Rolling Stones / Tokyo Dome 1990 1st Night Uncirculated Master / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Tokyo Dome 1990 1st Night Uncirculated Master / 2CD

Live At Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 14th February 1990

Play sample :

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The first stones visit to Japan, which is undoubtedly a monument in the history of performances of modern Western artists in Japan, and engraved with enthusiasm and excitement unforgettable for those who live there. In fact, I was deeply engraved (laughs) so that I could remember the unique smell in the Tokyo Dome venue and the taste of sports drinks given by the sponsor. Stones, once thought of as a “group that cannot come to Japan”, was enough to become the subject of a movie, and finally stepped on the land of Japan. On the contrary, a group that was once said to be “dissolved?” Would pull a new album and come to Japan. Moreover, the excitement of the unification of Japan at the height of the bubble is a legend that is still handed down.
Stones, which became such a big fever, first visit to Japan in 1990, various broadcasts from TV recording, and even the day when test shooting was released as software now, there are plenty of items at the end of the tour . However, the Tokyo Dome on February 14, which was the first day, was extremely difficult to get the ticket that was a contention battle (I also missed), so even the audience recording did not spread It tells how much attention the sun has received from Japanese rock fans.
As expected, on February 14th, the item was not released, and finally opened the breakthrough with the 2003 tour box bonus “THE FIRST NIGHT”. It is also a release more than 15 years ago, and in recent years the audience has received a great sound recording in the “DOME ON WHEELS” box, which has been well received so that two versions were released. .

All of them used the original audience recording master tape, but this time, another audience master was provided by a mania who was present on the first day of Tokyo Dome. This is full of analog feel unique to cassette recording, and the sound quality is a level that goes between “THE FIRST NIGHT” and “DOME ON WHEELS”. In other words, it is not as excellent as the first grade recording or clearness as the former, but it is clearly easier to hear than the latter. Therefore, it is a sound image with a sense of distance, but since it is the Tokyo Dome in 1990, there is even a dumpling immediately after the start of the live. That will be for enthusiasts. However, the excitement and enthusiasm for Stones, who first appeared in Japan, is clearly transmitted, and Mick’s song can be heard.
And the recording improved from the second half of the performance of “Tumbling Dice” and the clearness improved. Perhaps the taper itself was not able to settle down before the stones he finally witnessed, and it was speculated that he was able to secure a stable position from the middle of the song. From there, I got to listen carefully, and I got goosebumps to make the first day of that great fever come back to life. First of all, “Tumbling Dice” makes a great excitement even in places other than the intro, and even in “Miss You”, the audience’s response is stunning. I was surprised once again, “Is it so exciting?” On the other hand, when “Play With Fire” started, it seemed like “I do n’t know what it was, but it ’s just exciting.” I catch it.

On the other hand, the performance of Mick’s and below group’s enthusiasm is amazing even if I listen again. Mick ’s singing in two new songs from his apparently nervous Japanese MC, “Kondoha… Atarashii, No. OK?” Should be tremendous. On the other hand, “Mixed Emotions” is played surprisingly relaxedly, and it may be interesting to hear it now. The continuation of the “ Honky Tonk Women ” melodic scene seems to be because the return from PA did not work well because it was the first day of Tokyo Dome, but it seems that Mick is too energetic and powerful It was a very funny moment.
キ ー Keith Corner is the most unforgettable moment. He would have never expected to receive such hospitality in Japan. Anyway, the excitement when he released the MC to sing was strange, and it also captures it realistically. If you start out with “Can’t Be Seen”, you can see Keith ’s hustle rolling! It is the reaction that he felt that “Japanese rock fans love Keith Richards”. For us, Keith was so excited that he was on stage at Tokyo Dome.
And the wonderful thing about this recording is that all the tape changes of the cassette are made between songs. This work is only amazing in the enthusiasm of Stones’ first performance in Japan. Thanks to that, there was no such thing as supplementing from another sound source. Certainly the total sound quality does not reach the range of the masterpiece “DOME ON WHEELS” sound source, and in that respect it is true that it is an audience album for mania. Still, it is a level enough to revive the excitement of the first day of that legend, and even if there are any number of sound sources of this day, you should be able to enjoy it. Also, unlike “DOME ON ~”, the point is that the real documentary nature of recording up to the announcement after the end of the performance (relieved by the voice of the fans leaving “Suimase ~ n”) is high. The synergistic effect of the energetic audience and the energetic audience of Stones, which is more powerful than anything else, is unique to the first day. It is an appearance that can be enjoyed as a new document from that historic night!

案の定2月14日に関してはアイテムがリリースされることもなく、ようやく突破口を開けてくれたのが2003年来日公演ボックスのボーナスだった「THE FIRST NIGHT」。それも今や15年以上前のリリースですし、さらに近年は二つのバージョンがリリースされたほどの好評を博した「DOME ON WHEELS」ボックスに素晴らしい音質のオーディエンス録音が収録されてマニアから激賞されました。

それらはすべて独自入手のオーディエンス録音マスターテープを使用していましたが、今回また別のオーディンス・マスターが東京ドーム初日に居合わせたマニアから提供されました。こちらはカセット録音ならではのアナログ感に溢れたもので、音質的には「THE FIRST NIGHT」と「DOME ON WHEELS」の間をいくレベル。つまり前者ほど優等生録音、あるいはクリアネスに秀でたものではないのですが、それでいて後者よりは明らかに聞きやすいかと。よって距離感のある音像なのですが、ましてや1990年の東京ドームですので、ライブ開始直後は団子状ですらある。その点はマニア向けでしょう。だがしかし、それでも初めて日本に姿を現したストーンズに対する興奮や熱狂ははっきりと伝わってきますし、ミックの歌もしっかり聞き取れる。
そして録音は「Tumbling Dice」の演奏後半から見晴らしがよくなってクリアネスも向上。恐らくはテーパー自身も遂に目の当たりにしたストーンズを前に落ち着けず、同曲の途中から安定したポジションを確保できたのではと推測されます。そこからじっくり聞き込める状態となって、あの大フィーバーの初日が見事に蘇る様には鳥肌が立つほど。まず「Tumbling Dice」からしてイントロ以外の箇所でも大きな盛り上がりを見せますし、「Miss You」でも観客の反応は壮絶。改めて「これほどまでに盛り上がっていたのか?」と驚かされる一方、「Play With Fire」が始まった時の「何だか知らない曲みたいだけど、とりあえず盛り上がっとけ」的な空気感(笑)までもばっちり捉えています。

一方でミック以下グループの気合が入りまくった演奏ぶりは改めて聞いてみても本当に素晴らしい。彼の「コンドハ…アタラシイ、ナンバーヲ。OK?」という明らかに緊張気味な日本語MCからの新曲二曲におけるミックの熱唱ぶりは凄まじい力の入りよう。一方で「Mixed Emotions」が意外なほどゆったり演奏されているのも今になって聞いてみると面白く感じられる点ではないでしょうか。続く「Honky Tonk Women」の出だしのメロディが怪しい場面などは、東京ドーム初日ということでPAからの返しが上手く作用しなかったからと思われる反面、ミックが気合入れ過ぎて力んでいるようにも映るという、なかなか微笑ましい瞬間でした。
それ以上に忘れられない瞬間と言えばキース・コーナー。彼自身もまさか日本でこれほどまでの歓待を受けることなど予想だにしなかったことでしょう。とにかく彼が歌うべくMCを発した際の盛り上がりは異様なほどで、それもまたリアルに捉えてくれています。ここから始める「Can’t Be Seen」でキースのハッスルしまくりな様子といったら!「日本のロックファンはキース・リチャーズ大好き」であることを彼自身が感じ取った故の反応でしょう。我々からしてみればキースが東京ドームのステージに上がってくれたことの感激があまりにも大きかったという。
そして今回の録音の素晴らしい点として、カセットのテープチェンジがすべて曲間で行われているという事が挙げられます。ストーンズの来日公演初日という熱狂の中において、この仕事ぶりは見事というしかありません。おかげで別音源から補填するようなこともありませんでした。確かにトータルな音質は名作「DOME ON WHEELS」音源の域に及ばず、その点でマニア向けオーディエンス・アルバムなのは事実でしょう。それでもなお、あの伝説の初日の興奮を蘇らせてくれるには十分なレベルですし、この日の音源はいくつあってもマニアなら楽しめるはず。それに「DOME ON~」と違い、終演後のアナウンスまで収録というリアルなドキュメント性(「すいませ~ん」という退場するファンの声にほっこり)がポイント高い。何より力の入ったストーンズの演奏ぶりと熱狂しまくるオーディエンスの相乗効果は初日ならではのもの。あの歴史的な一夜からの新たなドキュメントとして楽しめる一枚の登場です!


Disc 1 (63:51)
1. Continental Drift
2. Start Me Up
3. Bitch
4. Sad Sad Sad
5. Harlem Shuffle
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Miss You
8. Ruby Tuesday
9. Play With Fire
10. Rock And A Hard Place
11. Mixed Emotions
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. Midnight Rambler

Disc 2 (73:08)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Can’t Be Seen
3. Happy
4. Paint It Black
5. 2000 Light Years From Home
6. Sympathy For The Devil
7. Gimme Shelter
8. Band Introductions
9. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
10. Brown Sugar
11. Satisfaction
12. Jumping Jack Flash

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