Rolling Stones / East Rutherford 1981 2nd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / East Rutherford 1981 2nd Night / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA 1981 6th November 1981 STEREO SBD

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The re-release of the popular Rolling Stones 1981 tour, supervised by Graf Zeppelin, was the first day of each of East Rutherford and Rosemont, so this time the second day of them appears as a sequel. First, the second day of East Rutherford. The rough mix of the multitrack recording for radio broadcasting on this day has a rough texture and instrument balance in a better sense than the previous day, and when you listen with headphones, it is as vivid as each instrument approaches in front of you. Is attractive.
For example, in “Just My Imagination”, Keith on the right and Ronnie on the left, of course, Mick’s rhythm guitar in the middle, and Ian McLagan’s organ, which is usually hidden, sounds loud from the left. That’s a balance that seems to be a rough mix. Indeed, it will remind you that it is the job of the mixer and producer to create this balance in live album production.
Also, when the sound source was released in 2013, the localization of Keith and Ronnie had been reversed, but it was already adjusted at the time of the release of “NEW JERSEY 1981 2ND NIGHT” at that time, and there are few defects of this sound source. The same is true for the one “Let Me Go” cut that was supplemented with a PA-out sound board. I think it’s nostalgic now that this editing has become a good example of how the difference between a monaural PA-out sound source and multi-track stereo sound quality can be clearly shown.
Since the sound quality itself is at the highest level, there is no place to modify it, but rather Graf Zeppelin has carefully adjusted the low volume parts seen in some parts at the time of this release. The stereo sound board recording with excellent features has been reborn as a new version with a more stable feeling.

And speaking of this day, the performance of Stones was too turbulent (laughs). It was a hot topic among enthusiasts even when the PA-out sound source was released, but it is said that it has become even clearer due to the clear stereo of multitrack. Despite the fact that the tour is about to reach the middle stage, and recordings for both radio shows and movies will be included, which is an inspiring condition for Stones, it is also a legendary day of a series of slapsticks. Anyway, the difference from the previous day is big.
The miso started to be attached to “Let’s Spend The Night Together”, and it was hard to get hooked on the fact that the ending was about to end and it wouldn’t end. From here, the same phenomenon can be seen in many songs. In that sense, it can be said that “Neighbours” to “Going To A Go Go” was a “loan state” during the turbulence of the day.
First of all, when the ending of “Let Me Go” ended in pieces, Keith and Charlie did not mesh with each other at the beginning of “Time Is On My Side”. Keith, who was irresistible, complained, “Raise the sound of the guitar (monitor)!” Even though he was wearing the backing chorus, but here the cause of the series of slapsticks was a malfunction of the stage monitor. It turns out that it was. In this situation, the violent song that acts as a chorus without hiding the irritation is amazing. The following “Beast Of Burden” wasn’t just about Keith’s more rough chorus than usual, but the performance itself was so disjointed that he couldn’t help but rush into it.

After the middle of the live, most of the songs had frequent ending failures or stray performances. It’s serious because it almost stops at a repertoire like “Tumbling Dice” that has been played hundreds of times. For the usual Stones of recording, the result of the monitor being upset under the conditions of high tension appeared in such an unstable performance.
After “All Down The Line”, which is the performance just before being dropped from the repertoire, it developed into a disaster that most of the songs seemed to stop playing. Even in the latter half of the live, which pushes forward in a basic age-aged atmosphere, it is unlikely that such ordinary mistakes will occur in rapid succession, and it is strange that even “Start Me Up” seems to stop.
“Jumping Jack Flash” is the ultimate in such a miserable state. Here, the performance seems to stop three times. Charlie’s struggle to recover from this turmoil is now painful, and the turmoil that the tempo changes many times during the performance is recorded with the best stereo sound board recording. There is also.
In this way, the fact that the monitor was malfunctioning on the big stage for the stadium is vividly conveyed, but ironically, it is too interesting to have a thoroughly slapstick performance. This is arguably one of the best happening shows on the 1981 tour, and that’s why many enthusiasts have been waiting for a re-appearance eight years after their last release. Please enjoy the day of hunger with this upper version. This is the ultimate stray!


(Remaster memo)
★ Phase correction
★ Volume adjustment. Especially, the volume was low at the beginning, and it is corrected as a whole.
★ Compensating between songs after playing Tumbling Dice

大好評のローリング・ストーンズ1981年ツアー、Graf Zeppelinによる監修からの再リリースは前回がイースト・ラザフォードとローズモントそれぞれの初日でしたので、今回は続編としてそれらの二日目が登場。まずはイースト・ラザフォードの二日目。この日のラジオ放送用マルチトラック録音のラフミックスは前日よりもいい意味でラフな質感&楽器バランスとなっていて、ヘッドフォンで聞けばそれこそ各楽器が目の前に迫ってくるような生々しさが魅力。
例えば「Just My Imagination」では右がキース、左がロニーという碇石ステレオ・イメージはもちろん、真ん中にミックのリズム・ギター、さらに左からは普段だと隠し味程度なイアン・マクレガンのオルガンが大きく鳴るという、いかにもラフミックスらしいバランス。なるほどこうしたバランスを整えるのがライブアルバム制作におけるミキサーとプロデューサーの仕事なのだと再認識させてくれることでしょう。
また2013年の音源公開時にはキースとロニーの定位が反対になってしまっていたのですが、それは当時の「NEW JERSEY 1981 2ND NIGHT」リリースの時点で既にアジャスト済みですし、本音源の数少ない欠損の一つだった「Let Me Go」のカットはPAアウトのサウンドボードで補填していたのも同様。この編集によってモノラルなPAアウト音源とマルチトラックのステレオ音質との差をまざまざと見せつけられる好例となったのが今となっては懐かしいかと。
音質自体は極上レベルですので、そこに関して手を加える個所はなく、むしろ今回のリリースに際してGraf Zeppelinはいくつかの個所でみられた音量の低い個所を緻密にアジャスト。素性の優れたステレオ・サウンドボード録音がより安定感を増したニューバージョンへと生まれ変わりました。

ミソが付き始めたのは「Let’s Spend The Night Together」、エンディングが終わりそうで終わらないというドツボにハマってさあ大変。ここからいくつもの曲で同じ現象が見受けられるようになるのです。そういう意味で「Neighbours」から「Going To A Go Go」はこの日の波乱の合間における「小康状態」であったと言えるでしょう。
まず「Let Me Go」のエンディングがバラバラに終わってしまうと、今度は「Time Is On My Side」の出だしでキースとチャーリーが噛み合わず。たまりかねたキースがバックコーラスを付けている最中にもかかわらず「ギターの(モニターの)音を上げて!」と訴えていますが、ここで一連のドタバタの原因がステージ・モニターの不調であったのだと判明します。この状況の中で苛立ちを隠さずにコーラスを務める乱暴な歌いっぷりが凄い。続く「Beast Of Burden」もまたキースのいつも以上に荒っぽいコーラスが聞かれただけにとどまらず、演奏自体が「そんな風に終わっちゃうの?」と突っ込まずにいられないバラバラさ。

これがライブ中盤以降になるとほとんどの曲でエンディングの失敗、あるいは演奏が迷走といったハプニングが頻発。それが何百回も演奏してきた「Tumbling Dice」のようなレパートリーまで止まりそうになってしまうのだから深刻。収録という普段のストーンズにとってはテンションの上がる条件の中でモニターの不調に揚げ足を取られてしまう結果がこうした不安定な演奏に現れたのです。
これがレパートリーから落とされる直前の演奏でもある「All Down The Line」以降になると、ほとんどの曲で演奏が止まりそうになるという惨事にまで発展。基本アゲアゲな雰囲気の中で突き進むライブ後半でもこうした凡ミスが連発するということ自体が普段ならありえないことですし、「Start Me Up」ですら止まりそうになってしまう場面は異様。
これほどまで惨憺たる状態の極めつけは「Jumping Jack Flash」。ここでは何と演奏が三回も止まりそうになってしまうのです。この混乱を何とか立て直そうとするチャーリーの奮闘ぶりが今となっては切なくもあり、その演奏の中でテンポが何度も変わってしまうというほどの混乱ぶりが最高のステレオ・サウンドボード録音で記録されてもいる。


★Tumbling Dice演奏後の曲間を補填


Disc 1 (70:55)
1. Take The A Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When The Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Going To A Go Go
11. Let Me Go
12. Time Is On My Side
13. Beast Of Burden
14. Waiting On A Friend
15. Let It Bleed

Disc 2 (66:53)既作は66:25
1. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
2. Band Introductions
3. Little T & A
4. Tumbling Dice★Tumbling Dice演奏後の曲間を既発ソースで補填★30秒近く長くなってる
5. She’s So Cold
6. All Down The Line
7. Hang Fire
8. Miss You
9. Start Me Up
10. Honky Tonk Women (with Tina Turner)
11. Brown Sugar
12. Jumping Jack Flash
13. Satisfaction


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