Rory Gallagher / 2nd British Rock Meeting / 1CDR

Rory Gallagher / 2nd British Rock Meeting / 1CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:
Insel Gruen, Germersheim, Germany 22nd May 1972 SBD


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Sound board · compilation which should also be called part 2 of Daimyo board “LIVE IN EUROPE” is gift · release decision.
This work includes four West German lives from February 1972 to January 1973. It is one piece that assembled master carefully selected by foreign core mania. Let’s see each one in detail.

[22 May 1972 Gelmersheim Performance (6 Songs)] First of all, there are six main songs of Germermersheim performance that will appear. “LIVE IN EUROPE” was recorded in “February – March of 1972”, so it is a show in West Germany that will be three months after that.
This show is also known to have been broadcast by FM, but this work uses the 1st Gen Master. Although it can not say “Official grade” only for monaural broadcasting, the sound quality itself is really wonderful, and almost no dubbing deterioration is found. It is a beautiful sound board.
And its content is the best! Just after “LIVE IN EUROPE”, a long performance will be unfolded on that masterpiece. Although songs are covered a lot, two songs “Used To Be” and “Do not Know Where I’m Going” are delicious numbers that can not be heard even at “LIVE IN EUROPE”. In “Do not Know Where I’m Going”, in addition to vocals and acoustic gigs, we also showcase light blues and harps. The following “Going To My Hometown” mandolin is also the best.

【February 1972 “APROPOP 1972” (3 songs)】
What follows is a radio appearance known as “APROPOP 1972”. It is a live story playing an acoustic guitar by Rory alone at Frankfurt’s studio “HR RADIO STUDIO”. Although it is not clear until the strict recording date, it is the one of “February 1972” in the Europe tour which was recorded in “LIVE IN EUROPE”.
Again this deep blues drips with the superb sound of 1st Gené Master (… say, all this work is 1st Gen). Although it is only three songs, “The Cuckoo” who saw the sun’s eyes at Muddy Waters’ Gypsy Woman “and” WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS “can not be heard even at” LIVE IN EUROPE “. Beyond that, the quiet station studio is a wonderful mood that resonates until Rory’s breathing sounds.

【January 16, 1973 “APROPOP 1973” (3 songs)】
If you say “APROPOP 1972”, again “APROPOP 1973”. Mania often listens to the set as well as the 1973 appearance take also recorded in 1st Genie Master. You can enjoy exceptional highest peak sound in this work.
At this time we already created “BLUEPRINT”, but the timing is not yet released. The contents are also three songs “Banker’s Blues” “Unmilitary Two-Step” foretelling “BLUEPRINT” and familiar “Hoodoo Man”. Although it seems that only one time is shifted even in this work, since it is a story playing by Rory alone, there is no discomfort. It is a wonderful acoustic blues taste with the highest peak sound as a continuation of “APROPOP 1972”.

【March 5, 1972 Ludwigsburg (AUD: 3 songs)】
Only the last fourth is audience recording. However, it still has meaning even though it was recorded. Actually, this Ludwigsburg performance is a concert adopted also for “LIVE IN EUROPE”.
Moreover, the quality is also missing. This is also digitized from 1st Genie Master, but the recording itself is amazing beyond that. The core is sturdy anywhere, and the hall echoes are also minimal. Even if I listen continuously with a vintage radio sound source, I do not feel any discomfort at all … … Is it said that it is a superb recording that I even thought “even this was actually radio broadcasted?”
Although it is regrettable that there are only three songs, “I’m Tore Down” is really delicious among them. In “LIVE IN EUROPE” it is a cover of Freddie King that I can not listen to, it is exactly what I call outtake of a famous board. Also in the future, I definitely want you to deliver a deluxe edition of unpublished take notes …… Such a crush is a wonderful live that even such cravings will spring up.

Above, live four kinds of 15 take. It is the treasure of about 72 minutes that world of the name board “LIVE IN EUROPE” spreads out greatly. A stripte of paint raises groan, one piece that acoustic guitar plays deep deep blues. Please, enjoy plenty.


大名盤『LIVE IN EUROPE』のパート2とも言うべき、サウンドボード・コンピレーションがギフト・リリース決定です。

まず登場するのは、メインとなるゲルマースハイム公演の6曲。『LIVE IN EUROPE』が録音されたのは“1972年2月-3月”ですから、それから3ヶ月後となる西ドイツのショウです。
そして、その内容こそが最高! 『LIVE IN EUROPE』の直後だけにあの名盤に肉薄する熱演が繰り広げられる。曲もだいぶ被ってはいるものの、「Used To Be」「Don’t Know Where I’m Going」の2曲は『LIVE IN EUROPE』でも聴けない美味しいナンバー。「Don’t Know Where I’m Going」ではヴォーカル・アコギに加えて、軽快なブルース・ハープまで披露。続く「Going To My Hometown」のマンドリンも最高です。

【1972年2月“APROPOP 1972”(3曲)】
続くのは“APROPOP 1972”として知られるラジオ出演。フランクフルトのスタジオ“HR RADIO STUDIO”で、ロリー独りでアコースティック・ギターを弾き語るライヴです。厳密な収録日までは明らかになっていませんが、『LIVE IN EUROPE』に収録されたヨーロッパツアー中の「1972年2月」のものです。
これまた1stジェネ・マスター(……と言いますか、本作はすべて1stジェネ)の極上サウンドでディープなブルースが滴り落ちる。わずか3曲ではあるものの、マディ・ウォーターズの「Gypsy Woman」や『WHEELS WITHIN WHEELS』で日の目を見た「The Cuckoo」は『LIVE IN EUROPE』でも聴けない。それ以上に、静かな局スタジオにロリーの息づかいまで響くようなムードが素晴らしいライヴです。

【1973年1月16日“APROPOP 1973”(3曲)】
“APROPOP 1972”とくれば、やはり“APROPOP 1973”。マニアにはセットで聴かれる事も多い翌1973年の出演テイクも1stジェネ・マスターで収録。本作の中でも格別の最高峰サウンドが楽しめます。
この時はすでに『BLUEPRINT』を創り上げたものの、発売はまだというタイミング。内容も『BLUEPRINT』を予告する「Banker’s Blues」「Unmilitary Two-Step」と、お馴染み「Hoodoo Man」という3曲です。本作の中でも1つだけ時期がズレているようにも思われますが、ロリー独りのスタジオ弾き語りですので違和感はなし。“APROPOP 1972”の続きとして最高峰サウンドで味わえる素晴らしいアコースティック・ブルースです。

最後の4つめだけはオーディエンス録音。とは言え、それでも収録されたのにも意味がある。実は、このルートヴィヒスブルク公演は『LIVE IN EUROPE』にも採用されたコンサートなのです。
わずか3曲なのが残念ではありますが、その中でも「I’m Tore Down」は実に美味しい。『LIVE IN EUROPE』では聴けないフレディ・キングのカバーでして、まさに名盤のアウトテイクと呼ぶに相応しいもの。将来的にも、ぜひ未発表テイク山盛りのデラックス・エディションを出して欲しい……そんな渇望さえ湧いてくる素晴らしいライヴです。

以上、ライヴ4種の15テイク。名盤『LIVE IN EUROPE』の世界がグッと広がる約72分の秘宝たちです。塗装の剥げたストラトが唸りを上げ、アコースティック・ギターが深い深いブルースを滾らせる1枚。どうぞ、たっぷりとお楽しみください。

Insel Gruen, Germersheim, Germany 22nd May 1972 (FM Broadcast)

1. Radio Intro. 2. Used To Be 3. Hoodoo Man 4. Don’t Know Where I’m Going
5. Going To My Hometown 6. Bullfrog Blues 7. Laundromat incl. Interview

Apropop 1972 (HR2 FM)
HR Radio Studios, Frankfurt, Germany February 1972

8. Gypsy Woman 9. The Cuckoo 10. Pistol Slapper Blues

Apropop 1973 (HR2 FM)
HR-Studio, Frankfurt, Germany 16th January 1973

11. Banker’s Blues 12. Hoodoo Man 13. Unmilitary Two-Step

Scala Cinema, Ludwigsburg, Germany 5th March 1972

14. Hoodoo Man
15. I’m Tore Down 16. Pistol Slapper Blues

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