Rainbow / Outrage /1CD

Rainbow / Outrage /1CD /Darker Than Blue

Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 27th July 1981 STEREO SBD

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1973 European tour of the final destination, recorded a Lyon performances of the first of March 26 was a performance in France. So far is the radio station of France was broadcast, but Shaw is the latter half of the air check sound performances only did not exist, the whole picture of the show became apparent in the audience recording that appeared earlier this year. To not deny muffled sense of advantage is a strong recording of bass, vocal of the plant it is relegated been feeling balance in performance. Originally muscular rhythm section said that is the charm ’73 ZEP, so is the sound source that can be enjoyed enough at the base of the powerful Johnsy. Unfortunately opening Rock And Roll will begin recording from the middle of the Over The Hills And Faraway in unreleased, but I would not already than the can feel the force of that tremendous performance is said to be unique 73 Europe. Moreover, Since I’ve Been Loving In Johnsy catching keyboard songs like You weaken the sound pressure of the bass, making it easier to hear also the voice of the results as the plant. So even from the state is the roar plant, this day it seems that everyone, including the he was in top condition. The day after the French performances I have been scattered also playing lackluster from such trouble booking, but do not hear about at all such a situation in the fact that the first day of this day.
Rather, this day trouble unexpected in a different form came nearing pretend to ZEP. Although it is Dazed And Concused that fierce performance was waged every night in this tour, the first half of intense playing this time unique was exploded. Such as Bonzo intense drum roll of that listens before entering the San Francisco section will very thing unique 73 Europe. However, when I thought whether playing bow after this begins, there will be what playing is completely interrupted. And here Paige started boldly guitar tuning Among the venue is to be abuzz. It is a scene that seems to he something trouble in his Les Paul happened. And because deployment from the plant in the middle of the tuning of the field connection starts was the corresponding pleasing. However, ZEP after this return to the usual tough play, the second half although there is a short, also 73 catch of Europe unique of improvisation will be waged between Paige and Bonzo.
However, the trouble of this day does not fit only to this. Now we start the Stairway To Heaven in the usual flow, but the middle part, begin climax playing from there progressed playing! Sounds other than Bonzo Ni will also be a place that will be is no longer out. Of course is a translation playing that became the hardship of interruption again, but first occur can be no situation in ZEP of the stage in the United States and the United Kingdom if accustomed with 1973. Moreover, it is the surprise because he was fallen to Stairway To Heaven. Such a situation does not may become a riot when I got up in the United States. But power is back, also surprise because to resume play from where ZEP is you have what the interruption. In no part that can be heard up to now with so much happening it was happening.
And it becomes even better balance of performance at the end, it becomes quite easy to hear condition than before it. However Whole Lotta when Love Medley, such as cut enters, this recording might be said that ZEP enthusiast sound source through a whole. However, correction of overall was low pitch to hit in this release of course, the adjustment of the low sound volume and sound overall input level in a small opening, and further, such as getting rid of the gap when the change is frequent songs in later middle, meticulous paying attention to you has been adjusted the sound source. I think already hear the Some people in that new source of ZEP, but if those who know the original state, it is surprised that it has been on CD and have changed to easy listening suddenly state mistake None. And happenings which can not be there in the Stairway To Heaven more than anything else, this is my asserts that it all ZEP fan must listen! It is the release determined by the 3-Disc Press CD.

1973年ヨーロッパ・ツアーの最終地、フランスにおける最初の公演となった3月26日のリヨン公演を収録。これまでフランスのラジオ局が放送したとされる、ショウ後半部のエアチェック音源しか存在しなかった公演ですが、今年に入って登場したオーディエンス録音でショウの全貌が明らかとなりました。低音のアドバンテージが強い録音でこもり感は否めませんし、プラントのボーカルが演奏に追いやられ気味なバランスです。とはいえ元々骨太なリズム・セクションが魅力な73年ZEPですので、ジョンジーのベースの迫力で十分に楽しめる音源です。残念ながらオープニングRock And Rollは未収録でOver The Hills And Farawayの途中から録音が始まりますが、既にあの凄まじい演奏の迫力が感じられるのが73ヨーロッパならではといえるのではないでしょうか。しかもSince I’ve Been Loving Youのようなジョンジーがキーボードを弾く曲では低音の音圧が弱まり、結果としてプラントの声も聴きやすくなります。そこでプラントが雄叫びを様子からも、この日は彼を含めた全員がトップ・コンディションにあったと思われます。この日以降のフランス公演はブッキングのトラブルなどから精彩を欠いた演奏も散見されたのですが、この日は初日ということでそのような様子はまったくうかがえません。
むしろこの日は別の形で思わぬトラブルがZEPに振りかかってきました。このツアーでは毎晩壮絶な演奏が繰り広げられたDazed And Concusedですが、前半はこの時期ならではの激しい演奏が炸裂しました。San Franciscoセクションに入る前で聴かれるボンゾの激しいドラム・ロールなどはまさしく73ヨーロッパならではのものでしょう。ところが、この後の弓弾きが始まるかと思いきや、そこでなんと演奏が完全に中断してしまいます。しかもここでペイジは会場が騒然とする中で大胆にもギターのチューニングを開始。彼のレスポールに何かトラブルが起きたのだと思われる場面です。しかもチューニングの途中でプラントから場つなぎの展開が始まるというのが微笑ましい対応でした。しかし、この後のZEPはいつもの強靭な演奏に戻り、後半は短めではありますが、やはり73ヨーロッパならではなインプロビゼーションのキャッチボールがペイジやボンゾの間で繰り広げられます。
しかし、この日のトラブルはこれだけに収まりません。今度はStairway To Heavenをいつもの流れで始めるのですが、演奏が進んで中間部、そこから演奏が盛り上がり始める!というところでこともあろうにボンゾ以外の音が出なくなってしまいます。当然ここでも演奏は中断の憂き目となった訳ですが、1973年ともなればアメリカやイギリスでのZEPのステージではまず起こり得ない事態。しかもそれがStairway To Heavenに降りかかったのだから驚きです。このような事態がアメリカで起きたら暴動になりかねません。しかし電力が戻り、ZEPは何と中断したところから演奏を再開させるからまた驚き。今まで聴くことが出来なかった部分でこれほどのハプニングが起きていたとは。
そして終盤にもなると演奏のバランスも良くなり、それまでよりかなり聴きやすいコンディションとなります。ただしWhole Lotta Love Medleyの際にはカットが入るなど、この録音は全体的に通してZEPマニア向けな音源と言えるかもしれません。しかし今回のリリースに当たって全体的に低かったピッチの補正はもちろん、ショウ序盤における低めな音量と音源全体の入力レベルの調整、さらには中盤以降で頻発した曲が変わる際のギャップを取り払うなど、細心の注意を払って音源を調整してあります。ZEPの新音源ということで既に聴かれた方も居るかと思いますが、元の状態を知っているかたであれば、俄然聴きやすい状態に変化していてCD化されたことに驚かれること間違いなし。そしてなによりもStairway To Heavenでのありえないハプニング、これは全ZEPファン必聴だと断言します!3枚組プレスCDでリリース決定です。

Disc 1(51:20)
1. Over The Hills And Far Away 2. Black Dog 3. Misty Mountain Hop 4. Since I’ve Been Loving You
5. Dancing Days 6. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp 7. The Song Remains The Same 8. Rain Song

Disc 2(45:39)
1. MC 2. Dazed and Confused 3. Stairway To Heaven

Disc 3(36:44)
1. MC 2. Whole Lotta Love 3. Heartbreaker

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