Rolling Stones / Foxborough 2019 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Foxborough 2019 / 2CD / Non label
Live at Gillette Stadium, Foxborough, MA, USA 7th July 2019

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Stones latest tour release following Chicago two nights, we will fly one performance this week and release 7th Foxboro on July. It was obvious from the already released Chicago, this tour is also postponed the tour at the last minute from Mick’s emergency hospitalization! It is clearly transmitted from the performance that the group’s morale is rising by the development of the restart from. Interestingly, the height of the sound level achieved by the limited press CD release from this tour seems as if it was in accordance with the goodness of Stones. The sound quality was great for each of the two days in Chicago, but the audience recording that captured the Foxboro show we’re delivering this time is another superb recording quality.
Not only that. Chicago was originally based on the sound source that has been on the net, but this time it was a locally obtained sound source that the local taper recorded and sent directly for release. The point is that the elements that mania deserves to pay attention to are enough, but the sound quality is really great. First of all from the opening, you will be struck by the sound image of the masterpiece, and you should be convinced of the exceptional quality only by the “Street Fighting Man” intro following it. In addition to the onslaught of its on-image, it also offers a pleasing sound quality that is different from that of Chicago two days. The Stones, which has been doing well since the first day of the tour, also caught up to see how they went up further as they went on.

However, although it is a phenomenon that was seen in a glimpse of two days in Chicago, it is a recording from the arena of the major venue in the US, and in this case the standing area on Keith’s side, so sometimes the sound fluctuates between songs or There is no excuse for the surrounding conversation being caught. For example, in the middle of “Play With Fire” of the acoustic B stage that was one of the highlights of the day, the conversation is bizarre. It seems that Foxboro’s secret masterpieces of the 60’s Stones, which became a great choir depending on the land, were not well received. However, it is interesting that the extreme difference of this reaction, which turns up when it becomes “Dead Flowers”, conveys a unique sense of reality of the land called Foxboro.
Also in the United States, it is Keith’s Corner which tends to become a toilet time, but when he tells the song name of “Slipping Away”, it is certain that the audience who is deceiving “This is a good song!” It will be the charm of this sound source that such a conversation can be enjoyed with a balance that is not disgusting, and it is a rare scene in the United States.

And speaking of that day, Keith again made a masterpiece mistake, but the performance before that is generally strong. Moreover, Gary Clark Jr., who was the opening of the show, will appear and join the performance. Of course, he has not only shared Mick and vocals, but is also active in showing Ronnie and then guitar solo. The repertoire chosen for the co-star was Bruce Cover’s “Ride ‘Em on Down”, which was also a very accurate selection. In addition, the repositioning that “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” plays at the end of the B stage, which plays an important role in making the band’s engine fully open.
But after all, speaking of this Foxboro will be a mistake that Keith did in “Midnight Rambler” (laughs). However, the whole performance is very hot, compared to two days in Chicago. Rather, it may not have been Keith just because it was such a hot performance.
The song started in a good atmosphere with Mick saying, “Today at the 29th show in Boston, everyone has come to see it many times!”, And it is Robert that Mick sang when the glow of the first half was settled -Johnson’s “Hellhound On My Trail”. So far, it was a completely decided performance, but he started to play the ending phrase that Keith thought of (there was also an interpretation that he returned to the intro, lol)! The pattern can be seen on the excellent angle smartphone video also on YouTube, but the sound quality is good here as well, so the whole band is clearly transmitted with the air feeling that it is in the state of “Yes”! interesting.
Such a big blur The person stopped playing right away and the song returned to the original, but again the mistake of Keith which remains in the live history of Stones has been produced.
The impact of such happenings is so large that they tend to be overlooked, but at Foxboro, “She’s So Cold” is played as a fan voting song, and this is quite successful. And while the sound quality is very good throughout this whole acquisition audience this time, when it comes to “Miss You”, it conveys the force of the performance with a sound image full of tremendous clarity and direct feeling. That’s why the best sound source that “Midnight Rambler” ‘s big happening can be experienced vividly is released!

★ Original sound source obtained directly from the local taper (seat is the standing area of ​​Keith side at PIT 2)
★ It is an ultra-high-quality sound board after unprecedented. It is a great attention title that will inevitably be one piece representing the tour.

それだけではありません。シカゴはどちらもネット上に出回った音源を元にしていたのに対し、今回は現地のテーパーが録音してリリース用にと直送してくれた独自入手音源。その点だけでもマニアが注目するに値する要素が十分なのですが、その音質が実に素晴らしい。まずオープニングからして圧巻の音像にて迫ってきますし、それに続いた「Street Fighting Man」イントロだけで別格のクオリティを確信してもらえるはず。そのオンな音像の迫力もさることながら、シカゴ二日間とは違う腰の据わった厚みのある音質も魅力的。ツアー初日から好調な今回のストーンズ、彼らが回を重ねるごとに調子をさらに上げて行く様子も見事にキャッチしてくれました。

もっともシカゴ二日間でも垣間見られた現象ではありますが、アメリカの大会場のアリーナ、さらに今回の場合はキース側のスタンディング・エリアからの録音ですので、曲間でたまに音がふらついてしまったり、曲によっては周囲の会話が捉えられてしまうのも致し方ありません。例えばこの日の目玉の一つであったアコースティックBステージの「Play With Fire」の最中は会話がちらほらと。土地によっては大合唱にもなる60年代ストーンズの隠れた名曲もフォックスボロではイマイチ受けが悪かったようです。ところが「Dead Flowers」になると一転して盛り上がるという、この反応の極端な違いがフォックスボロという土地の独特な臨場感を伝えてくれて面白い。
またアメリカではトイレタイムになりがちなキースコーナーですが、彼が「Slipping Away」の曲名を告げると「これはイイ曲だぞ!」と諭しているオーディエンスには爆笑させられること間違いなし。そんな会話が嫌味のないバランスで楽しめてしまうのも今回の音源の魅力でしょうし、アメリカではレアな光景ですよね。

そしてこの日と言えば、またしてもキースが傑作なミスをやらかしてくれたのですが、それ以前の演奏は概して好調。しかもショーのオープニングを務めたゲイリー・クラーク・ジュニアも登場して演奏に加わります。彼がミックとボーカルを分け合うのはもちろん、ロニーに次いでギター・ソロまで披露するという活躍ぶり。その共演に選ばれたレパートリーがブルースカバーの「Ride ‘Em on Down」というのも実に的確なセレクトでした。さらにバンドのエンジンを全開にさせる意味で重要な役割を果たす「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」がBステージ明けで演奏されるという配置換えも。
しかし何と言っても今回のフォックスボロと言えば「Midnight Rambler」でキースがやらかしたミスに尽きるでしょう(笑)。とはいっても演奏全体は非常にアツく、シカゴ二日間と比べても全く遜色ありません。むしろ、そんなアツい演奏だからこそ、キースがやらかしてしまったのではないでしょうか?
ミックが「今日でボストンでのショーは29回目、みんな何度も観に来てくれてありがとう!」といい雰囲気で同曲が始まり、前半の白熱が収まったところでミックが歌い出したのはロバート・ジョンソンの「Hellhound On My Trail」。ここまでは完全に決まった演奏だったのですが、そこでキースが何を思ったかエンディングのフレーズを弾き始めてしまった(あるいはイントロに戻ったという解釈も可・笑)という!その模様はYouTube上にも優れたアングルのスマホ動画にて見られますが、ここでも音質が良いので、音だけでもバンド全体が「ええええ!」状態となった空気感がはっきり伝わってくるから面白い。
そんなハプニングのインパクトが大きすぎて見過ごされがちですが、フォックスボロではファン投票ソングとして「She’s So Cold」が演奏されていまして、これがなかなかの出来。そして全体を通して非常に音質が良い今回の独占入手オーディエンスですが、それが「Miss You」辺りになると凄まじいほどのクリアネスとダイレクト感に溢れた音像で演奏の迫力を伝えてくれる。だからこそ「Midnight Rambler」の一大ハプニングも生々しく体験できてしまう極上音源がリリース!



Disc 1 (71:02)
1. Intro.
2. Street Fighting Man
3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll
4. Tumbling Dice
5. She’s So Cold
6. Ride ‘Em on Down (with Gary Clark Jr.)
7. B-stage S.E.
8. Play With Fire
9. Dead Flowers
10. Sympathy for the Devil
11. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. Band Introductions
14. Slipping Away
15. Before They Make Me Run

Disc 2 (62:19)
1. Miss You
2. Paint It Black
3. Midnight Rambler
4. Start Me Up
5. Jumping Jack Flash
6. Brown Sugar
7. Gimme Shelter
8. Satisfaction

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