Rolling Stones / Chicago 2019 2nd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Chicago 2019 2nd Night / 2CD / Non Label
Live at Soldier Field, Chicago, Illinois, USA 25th June 2019

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The highest quality sound source of Stones latest tour comes up early! Of course, the format called limited press CD is natural. The audience recording of the very best sound quality has just appeared for the second performance of this “NO FILTER” tour. The audience album “CHICAGO 2019 1ST NIGHT” which captured the design of the first day of Chicago had a very good sound quality, but this time it is a level that goes further. It is close from the voice of the band announcement when Stones appeared. A wonderful recording condition that convinces you of the best sound quality even in that scene alone. If the play starts again … no more to say.
On the second day of Chicago, the opening was the selection “Jumping Jack Flash,” but you will be overwhelmed by the intro bursting power that Keith played. The sound source of the CD-R “CHICAGO 2019 DAY 2” released in advance from the UXBRIDGE label was initially an audience recording that became closer to the sound candidate as it became a press candidate, but the situation with too much sound swing and too much bass becomes a habit At the last minute I gave up on a press CD release. In that respect, the sound source this time is very close to the sound image and excellent clearness, of course, it will be a big stress in listening in headphones in particular, there is almost no sound fluctuation. Fight ant.
The UXBRIDGE board was a good line in that Mick’s voice was caught near, but the totality that exceeds it well is superb. Not only his singing voice, but also the balance of the performance is recorded with a good feeling. However, it is a concert in the United States, but I can see scenes that sometimes pick up surrounding voices, but the main character of the sound image is the performance of Stones. It was a really good audience recording, so there was little to be added to this limited press CD release.

What’s more, this day’s show is full of details! First of all in the first half of the live, the flow from “Bitch” to “Ride ’em on Down” is good. Not only the repertoire that was not taken up on the first day, but the selection of two songs that makes the engine faster for Keith is particularly effective. That was the case on the first day of Chicago, but if you were able to play or play on the second day of the tour, you would be tempted to expect this Keith. Maybe it was good to stop Bandana (laughs).
In general, “Monkey Man” reported as “playing after a long time” is a work of blanks. It was because Mick made a mistake at the end of the interlude, or the band was about to be confused by the ending.
It was “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” that wiped out the dangerous feeling of the song. After all being played at this position is extremely effective. From there, it is also good to have two songs that match the acoustic style than the first day of Chicago that was unveiled at the B stage. In particular, the “Play With Fire” bursts out in Europe in 2017, and the simplicity of the “Yakusaku percussion” and the vibras wrap is inconspicuous (it’s definitely better if you can’t enter it). There is no such accurate repertoire at the current B stage. The selection called “Sweet Virginia” played from there was also wonderful.

After all, speaking of a masterpiece scene on the second day of Chicago, it should have been supposed to play “Paint It Black”, but it happened that Keith accidentally started “Midnight Rambler”! After all, I started playing with the two-capo guitar for “Paint It-“, so the keys are different. Still, I try to sing Mick with a different key with “Starfucker” in Tokyo Dome in 1998, but this is actually an interruption of the performance because it is a major member.
However, Mick’s shoulders with Keith, who had bitten the big blurs, said that it was a nice day, “(Tours started now) the 2nd day of the day” scene that was following me peacefully made me relax the mania in the world Thing. Incidentally, it was also essential that Ronnie was not able to stand-by the sitar guitar for “Paint It”.
Perhaps because of these happenings, the upcoming “Midnight Rambler” will unfold in the early stages. However, the performance quickly became hot, and a fierce performance was performed that was different from the thrilling first day of Chicago. The menu is quite different from the first day of Chicago throughout the entire show, and from that point it conveys “the seriousness” as a group trying to support Mick’s revival with the best sound quality, as early as the name representing Stones in 2019 The arrival of the audience album!

★ It is a separate source from the Uxbridge version released last week.

ストーンズ最新ツアーの最高音質音源が早くも登場!もちろん限定プレスCDと言うフォーマットは当たり前。それほど極上音質のオーディエンス録音が今回の「NO FILTER」ツアー二公演めにしてさっそく登場してくれました。シカゴ初日の模様を捉えたオーディエンス・アルバム「CHICAGO 2019 1ST NIGHT」は非常に良好な音質でしたが、今回はさらに上を行くレベル。何しろストーンズ登場時のバンド・アナウンスの声からして近い!その場面だけでも極上音質を確信させてくれる素晴らしい録音状態。さらに演奏が始まれば…もう言うことなし。
シカゴ二日目はオープニングが「Jumping Jack Flash」という選曲だったのですが、キースの弾いたイントロの爆裂するような迫力に思わず圧倒されるでしょう。UXBRIDGEレーベルから先行リリースされたCD-R「CHICAGO 2019 DAY 2」の音源が当初はプレス候補となったほど音像の近いオーディエンス録音だったのですが、音揺れと低音が出過ぎという状態が仇となって土壇場でプレスCDリリースを断念したのでした。その点、今回の音源は音像の近さや優れたクリアネスはもちろん、特にヘッドフォンでのリスニングにおいて大きなストレスとなるであろう、音揺れがほとんどないのです。勝負アリ。

それに何と言ってもこの日のショーは聞きどころが満載!まずはライブ前半で「Bitch」から「Ride ’em on Down」という流れがいい。どちらも初日には取り上げられなかったレパートリーというだけでなく、特にキースにとってエンジンのかかり具合が早くなる二曲というセレクションが効果絶大。シカゴ初日にしてもそうでしたが、ツアー二日目にしてこれだけ弾けたり演奏に乗れているのなら今回のキースには期待したくなってしまいます。もしかしたらバンダナを止めたことが吉と出たのでしょうか(笑)。
一般的には「久々の演奏」と報じられた「Monkey Man」はブランクの否めない出来。ミックが間奏の終わるタイミングを間違えたり、あるいはエンディングでバンドが混乱しそうになっていたからです。
その曲の危うい感じを払拭してくれたのが「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」。やはりこの位置で演奏されるというのは効果が絶大。そこからBステージにて披露された、シカゴ初日よりもアコースティック形式の合う二曲がまたよい。特に「Play With Fire」は2017年ヨーロッパで炸裂した「与作パーカッション」ことヴィブラスラップが目立たないシンプルさが素晴らしい(入らないに越したことはないのですが笑)。今のBステージでこれほど的確なレパートリーはないのでは。そこから続けて演奏された「Sweet Virginia」というセレクションもお見事でした。

何と言ってもシカゴ二日目で傑作な場面と言えば、本来なら「Paint It Black」を演奏すべきところで、キースが間違えて「Midnight Rambler」を始めてしまったハプニング!何しろ「Paint It~」用の二カポギターのままで弾き始めてしまったのもだから、まるでキーが違う。それでも1998年東京ドームの「Starfucker」よろしく違ったキーのままミックも歌い出してみますが、さすがにこれは大参事ということから演奏を中断。
ところがミックは大ボケをかましてしまったキースと肩を組んで「いいよいいよ、まだ(ツアー開始)二日目だし」と和やかにフォローしていた場面は世界中のマニアをほっこりさせてくれたものです。ついでに言うとロニーが「Paint It~」用のシタール・ギターをスタンバイできていなかったこともあり、やはり中断は必須でした。
こうしたハプニングのせいもあってか、今度こその「Midnight Rambler」は序盤が荒っぽく展開してゆきます。ところがすぐに演奏は熱を帯び、シカゴ初日のスリリングさとはまた違った激しい演奏が披露されてゆく。ショー全体を通してもシカゴ初日とはメニューがかなり違っており、そんなところからもミックの復活を支えようとするグループとしての「本気」を極上音質で伝えてくれる、早くも2019年ストーンズを代表する名オーディエンス・アルバムの登場です!



Disc 1 (72:06)
1. Intro
2. Jumping Jack Flash
3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
4. Tumbling Dice
5. Bitch
6. Ride ’em on Down
7. Monkey Man
8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
9. B-stage S.E.
10. Play With Fire
11. Sweet Virginia
12. Sympathy for the Devil
13. Honky Tonk Women
14. Band Introductions
15. Slipping Away
16. Before They Make Me Run

Disc 2 (54:36)
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler (False Start)
3. Paint It Black
4. Midnight Rambler
5. Start Me Up
6. Brown Sugar
7. Gimme Shelter
8. Satisfaction

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