

13. Midnight/Tornado
14. Forever
15. Youth Gone Wild
16. Rescue You
17. Walk With A Stranger

Sebastian Bach – Vocal Rachel Bolan – Bass Dave “The Snake” Sabo – Guitar
Scotti Hill – Guitar Rob Affuso – Drums


Shades 1362

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