Alcatrazz / Live Games / 1CD

Alcatrazz / Live Games / 1CD / Shades

Translated Text:

Live at The Agora Ballroom, Cleveland, OH. USA 23rd May 1984 STEREO SBD

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Of the live recordings that Yngwie Malmsteen enrolled at the time of ALCATRAZZ left behind, 3 large stereo sound board sound source, along with Tokyo, Nakano Sun Plaza performances of ’83 October of Reseda “Country Club” performances and ’84 January one, Cleveland, Ohio “Agora ballroom” performances of broadcasting sound source of the may 23, ’84 years, overseas taper provides sound source by Omoto master direct use of the definitive edition, imposing become a fully qualified press CD release decision!

ALCATRAZZ Graham Bonnet has been formed for the sake of comeback that activities in the MSG has been derailed is treated as shocking debut was decoration (well Dosaku of title in the 1st album “ALCATRAZZ” which was published in ’83 ” NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL “are those that are part of the original jacket design was established as a common name). To sublime play Yngwie Malmsteen of some 20-year-old has revolutionized the rock guitar history, has many original NEW ENGLAND sets of Gary Shea and Jimmy Waldo is high craftsman to finish was quality music, melodious It immediately became a hot topic among fans for loving a hard Rock heavy metal. Graham is particularly supported in Japan to have a large fan base from the RAINBOW era, all five performances of the Japan tour was soon also realized in ’84 late January immediately after the bands debut, all is carried out in one of the great success year.
In However, the United States tour that circuit after the Japan tour as opening act of TED NUGENT, even for Assertive Yngwie, frustrated Graham and other members, inside the band had become so dissonance echoes too It was. Still guitar Gataku move The fact is the center of the band of Yngwie, they were engaged in a thrilling live in many places in many ways. This work than its 1984 first half of the US tour, the Cleveland performances of May 23, which corresponds to the second half even at the time of enrollment Yngwie, fully recorded in stereo sound board sound source.

Sound source of this day has been becoming famous as one from the old days air check and the source of the broadcast sound source is much of a staple, is especially famous titles such as “LOST IN CLEVELAND” and “CLEVELAND 1984” is among the mania. But the top-level sound source this time is expected to hit the those of large original is, was brought from abroad by its own root. Up with the amazing lightness and freshness height at the moment of listened, hiss of course tape of turbidity or cloudiness also absolutely do not mind the best clear of, drum and keyboard intense punching power in stereo to pan to the left and right channels, such as , all in different quality of dimensions and its outstanding, not inferior and its greatness is over Country Club performance of the official of “LIVE ’83”!
Slightly longer MC enters the configuration of the interviews and a member of the program moderator between the songs, and although the performance itself of the band would be familiar for the mania, the vocalist of Graham as “terrible”, “character” is (in many ways) has been fully open to all directions, not blocked mouth was open to an overwhelming performance. “Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live” of opening the “Do Hazuseru about this How on earth?” And remove enough strange feel to a degree, confronted by a subsequent “superhuman vocal” the first time without a complaint in the “Jet To Jet” and you will be surprised by the difference between the amplitude. Drum Jean Yuvena to support the band has exploded in powerful, it will really love to listen to this “super-attack-type” sound! Revitalizing Gary and Jimmy of pop melody sense and “Island In The Sun”, such as is also the representative song for Graham “Desert Song”, even more dramatic “Kree Nakoorie”, live any also unfolds in outstanding listening response is it’s the best!
However, in this Yngwie guitar in Dayuan of the master is off slightly in comparison with the other members, in particular, is the impression that is ringing on fairly in the “Night Games” far away, but “Kree Nakoorie” firmly hear it in than subsequent guitar solo from, it seems that those intentionally small mix. Such also is think like see the feud of the band and Yngwie in place.
Yngwie will feature the beginning of the solo song “Black Star” to intro “Suffer Me” is, stations listen to the second half live. Kyokuso tinged shadow, melody singing sorrow Graham of vocal plangently while powerful is, more and more vivid colors in the sound of the sound source. MC of the official live “LIVE SENTENCE” was echoed in the hearts of Japanese fans, “Hiroshima Mon Amour” is also, by transcendence vocal emitted by the Graham of this day, you will be allowed to vividly experience the original terrible song. Not’re done have to play this “Lost In Hollywood” has raised decoration of the strong performance of live wrap up the attack in more than RAINBOW at the highest voltage. Finale to give a pleasant feeling of fatigue in the listeners there is no other to say that brilliant!

Live as a further bonus track of the impact to this work of surprise alone, in addition to singles from Graham of 3rd solo “LINE-UP”, “Bad Days Are Gone”, it comes as music magazine Flexipop Magazine of acetate disc were we record the “New Version” of “Night Games”! Both have been raised from the best of the analog master that may be currently in use, sound quality is of course the best. Only was “listen not even want to listen,” take both for the fan, this time of the first press on CD is definitely big news. It is worth to get this work just for this two songs, it is a superb bonus!

ALCATRAZZ to top-class even during the live sound source individualistic stereo sound board sound source, this work that packages the long-awaited treasure take two songs to the bonus, “is not also present items that match the taste of Graham fan before as this is the more it can be said that there is no one? “. Will be made to the treasure items to please the mania. Where is really surprised exciting about 65 minutes. Fans are so that you do not miss try this superb title!


M.S.G.での活動が頓挫したグラハム・ボネットが再起を期して結成したALCATRAZZは、’83年に発表した1stアルバム「ALCATRAZZ」で衝撃的なデビューを飾りました(よく同作のタイトルとして扱われる「NO PAROLE FROM ROCK’N’ROLL」は、本来ジャケットデザインの一部が通称として定着したもの )。若干20歳のイングヴェイ・マルムスティーンがロック・ギター史上に革命をもたらした壮絶なプレイに、ゲイリー・シェーアとジミー・ウォルドーの元NEW ENGLAND組が職人的に仕上げた質の高い楽曲の数々は、メロディアスなハードロック・ヘヴィメタルを愛好するファンの間でたちまち話題となりました。グラハムがRAINBOW時代から大きなファンベースを持っている日本では特に支持され、バンドデビュー直後の’84年1月後半に早くも実現した全5公演のジャパンツアーも、全てが大盛況のうちに行われました。
しかしジャパンツアー後にTED NUGENTの前座としてサーキットしたアメリカツアーにおいては、余りにも自己主張が強いイングヴェイに対して、グラハムおよび他のメンバーが不満を募らせ、バンド内部には不協和音が響くようになっていました。それでもイングヴェイのギターがバンドの中心である事実は動かしがたく、彼らは色々な意味でスリリングなライヴを各地で繰り広げました。本作はその’84年前半のアメリカツアーより、イングヴェイ在籍時でも後半に当たる5月23日のクリーヴランド公演を、ステレオ・サウンドボード音源で完全収録しています。

この日の音源は放送用音源のエアチェック・ソースがずっと昔から定番のひとつとして人口に膾炙しており、マニアの間では「LOST IN CLEVELAND」や「CLEVELAND 1984」といったタイトルが特に有名です。しかし今回はそれらの大元に当たると見られる最上位音源が、独自のルートにより海外からもたらされました。聴いた瞬間にアッと驚く明度と鮮度の高さ、ヒスノイズはもちろんテープの濁りや曇りも一切気にならない最高のクリアさ、ドラムやキーボードが左右のチャンネルにパンするステレオ感に強烈なパンチ力など、全てが既発とは次元の異なるクオリティで、その凄さはオフィシャル化された「LIVE ’83」のカントリー・クラブ公演に優るとも劣りません!
曲間に番組司会者のインタビューやメンバーのやや長いMCが入る構成、そしてバンドの演奏そのものはマニアにとってお馴染みでしょうが、グラハムというヴォーカリストの「凄さ」と「キャラクター」が(色々な意味で)全方位へ全開された、圧倒的なパフォーマンスには開いた口が塞がりません。オープニングの「Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live」では「一体どうすればこれほど外せるのか?」と不思議に感じるほどの外し具合なのに、続く「Jet To Jet」では文句なしの”超人ヴォーカル”ぶりを見せつけており、その振幅の差には驚かされます。バンドを支えるジャン・ユヴェーナのドラムもパワフルに炸裂しており、この「超攻撃型」サウンドには本当に聴き惚れてしまいます! ゲイリーやジミーのポップなメロディセンスが活きる「Island In The Sun」や、グラハムにとっての代表曲でもある「Desert Song」、さらにドラマティックな「Kree Nakoorie」など、いずれも抜群の聴き応えで繰り広げられるライヴは最高です!
しかしこの大元のマスターでもイングヴェイのギターは他のメンバーに較べてオフ気味で、特に「Night Games」ではかなり遠くで鳴っているような印象です、しかし「Kree Nakoorie」より続くギターソロではしっかり聴こえる事から、意図的に小さくミックスされているものと思われます。このような所にもバンドとイングヴェイの確執を見るような思いがします。
イングヴェイがイントロにソロ曲「Black Star」の冒頭をフィーチャーする「Suffer Me」は、ライヴ後半の聴き所。陰影を帯びた曲想、グラハムのヴォーカルがパワフルながら切々と悲しみを歌うメロディは、本音源のサウンドでますます色鮮やか。公式ライヴ「LIVE SENTENCE」でのMCが日本のファンの心に響いた「Hiroshima Mon Amour」も、この日のグラハムが放つ超絶ヴォーカルによって、曲本来の凄さを生々しく体験させられます。これを演奏しなくては終われない「Lost In Hollywood」は、RAINBOW以上にアタックの強い演奏がライヴの締めくくりを最高のボルテージで飾り上げています。聴き手に心地よい疲労感を与えるフィナーレは鮮烈と言うほかありません!

ライヴだけでも驚きの本作にはさらに衝撃のボーナス・トラックとして、グラハムの3rdソロ「LINE-UP」からのシングル曲「Bad Days Are Gone」に加え、音楽雑誌Flexipop Magazineのアセテート盤として付属していた「Night Games」の”New Version”を収録しています! どちらも現在使用しうる最良のアナログ・マスターから起されており、音質面は当然ながら最高です。ファンにとってはどちらも「聴きたくても聴けない」テイクだっただけに、今回の初プレスCD化は間違いなくビッグ・ニュース。この2曲のためだけでも本作を入手する価値がある、飛び切りのボーナスです!


1. Introduction 2. Too Young To Die, Too Drunk To Live 3. Jet To Jet 4. Night Games
5. Island In The Sun 6. Desert Song 7. Kree Nakoorie 8. Guitar Solo incl. Coming Bach
9. Band Introduction 10. Since You Been Gone 11. Black Star Intro./Suffer Me
12. Hiroshima Mon Amour 13. Lost In Hollywood

Bonus Tracks
14. Bad Days Are Gone (from the B side of UK 7” single “Liar”(Vertigo VER2) )
15. Night Games (from Flexi Disc of UK “Flexipop Magazine #10”)


Graham Bonnet – Vocal Yngwie Malmsteen – Guitar Gary Shea – Bass Jan Uvena – Drums
Jimmy Waldo – Keyboards

Shades 420

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