Rolling Stones, The / Rubber Bowl 72 Revisited / 1CD

Rolling Stones, The / Rubber Bowl 72 Revisited / 1CD / Non Label

Live at Rubber Bowl, Akron, Ohio, USA 11th July 1972


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“Stones Touring Party” Akron on July 11th, when the 1972 US tour was approaching the second half, performed in a rubber bowl. This is a sound source that has become known along with the place name “Acron” since the CD era. It was a good sound source that the performance itself was close to the sound image centered on Mick’s voice in the stereo audience recording that was not so many on this tour, but at the beginning it was incomplete that the finale “Street Fighting Man” was not recorded. The recording board or stereo recording was downgraded to monaural, and it was released with some problems, and the original charm of the sound source and the goodness of the performance were not conveyed.
It is probably the first generation copy file that appeared on the net in 2012 that this unfavorable situation was finally resolved. An excellent copy that has an upper feeling that is incomparable to the past items that were based on the generation-dropped version of the cassette copy, and you can fully enjoy the stereo feeling that is the charm of this sound source. The limited press CD based on that was “RUBBER BOWL 1972” by Sweet Records. With this, the definitive edition appeared late … I thought, but I had a problem when the original sound source appeared on the net, and it was a disappointing result that I left them neglected.
It was a duplication of sound in the intro of “All Down The Line”, and the other was that a sound unrelated to the live was mixed in between the two finale songs. Due to these oversights, “RUBBER BOWL 1972” failed to become the definitive edition, and instead the DAC label “TOURING PARTY VOL.3” reigned over the definitive edition that solved those problems.

However, there was another problem with this first generation copy. Although it was an audience recording with an analog cassette in 1972, it was said that there was almost no hiss noise when it appeared on the net. No matter how fast the generation is, if it is a cassette, there will be some hiss noise, but the level is extremely low. This tells us that it had been equalized before it was published online. It’s bad to say, but it was an extra nuisance.
Therefore, in this release, it is natural to fix the two problems that were the major drawbacks of “RUBBER BOWL 1972”, and we are paying attention to returning the sound quality of the sound source itself to the original analog state. At the time of 2012, I was fascinated by the overwhelming upper feeling compared to the existing board, but when I listen to it now, I am worried about the thin sound quality near the mid range. In order to solve this point, we have made a detailed equalization for this release.
This solved the problem of clear but thinness that was in the 2012 version, and instead succeeded in increasing the warmy feeling that seems to be analog. In addition to that, the recording has a stereo feel, so I would like you to get a good feel for this area with headphones. Even if the surroundings are noisy like a concert recording in the United States, the balance has a greater presence of the performance, so I wonder if the sound quality of this time will be even more brilliant.

The Stones actually visited Akron for the first time, and when it got excited after the opening “Brown Sugar” and the latter half of the live “Bye Bye Johnny”, the clapping was heard spreading from the left and right, and I realized that it was a stereo recording. Will be done. It is a famous happening that the sound of Stones is interrupted due to the malfunction of the stage equipment in “Tumbling Dice”, but the reaction of the surroundings that makes me happy and sad is also transmitted realistically because it is stereo. It was a rare scene even in the 1972 tour, which is different from the mistake of playing.
The Stones were in great shape despite such troubles. Mick’s voice is captured in a very crisp outline, which makes his rock’n’roll dynamite full-blown shout stand out. At the same time, the good performance of Taylor’s guitar, another Mick, is really impressive. The phrase that is heard in the solo of “Gimme Shelter” is definitely a masterpiece that belongs to the top of the 1972 tour, and the fast-playing that seems to confront Nicky Hopkins’ piano in the finale “Street Fighting Man” is also fierce. Therefore, this recording can be called a document that captures the explosion of “W Mick” burning with Akron in stereo. Still, the finish that makes use of this analog feeling is suitable for the title of “REVISITED”!

(Remaster memo)
★ The sound quality is phase-corrected and EQ-corrected entirely. Although there was no hiss on the previous board and DAC board, the sound was thin and unpleasant in the mid range, so mainly the mid range and the low range that was lacking. The EQ is corrected to. As a result, hiss is increasing, but it was strange that it was originally analog recording but it was too hiss on the existing board, so it can be said that it is mastering that returned the original analog sound. Not.

★ Repaired editing problems on the previous edition (two places to remove irrelevant noise between songs before ALL DOWN THE and SFM)

“Stones Touring Party”こと1972年のアメリカ・ツアーが後半に差し掛かった7月11日のアクロンはラバーボウルでの公演。こちらはCD時代になってから、その地名「アクロン」と共に知られるようになった音源です。このツアーでは多くなかったステレオ・オーディエンス録音にてミックの声を中心とした音像で演奏自体も近め…という優良音源だったのですが、当初はフィナーレ「Street Fighting Man」が未収録という不完全収録盤、あるいはステレオ録音がモノラルにダウングレードしてしまったりと、何かしら問題を抱えたままリリースされてしまい、音源本来の魅力や演奏の良さが伝わりませんでした。
こうした不遇の状態がようやく解消されたのが、2012年になってネット上に現れたファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーのファイルでしょう。大なり小なりカセットコピーのジェネ落ちバージョンを元にしていた過去のアイテムとは比べ物にならないほどのアッパー感があり、この音源の魅力であるステレオ感もしっかり味わえるという優良コピー。それを元にした限定プレスCDがSweet Recordsの「RUBBER BOWL 1972」でした。これで決定版が遅まきながら登場…かと思いきや、元の音源がネット上に現れた段階で問題を抱えており、それらをおざなりにしたままという残念な結果になってしまいました。
それは「All Down The Line」のイントロにおける音のダブり、もう一つがフィナーレ二曲の合間にライブと関係のない音が混入してしまったというもの。これらを見過ごしたせいで「RUBBER BOWL 1972」は決定版になり損ね、代わりにDACレーベルの「TOURING PARTY VOL.3」がそれらの問題を解消した決定版に君臨したのでした。

そこで今回のリリースですが、「RUBBER BOWL 1972」の大きな欠点であった二つの問題を修正するのは当然として、音源自体の音質を本来のアナログな状態へと戻すことに注視しています。2012年当時は既発盤と比べて圧倒的なアッパー感に耳を奪われていたものですが、今聞くと中域寄りで薄っぺらい音質が気になる。この点を解消すべく、今回のリリースに際して緻密なイコライズを施しました。

実際に初めてストーンズがアクロンを訪れてくれたこともあり、オープニングの「Brown Sugar」やライブ後半「Bye Bye Johnny」以降などで盛り上がると手拍子が左右から広がって聞こえ、確かにステレオ録音であると実感されるでしょう。「Tumbling Dice」でステージ機材の不調からストーンズの音が途切れてしまうのは有名なハプニングですが、それに一喜一憂する周囲の反応もステレオだからこそリアルに伝わってくる。演奏のミスとは違う、72年ツアーの中においても珍場面でした。
こうしたトラブルにもめげずストーンズの面々は絶好調。ミックの声が非常にくっきりとした輪郭で捉えられていることから、彼のロックンロール・ダイナマイト全開なシャウトが際立って聞こえます。それと同時にもう一人のミックであるテイラーのギターの好調ぶりも実に印象的。「Gimme Shelter」のソロで聞かせてくれるフレーズは間違いなく72年ツアーの中でも上位に属する名演ですし、フィナーレ「Street Fighting Man」でニッキー・ホプキンスのピアノと対決するかのような早弾きがまた壮絶。よってこの録音はアクロンで燃え上がる「Wミック」の炸裂ぶりをステレオで捉えてくれたドキュメントだとも呼べるでしょう。それでいて今回のアナログ感を活かした仕上がりは、これぞ「REVISITED」のタイトルに相応しいもの!


★前回盤での編集面の不具合も補修(ALL DOWN THE前の曲間ダブリとSFM出だしの無関係なノイズ削除の2箇所)

01. Introduction
02. Brown Sugar
03. Bitch
04. Rocks Off
05. Gimme Shelter
06. Happy
07. Tumbling Dice
08. Love In Vain
09. Sweet Virginia
10. You Can’t Always Get What You Want ★出だしクロスフェード
11. All Down The Line
12. Midnight Rambler
13. Band Introductions
14. Bye Bye Johnny
15. Rip This Joint
16. Jumping Jack Flash
17. Street Fighting Man

Mick Jagger – Vocals, Harmonica
Keith Richards – Guitar, Vocals
Mick Taylor – Guitar
Bill Wyman – Bass
Charlie Watts – Drums

Nicky Hopkins – Piano
Bobby Keys – Saxophone
Jim Price – Trumpet, Trombone

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