Rolling Stones / So Much Younger Than Today / 1CD

Rolling Stones / So Much Younger Than Today / 1CD / Non Label

Tracks 01-09: Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 28th July 1966 SBD
Tracks 10-19: Commemorative Auditorium Showgrounds, Sydney, Australia 18th February 1966 (1st Show) SBD
Tracks 20-28: Palais Theatre, St.Kilda, Melbourne, Australia 24th February 1966 (2nd Show) SBD
Track 29: Australian radio (2UW) 16th February 1966

Play sample :

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If only overdubbing was added at the time of release, the genuine live when Brian Jones was enrolled instead of the live album “GOT LIVE IF YOU WANT IT!” The 1966 Honolulu performance, which has been useful as a sound source. Since it was a sound source broadcast on the same radio, it was released on THE SWINGIN’PIG in the 1980s (by a person different from the CD label that prevailed in “ULTRA RARE TRAX” later). When the LP was released under the name of “SO MUCH YOUNGER THAN TODAY”, its wild and vigorous performance was very popular.
However, the sound source is not good because the air check sound source at that time was used in LP. Even so, it is praised so much that it is described as “original punk” in fan club reviews. In addition, LP has different jackets and board colors depending on the press, and it is a nostalgic memory now that the first fluorescent pink jacket & red vinyl etc. will be sold in units of 10,000 in the 1980s.
However, the fact that it was an air check made it difficult to make a CD. However, just 30 years ago (that’s how long it has passed!), The so-called Pre-FM stage sound source was unearthed, and a dramatic upgrade suitable for the CD era will be achieved. Furthermore, it is nostalgic that the title “SOLD OUT!” Was released, with reverb-type effects added that were conscious of the beginning of the CD’s heyday.

Of course, a non-crafted version came out later, for example, the VGP label “BILL WYMAN’S BLACK BOX” was the definitive edition, but such conventional releases were once dubbed to VHS and spread (in the past, instead of cassettes). It seems that the trade that dropped the sound to VHS was also popular), and there was a VHS-like low-pitched hum noise mixed between songs. In addition, I had a problem that the sound was cut off in some places. This time, unlike the past, I got a high-ranking master that does not go through VHS. It’s obvious when you listen to the intervals between songs, and you’ll be amazed at the straightforward and natural sound quality without hum noise.
In addition, fine sound breaks that seemed to have occurred due to deterioration of the sound source itself. For example, in the intro, the moderator said “Honolulu police department”, or the skipping that occurred at the end of “The Last Time” was finely adjusted by Graf Zeppelin using the latest technology. Even though we made a dramatic upgrade in sound quality in the early 90’s, the jarring problems that were sometimes seen have finally been resolved.
Therefore, although it is a sound source that has a good reputation for its performance content for a long time, the high value of enjoying the live performance of Stones running at this young age without any tricks is still alive. “Lady Lane” and “Mother’s Little Helper” are valuable records of the stage at this time when Brian has a strong presence, but also Keith’s “The Last Time” due to recording balance problems. The sound of Brian’s guitar is bigger than that (laughs).

However, it is a live performance during the Brian period, which has a short playing time, and 5 recorded the Sydney radio broadcast a month ago, making use of the space on the disc. This was a hot topic in the free gift CD-R in the past as an air check sound source that was released on the net a few years ago and became a hot topic. However, when it was uploaded, it had a hard texture (which was also a factor that made it a gift), so Graf Zeppelin made adjustments to regain the vintage feel of the original Aircheck. Originally it had an analog-like sound quality, so its thorough overhaul made it easier to hear at once.
Of course, the sound quality is inferior to Honolulu, but it is still interesting because the atmosphere of the live performance and the set list are completely different even though they are the same year. Although this day is the first day of the Australian tour, it is captured that Mick’s voice is not in good condition. It is remarkable that “She Said Yeah”. In addition, in an era without stage monitors, you had to play in the screaming of fans like the Beatles, and in “Get Off Of My Cloud” Keith got the backing chorus at the wrong timing, which made the performance confusing. The scene is also captured vividly.
And in “Satisfaction”, it is a document of the stage with many happenings, such as Mick’s performance progressing in a blank state where he does not sing the first chorus completely, perhaps because fans have risen to the stage, but on the other hand, “The Spider And The” The live version of “Fly” is full of highlights such as looseness that predicts the rock feeling of Stones later.
As a bonus, the performance in Melbourne one week later is recorded. This is a valuable Pre-FM sound source excavated in the VGP “DO YOU LIKE ROLLING STONES?” In the 2000s. The extremely valuable “Play With Fire” electric version and “That’s How Strong My Love Is” have been useful as sound sources that can be heard with the highest sound quality, and different titles have been produced many times, but this time it is remastered from that principal image. .. Although it is a bonus to the last, it is now possible to enjoy the genuine live sound source of the 1966 Brian period with plenty of one disc.
Of course, the title will be “SO MUCH YOUNGER THAN TODAY”, which respects Honolulu’s original release, and the LP’s one is also used for the jacket, but the first pink jacket doesn’t look good (laughs), so I dare to use the second cream-colored jacket. Adopted. And in the last radio interview during my stay in Australia, the interviewer said “The really swingin’pig”! If you want to hear the genuine live concert of Brian period, this is the first.

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★ Mainly recorded the 1966 Honolulu performance.
In addition, the performances in Sydney and Melbourne in February of the same year are also recorded.
A 1966 live collection with over 79 minutes recorded on 1 CD.
The CD title is also a homage to the title of the analog LP (TSP 012) recorded in the Honolulu performance of yesteryear.

★ Section 1: Honolulu July 28, 1966
・ A good master with less hum noise than existing ones
Correct as much as possible the small breaks that occur frequently in the introduction and the breaks in the song.
Especially the breaks that occurred in the songs “The Last Time” and “Mother’s Little Helper”
The dropout can be restored without any discomfort by adjusting the bandwidth without simply pinching and processing.
In addition, there was a part that was cut in the existing VGP because I disliked the sound interruption during the introduction.
(This time around 0:17 on track 1 is missing in VGP for about 0.6 seconds)

★ Section 2: Sydney February 18, 1966 (1st Show)
・ Remaster the same master as the gift board CDR
With hum noise removal and band adjustment, it is quite refreshing.
Also, since it was a fairly digital-like sound with hiss noise removed, EQ processing was performed in the direction of returning to an analog texture.
・ Satisfaction that was at the time of the gift board
The buzzer sound that occurs intermittently around 3:15 is also removed as comfortably as possible.
(Processing marks are less noticeable than the existing DAC board)

★ Section 3: Melbourne February 24, 1966 (2nd Show)
-Remastered old sound source. It has a little hum noise removed and is refreshing, but there is no big difference. It is a little metallic from the beginning.

リリースに際してオーバーダビングが加えられただけならまだしも、果てはスタジオ・レコーディングに歓声を被せたテイクまで挿入されてしまったライブアルバム「GOT LIVE IF YOU WANT IT!」の代わりにブライアン・ジョーンズ在籍時の純正ライブ音源として重宝されてきた1966年のホノルル公演。同地のラジオで放送された音源であったことから、1980年代に入ってTHE SWINGIN’ PIGから(後に「ULTRA RARE TRAX」で一世を風靡するCDレーベルとは別の人物によるもの)リリースされた「SO MUCH YOUNGER THAN TODAY」の名でLPがリリースされると、そのワイルドで勢いに溢れた演奏ぶりが大評判を呼びました。
ところがエアチェックであったことが仇となり、なかなかCD化が実現しません。しかし今からちょうど30年前(そんなに経ったとは!)、いわゆるPre-FMな段階の音源が発掘されてCD時代に相応しい飛躍的なアップグレードを遂げます。さらにCD絶頂期の始まりを意識したリバーブ系のエフェクトが加えられるなどした「SOLD OUT!」なるタイトルがリリースされたのも懐かしい。

もちろん小細工のないバージョンも後に出回り、例えばVGPレーベルの「BILL WYMAN’S BLACK BOX」などが決定版となっていましたが、そうした従来のリリースはいちどVHSにダビングされて広まった(昔はカセットの代わりにVHSに音声を落としたトレードというのも普及していました)らしく、曲間でVHSらしい低音のハムノイズが混入していたのでした。さらにいくつかの個所で音切れが生じてしまうトラブルも抱えてしまっていたのです。何と今回は従来と違ってVHSを経由しない上位マスターを入手。それは曲間を聞いてもらえば一目瞭然で、ハムノイズのない素直でナチュラルな音質に驚かされることかと。
また音源自体の劣化から生じていたと思しき細かな音切れ。例えばイントロで司会者が「Honolulu police department」と発した場面、あるいは「The Last Time」が終わるところで生じていた音飛びも最新テクノロジーを駆使してGraf Zeppelinが緻密にアジャスト。音質面において飛躍的なアップグレードを90年代初頭に遂げておきながらも散見されていた耳障りな問題がようやく解消されました。
よって古くから演奏内容には定評のある音源ではありますが、この若さで突っ走るストーンズのライブ演奏を一切の小細工なしで楽しめる価値の高さは未だに健在。「Lady Lane」に「Mother’s Little Helper」といった具合に、ただでさえブライアンの存在感が強いこの時期のステージの貴重な記録というのはもちろん、録音バランスの問題から「The Last Time」に至ってはキースよりブライアンのギターの音の方がデカいという(笑)。

とはいえ演奏時間の短いブライアン期のライブです、ディスクにあるスペースを生かして5が月前のシドニーのラジオ放送を収録。こちらは数年前にネット上で公開されて話題となったエアチェック音源として過去に無料ギフトCD-Rでも話題を呼びました。ところがアップロードされる際に硬質な質感が生じて(それがギフト扱いとなった要因でもある)いましたので、これまたGraf Zeppelinが元のエアチェックのビンテージ感を取り戻すべくアジャストを敢行。元々アナログチックな音質であっただけに、その徹底されたオーバーホールで一気に聞きやすくなりました。
もちろんホノルルには劣る音質ですが、それでもライブ演奏の雰囲気やセットリストが同じ年なのにまるで違っているから面白い。この日はオーストラリア・ツアーの初日でありながら、ミックの声の調子が思わしくない様子が捉えられています。それが顕著なのが「She Said Yeah」。おまけにステージ・モニターのない時代にビートルズと同様ファンの絶叫の中で演奏しなければならず、「Get Off Of My Cloud」ではキースがバックコーラスのタイミングを間違えたせいで演奏が大混乱となる場面も生々しく捉えられている。
そして「Satisfaction」ではステージにファンが上がってきたのか、ミックが最初のコーラスを丸々歌わない空白状態で演奏が進んでしまうなど、ハプニングが多いステージのドキュメントでもありますが、一方で「The Spider And The Fly」のライブバージョンは後のストーンズのロック感を予見させるルーズさなど聞きどころ満載。
おまけには一週間後のメルボルン公演を収録。こちらは2000年代を迎えてVGP「DO YOU LIKE ROLLING STONES?」で発掘された貴重なPre-FM音源。極めて貴重な「Play With Fire」エレキバージョンや「That’s How Strong My Love Is」が最高音質で聞ける音源として重宝されて何度も別タイトルが生み出されてきましたが、今回はそのご本尊からリマスター。あくまでおまけではあるものの、これでディスク一枚たっぷりブライアン期1966年の純正ライブ音源が楽しめる内容となりました。
もちろんタイトルはホノルルのオリジナルリリースをリスペクトした「SO MUCH YOUNGER THAN TODAY」となり、ジャケにもLPのそれを採用していますが、初回のピンクジャケは映えないので(笑)敢えてセカンドのクリーム色ジャケを採用。そして最後に収録されたオーストラリア滞在時のラジオ取材ではインタビュアーから何と「The really swingin’ pig」という言葉が!ブライアン期の純正ライブ聞きたければ、まずはこれ。



CDタイトルも往年のホノルル公演収録のアナログLP(TSP 012)のタイトルをオマージュ。

★セクション1: ホノルル 1966年7月28日
とくに”The Last Time”と”Mother’s Little Helper”曲中で生じていた音切れは
(今回盤トラック1 0:17付近が0.6秒ほどVGPでは欠落)

★セクション2: シドニー 1966年2月18日(1st Show)

★セクション3: メルボルン 1966年2月24日(2nd Show)




Honolulu International Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA 28th July 1966

01. Introduction
02. Not Fade Away
03. The Last Time
04. Paint It Black
05. Lady Jane
06. Mother’s Little Helper
07. Get Off Of My Cloud
08. 19th Nervous Breakdown
09. Satisfaction

Commemorative Auditorium Showgrounds, Sydney, Australia 18th February 1966 (1st Show)

10. Introduction
11. Mercy Mercy
12. She Said Yeah
13. Play With Fire
14. Not Fade Away
15. The Spider And The Fly
16. That’s How Strong My Love Is
17. Get Off Of My Cloud
18. 19th Nervous Breakdown
19. Satisfaction

Palais Theatre, St.Kilda, Melbourne, Australia 24th February 1966 (2nd Show)

20. Ward Austin Introduction
21. The Last Time
22. Mercy Mercy
23. She Said Yeah
24. Play With Fire
25. Not Fade Away
26. That’s How Strong My Love Is
27. Get Off Of My Cloud
28. Satisfaction

Australian radio (2UW) 16th February 1966
29. Ward Austin 2UW Report / Ward Austin Stones Interview

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