Roxy Music / Kyoto 1983 / 2CD

Roxy Music / Kyoto 1983 / 2CD / Virtuoso
Live at Kyoto Kaikan, Kyoto, Japan 7th February 1983

Play sample :

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impact! 】 A super-excellent Kinney Master, which will be released for the first time in the world, has been newly discovered. Urgent permanent preservation press CD decision.
Included in such a shocking work is the “February 7, 1983: Kyoto Kaikan” performance. It is a superb audience recording when I visited Japan for the second time with the final work “AVALON”. Speaking of coming back to Japan in 1983, he is familiar with the absolute masterpiece “BUDOKAN 1983 (Virtuoso 381/382)”. First, let’s confirm the show position from the schedule at that time.

・ February 1: Osaka Feltival Hall
・ February 2: Osaka Feltival Hall
・ February 3: Nagoya City Public Hall
・ February 5: Fukuoka Sun Palace Hall
・ February 7: Kyoto Kaikan ← ★ here ★
・ February 9 “BUDOKAN 1983”
・ February 10: Nippon Budokan

Above, all 7 performances. “BUDOKAN 1983” was the highlight Tokyo performance, but this performance of Kyoto was just before that. This work, which recorded such a show, is a superb sound with “super” sparkling by Kinney Magic. Anyway, it is neat and beautiful. It is a little different from the sound board-like feeling of sticking, but the feeling of air passes through the crystal clear, and a powerful core jumps into the middle like a laser beam. Although the timbre can surely feel like an audience, the sharpness of the edges and the fineness of the details are not considered to be recording through space. For example, guitar. The nuances of light cutting are brilliant, and you can clearly understand the feeling of losing the chord when you lose one chord and the sound goes off. Its sensitivity extends to every note of every instrument, and the oboe feels “vibration” per note, and the drum is so three-dimensional that you can see the structure of the kit. The melody and beat are three-dimensionally entangled in the transparent space. Of course, Brian Ferry’s singing voice is also fine in sigh level, entangled with thick chorus and never mixes. Even though it is an “AVALON TOUR”, it ’s a beautiful separation.
Furthermore, the delicacy extends to the audience. It seems to be Japanese, but it becomes quiet during the performance, and the song spreads between the songs, but even that is beautiful. A single applause is drawn as a small, but clear grain that spreads all over the Kyoto Kaikan. The sound waves are like the sound of autumn rain. Gentle, delicate and wide. It’s just like a classic concert.
Such extreme beauty sounds are drawn to ROXY MUSIC that has arrived in the world of the masterpiece “AVALON”. While the set behaves from that great name board, the history is casually summarized. Let’s organize the contents here.

● SIREN (2 songs)
・ Both Ends Burning, Love Is the Drug
● AVALON (6 songs)
・ India, The Main Thing, Take A Chance With Me, While My Heart Is Still Beating, Tara, Avalon
● Other (8 songs)
・ Out of the Blue (COUNTRY LIFE), Editions of You (FOR YOUR PLEASURE), A Song for Europe (STRANDED), Dance Away (MANIFESTO), My Only Love (FLESH + BLOOD)
・ Can’t Let Go (THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE), Impossible Guitar (PRIMITIVE GUITARS), Like a Hurricane (Neil Young cover)

… and it looks like this. As you can see, only “AVALON” is selected. Also, 1-2 songs from each album such as “THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE” of past works and ferry, “PRIMITIVE GUITARS” of Manzanella and so on. Instead, it is a thin and comprehensive show. Speaking of “AVALON TOUR”, the official live album “HEART STILL BEATING” comes first, but the repertoires such as “The Main Thing”, “Take A Chance With Me”, and “Impossible Guitar” cannot be heard there.
And the perfection and expressiveness of the performance is tremendous. Because the recording is crystal clear and three-dimensional, the “view of the world” is wonderful. The synth made the foundation and the rhythm team built the music. Percussion, saxophone, vocals, and guitar fold over there, creating a magnificent and profound world. The point is the wavy feel of each instrument. In addition to the strength of one instrument playing a leading role, it is three-dimensional and clear when you get off the main. The push and pull of the ensemble has been polished to the level of breathing as the Japan tour has come to the end. The delicate sound of this work has been finely drawn to its subtlety.

Unfortunately, the recording ended before the end of the performance, and the encores “Do the Strand” and “Jealous Guy” were not included. It may have been unpublished for that, but it is too beautiful to subtract. Amazing super beauty recording born from the original cassette of prestigious Kinney. The sound world only because of “AVALON TOUR” and because of Kinney. Please thoroughly enjoy with permanent preservation press 2CD.

★ The world’s first ultra-rare sound source. Direct use of original kinney tape. Super high quality sound. Recording seat is on the first floor, 13th row, 25th

衝撃! 全世界初公開となる超極上のキニー・マスターが新発掘。緊急永久保存プレスCD化決定です。
そんな衝撃作に収められているのは「1983年2月7日:京都会館」公演。最終作『AVALON』と共に二度目の来日を果たした際の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。1983年の再来日と言えば、絶対の名作『BUDOKAN 1983(Virtuoso 381/382)』でもお馴染み。まずは、当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確かめておきましょう。

・2月7日:京都会館 ←★ココ★
・2月9日『BUDOKAN 1983』

以上、全7公演。『BUDOKAN 1983』はハイライトの東京公演でしたが、本作の京都公演はその直前でした。そんなショウを記録した本作は、キニー・マジックがキラめく「超」の付く極上サウンド。とにかく圧倒的なまでに端正で美しい。サウンドボード的なド密着感ともちょっと違うのですが、空気感がクリスタル・クリアに透き通り、そのド真ん中を力強い芯がレーザー光線のように飛び込んでくる。音色には確かにオーディエンスらしさが感じられるのに、そのエッジの鋭さ、ディテールの細やかさはとても空間を介した録音とは思えない。例えば、ギター。軽くカッティングするニュアンスまで鮮やかで、コードを押さえ損なって弦1本だけ音が外れた際のハネ感まで超克明に分かる。その繊細さはあらゆる楽器のあらゆるノートに及んでおり、オーボエは1音1音に「振動」まで感じられ、ドラムもキットの構造が目に浮かぶほど立体的。それらが透明空間に旋律やビートが立体的に絡んでいくのです。もちろん、ブライアン・フェリーの歌声も吐息レベルの細やかさで、ぶ厚いコーラスと絡みこそすれ、決して混じり合わない。大所帯の“AVALON TOUR”だというのに、すべてが綺麗にセパレートしているのです。
そんな極みの美音で描かれるのは、名作『AVALON』の世界にたどり着いたROXY MUSIC。セットはあの大名盤から大盤振る舞いしつつ、さり気なく歴史を総括してみせる。ここで、その内容を整理してみましょう。

・Both Ends Burning、Love Is the Drug
・India、The Main Thing、Take A Chance With Me、While My Heart Is Still Beating、Tara、Avalon
・Out of the Blue(COUNTRY LIFE)、Editions of You(FOR YOUR PLEASURE)、A Song for Europe(STRANDED)、Dance Away(MANIFESTO)、My Only Love(FLESH + BLOOD)
・Can’t Let Go(THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE)、Impossible Guitar(PRIMITIVE GUITARS)、Like a Hurricane(ニール・ヤングのカバー)

……と、このようになっています。ご覧の通り、何曲もセレクトされているのは『AVALON』だけ。あとは過去作やフェリーの『THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE』、マンザネラの『PRIMITIVE GUITARS』等の各アルバムから1-2曲ずつ。薄く、その代わり幅広く網羅したショウなのです。“AVALON TOUR”と言えば、公式ライヴアルバム『HEART STILL BEATING』が真っ先に浮かぶわけですが、「The Main Thing」「Take A Chance With Me」「Impossible Guitar」といったレパートリーはそこでも聴けないナンバーです。

残念ながら終演前に録音が終了してしまい、アンコールの「Do the Strand」「Jealous Guy」は未収録。そのために未発表だったのかも知れませんが、それを差し引いても美しすぎる。名門キニーのオリジナル・カセットから生まれた驚異の超美録音。“AVALON TOUR”だからこそ、キニーだからこその音世界。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDでじっくりとご堪能ください。


Disc 1 (47:01)
1. India
2. The Main Thing
3. Out of the Blue
4. Both Ends Burning
5. Take a Chance With Me
6. A Song for Europe
7. Can’t Let Go
8. While My Heart Is Still Beating
9. Impossible Guitar

Disc 2 (40:06)
1. Tara
2. Avalon (with Percussion Solo)
3. My Only Love
4. Dance Away
5. Love Is the Drug
6. Like a Hurricane
7. Editions of You

Bryan Ferry – Vocals, Keyboards Phil Manzanera – Guitar Andy Mackay – Saxophone, Oboe
Neil Hubbard – Guitar G uy Fletcher – Keyboards Tawatha Agee – Vocals
Michelle Cobbs – Vocals Fonzi Thornton – Vocals Alan Spenner – Bass
Jimmy Maelen – Percussion Andy Newmark – Drums

Virtuoso 412/413


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