Rolling Stones / Vancouver 1972 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Vancouver 1972 / 2CD / Non label
Live at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 3rd June 1972

Play sample :

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“FOR T WORTH 1972 LATE SHOW” is also on sale at the Rolling Stones 1972 USA Tour. The dawn was on June 3rd in Vancouver. Not only did it include rare attempts like the first day of the tour, but it is familiar to mania even if it was documented by a good audience recording. The rare number, which was only shown on this day, had already been made into an analog sound, but the whole live performance was released after it became a CD item. It was the day when many items were released for the reasons mentioned above, but DAC’s “TOURING PARTY VOL.1” reigned as the definitive edition of the day.
However, this sound source, JEMS released the first generation copy more than 10 years ago, and the sound quality surpassed that of the DAC version. This version should not be ignored, but rather SODD’s “S.T.P. CHRONICLES VOL.1” was released using it. I thought that this would renew Vancouver’s best, but it was made into a CD with the problem of high pitch being neglected. This became a ghost, and even after that, “TOURING PARTY VOL.1” was regarded as the best.
In terms of sound quality, the JEMS version was definitely the best … Given that, it’s no wonder that no new titles have appeared for 10 years. So this time, based on the low generation version of JEMS, Graf Zeppelin will overhaul every corner of the sound source again.

Although it is such a sound source, the phase shift peculiar to the cassette has occurred more or less in the previous item, and this time the unnaturalness is eliminated by making the sound source mono. Compared to this version, “TOURING PARTY VOL.1” seemed to be wearing a thin skin, and the sound image was deeply heard due to the phase shift. By making it into a mono, the performance and song became more core, and it became clearer.
The pitch is also adjusted more precisely than the past items. Basically, it stabilizes the high state, but it also adjusts firmly even with the weak madness that is often found in vintage audiences. I wonder if Graf Zeppelin has already demonstrated such elaborate corrections in “FORT WORTH 1972 LATE SHOW” and “IN EXOTIC HONOLULU”.
And the JEMS version had a cleaner sound quality with less roughness than the previous version, but it was also a wonderful upper version in that there were long recordings everywhere. The cuts from “Gimme Shelter” to “Bitch” seen in past items are not here, and on the contrary, they were recorded for 30 seconds longer. It’s not a scene that has anything to do with the performance, and Mick’s speech is only heard a little, but it is certain that the upper feeling appeared from such a place as well.

The content of the performance was the first day of the Stones tour, which was also a glorious 1972 tour, so there were a lot of things to hear (and Tsukkomi). Of the repertoire that was unveiled on the stage of the day, more than half of them were unveiled for the first time, which was an aggressive set list rarely seen in the history of the first day of the Stones Live tour. However, even though it was a climax tour, this composition was really heavy.
The song was recorded in “EXILE ON MAIN ST.”, Which was full of live premiere, but Keith made a mistake in the composition from “Rocks Off”, and then Mick made a mistake in the composition in “Tumbling Dice”. In particular, the latter is a regular repertoire that has been performed live until now, so the uncertain tone here is too fresh. “Loving Cup” is the second live performance, but even so, it was a long time ago before it was released at Hyde Park. This can also be called a live premiere. Perhaps the memory was still awakened, and the performance was more calm than the other songs, and the performance continued several times after the next day.
When this became “Torn & Frayed”, the performance seemed to stop. Furthermore, “Ventilator Blues” is not bad, but it is easy to imagine that the live performance only for this day would have ended, although it is valuable because both of them were loose and did not look good on stage. .. The performance of these two songs alone is very interesting, but Keith did not use the acoustic guitar as in the later premiere of “Sweet Virginia”, and here it is played with electric like other songs. It’s loose again. It has become a rare electric version unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” was also shown at “ROCK & ROLL CIRCUS” in 1968 for video recording, so this will be the actual live premiere. As if to tell that, Keith tried to start the intro, stopped immediately and then played it again, and Mick’s careful singing style is also fresh. And “Bye Bye Johnny”, which was the representative cover of 1972, is interesting because the performance starts loosely without the introduction of the members. (In “Bye Bye Johnny”, you can hear the surprising performance that the guitar solo is played by Taylor instead of Keith.) Only “All Down The Line” that was shown before that was firmly in the group that was shown for the first time. It seems like I’ve played it all.
For that reason, the sudden change in performance that the performance became stronger when it became “Honky Tonk Women” or “Midnight Rambler” is also interesting. That’s why it was a sound source that was loved by mania even on the first day of the many Stones tours. It was a 1972 American tour that was later called “Rock & Roll Dynamite” or “Stones Touring Party”, but at this point there was almost no dynamite or party feeling (laughs), and the momentum was that we had to show off a new song. The day has finally come when the best version of the first day of the tour has finally been renewed. “Tumbling Dice” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” also had such an innocent time!

★★ The definitive board on the first day of the 1972 tour! !! !!

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(Remaster memo)
★ Maybe mastering from JEMS’s 1st Gen, which appeared about 10 years ago.

★★ The master itself is probably the same as the existing SODD, but the finish is completely different, and this is the decisive board.

★ Compared to the existing DAC board, there is less hiss (although there are many places in the final stage), and the rugged feeling in the low range is modest, refreshing and natural.

Maybe it wasn’t touched anywhere, but Jems 1st Gen has several places where the intervals between songs are longer than the DAC board.
In addition, there are some rotation irregularities, but we have corrected some of the areas that are of concern.
The cymbals swell in places from the time of the original data, and the same applies to the DAC board and SODD board.

★ Sound freshness, correction of phase shift that was a stain on SODD, fine adjustment of pitch, longer than Otsu DAC
There is also a (or uncut) inter-song part, and from these elements, this board is the new best in total.

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「FORT WORTH 1972 LATE SHOW」も大好評発売中のローリング・ストーンズ1972年アメリカ・ツアー。その幕開けとなったのが6月3日のバンクーバー。いかにもツアー初日らしくレアな試みが盛り込まれていたというのはもちろん、良質なオーディエンス録音にてドキュメントされていた日としてもマニアにはおなじみ。この日だけの披露に終わったレア・ナンバーは既にアナログで音盤化されていたのですが、ライブの全貌がリリースされたのはCDアイテムになってから。そこへ先のような理由からいくつものアイテムがリリースされてきた日なのですが、DACの「TOURING PARTY VOL.1」がこの日の決定版として君臨してきたのでした。
ところが本音源、今から10年以上前にJEMSがファースト・ジェネレーション・コピーを公開しており、音質はDAC版を凌駕しているものでした。このバージョンが無視されるはずもなく、むしろそれを使ってリリースしたのがSODDの「S.T.P.CHRONICLES VOL.1」。これによってバンクーバーのベストが刷新されるかと思いきや、何とピッチが高いという問題がおざなりにされたままCD化されてしまったという。これが仇となって、その後も「TOURING PARTY VOL.1」がベストとされたのでした。
音質的には確実にJEMSバージョンがベストだった…そう考えると10年にも渡って新たなタイトルが一切登場しなかったことが不思議でありません。そこで今回はJEMSのロージェネ・バージョンを元に、Graf Zeppelinが改めて音源の隅々までオーバーホールを敢行。

そんな本音源ですが、カセット特有の位相ズレが以前のアイテムでは大なり小なり生じていて、今回は音源をモノ化させることでその不自然さを解消。今回のバージョンと比べると「TOURING PARTY VOL.1」は薄皮一枚かぶっているかのようで、なおかつ位相ズレによって音像が奥まって聞こえるという状態でもあったのです。そこをモノ化させたことで演奏や歌に芯のある状態となり、よりくっきりと聞こえるようになりました。
ピッチに関しても過去のアイテム以上に緻密にアジャスト。基本的に高かった状態を安定させるのはもちろん、ビンテージ・オーディエンスにありがちな微弱な狂いまでもしっかりとアジャスト。こうした念入りな補正はGraf Zeppelinが既に「FORT WORTH 1972 LATE SHOW」や「IN EXOTIC HONOLULU」にて実証済みかと。
そしてJEMSバージョンはそれ以前のバージョンと比べて粗さも緩和されてすっきりとした音質だったのですが、さらに随所に長く収録された箇所があったという点でも見事なアッパー版だったのです。過去のアイテムでみられた「Gimme Shelter」から「Bitch」にかけてのカットがここにはなく、それどころか30秒も長く収録していたほど。もっとも演奏と関係のある場面ではありませんし、ミックの喋りが少し聞かれる程度なのですが、こんなところからもアッパー感が現れていたのは確か。

ライブ初演だらけな「EXILE ON MAIN ST.」収録曲ですが、まず「Rocks Off」からしてキースが構成を間違え、今度は「Tumbling Dice」でミックが構成を間違えてしまう。特に後者は現在に至るまでライブ演奏され続けているレギュラー・レパートリーですので、ここでのおぼつかない調子があまりに新鮮。「Loving Cup」はライブ披露二回目の演奏なのですが、そうは言ってもハイドパークでのリリース前のお披露目は遠い昔。これも実質的にライブ初演だと呼べるでしょう。それでも記憶が呼び起こせたのか、他の曲よりは落ち着いて演奏されており、翌日以降も何度か披露が続いたのでした。
これが「Torn & Frayed」になると、あわや演奏が止まってしまいそうな事態へ。さらに「Ventilator Blues」も悪くはないのですが、どちらもルーズでステージ映えしない曲調であったせいで貴重ながら、この日だけのライブ披露の終わってしまったであろうことが容易に想像できるもの。これら二曲の演奏だけでも非常に面白いのですが、これまた初演となった「Sweet Virginia」は後のようにキースがアコギを用いることなく、何とここでは他の曲と同様エレキで弾かれているのがまた何ともルーズ。図らずもレアなエレキ・バージョンとなってしまいました。

意外なところでは「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」も1968年「ROCK & ROLL CIRCUS」での披露が映像収録用であったことから、これが実質的にライブ初演になる。それを物語るがごとく、キースがイントロを始めようとしてすぐに止めてから弾き直しており、ミックの慎重な歌い方も新鮮。そして72年を代表するカバーであった「Bye Bye Johnny」に至っては、あのメンバー紹介抜きでゆるく演奏が始まるものだから面白い。(「Bye Bye Johnny」では、ギターソロはキースではなくてテイラーが弾くという驚きの演奏が聴けます。)その前に披露された「All Down The Line」だけが唯一、初披露群の中でしっかりと演奏しきれたように思えます。
それだけに「Honky Tonk Women」や「Midnight Rambler」になると一転して演奏が力強くなるという演奏の豹変ぶりがまた面白い。これだからこそ、数あるストーンズ・ツアー初日の中でもマニアに愛されてきた音源だったという訳です。後に「Rock & Roll Dynamite」あるいは「Stones Touring Party」などと称される72年アメリカ・ツアーですが、この時点ではダイナマイト感もパーティー感もほとんどなく(笑)、ひたすら新曲を披露せねば…という勢いだけでやりきったツアー初日のベスト・バージョンがようやく刷新される日が来ました。「Tumbling Dice」や「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」にもこんな初々しい時があったんです!



★多分10年前頃に登場したJEMSの1st Genよりマスタリング。



多分どこでも触れられてませんでしたが、Jems 1st GenにはDAC盤より曲間が長い箇所が複数箇所あり。



Disc 1 (43:47)
1. Introduction
2. Brown Sugar
3. Rocks Off
4. Gimme Shelter ★演奏後曲間ノーカット(カットのあるDACより30秒ほど長い)
5. Bitch
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Happy ★演奏後の曲間はDACより8秒ほど長い
8. Honky Tonk Women ★カットイン
9. Loving Cup
10. Torn And Frayed

Disc 2 (46:48)
1. Sweet Virginia
2. You Can’t Always Get What You Want ★演奏後の曲間クロスフェード(それでもDACより8秒ほど長い)
3. Ventilator Blues
4. Midnight Rambler ★演奏後曲間カット(それでもDACより3秒ほど長い)
5. All Down The Line
6. Bye Bye Johnny★★ギターソロをキースではなくテイラーが弾いてる!!
7. Rip This Joint ★カットイン
8. Jumping Jack Flash ★演奏後曲間クロスフェード(それでもDACより7秒ほど長い)
9. Street Fighting Man


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