Gary Moore / Run Through The Nights / 4CD

Gary Moore / Run Through The Nights / 4CD /Shades

Live At Nagoya-Shi Kokaido, Nagoya, Japan 8th 7 14th October 1985.

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Since 1985, the Japan tour due to “RUN FOR COVER” release of Gary Moore, performances 2 Live incandescent, both from the master tape was recorded in the ultra-high-quality audience recording, full remastered Press CD4 Disc of coupling It is imposing appeared in the title!
1985 Japan tour of Gary, a total of six performances over the 17 days from October 8 have been made. ’83 And ’84 years of the tour is basically the Tokyo show in Osaka was the center, this time built into the live also schedule in Akita and Hokkaido, it also local fans see the brave figure of Gary I was able. The size of the scale and venues in Japan tour will say that this 1985 was the most big. This work than this tour, and live in the October 8, Nagoya City Auditorium, which became the first day, we Onban the Tokyo Budokan performance of October 14, which became the highlight of the tour.

Nagoya performances housed to disk 1 and 2, a large masterpiece sound source “SO FAR AWAY” of the master who decorated the beginning of the Power Gate label in 2004, seven years ago from now, through the overall treatment Remastered it turned into press CD. This “SO FAR AWAY” is a title received from the time release as “ultra-high-quality sound of a top class definitely as the ’85 sound source of Gary” rave reviews from fans and professional journals, in recent years the discontinued state is continuing It should be noted, such as get an inquiry from the fan of everyone, it is the one that people in the know.
Such as playing roar like the sound of powerful clear recordings, but this sound was perfect for superb recording is to know the high-level playing waged Gary and his band at the time, from this master tape this time again causing the sound, combined remastered and the pace of “CORRIDORS oF BLOOD” of simultaneous release, it has undergone a natural remastered that respects the original tone material. Powerful especially Gary guitar captured by the outstanding contour and three-dimensional feeling, as much as feel even illusion as if the person is playing in front of the eye to hand to listen, on-also incredibly the entire ensemble It has been recorded in such a tone. While of course competence of the taper, of this sound force is greater characteristics of the venue of Nagoya Public Hall to create a unique sound, that of each band venue, recording’s advantages is engaged firmly as gears, of the sound source I would say that it has culminated in great power!
Live is while centered on the selection of music from the new “RUN FOR COVER”, a set-studded masterpieces “CORRIDORS OF POWER” and “VICTIMS OF THE FUTURE”, on what you want to sum up the Gary activities until the early ’80s it now has. Of new work “RUN FOR COVER” is and flashy sound Mei King at that time, from such music-oriented became more compact, but there is a transitional image even during the Gary works hard to melodious “Run For Cover”, ” the rise in Murder in the Skies “, the second half is a rarity in the configuration of the live flowing to the lyrical” magnificent from Empty Rooms, “” Out in the Fields “, to say the transition period there is a thing too dazzling gorgeous ( it should be noted that, “Run for Cover” of the opening, but unfortunately intro is missing part, there is no particular impact on to listen to the play).
In addition, long the classics, such as have been colored the Gary live “Cold Hearted” and “Back On The Streets,” “End Of The World”, is no longer that this tour later is played, was the performance of this tour only It was with “Reach for the Sky” and “Nothing to Lose”, has shaped the listening stations of the set list.
This show encore is completed only in the “Back On The Streets”, despite the enthusiastic “Gary!” Call of the audience, “Parisienne Walkways” was not taken up. So as a bonus track for the present sound source, and special recorded “Parisienne Walkways” from Osaka Festival Hall performance of next October 9. The sound source is a take from Langley label of the name board “RUN FOR OSAKA”, here will also be in the Journal and brush up from the master course. To finish not favorably compared to the sound of Nagoya performances, not remember anything of discomfort even if it listens to continue from the main program, you will be able to pass through to listen at once.

Nagoya continues disk 3 and 4 to the performance, it recorded October 14, Budokan concert, which is the peak of the Japan tour. The sound source is a master tape of the taper that was recorded and captured the ’84 Budokan performances of Gary in the best sound, “PRAY FOR VICTIMS”, the height of the quality has been demonstrated in “DEFINITIVE RUN” of its outstanding title . This time the sound source press of demand of the fan was exceptionally large, has been revived on which it has been subjected to treatment that is appropriate to its dignity.
The have excellent prospects in the clear through a full-length live, not to mention also punch of sound it has been recorded at the finest level. Of course Gary guitar vocals, everyone would have surprised it is to the performance of all players on the stage of realistic and rich tone. Resulting in the end of this special show, which became a live Budokan for Gary, a tone that was packed on the disk, sense of reality, you should make me simulated experience with the feeling you are in the venue and the listeners!
Decorate the opening from the new song barrage of “Run For Cover”, “Reach For The Sky”, Gary strong showing off a stable singing and guitar, we appeal to top form the first time suitable to the big stage. Neil Carter of the keyboard, even a pair of Gary Ferguson and Bob Dizuri of a new rhythm section, you let me listen to the glamorous and powerful play seems hard rock heyday of the ’80s. Representative of the ’80s the first half of the Gary guitar in “Shapes Of Things” and “Cold Hearted” is really intense, just to play such as causing numbness the listener’s eardrum just overwhelmed.
From around the sound of the venue has been settled, “End Of The World” and “Nothing To Lose”, the sound source will continue to increasingly listen to respond. “Empty Rooms”, which is reproduced in the three-dimensional sense and realism, such as the line sound source is really great.
Located at the beginning of the disk 4, “Victims Of The Future”, which has been supplemented with to 1:10 there was a missing due to tape change by its outstanding sound source, it later will Tsukisusumi to the last in the most perfect recording.
Encore will be playing three songs from the rare “Wishing Well” in the ’85 tour. The emotion and the cry of the guitar, such as well up in the round out live “Parisienne Walkways” in the best part, it has become the best of the listening stations that do not ashamed as take “last Budokan”. Skillfully enliven the audience by that from around 2:00 to sandwich the long break of more than 20 seconds, and then of choking is echoed in the sharpness of the just does torn the space! This moment will be counted as one of the scenes definitely even while Gary career. The sound source is 105 minutes until the show end, or of this time Gary was how Susamajika’, and to vividly relief.

Gary After this, to pursue deeper his music from the traditional European-type lock to the Irish line, creating a large masterpiece “WILD FRONTIER”. But music and sound “guitar Crazy” was left in a era while undergoing a major change, Not all even now is off a gem of shine! When the fan is look back at his live, this work will be never become essential important one does not!
Anyone of Gary fan is the highest peak of the 1985 live-items that waiting! Since the course will be in stock at the full limit, everybody is so that you do not miss try this chance!

ゲイリー・ムーアの「RUN FOR COVER」リリースに伴う1985年のジャパンツアーより、白熱のライヴを2公演、どちらも超高音質オーディエンス録音で収録したマスターテープより、フルリマスター・プレスCD4枚組のカップリングタイトルで堂々の登場です!

ディスク1と2へ収められた名古屋公演は、今から7年前の2004年にPower Gateレーベルの幕開けを飾った大傑作音源「SO FAR AWAY」のマスターを、全面的なトリートメント・リマスターを経てプレスCD化しています。この「SO FAR AWAY」は、リリース当時から「ゲイリーの’85年音源としては間違いなくトップクラスの超高音質」とファンや専門誌から絶賛を受けたタイトルで、廃盤状態が続いている近年もなおファンの皆様からお問い合わせを頂くなど、知る人ぞ知る一本です。
演奏が轟くようなサウンドの迫力・クリアな録音など、この音源は当時のゲイリーと彼のバンドが繰り広げたハイレベルな演奏を知るにはもってこいの絶品録音でしたが、今回は再度このマスターテープより音を起こし、同時リリースの「CORRIDORS OF BLOOD」のリマスターと歩調を合わせ、素材本来の音色を尊重したナチュラルなリマスターを施しました。特に抜群の輪郭と立体感で捉えられたゲイリーのギターは、聴き手に本人が目の前で演奏しているかのような錯覚すら感じさせるほどで、全体のアンサンブルも信じられないほどオンでパワフルな楽音で収録されています。テーパーの力量は勿論ながら、このサウンドの迫力は独特の音響を生み出す名古屋市公会堂という会場の特性も大きく、バンド・会場・録音者それぞれの長所が歯車のようにがっちり噛み合った事が、本音源の素晴らしいパワーに結実したと言えるでしょう!
ライヴは新作「RUN FOR COVER」からの選曲を中心としつつ、「CORRIDORS OF POWER」や「VICTIMS OF THE FUTURE」の名曲を散りばめたセットで、’80年代初頭までのゲイリーの活動を総括する内容になっています。当時の新作「RUN FOR COVER」は派手なサウンドメイキングや、よりコンパクトになった楽曲志向などから、ゲイリーの作品中でも過渡期的なイメージがありますが、メロディアスな「Run For Cover」にハードな「Murder In The Skies」で立ち上がり、後半は叙情的な「Empty Rooms」から壮大な「Out In The Fields」へと流れるライヴの構成は絶品で、過渡期というには余りにも豪華でまばゆいものがあります(なお、オープニングの「Run For Cover」は残念ながらイントロが一部欠落していますが、演奏を聴く上で特に影響はありません)。
また、長らくゲイリーのライヴを彩ってきた「Cold Hearted」や「Back On The Streets」・「End Of The World」などの名曲は、このツアー以降は演奏されることが無くなり、本ツアーのみの演奏だった「Reach For The Sky」や「Nothing To Lose」とともに、セットリストの聴き所を形づくっています。
このショウはアンコールが「Back On The Streets」のみで終了し、観客の熱心な「ゲイリー!」コールにも関わらず、「Parisienne Walkways」は取り上げられませんでした。そこで本音源にはボーナストラックとして、翌10月9日の大阪・フェスティバルホール公演より「Parisienne Walkways」を特別収録しています。この音源はLangleyレーベルの名盤「RUN FOR OSAKA」からのテイクで、当然ながらこちらもマスターからブラッシュアップしての収録になります。名古屋公演の音と比較しても遜色ない仕上がりには、本編から続けて聴いても何の違和感も覚えず、一気に聴き通す事が出来るでしょう。

名古屋公演に続くディスク3そして4には、ジャパンツアーのピークである10月14日・武道館公演を収録しています。本音源はゲイリーの’84年武道館公演を最高の音で捉えた「PRAY FOR VICTIMS」などを録音したテーパーによるマスターテープで、クオリティの高さは既発タイトルの「DEFINITIVE RUN」で証明されています。今回はファンのプレス化要望がひときわ大きかったこの音源を、その品格に見合ったトリートメントを施した上で蘇らせています。
オープニングを飾る「Run For Cover」・「Reach For The Sky」の新曲連発から、ゲイリーは力強く安定した歌とギターを披露し、大舞台にふさわしい絶好調ぶりをアピールしています。ニール・カーターのキーボード、新たなリズムセクションのゲイリー・ファーガソンとボブ・ディズリーのペアも、’80年代のハードロック全盛期らしい華やかでパワフルなプレイを聴かせてくれます。ゲイリーの’80年代前半を代表する「Shapes Of Things」と「Cold Hearted」におけるギターは本当に強烈で、聴き手の鼓膜を痺れさせるようなプレイにはただ圧倒されるばかりです。
会場の音が定まった「End Of The World」や「Nothing To Lose」あたりから、本音源はますます聴き応えを増していきます。ライン音源のような立体感とリアルさで再現される「Empty Rooms」は本当に素晴らしいです。
ディスク4の冒頭に位置する「Victims Of The Future」は、テープチェンジによる欠落があった1:10までを既発音源により補填していますが、それ以降はほとんど完璧な録音でラストまで突き進みます。
アンコールは’85年ツアーでは珍しい「Wishing Well」から3曲が演奏されます。ライヴを締めくくる「Parisienne Walkways」でのこみ上げるような情感と泣きのギターは圧巻で、「最後の武道館」テイクとして恥じない最高の聴き所になっています。2:00頃から20秒以上の長いブレイクを挟む事により観客を巧みに盛り上げ、その後のチョーキングは空間を引き裂かんばかりの鋭さで響き渡ります! この瞬間はゲイリーのキャリア中でも間違いなく名場面のひとつに数えられるでしょう。本音源はショウエンドまで105分間、この当時のゲイリーがいかに凄まじかったか、ありありと浮き彫りにしています。

ゲイリーはこの後、従来のヨーロピアン型ロックからアイリッシュ路線へと自身の音楽をさらに深く追求し、大傑作「WILD FRONTIER」を生み出します。しかし「ギター・クレイジー」が大きな変化を迎えつつあった時代に残した演奏とサウンドは、今も全てが珠玉の輝きを放っているではありませんか!ファンが彼のライヴを振り返るとき、本作は決して欠かせない重要な一本になる事でしょう!

Live at Nagoya-shi Kokaido, Nagoya, Japan 8th October 1985

Disc 1
1. Run For Cover 2. Reach For The Sky 3. Murder In The Skies 4. Shapes Of Things
5. Cold Hearted 6. End Of The World 7. Nothing To Lose 8. So Far Away 9. Empty Rooms

Disc 2
1. Victims Of The Future 2. Guitar Solo 3. Out In The Fields 4. All Messed Up
5. Rockin’ Every Night 6. Back On The Streets

Bonus Track
Live at Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 9th 0ctober 1985

7. Parisienne Walkways

Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 14th October 1985

Disc 3
1. Introduction 2. Run For Cover 3. Reach For The Sky 4. Murder In The Skies 5. Shapes Of Things
6. Cold Hearted 7. End Of The World 8. Nothing To Lose 9. So Far Away 10. Empty Rooms

Disc 4
1. Victims Of The Future 2. Guitar Solo 3. Out In The Fields 4. All Messed Up
5. Rockin’ Every Night 6. Wishing Well 7. Back On The Streets 8. Parisienne Walkways

Gary Moore – Guitar, Vocal Bob Daisley – Bass Neil Carter – Keyboards, Guitar, Vocal
Gary Ferguson – Drums

Shades 322

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