Rolling Stones / Boston 1975 2nd Night Joe Maloney Master / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Boston 1975 2nd Night Joe Maloney Master / 2CD / Non Label
Boston Garden, Boston, MA, USA 12th June 1975

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In 1975, it was a Boston continuous performance that was culminating in the intensity of Mick unique to the American tour and full of singing songs, but Joe Maloney also recorded on the second day, and Krw_co is the latest He / she transfers with technology. Stereo Odins recording on this day is LP “TO KNOW THEM IS TO LOVE THEM”, and several songs have been watching for a long time, and since the CD era, VGP “BOSTON TEA PARTY”, SCREAMER “A An upper version such as “FANFARE FOR THE COMMON MAN” was released. As a mania known as such, this became “recorder 1” and was due to the taper that recorded “recorder 2” the previous day.
Therefore, this time Odins recording by Maloney will be the first appearance of “recorder 2”, but “recorder 1” has the same taper as the previous day, but it was fascinating to capture the sound image and stereo sound quality. In that respect, the sound source of Maloney is also a monaural recording, but it is also attractive that the sound image is nice enough on Mic’s vocals, and it is heard with solid sound quality that seems to be monaural. Furthermore, it is also a big advantage that it does not pick up the surrounding sound than “recorder 1”. And just like the previous day, the freshness of the tape transferred with the latest technology in 2019 is wonderful and natural.
Also, it was a problem that also applies to the maloney sound source of the previous day, but the pitch increased by 10% to 30% throughout the sound source, and it was released in an unstable state. This issue was thoroughly adjusted when this limited press CD was released. The mania that has already obtained the original sound source via the Internet can feel that it is much easier to hear just by this point. By the way, it is not as much as “recorder 1”, but this sound source also relaxes the state where the bass tends to resonate, and has given the processing that makes the outline of the performance stand out like the previous day.

And Mick flies to the hyper as much as the previous day. The day before was from the opening, but on the second day his switch was turned on from “All Down The Line”. Mick of this song and the following “If You Can’t Rock Me / Get Off My Cloud” will overwhelm the venue with a song that is too hyper. Here again, the voltage boosted by dragging seems to be fully open, but the whole wild and humorous singing seems to be reflected comfortably (actually Mick would have flew comfortably). The scene that should have been 75 years has exploded from the beginning of the live performance.
However, “Star Star” sounds like a band can’t keep up with Mick flying through for two consecutive days. This song is also one of the quirky songs for Mick of 1975, and this day sings wilder than ever. It is interesting that the performance of the band is a little bit more than usual against Mick. In the end, “Tumbling Dice” has happened that Mick mistakes the composition of the song. This is the end of the scene.
Not only these two days, but also speaking of the first half of the 75 year tour, “Luxury” is a big attraction. It was a regular repertoire for a while from the start of the tour, but it was a sad new song at the time that the tour stopped playing before reaching Madison Square Garden. The performances here in Boston belonged to the later period, and both performances showed excellent results, but the performances here were especially good. The strange voice that seems to be 75 years that Mick calls in the second half of the performance goes well. It is a repertory that has a strong presence that is only known to mania because it was not taken up in the MSG and LA forums after this, but the fact that it can be enjoyed through two days is also an attraction of the Boston sound source.
And, on the second day in Boston, you can enjoy the ultimate Hyper Mick, which is surprisingly the slow numbers of two songs played in the middle of the show. In both “Angie” and “Wild Horses”, Mick sings with a lot more intensity than usual, and the former song is too wild here. From the day before, Mick had been riding a hyper momentum and aggressively attacking “Angie” with the same melody as the record, but on that day, the whole story was sung with that melody until the voice was squeezed. Not only the live performance in the early stage, but also the slow number. The day before, please enjoy the perfect mix of Mick on this day with the solid texture of mono recording unique to Joe Maloney. As expected, recording only by Maloney!

(Remastered memo)
★ Fixed 20%-35% higher pitch of semitones
* Since the sound quality is closer to the bass, the overall balance has been clarified by adjusting the balance.

★ Joe Maloney Master. The first high-quality sound source.

1975年アメリカ・ツアーならではのミックの激しさや奔放な歌いっぷりという点で絶頂に達していたボストン連続公演ですが、その二日目に関してもジョー・マロニーが録音を敢行し、なおかつKrw_coが最新技術でトランスファーしてくれています。この日はステレオ・オーディンス録音がLP「TO KNOW THEM IS TO LOVE THEM」で数曲が古くから日の目を見ており、CD時代になってからはVGPの「BOSTON TEA PARTY」、SCREAMERの「A FANFARE FOR THE COMMON MAN」といったアッパー版がリリースされていました。マニアにはそれなりに知られた存在でこれが「recorder 1」となり、前日の「recorder 2」を録音したテーパーによるものでした。
よって今回のマロニーによるオーディンス録音は初登場の「recorder 2」となるのですが、「recorder 1」は同じテーパーでも前日と違ってなかなかの音像とステレオ音質で捉えているのが魅力でした。その点マロニーの音源はこちらもモノラル録音な訳ですが、こちらもミックのボーカルを中心として十分に音像がオンで素晴らしく、なおかつモノラルらしいソリッドな音質で聞かれるのがこれまた魅力。さらには「recorder 1」よりも周囲の音を拾っていないというのも大きなアドバンテージでしょう。そして前日と同様に2019年の最新技術でトランスファーされたテープの鮮度も素晴らしくて実にナチュラル。
また前日のマロニー音源にも当てはまった問題だったのですが、音源全体を通してピッチが10%から30%ほど高くなっており、しかも不安定な状態で公開されていたのです。そこで今回の限定プレスCDリリースに際してこの問題を徹底的にアジャスト。既に元音源をネット経由で入手されていたマニアなどは、この点だけでも格段に聞きやすく感じられるかと。ちなみに「recorder 1」ほどではありませんが、この音源も低音が響きがちな状態に関しては緩和させ、前日同様に演奏の輪郭を浮き立たせる処理を適度に施しています。

そして前日に負けず劣らずハイパーに飛ばしまくるミック。前日はオープニングからでしたが、二日目は「All Down The Line」から彼のスイッチがオン。この曲と続いた「If You Can’t Rock Me / Get Off My Cloud」のミックはハイパーすぎる歌で会場を圧倒してくれます。ここでもドラッグでブーストされたボルテージが全開といった感じですが、あまりにワイルドで奔放な歌いっぷりは気持ちよくも映る(実際にミックは気持ちよくぶっ飛んでいたでしょうが笑)ほど。これぞ75年というべき場面がライブ序盤から炸裂してくれているのです。
しかし二日連続で通り飛ばしまくるミックを前に、バンドがちょっとついていけないかのように聞こえるのが「Star Star」。この曲もまた75年のミックにはキレキレ・ソングの一つであり、この日はいつにもましてキレッキレでワイルドに歌ってくれます。そんなミックに対し、バンドの演奏がいつもよりちょっともたついているというのが面白い。遂には勢い余ってしまったのか、「Tumbling Dice」ではミックが歌の構成を間違えてしまうといったハプニングが起きてしまいます。これぞ飛ばしまくりな果ての場面でしょう。
そしてボストン二日目で極めつけのハイパー・ミックが楽しめるのは、意外にもショー中盤で演奏される二曲のスロー・ナンバー。「Angie」と「Wild Horses」のどちらでもミックはいつもよりもかなりの激しさで歌い上げており、中でも前者の歌いっぷりはここでもワイルドすぎ。そもそも前日からしてミックはハイパーな勢いに乗って「Angie」をレコードと同じメロディで果敢に攻めていましたが、この日は声を振り絞ってまで全編をそのメロディで歌い上げるという凄まじさ。ライブ序盤の激しい演奏だけでなく、スロー・ナンバーまでキレッキレ。前日共々、ジョー・マロニーならではのモノラル録音のソリッドな質感でこの日も絶好調のミックを心ゆくまでお楽しみください。さすがはマロニーならではの録音!

★半音の 20% – 35% 高いピッチを修正


Disc 1 (62:16)
1. Intro
2. Honky Tonk Women
3. All Down The Line
4. If You Can’t Rock Me
5. Get Off Of My Cloud
6. Star Star
7. Gimme Shelter
8. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg
9. You Gotta Move
10. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
11. Band Introductions
12. Happy
13. Tumbling Dice
14. Luxury

Disc 2 (64:38)
1. Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo
2. Fingerprint File
3. Angie
4. Wild Horses
5. That’s Life
6. Outa Space
7. Brown Sugar
8. Midnight Rambler
9. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
10. Rip This Joint
11. Street Fighting Man
12. Jumping Jack Flash
13. Closing

Mick Jagger – lead vocals, harmonica
Keith Richards – guitar, lead and backing vocals
Charlie Watts – drums
Ronnie Wood – guitar, backing vocals
Bill Wyman – bass guitar
Billy Preston – keyboards backing vocals
Ollie E. Brown – percusion backing vocals

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