Rolling Stones / Unreleased Studio Tracks / 1CD

Rolling Stones / Unreleased Studio Tracks / 1CD / Non label

Unreleased Studio Tracks

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Even though the excitement of “FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES” that shook the world hasn’t cooled down, the outtakes from 1983 to 1997 have appeared again as if they were catching up.

There are 7 songs this time, but when these sound sources first became a hot topic, the ones that attracted attention were 9 songs including 2 songs from “GOATS HEAD SOUP”. The true identity was that the uploader added the two songs heard in the Japanese edition bonus released last year as a bonus (bitter smile). Actually, before the version with 9 songs, the original genuine version with 7 songs appeared with a whisper. Moreover, the original sound with 7 songs does not have a limiter compared to the one with 9 songs. (= The waveform is not crushed), it was a flat pre-processed version that would be closer to the original sound source. The 9-song version is the original version with 7 songs that appeared in a hurry, and the limiter was applied to crush the sound. It is probable that it was a good addition of two Japanese version bonus songs of “GOATS HEAD SOUP”.

Therefore, this time as well, it will be the sound source from 1983 to 1997, and you can see the relevance to the previous “FULLY FINISHED ~”. Some of the takes include sound sources that are not as good as the astounding quality I heard there, but the sound quality is still good enough and I’m happy to hear it again.

1. Don’t Mess With Cupid (1985)
A session sound source that captures the scene where Ronnie makes his own song. Is it a recording of the “UNDER COVER” period when it first appeared? It was speculated, but apparently it turned out to be a recording of “DIRTY WORK” in 1985. Certainly, in the production of the album, the discord between Mick and Keith reached the peak, and there were few scenes where both of them got together in the studio, so there was an aspect that Ronnie devoted himself to composition. It’s like Ronnie is presenting a draft song in front of Bill and Chuck Leavell in a scene that proves that. Above all, Ronnie’s voice is still young.

2. Undercover Of The Night (1983)
There are already some sound sources that capture the stage before the completion of this song, but Mick’s song is a rougher version than before. Rather, it can be called a cover song. Although the lyrics are 70% complete, there is a feeling that they are still searching for the melody and lyrics. The gap with the back truck is also interesting. However, the sound quality is the roughest of all the excavations this time.

3. Don’t Want Somebody Else (1993)
Unreleased song in the “VOODOO LOUNGE” session. A scene where Charlie and Keith match a draft that Mick sings while playing the guitar. Mick sang the whole story in a falsetto, and although he had a good melody, he probably never left the melody he had come up with. It didn’t develop any further.
By the way, according to the overseas specialized site, the participation is Mick (vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass), Keith (guitar, vocal, piano), Charlie (drums), so the bass may be a rare demo called Mick. Hmm.

4. You Got Me Rocking (1993)
Keith sang “You Got Me Rocking” in the nostalgic “VOODOO STEW” box, but here is a scene where Charlie matches the draft that Keith sings while playing the piano in the earlier composition stage. .. You can also hear the bass sound, which was the time when the bassist was absent from Stones. It is said that it was played by Joe’s younger brother Vinnie Carslake, who was his wife at the time of Ronnie.

5. Might As Well Get Juiced (1997)
The highlight of this time is the “BRIDGES TO BABYLON” outtake. Another take of this song was heard in “FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES”, but this time it is presumed to be in the earlier stage. In this take, you can see Mick singing live with the band, and the feeling of being made like the completed version is thin, but rather the rawness is preferable.
In an interview with the release of “BRIDGES TO”, Keith said, “I let Dust Brothers do the three songs that Mick liked, but I’m not impressed with their work … I had a better take. It’s sleeping in my collection. “But that take may be this version.

6. Low Down (1997)
This is another take that Keith sings at “FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES”, but it’s a different take. This time, the mandolin that seems to have been played by Ronnie is ringing, but it is undeniable that this is disproportionate. Nevertheless, the backing chorus was overdubbed this time, and did you originally intend to polish it for the album based on this take?

7. Saint Of Me (1997)
This time’s true hit is another take of “Saint Of Me” that was not in “FULLY FINISHED ~”. Obviously, it’s an early stage, and the performance is minimal and the drums are driven. It’s interesting that Mick is singing with a lot of energy, probably because of the joy of making a type of song that Keith didn’t participate in (laughs) with Dust Brothers and Stones. Moreover, there is no duet with Bernard Fowler like the completed version, and Mick is the only song until the end.

That’s all for the first outtake, but for this release, we have recorded a promotional mix created when “BRIDGES TO BABYLON” was released as a related sound source. All of them are versions that are not yet available in the regular distribution official. However, unlike the various remixes released at that time aimed at receiving clubs, the main purpose is an edited version made for the purpose of promoting to a radio station, so for better or worse it is not a remix that breaks the original song. Rather, it feels good.

Under such circumstances, the clean version of “Flip The Switch” stands out. In short, this is a 1997 version of the processing seen in “Star Star”, which is a sensor of the banned part “shit” of the lyrics “all that shit”. However, the processing of the 1997 version makes “shit” inconspicuous by processing like skipping, and when I listen to it now, I wonder if the finish that seems to be a press mistake will make me laugh.
Also, the “Call Out Hook” of each song is a very short piece of the song with only the chorus part extracted, and the point is that only the part that is easy to hear (= hook) is extracted. This was also made with consideration to make it easier for radio stations to introduce the songs recorded in the album. The slight noise that can be occasionally seen on the left channel of the “Anybody Seen My Baby?” Series of tracks is from the beginning.
And most of the 7 outtakes that will be released for the first time this time are in the draft stage as a whole, and it makes me want to guess that it is also a sequel to “FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES”. The outtake outflow of enthusiast delight will continue! Just to say that, this time is also the appearance of the favorite board.

世界を震撼させた「FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES」の興奮もまるで冷めやっていないというのに、まるで追い打ちをかけるかのごとくまたまた1983年から1997年までのアウトテイクが登場しました。

今回は7曲ですが、最初にこれらの音源が話題になったときに注目されたのは、「GOATS HEAD SOUP」の音源2曲を含む9曲入りのものでした。しかし、その2曲の正体は昨年リリースされた日本盤ボーナスで聞かれた2曲をアップローダーがおまけのつもりで入れたというだけのことだったのです(苦笑)。実は、その9曲入りのバージョンの前に、7曲入りのオリジナル純正バージョンがヒッソリと登場していたのです。しかも7曲入りオリジナルの音は、9曲入りの方と比べリミッターの掛かってない(=波形が潰れていない)、より元音源に近いであろうフラットな加工前バージョンだったのです。9曲入りバージョンはヒッソリ登場した7曲入りのオリジナルバージョンにリミッターを掛け音を潰し、なおかつ「GOATS HEAD SOUP」の日本盤ボーナス2曲を良かれと追加したものだったと考えられます。

よって今回も1983年から1997年までの音源ということになり、先の「FULLY FINISHED~」との関連性が伺えます。いくつかのテイクはそこで聞けた驚異的なクオリティには及ばない音源も含まれていますが、それでもなお音質は十分に良好なレベルであり、今回も聞き応えは十分。

1. Don’t Mess With Cupid (1985)
ロニーが自身の曲を作る場面を捉えたセッション音源。登場時は「UNDERCOVER」期の録音か?と推測されていましたが、どうやら1985年「DIRTY WORK」の録音だと判明した模様。確かに同アルバムの制作ではミックとキースの不和が頂点を迎え、両人がスタジオで揃う場面が少なかったこともあり、その分ロニーが作曲に精を出したという側面がありました。正にそれを証明するような場面で、ロニーがビルとチャック・リーヴェルを前に曲の草稿を披露している…といった雰囲気です。何よりロニーの声がまだ若いですね。

2. Undercover Of The Night (1983)

3. Don’t Want Somebody Else (1993)
「VOODOO LOUNGE」セッションでの未発表曲。ミックがギターを弾きながら歌う草稿にチャーリーとキースが合わせるという場面。ミックは全編裏声で歌っており、いいメロディでしたが自身でも思いついたメロディの域を出ることはなかったのでしょう。これ以上発展することはありませんでした。
ちなみに海外専門サイトによると、参加はミック (vocals, guitar, keyboards, bass)、 キース (guitar, vocal, piano), チャーリー (drums)となっているので、ベースはミックというレアなデモなのかもしれません。

4. You Got Me Rocking (1993)
キースが歌う「You Got Me Rocking」と言えば懐かしの「VOODOO STEW」ボックスで聞かれましたが、ここではより初期の作曲段階でキースがピアノを弾きながら歌う草稿にチャーリーが合わせているという場面。さらにベースの音が聞こえますが、これはストーンズにベーシストが不在だった時期。ここではロニー当時の奥さんだったジョーの弟ヴィニー・カースレイクが弾いたものだと言われています。

5. Might As Well Get Juiced (1997)
今回も目玉は「BRIDGES TO BABYLON」アウトテイク。本曲の別テイクは「FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES」でも聞かれましたが、今回はさらに初期の段階だと推測されるもの。今回のテイクはミックがバンドと一緒にライブで歌っている様子が伺え、完成版のような作りこみ感が薄く、むしろその生々しさが好ましいもの。
「BRIDGES TO~」のリリース時のインタビューにおいて、キースは「ダスト・ブラザーズの関わった三曲はミックの好きなようにやらせた、でも彼らの仕事ぶりは感心しない…もっといいテイクがあったのに。それは俺のコレクションの中で眠っている」といった旨の発言を残していますが、そのテイクがもしかしたら今回のバージョンかもしれません。

6. Low Down (1997)
こちらもまた「FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES」でキースの歌う別テイクが聞かれましたが、それとは違う新たなテイク。今回はロニーが弾いたと思しきマンドリンが鳴っているのですが、さすがにこれは不釣り合いな感が否めません。にもかかわらず今回はバックコーラスがオーバーダビングされており、当初はこのテイクを元にしてアルバム用に磨き上げるつもりだったのでしょうか?

7. Saint Of Me (1997)
今回の真打は「FULLY FINISHED~」になかった「Saint Of Me」の別テイク。明らかに初期の段階だと解るもので、演奏は最低限でドラムは打ち込みを使用。ここではキースが参加しなかった分のびのびと(笑)ダスト・ブラザーズと今までのストーンズにないタイプの曲を作られた喜びからか、ミックがやたら気合を入れて歌っている様が面白い。しかも完成版のようなバーナード・ファウラーとのデュエットはなく、最後まで歌はミック一人。

今回の初登場アウトテイクは以上ですが、今回のリリースに際しては関連音源として「BRIDGES TO BABYLON」リリース時に作られたプロモ用ミックスを収録。どれも通常流通オフィシャルでは未だに手に入らないバージョンばかり。もっとも当時リリースされたクラブ受けを狙った各種リミックスものとは用途が違いラジオ局へのプロモ目的で作られた編集バージョンがメインですので、良くも悪くも原曲を崩したようなリミックスでない点がむしろ好ましく感じられるのではないでしょうか。

そんな中で異彩を放つのが「Flip The Switch」のクリーン・バージョン。これは要するに「all that shit」という歌詞の放送禁止個所「shit」をセンサードした、いわば「Star Star」で見られた処理の1997年版といった趣。ところが97年版の処理はまるで音飛びのような処理で「shit」を目立たなくしており、今聞いてみるとプレスミスかと錯覚しそうな仕上がりには笑わされることかと。
またそれぞれの曲の「Call Out Hook」というのは曲のコーラス部分だけを抜き出した非常に短い断片であり、要は耳に残りやすい(=フック)個所だけを抜き出したというもの。これもまたラジオ局にアルバム収録曲を紹介してもらいやすくする為の配慮から作られたのでした。なお「Anybody Seen My Baby?」一連のトラック左チャンネルにて時折確認できる微少なノイズは元々からのもの。
そして今回初登場となる7曲のアウトテイクは全体的に草稿の段階のものが多く、それがまた「FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES」の続編なのでは…と推測したくなってしまいます。マニア歓喜のアウトテイク流出がまーだまーだ続くよ!と言わんばかりに今回も本命盤の登場です。


01. Don’t Mess With Cupid (Ronnie Wood on vocal) (1985.01.23-02.28)
02. Undercover Of The Night (new version) (1983.04.00-08.01)
03. Don’t Want Somebody Else (new track) (1993.04.30-05.00)
04. You Got Me Rocking (Keith Richards on vocal) (1993.07.09-08.06)
05. Might As Well Get Juiced (1997.03.13-07.00)
06. Low Down (Keith Richards on piano) (1997.03.13-07.00)
07. Saint Of Me (1997.03.13-07.00)

Bonus Tracks
08. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Single Edit)
09. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Don Was Radio Edit)
10. Anybody Seen My Baby? (No Biz Edit)
11. Anybody Seen My Baby? (Call Out Hook)
12. Flip The Switch (Clean Version) *1:32 / 2:01付近エディット箇所
13. Flip The Switch (Call Out Hook #1)
14. Flip The Switch (Call Out Hook #2)
15. Saint Of Me (Single Edit)
16. Saint Of Me (Call Out Hook)
17. Out Of Control (Album Radio Edit)
18. Out Of Control (Don Was Live Remix)
19. Out Of Control (Call Out Hook)

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