Rolling Stones / Houston 1981 / 1DVD+1Bonus DVD

Rolling Stones / Houston 1981 / 1DVD+1Bonus DVD / Non Label
Houston Astrodome, Houston, TX, USA 28th October 1981 With Bonus DVD”ROCKS OFF!”. PRO-SHOT

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The Rolling Stones 1981 Tour has leaked screen footage of several performances from its October leg. The most famous one is Seattle, Kingdom, on 14th, but another October screen shot is Houston, Astrodome on 28th. In recent years, it has been easy to overlook the Kingdom Dome, which was full of not only video but also sound source releases. Considering that it was the October screen image alongside the kingdom in the boot video era, I wonder if the roughness that is common in the leaked images together with the kingdom has stopped producing items in the DVD age. So, for the first time, an item containing a screen image of Houston will be released on the limited press DVD.
As I touched on at the beginning, it is not a master quality because the original is an outflow of the image shot for the screen. But it is based on a fully enjoyable version. The version that has been around so far has often had its pitch slightly lowered at the time of the outflow, so adjust it first.
Also, when it comes to Houston images, there is a phenomenon of sound cracking in the first two songs. In recent years, a PA-out soundboard recording that did not go through the video feed of the same day was uncovered, and there was an option to replace it, but after all, there was a big balance problem that Keith’s guitar was weak. Like the King Dome, the video-feed soundboard is one of the attractions of Keith’s guitar. Therefore, for this release, we decided to keep the original audio as it was.
Also, you cannot overlook the advantage that the image itself is easier to see than the king dome. Like the Led Zeppelin 1977 footage, which released a soundboard album based on the same screen footage, the King Dome screen footage moved a few minutes ago in the interim when it became a song. It has a slow motion effect. Although this is now full of old-fashioned, Houston does not have such a device and it is straightforward to see because it captures the live itself straight from beginning to end.
Furthermore, as the images and sound sources of the King Dome proved, the momentum and unrestrained shine in the October leg, and from the Meadowlands in November adopted in the movie “ LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TO GETHER ” There may be many enthusiasts who like Stones and feel good. When it came to Hampton in December, which is the most classic of the 1981 tour, it has been promoted to a completion degree suitable for the end of the tour, but the looseness unique to the Stones was shining the most in this tour. Definitely October.
First of all, from the looks of the members, they are not as fashionably dressed as at the time of Hampton, and they will appear in the fashion of the 81 year tour known to everyone. Mick was wearing a yellow tank top, so when he took off his jacket he became a full-body Yellowman.
¢ What is more remarkable is the performance content of this day. “Neighbours,” which is about to end and is not, is familiar to enthusiasts as a masquerading of the day, but there are many other highlights. In the same way, “Let Me Go” was about to end, but in the video, Mick doesn’t have a service to run around in the audience, and instead he presses Ronnie to belochu (laughs) while playing. Furthermore, it is also good that Keith plays with Mick at the end of “Twenty Flight Rock”, which is similar to the scene seen in the photos of the 81st tour live album “STILL LIFE”.
At the same time, if you look closely, you will notice that Keith’s fashion on this day is strange. A few songs after the show started, he took off his jacket and wrapped a corset around his waist. But it doesn’t stop there. You can see that cushion-like things are taped to the shoulder straps of Keith’s guitar strap. However, Keith at the King Dome did not have such equipment, and it was clearly a special specification for this day.
Probably Keith did his hips. Is this a tight waist? However, it is worth the care, and although it looks a little strange in appearance, it is reliable that he plays the guitar with the usual crisp stage action. That’s why the sound of Keith is important for the sound of this day.
And although “Brown Sugar” has not been recorded in this video, it seems that it was the time to replace the video, and it is unlikely that the non-recording of the song will be eliminated in the video. Even after deducting this point, the professional shot video that captures the appearance of October’s naughty and unrestrained Stones is enough to see. This is the first press release of a professional shot video of the 81’s live performance full of Stones that we would like you to thoroughly enjoy it because DVD enthusiasts who do not even exist because they have been overlooked in recent years.

And, in this 1981 live video “HOUSTON 1981”, a bonus disc containing another version of the 1981 tour movie “ROCKS OFF” is attached with a nice press DVD! The movie “LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TO GETHER” is the most popular live video of this year. However, this movie was released in 1982 under the title “ROCKS OFF” in Germany, one step ahead of being released in other countries in 1983.
It had a big point that not only the title was different, but also the performance scene of “When The Whip Comes Down” that was cut in “LET ’S SPEND THE NIGHT TO GETHER” later was seen. This movie had a lot of criticisms such as “Pitch is unusually high” “Performance has been edited in detail”, but above all this song that was being played at the beginning of the live was cut off There must have been many enthusiasts who took the watermark.
However, this song was well recorded in “ROCKS OFF”. After all, in 1981, we have to have the opening “Under My Thumb” follow the flow of “When The Whip Comes Down”. Moreover, since it is the first half of the movie, the performance scene of the song is of course from December’s Sun Devil Stadium. You can see the performance scene of the same song at the familiar location in “LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TO GETHER”.
Furthermore, Ronnie’s dressing room scene does not appear in “Neighbors”, and “Time Is On My Side” has no insertion of images that look back on past members or history, so it is a great advantage that you can see a pure performance scene. Especially in the latter case, the head of a soldier’s corpse (Vietnam War?) Was projected as “LET’S SPEND …”, so many people may like this version without feeling any stress. There is also a difference in the editing of the image shots inserted in “She’s So Cold”.
And the opening is displayed as “ROCKS OFF” in the same font as “LET’S SPEND …”, which tells the difference in version.
This version, however, does not reach the current DVD and Blu-ray in terms of image quality at the past VHS level. However, this bonus disc has more advantages, so you can’t miss it. That too high pitch is adjusted properly! The “ROCKS OFF” version has been around for a long time, but I think this is the first time that you can watch it at the correct pitch. Thanks to that, you can now enjoy another rare version without any worries! !

さらにキングドームの映像や音源が証明していたように、10月のレグでは勢いや奔放さが輝きを放っており、映画「LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER」に採用されていた11月のメドウランズなどよりもこちらの方がストーンズらしくてイイと感じるマニアが少なくないのでは。それが81年ツアーの最定番である12月のハンプトンになるとツアー終盤に相応しい完成度へと昇格しているのですが、ストーンズならではのルーズさがこのツアーでも一番輝きを放っていたのは間違いなく10月。
それ以上に特筆すべきはこの日の演奏内容。終われそうで終われない「Neighbours」はこの日の迷演としてマニアにはおなじみですが、他にも見どころの連続。同じように終わりそうで終われなかった「Let Me Go」ですが、映像で見ればミックがまだ客席を駆け回るサービスがなく、代わりに演奏中に彼がロニーにベロチュー(爆笑)を迫っています。さらに「Twenty Flight Rock」を終えたところではキースがミックとじゃれ合うという、81年ツアーのライブアルバム「STILL LIFE」の写真で見られた光景とそっくりな絡みが捉えられているのもイイ。
そしてこの映像は「Brown Sugar」が未収録となっていますが、おそらくビデオの掛け替えのタイミングだったと思われ、同曲の未収録が映像にて解消されることはこれからもないでしょう。この点を差し引いても10月のやんちゃで奔放なストーンズの姿を捉えたプロショット映像は見応え十分。近年見過ごされてしまったせいで存在すら知らないDVD世代のマニアにこそ、じっくりと楽しんでいただきたいストーンズらしさ全開の81年ライブのプロショット映像、初のプレス盤リリースです。

そして、今回の1981年のライブ映像「HOUSTON 1981」には81年ツアー・ムービーの別バージョン「ROCKS OFF」を収めたボーナス・ディスクが嬉しいプレスDVDで付属します!この年のライブ映像の総本山と言えば映画「LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER」。しかしこの映画、1983年に各国で公開されるよりも一足先にドイツでは「ROCKS OFF」というタイトルで1982年に公開されています。
それはタイトルが違うだけでなく、後の「LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER」ではカットされた「When The Whip Comes Down」の演奏シーンが見られるという大きなポイントがあったのです。この映画は「ピッチが異様に高い」「演奏が細々と編集されている」といったツッコミどころがあった訳ですが、何よりライブの序盤で演奏されていたこの曲がカットされてしまっていたことから肩透かしを食らってしまったマニアは多かったはず。
ところが「ROCKS OFF」ではこの曲がしっかり収録されていたのです。やはり81年はオープニング「Under My Thumb」から「When The Whip Comes Down」という流れを押さえてもらわないと。しかも映画の前半部分ですので、同曲の演奏シーンはもちろん12月のサンデビル・スタジアムからのもの。「LET’S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER」で見慣れたロケーションにて同曲の演奏シーンが見られるのです。
さらに「Neighbours」にはロニーの楽屋シーンが登場せず、「Time Is On My Side」では過去の在籍メンバーや歴史を振り返る映像の挿入がなく、純然たる演奏シーンが見られるのも大きなアドバンテージ。特に後者では「LET’S SPEND~」だと兵士の死体(ベトナム戦争?)の生首が映し出されていましたので、なおさらストレスを感じずに見られるこちらのバージョンを好ましく思う人が多いのでは。また「She’s So Cold」に挿入されるイメージショットにも編集の違いが。
そしてオープニングが「LET’S SPEND~」と同じフォントながら「ROCKS OFF」と表示されるのがバージョン違いを物語っている。
もっともこのバージョン、画質的には過去のVHSレベルで現在のDVDやブルーレイには及ばない。ところが今回のボーナスディスクにはさらなるアドバンテージがあるから見逃せません。あの高すぎるピッチがしっかりアジャストされているのです!「ROCKS OFF」バージョンも昔から出回ってはいたものの、正しいピッチで鑑賞できるようになったのは今回が初めてではないでしょうか。おかげでレアな別バージョンを心おきなく楽しめるようになりました!!

Houston Astrodome, Houston, TX, USA 28th October 1981

★ピッチが若干速い為、修正しました。(1% – 半音の約19%速い)

1. Take The ‘A’ Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When The Whip Comes Down
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Let Me Go
11. Time Is On My Side
12. Beast Of Burden
13. Waiting On A Friend
14. Let It Bleed
15. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
16. Band Introductions
17. Little T&A
18. Tumbling Dice
19. She’s So Cold
20. All Down The Line
21. Hang Fire
22. Miss You
23. Start Me Up
24. Honky Tonk Women
25. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
26. Satisfaction
27. The Star-Spangled Banner



Rolling Stones / Rocks Off / 1DVD
Brendan Byrne Arena, East Rutherford, NJ, USA 5th & 6th November 1981
Sun Devil Stadium, Tempe, AZ, USA 13th December 1981

★元はヨーロッパ版「Let’s Spend the Night Together」。オリジナルPALビデオより変換
★ピッチが若干速い為、修正しました。(4% – 半音の約75%速い)

The film was released as Rocks Off in Germany in 1982 with slightly different footage and the additional song “When the Whip Comes Down” (following “Under My Thumb”) from Sun Devil Stadium.

1. Take The ‘A’ Train
2. Under My Thumb
3. When The Whip Comes Down★「Let’s Spend The Night Together」未収
4. Let’s Spend The Night Together
5. Shattered
6. Neighbours★純然たる演奏シーンのみ!
7. Black Limousine
8. Just My Imagination
9. Twenty Flight Rock
10. Let Me Go
11. Time Is On My Side★純然たる演奏シーンのみ!
12. Beast Of Burden
13. Waiting On A Friend
14. Going To A Go-Go
15. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
16. Band Introductions
17. Little T&A
18. Tumbling Dice
19. She’s So Cold
20. All Down The Line
21. Hang Fire
22. Miss You
23. Let It Bleed
24. Start Me Up
25. Honky Tonk Women
26. Brown Sugar
27. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
28. Satisfaction
29. The Star-Spangled Banner

Mick Jagger – lead vocals, guitar
Keith Richards – guitar, vocals
Ronnie Wood – guitar, backing vocals
Bill Wyman – bass guitar
Charlie Watts – drums
Ian McLagan – organ
Ian Stewart – piano
Ernie Watts – saxophone, tambourine
Bobby Keys – saxophone


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