Rolling Stones / Paris 1982 1st Night / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Rolling Stones / Paris 1982 1st Night / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Non Lable

Hippodrome D’Auteuil, Paris, France 13th June 1982 Plus Bonus DVDR ” Hampton 1981 Japanese Broadcast’


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The “FRANK FURT 1982″, which contains the Rolling Stones 1982 Frankfurt 3Days, has become a big hit, but at the same time, many maniacs have re-recognized the charm of the 1982 tour, which had been discontinued for a long time. Although a decisive item called Leeds has certainly appeared, by that time the cover “Chantilly Lace” which is a symbol of 1982 has disappeared, and it was a fact that it was unsatisfactory in terms of so-called 82 years. .. The song was also performed at the famous Wembley Stadium in that Stones country. In other words, the time when “Chantilly Lace” was played was special for maniacs.
In this respect, “FRANK FURT 1982” was also a document from the end of the performance until the eyes of the set list dropped. As if it was inspired by this release, the audience recording that appeared a few weeks ago caught the Paris performance on June 13th. It was the first day of three performances in the France area for the sake of convenience, and at the same time, these days were highly acclaimed for the existence of good sound sources. The most famous of these is the audience recording on the 14th of the next day, but there is a good sound source even on the 13th, the first day, which was released by VGP label as “DEMAIN LE SOLEIL” 20 years ago. I will.

However, although it is the sound source that appeared this time, it is an audience recording with a different taper. In terms of sound image proximity and direct feeling, VGP board sound sources (hereinafter referred to as already-released boards) are favored, but that is because the performance was close, even the speaking voice of the surrounding audience. I had the problem of being directly caught. Also, the voice of Keith, who served as the back chorus in “Let’s Spend The Night Together”, was originally distorted (laughs), and there was a feeling that it was too direct. In that respect, the sound source of this time is not as close as the sound image of the already released board, but such a sense of distance is rather effective and the balance of the overall performance is surprisingly better.
Furthermore, there is no pricking or surrounding noise peculiar to cassette recording at an outdoor stadium like an already-released board, and instead, when the performance starts, applause and clapping will meticulously sprout (but laugh immediately). I think there are many enthusiasts who can feel the recording condition. In other words, in terms of listening to the performance of this day, which has the momentum of the 1982 European Tour, without stress, I affirm that it is more than the existing board. In other words, it is a sound image closer to that of Frankfurt 3 Days, but a sound image with a sense of distance from the already released board.
In addition, the recording of this sound source is limited to only between songs, and it is not recorded until just after the performance of “Under My Thumb” from BGM “Let’s go by train A” before Stones appeared. I will. Therefore, at the time of this limited press CD release, those missing parts are filled with the existing board. As you can tell by listening, I showed each part connected very smoothly. Therefore, the sound source is switched at the beginning of the “Under My Thumb” intro, but the texture of the sound changes and the noise of the surroundings subsides. Instead, the fine clapping of the example will occur, but it will surely make you realize that the recording is in a much more calm environment and the sound quality is milder than the already released version.

And I touched on it a little at the beginning, but on this day, the Stones, including Mick, were in great shape. So I heard that the 1982 Europe Tour was at its peak in two weeks from this day to Frankfurt? I can’t think of it. The feeling of speed and leeway, which is different from the previous year, shines from beginning to end, which makes me feel like I can run all the way to Angkor at a stretch. In fact, over the past two weeks, we’ve included Gothenburg, which was renowned for the highest quality audience recordings of the analog era, and the Wembley Stadium as an example.
Such a performance with a sense of speed and the realism unique to this recording are outstanding, and during the final stage of the live performance “Jumping Jack Flash”, when Keith and Ronny sang in a loud voice and cheered up, it became applause and there. From the moment when the clapping starts in time with the performance. On the other hand, when “Chantilly Lace” started, the audience who had been clapping for other songs so much became quieter (laughs), and the slowness of this reaction led to the later drop of the set. The documentability that captured even the scene is quite good.
However, ironically, since the surroundings were quiet throughout this song, I could listen carefully to “Chantilly Lace,” which was the centerpiece of 1982 (the already released version had a fluctuation in the sound image). The advantage of audience recording has also been born. Actually, the performance of the same song on this day was wonderful, and I would like you to re-evaluate it as a repertoire where the formation with two saxophonists unique to 1982 was utilized. After all in 1982 Europe can only hear this song. Following on from the popular Frankfurt, this time we are discovering a new excellent audience recording that will convey the charm of this tour!

ローリングストーンズ1982年フランクフルト3Daysを収めた「FRANKFURT 1982」は大ヒットとなっていますが、それと同時に久しくリリースの途絶えていた82年ツアーの魅力を再認識されたマニアが多かったようです。確かにオフィシャルでリーズという決定的なアイテムが登場はしたものの、その頃には82年の象徴たるカバー「Chantilly Lace」がとっくに姿を消しており、いわゆる82年らしさという点で物足りなかったのは事実。あのストーンズ母国での名演ウェンブリー・スタジアムでも同曲は演奏されていた。つまりマニアにとって「Chantilly Lace」が演奏されていた時期というのは特別なもの。
こうした点においても「FRANKFURT 1982」は同曲が末期の演奏からセットリスト落ちの憂き目を見るまでのドキュメントにもなっていました。まるでこのリリースに感化されたのごとく、数週間前に登場したのが6月13日のパリ公演を捉えたオーディエンス録音。都合三回行われたフランス・エリアでの公演の初日であると同時に、これらの日はどれも良好な音源が存在していたことで定評の高い時期。これらの中で一番有名なのは翌日14日のオーディエンス録音でしょうが、初日たる13日に関してもなかなか良好な音源が存在しており、それは20年前にVGPレーベルが「DEMAIN LE SOLEIL」としてリリースしています。

しかし今回登場した音源ですが、それとは別のテーパーによるオーディエンス録音。単純に音像の近さやダイレクト感といった点においてはVGP盤音源(以下、既発盤と称します)の方に軍配が上がるのですが、そちらは演奏が近かった分、周囲の観客の話し声までもダイレクトに捉えてしまっているという問題を抱えていました。また「Let’s Spend The Night Together」でバックコーラスを務めたキースの声が元々歪んでいた上に(笑)さらに歪んで聞こえてしまうというダイレクトすぎた感もあったのです。その点、今回の音源は既発盤ほど音像が近くないのですが、その程よい距離感がむしろ功を奏し、演奏全体のバランスはこちらの方が俄然上かと。
また今回の音源は録音のカットがほとんど曲間だけに限定されており、唯一ストーンズ登場前のBGM「A列車で行こう」からの「Under My Thumb」の演奏開始直後までが未収録となっています。そこで今回の限定プレスCDリリースに際しては、それら欠損個所を既発盤にて補填。聞いていただければわかると思いますが、どの個所も非常になめらかにつなげて見せました。よって先の「Under My Thumb」イントロ開始箇所で音源が切り替わる訳ですが、ここで質感がガラリと変わって周囲の騒ぎが収まります。代わりに例のきめ細やかな手拍子が起こるのですが、なるほど既発盤よりもはるかに落ちついた環境での録音とマイルドな音質であることを実感してもらえることでしょう。

そんなスピード感あふれる演奏と今回の録音ならではの臨場感の相性が抜群で、ライブ終盤「Jumping Jack Flash」の途中、キースとロニーがダミ声で歌って煽るいつもの展開が終わると拍手喝采となり、そこから演奏に合わせての手拍子が始まる場面の臨場感たるや。その反面「Chantilly Lace」が始まるとあれだけほかの曲で手拍子していた観客が静かになってしまい(苦笑)なるほどこの反応の鈍さがのちのセット落ちへとつながったのだなと思わせる場面まで捉えてくれたドキュメント性もなかなか。
ところが皮肉なことに、この曲を通して周囲が静かであったことから、82年の目玉である「Chantilly Lace」をじっくり聞きこめる(既発盤はこの曲で音像のふらつきが生じていました)優良オーディエンス録音というアドバンテージも生まれている。実際この日の同曲の演奏は素晴らしく、82年ならではのサックス奏者が二人帯同したフォーメーションが活かされたレパートリーとしても再評価してもらいたいところ。やはり82年ヨーロッパはこの曲が聞けてこそ。大好評フランクフルトに続き、今回も同ツアーの魅力を伝えてくれる新たな優良オーディエンス録音の発掘です!

Disc 1 (68:22)
1. Take The ‘A’ Train ★全部補填
2. Under My Thumb ★0:00 – 0:08 補填
3. When The Whip Comes Down ★3:45 – 4:10 補填
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going To A Go Go
11. Chantilly Lace★3:48 – 最後まで補填
12. Let Me Go ★0:00 – 0:18 補填
13. Time Is On My Side
14. Beast Of Burden
15. Let It Bleed

Disc 2 (62:11)
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T & A
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold ★3:51 – 最後まで補填
6. Hang Fire ★0:00 – 0:15 補填
7. Miss You
8. Honky Tonk Women
9. Brown Sugar
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash ★6:29 – 最後まで補填
12. Satisfaction ★0:00 – 0:12 / 5:56 – 最後まで補填


Rolling Stones / Hampton 1981 Japanese 1981 / Non label

Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, Va, USA 18th December 1981

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