RUSH / Rochester 1975 / 1DVDR

RUSH / Rochester 1975 / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
The 8mm silent films are from Rochester, NY. USA 1975, The audio is from The Rockford Armory, Rockford, IL. USA 15th November 1975


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Raw rock sound irresistible initial RUSH trio. The figure was contained in a professional shot of multi-camera “PASSAIC 1976” is the strongest of the video title. However, Kano name the video does not mean that the oldest of RUSH. So, we will enjoy further also to precious image of one year ago and it is 1975!
Of this work it has been recorded, of 1975 “CARESS OF STEEL TOUR”. Possibly to 8 mm silent video that appeared to stakeholders shooting, it is pseudo-live video image covered with a voice of “Rockford performances November 15, 1975”, which is said to be the same tour only of recording record. 8 mm film, chopped by a few seconds on the original silent. Which song is also that there is no discrimination and be’re playing, video and audio does not match at all. Such as a drum solo and MC, too on the video and audio be far apart scene still image is used, it is made of precious with image video of the live album and say either.
and so the saying, you troubled by seen as sweet. A common technique is to approach record low 50s-60s to cover the voice of the silent video and Betsu-rokuri. That is towards the hands of the record you like I think your imaginable, but it is the unique vintage feeling off a tremendous persuasive. Instead you have to give up that match from the beginning to the video, firmly in consecutive perfect score meet voice listening, youthful RUSH performance overwhelming. Moreover, it is that it is combined with piecemeal picture up was also used frequently, it is of a more it would appear to the switching of multi-camera. The people of the RUSH fan, but there is no doubt that it is a valuable picture not respond, more than that is more towards vintage music recording mania, you may be able to realize the true value of this work.

Anyway, the pro-shot “PASSAIC 1976”, which boasts the quality of official class while monochrome, this work that combines the valuable record is the best gem to taste by ear the initial RUSH in the eye. Reality like coming balloon is 70’s atmosphere from the monitor. Performance trio that is touted as rock history strongest is hit as much of young passion is dazzling, best of vintage video set weights and taste of history record drifts in thick. A treasure box that would place your room in the 70s, please enjoy all means to fully!

トリオの生々しいロック・サウンドがたまらない初期RUSH。その姿をマルチ・カメラのプロショットで収めた「PASSAIC 1976」は、最強の映像タイトルです。しかし、かの名映像が最古のRUSHというわけではありません。そこで、さらに1年前となる1975年の貴重映像も併せてお楽しみいただきます!
本作が記録されたのは、1975年の“CARESS OF STEEL TOUR”。恐らくは関係者撮影と思われる8ミリのサイレント映像に、同ツアー唯一の録音記録と言われる「1975年11月15日ロックフォード公演」の音声を被せた疑似ライヴ映像です。8ミリフィルムは、元々サイレントな上に数秒ずつの細切れ。どの曲を演奏しているかも判別ないこともあり、映像と音声はまったく合っていません。ドラムソロやMCなど、あまりにも映像と音声がかけ離れるシーンには静止画が使われ、どちらかと言うと貴重なイメージ映像付きのライヴ・アルバムという作りです。

ともあれ、モノクロながらオフィシャル級のクオリティを誇るプロショット「PASSAIC 1976」と、貴重な記録を組み合わせた本作は、初期RUSHを目で耳で味わう最高の逸品です。モニターから70年代の大気が吹き出してくるようなリアリティ。ロック史上最強と謳われるトリオが若き情熱の限りをぶつけるパフォーマンスが眩しく、歴史記録の重みと味わいが濃厚に漂う極上のヴィンテージ映像セット。あなたの部屋を70年代に代えてしまう玉手箱を、ぜひ存分にご堪能ください!

1. Intro. 2. Bastille Day 3. Anthem 4. Lakeside Park 5. The Necromancer 6. By-Tor And The Snow Dog
7. Working Man

COLOUR NTSC Approx.54min.

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