Rolling Stones / Tokyo 1998 2nd Night / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Tokyo 1998 2nd Night / 2CD / Non Label

Live at Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 14th March 1998

Play sample :

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The so-called Babylon Tour, which started in 1997 and expanded to 1999, is known as the Babylon Tour, and the number of items created reflecting the number of live concerts is saturated, and the content of the live concert is wonderful. I had a feeling that I had made a maniac “full” before. Furthermore, the activities of Stones, which restarted in 1989, were considered to be stable, and the album “BRIDGES TO BABYLON” itself seemed to have been overlooked before it got a proper evaluation. In fact, for some time after that, the Babylon Tour was stigmatized as unpopular in modern Stones live performances, but I know Keith was autobiographically unpopular 10 years ago. As I mentioned above about my attachment to “BRIDGES TO”, the re-evaluation of the album and the tour will increase at once.
Now, “BRIDGES TO” has been promoted to one of the masterpieces, and when “FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES”, which caused a great sensation last year, appeared, it was the first sound source from the same album. It was a part.
Under these circumstances, the titles of the 1998 performances in Japan, which were released using the audience recordings originally obtained in 2014 at the timing of the return of Stones to Japan, taking advantage of the momentum of re-evaluation at that time, were all extremely popular. It’s a legendary item in a sense that it was sold out due to an instant kill even if it was restocked after it was released.
As I said at the beginning, it was a Babylon tour in which a large amount of items were produced like bamboo shoots after the rain in the rear tie, but that is also a long time ago. In addition, eight years have passed since the release of even the title that came to Japan in 1998. On the contrary, it can only be said that the current situation that there is no current version of the product that came to Japan in 1998 is a terrible situation. Among the Stones visit items that have been released so far, the title that was most eagerly re-released has finally been realized by brushing up by Graf Zeppelin!

The performance in Japan in 1998, especially Tokyo Dome, can be said to be the last performance suffering from the echo peculiar to the dome in terms of audience recording equipment (this is a dramatic improvement from the arrival in Japan in 2003), in fact. The items released in the rear tie have a lot of sound quality that is hindered by the feeling of echo. In that respect, the item released in 2014 was naturally wrapped in echo, but on top of that, the fact that the outline of the performance was surprisingly firmly captured was different from the rear tie item. It will be a point.
Rather, even the echo peculiar to Tokyo Dome has a positive effect, and the unique natural listening comfort was highly evaluated by enthusiasts as “TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT”. This day is also famous for the legendary “Star Star” happening. Graf Zeppelin, who was in charge of this brush-up, was surprised by the goodness of the original sound source. As expected, the taper that made a name for itself in the timeless masterpieces “DOME ON WHEELS” and “TOKYO DOME 1990 1ST NIGHT: DEFINITIVE EDITION”.
At the time of the re-release, Graf Zeppelin also remained at the fine adjustment level, but the finish of the sound quality that has evolved brighter and richer than the previous release is still wonderful. And the bias of the sound image that occurred in the B stage is adjusted firmly. This was a dilemma in the audience recording of the Babylon Tour, where the B stage was first introduced, so it needed more adjustment.

Even so, on this day, the performance centered on Mick and the excitement of the venue are really wonderful. Thanks to what was done on Saturday, the Tokyo Dome was literally packed. Fortunately, I, who wrote this crap, was able to participate in the race, but the excitement of the huge dome with the audience seats, which is incomparable to the past two Stones visits to Japan, is still clear. It is burned into my mind. Therefore, the laughter of joy that pops out near the taper at the moment when the new song “Flip The Switch” at that time starts is not stressful. Not only the classic songs of yesteryear, but also the songs recorded in “BRIDGES TO” are very exciting because they capture the realism of the day.
Stones also got excited (especially Mick) in front of the reaction to new songs that are different from the Western Stones show, and the excitement that Tokyo Dome was united with like never before, and this day is a night of famous performances that will remain in the history of Stones’ visit to Japan. It can even be said that it was. The appeal of this sound source is that it conveys it properly even to that hot person, and I wonder if this brush-up will make it feel even more realistic.
The “Star Star” happening that happened in such a situation was also overwhelming, and I can’t think of it now. No matter how many times I asked, “It’s Let It Rock, isn’t it?” .. Even Ronnie singing together in the chorus seems to be tough … of course. Keith, who is the main offender (= main culprit) of such a key height “Star Star”, rather the raised key works well, and he is playing his favorite Chuck Berry phrase to his heart’s content. On the contrary, the B stage started again with Berry’s “Little Queenie”, but here again, the phrase of the eighteenth was bitten. The sound quality of this sound source conveys the sound quality of this sound source realistically even with a lot of playing.
Even so, Mick on this day is sharp. You may have been surprised at the hot excitement of Tokyo Dome that you have never experienced before. Not only the engine is fully open from the opening, but also the previous B stage repertoire is literally enthusiastic. Therefore, the singing of “Tumbling Dice” was overwhelming, and it was very funny to try to recover in a hurry. Nowadays, it’s difficult to get excited at concerts with the laughter that was heard everywhere, so it feels like a precious sight now. The masterpiece of the original sound source that captures the masterpieces that remain in the history of the Stones visit to Japan is finally brushed up!

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★ Phase correction. The part to the right has been corrected considerably.

★ The low range was quite high, so I didn’t mess with it.

Correct it slightly and process it brightly within the range that does not make you feel uncomfortable.

There is no outstanding difference, but I think you can feel a certain difference.

★ In addition, it seems that both Osaka and Tokyo are good sound sources that originally have no high-frequency band down or waviness.
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1997年に始まって1999年まで拡大された「BRIDGES TO BABYLON」を引っ提げた通称バビロン・ツアーはそのライブの本数を反映して生み出されたアイテムの数が飽和してしまい、ライブの内容の素晴らしさ以前にマニアを「お腹いっぱい」にさせてしまった感がありました。さらには1989年から再始動したストーンズの活動も安定したものとみなされ、アルバム「BRIDGES TO BABYLON」自体も正当な評価を得る前に見過ごされてしまったように思えたもの。実際、それからしばらくの間はバビロン・ツアーが近代ストーンズのライブ活動の中でも不人気という不名誉な烙印を押されてしまうのですが、今から10年前にキースが自伝で不人気なのを承知な上で「BRIDGES TO~」に対する愛着について触れたことをきっかけとして、同アルバムやツアーに対する再評価が一気に高まります。
 それが今や「BRIDGES TO~」は名作の一つにまで昇格し、昨年大センセーションを巻き起こした「FULLY FINISHED STUDIO OUTTAKES」が登場した際にも最も注目を浴びたのは同アルバムからの初登場音源パートでした。
 こうした中、あの時の再評価の機運に乗りストーンズ再来日のタイミングに合わせて2014年に独自入手のオーディエンス録音を使ってリリースされた1998年の来日公演音源タイトルはどれも凄まじいまでの好評を博し、その後の再入荷を含めても正に瞬殺でSold Outとなってしまったという、ある意味伝説的なアイテムではないでしょうか。
 最初に申しましたように、リアタイでは雨後の筍のごとく大量のアイテムが生み出されたバビロン・ツアーではありますが、それも今は昔。おまけに2014年の98年来日タイトルですらリリースから8年もの歳月が経ってしまった。それどころか98年来日モノで現行盤が皆無という現状は由々しき事態だとしか言いようがありません。これまでリリースされてきた独自入手音源によるストーンズ来日アイテムの中においても、もっとも再リリースが渇望されていたタイトルがGraf Zeppelinによるブラッシュアップによって遂に実現!
 むしろ東京ドーム特有のエコーすらプラスに作用し、独特のナチュラルな聞き心地がマニアに高く評価されたのが「TOKYO 1998 2ND NIGHT」。伝説の「Star Star」ハプニングでも有名なこの日。今回のブラッシュアップを担当したGraf Zeppelinをして元音源の素性の良さに驚かされたとのこと。さすがは不朽の名作「DOME ON WHEELS」や「TOKYO DOME 1990 1ST NIGHT: DEFINITIVE EDITION」で名を馳せたテーパー。
 その再リリースに際し、Graf Zeppelinも微調整レベルに留まったのですが、それでも前回のリリースと比べて明るく豊かに進化した音質の仕上がりがお見事。そしてBステージで生じていた音像の偏りをしっかりアジャスト。これはBステージが初めて導入されたバビロン・ツアーのオーディエンス録音においてジレンマとも言えた状態ですので、なおさらアジャストを必要としていました。
 それにしてもこの日はミックを中心とした演奏も会場の盛り上がりも本当に素晴らしいものがある。土曜日に行われたことが功を奏し、東京ドームは文字通りの満員御礼。この駄文を書いている私もまた幸運なことに参戦できたのですが、過去二回のストーンズ来日とは比べ物にならない、巨大なドームの客席が一体となったアツい盛り上がりは今もはっきり脳裏に焼き付いています。ですので当時の新曲「Flip The Switch」が始まった瞬間にテーパーの近くで飛び出す歓喜の笑い声がまるでストレスにならない。往年の名曲だけでなく「BRIDGES TO~」収録曲ですら大いに盛り上がっていたという当日の臨場感をリアルに捉えていくれているから。
 そうした中で起きた「Star Star」ハプニングもまた勢い余ってのことだと、今だからこそ思えてなりません。何度聞いても「それLet It Rockじゃね?」とツッコミを入れたくなるキーで弾き始めてしまったキースにしれっと合わせたバンドではありますが、さすがにミックはキーが高くなって歌うのが辛そう。コーラスでは一緒に歌うロニーですら厳しそう…当然です。そんなキー高「Star Star」のメイン・オフェンダー(=主犯)たるキース、むしろ高くなったキーが功を奏し、お得意のチャックベリー・フレーズを思う存分弾きまくっている。それどころかBステージがまたベリーの「Little Queenie」で幕を開けたのですが、ここでも十八番のフレーズをかましまくり。その気合が入りまくった弾きっぷりも本音源の音質がリアルに伝えてくれます。
 それにしてもこの日のミックはキレッキレ。それまでに体験したことのないような東京ドームのアツい盛り上がりに驚いたのでは。オープニングからエンジン全開なのはもちろん、先のBステージ・レパートリーなど文字通りの熱唱。それ故に「Tumbling Dice」の歌い出しで勢い余ってしまい、慌てて持ち直そうとするのが何とも微笑ましい。今となってはこの随所で聞かれたような笑い声を上げてまでコンサートで盛り上がることが難しい世の中となってしまっただけに、この日が今となっては尊い光景にすら感じられる。そんなストーンズ来日公演史上に残る名演を捉えた独自音源の名作が遂にブラッシュアップ!
Disc 1 (60:58)
1. Introduction
2. Satisfaction
3. Let’s Spend The Night Together
4. Flip The Switch
5. Gimme Shelter
6. Anybody Seen My Baby?
7. 19th Nervous Breakdown
8. Saint Of Me
9. Out Of Control
10. Star Star
11. Miss You
Disc 2 (77:09)
1. Band Introductions
2. Thief In The Night
3. Wanna Hold You
4. Little Queenie
5. You Got Me Rocking
6. Like A Rolling Stone
7. Sympathy For The Devil
8. Tumbling Dice
9. Honky Tonk Women
10. Start Me Up
11. Jumping Jack Flash
12. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
13. Brown Sugar 
Non Label

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