Sade / Diamond Life In Europe / 2CDR

Sade / Diamond Life In Europe / 2CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Alabamahalle, Munich, Germany 22nd October 1984 & Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 29th December 1984 STEREO SBD


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This week, only in the music sense even repainted it is in will likely sound board album listen “PROMISE IN TOKYO (Wardour-194)” has been unearthed. As a gift to celebrate this memorable “now”, and gift a masterpiece live album that was coupled FM broadcast immediately after SADE debut.
Broadcasting, which is contained in this work are two. “Munich performances October 22, 1984” to the disk 1, is two sets of FM broadcasting sound source which arranged the “December 29, 1984 London concert” to disk 2. Quality anxious, both great FM sound. To be honest, “PROMISE IN TOKYO” is of far inferior, but it is because Kano press 2CD is abnormal super masterpiece. Sound of this work is was the choice of the class among the sound to images “of the ’80s FM recording”, you a more than enough sound board album to be even compared with the abnormal transcendent sound.
In, or enough if there is only “PROMISE IN TOKYO”? And say, nor those things. As can be seen from the title, date, while the “PROMISE IN TOKYO” is to demonstrate the big game the first time after “PROMISE”, this film is packed with plenty of performance of just came out into the world in the “DIAMOND LIFE”. Of course, also different set list, such as not listen to the “PROMISE IN TOKYO”, “Sally,” “I Will Be Your Friend”, “Is It A Crime”, “Frankie’s First Affair”, two shows together when the “When Am I Going To Make A Living “other than the” DIAMOND LIFE “songs to listen. In addition, it shows off to was a cassette board only of “DIAMOND LIFE,” “Love Affair With Life”, had been included on the Japanese release 12 inches “SMOOTH OPERATOR,” “Red Eye”. On the other hand, we are playing will be recorded in “PROMISE”, “Is It A Crime”, “Mr Wrong” after. Is now of feeling but is a representative song in the representative song “Is It A Crime”, here is still not only a new song of unpublished, the audience also the start of the intro is only Kikiiru with no reaction. The audience is ending also cheer to not grasp is getting ahead of ourselves, standing ovation just does cracks at the end of last occurs winding. Indeed, out representative song into the world, beautifully I moment go grab the audience’s heart has been recorded.
Of course, most fresh of the performance itself. Even more than the singing voice of Sade Adu was 25 years old at the time, it is full of freshness immediately after the debut. Even in the “Smooth Operator” of the Japanese debut song, not after only one month from a single release. But was already a big swell of success it happened, hot singing voice to try to prove his own music in the vortex, is playing the spurting.

Official historical studio work even hazy intense board of “PROMISE IN TOKYO”. We spend the time approaching to the chest as crazy at it one, but if taste the history of up to there, would that taste a deeper impression. This work is the sound board album for that. First, more than anything, but I just want you to touch the extreme music beauty of “PROMISE IN TOKYO”, when some of your time is, by all means official “DIAMOND LIFE” → this work → official “PROMISE” → a “PROMISE IN TOKYO” I’d like to immerse yourself in quick succession. 1986 from 1984 SADE has fluttered in the world. Era that Western was shining the most dazzling. Luxurious time consuming taste plenty, to you.

今週、聴くだけで音楽観さえも塗り替えられてしまいそうなサウンドボード・アルバム『PROMISE IN TOKYO(Wardour-194)』が発掘されました。この記念すべき“今”を祝うギフトとして、SADEデビュー直後のFM放送をカップリングした傑作ライヴアルバムをお贈りします。
本作に収められた放送は2つ。ディスク1に「1984年10月22日ミュンヘン公演」、ディスク2に「1984年12月29日ロンドン公演」を配したFM放送音源の2枚組です。気になるクオリティは、どちらも素晴らしいFMサウンド。正直に言って『PROMISE IN TOKYO』は遠く及ばないのですが、それはかのプレス2CDが異常な超傑作のせい。本作のサウンドは“80年代のFM録音”でイメージするサウンドの中でも上等の部類でして、異常な超絶サウンドと比較さえしなければ十二分なサウンドボード・アルバムなのです。
では、『PROMISE IN TOKYO』だけがあれば十分か?というと、そういうものでもない。タイトル・日付からも分かる通り、『PROMISE IN TOKYO』は『PROMISE』後の大物ぶりを発揮しているのに対し、本作は『DIAMOND LIFE』で世に出たばかりのパフォーマンスがたっぷりと詰まっています。もちろん、セットリストも異なり、『PROMISE IN TOKYO』では聴けない「Sally」「I Will Be Your Friend」「Is It A Crime」「Frankie’s First Affair」など、2公演合わせると「When Am I Going To Make A Living」以外の『DIAMOND LIFE』全曲が聴ける。さらには、『DIAMOND LIFE』のカセット盤オンリーだった「Love Affair With Life」、日本盤12インチ『SMOOTH OPERATOR』に収録されていた「Red Eye」まで披露。その一方で、後に『PROMISE』に収録されることになる「Is It A Crime」「Mr Wrong」も演奏しています。今の感覚では代表曲中の代表曲である「Is It A Crime」ですが、ここではまだ未発表の新曲でしかなく、イントロが始まっても観客は無反応で聴き入るのみ。観客はエンディングも掴めずに喝采が先走り、最後の最後には割れんばかりの大喝采が巻き起こる。まさに、代表曲が世に出て、見事に観客の心を掴んでいく刹那が記録されているのです。
もちろん、一番新鮮なのはパフォーマンスそのもの。当時25歳だったシャーデー・アデュの歌声もさることながら、デビュー直後のフレッシュさに溢れている。日本デビュー曲の「Smooth Operator」でさえ、シングルリリースから1ヶ月しか経っていない。すでに成功の大きなうねりは起きていましたが、その渦の中で自らの音楽を証明しようとする熱い歌声、演奏が迸るのです。

オフィシャルの歴史的スタジオ作品さえ霞む強烈盤『PROMISE IN TOKYO』。それ1本でも狂おしいほど胸に迫る時間を過ごせますが、そこに至るまでの歩みを味わえば、さらに深い感動を味わえる事でしょう。本作は、そのためのサウンドボード・アルバムなのです。まずは何よりも『PROMISE IN TOKYO』の極限的な音楽美に触れていただきたいところですが、お時間のある時には、ぜひ公式『DIAMOND LIFE』→本作→公式『PROMISE』→『PROMISE IN TOKYO』と立て続けに浸っていただきたいのです。SADEが世界に羽ばたいた1984年から1986年。洋楽がもっとも眩しく輝いていた時代。たっぷりと味わい尽くす贅沢な時間を、あなたに。

Disc 1(45:55)
Live at Alabamahalle, Munich, Germany 22nd October 1984

1. Your Love Is King 2. Hang On To Your Love 3. Sally 4. Red Eye 5. I Will Be Your Friend
6. Cherry Pie 7. Is It A Crime 8. Love Affair With Life 9. Smooth Operator

Disc 2(53:59)
Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 29th December 1984

1. Why Can’t We Live Together 2. Your Love Is King 3. Hang On To Your Love
4. Frankie’s First Affair 5. Sally 6. Instrumental 7. I Will Be Your Friend
8. Cherry Pie 9. Mr Wrong 10. Is It A Crime 11. Smooth Operator


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