Rolling Stones / Warsaw 2018 The Video / 1DVDR

Rolling Stones / Warsaw 2018 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label

Translated text:

Live At PGE Narodowym, Warsaw, Poland 8th July 2018. NTSC

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Finally was completed “NO FILTER TOUR 2018”. A video work that can be witnessed the “Warsaw Performance on 8th July 2018” that will become that Tennenaku is a gift release decision.
In our shop, we chased “NO FILTER TOUR 2018” in real time and reported most of the performances in the video. This work is one that will be the final bullet. That quality is a splendidness over the past works. Making the best shots for each song assembled is the same as ever, but each one has a high quality. We make full use of nine cameras in general, but the best thing to say is superb view. Most of them are looking directly at the stage with zero obstructions, and the sense of stability is also preeminent. Although the sound can be summarized in a single word for various reasons as well as the sight, only clear things that are not disturbed by the shielding are wonderful. It is a luxurious picture that you can experience all songs while walking around nine special seats.
However, nine cameras are fewer than the number of songs, and there are also several of the same photographers. Especially many main cameras are about half of the show, “Tumbling Dice” “Just Your Fool” “Like A Rolling Stone” “Paint It Black” “You Got the Silver” “Before They Make Me Run” “Miss You “” Midnight Rambler “” Jumping Jack Flash “” Gimme Shelter “occupy. Just as chosen as the main, this picture is exquisite. What is great is the closeness. Mick shoots from the right side of the flower street, Mick crosses the eyes if you turn sideways, Keith and Ronie attack with keen focus by turning the stage and bust up occupies the screen. Of course, although the momentary highest record has not defeated other images, the height of the Average is unparalleled. When this image appears full, it is a masterpiece that is possible to permanently preserve press DVD.
Chiakaku painted with such quality is also really wonderful. It was a trend of gradual hardening from the early surprise this year, but the Warsaw performance of this work is indeed the final form. “Street Fighting Man” was the opening, and the daily songs were also standardized halfway “Just Your Fool” “Like A Rolling Stone”. Keith Corner is also an iron wall “Before They Make Me Run” “You Got the Silver”. Although it seems that there are rare phenomena, the only thing that shone was “Bitch”. Although it was performed also in the London performance in England last, this year, this work together with Warsaw only twice. Even in this work Mick calls the name of the song and the cheers who say “Are you coming?” Go up.
Also, a bit coming is “You Can not Always Get What You Want”. On the stand seat, countless lights of the spectators’ smart heads are lit up, which is as beautiful as the firefly hordes. Besides smartphones, insects seem to be flying at the open space venue, it shines flickering with the intense light of the stage, it is also really firefly. Is that a step? It is “Sympathy For The Devil”. This song is a shot that captures the scale feeling of a huge monitor from a distance, Mick who shows a light step on the intro is cool. However, the huge Mick brings a microphone to his mouth, but he can not hear his voice and remains intro that long. When laughter begins to happen to the venue where the accident is detected, Mick returns and the song starts moving …… Since Mike seems to be in good condition after that, it seems to be a machine trouble, but it is a funny scene.

Warsaw ‘s performance for the first time in 11 years since July 2007. A wonderful show where a sense of fulfillment that completed the waiting-for-mood and “NO FILTER TOUR” completes. It is one piece that you can experience all the songs while walking across the special seats viewpoint. It continues to report in real time, the final bullet of the video series that has become a pleasure of the summer of 2018. Please please enjoy plenty to the last minute.

★ The content is the same as the image of “WARSAW 2018” (Uxbridge 865) released this week. It is an image collection of wonderful contents.

ついに完遂された“NO FILTER TOUR 2018”。その千秋楽となる「2018年7月8日ワルシャワ公演」を目撃できる映像作品がギフト・リリース決定です。
当店では、“NO FILTER TOUR 2018”をリアルタイムで追いかけ、ほとんどの公演を映像でレポートしてきました。本作は、その最終弾となる1枚です。そのクオリティは、これまでの諸作を超える素晴らしさ。1曲ごとのベスト・ショットを集成した作りは今までと同じですが、1つひとつのクオリティが高い。総勢9台のカメラを駆使していますが、総じて言えるのは絶景。ほとんどが遮蔽物ゼロでステージを直視しており、安定感もバツグン。サウンドも光景と同じく様々なために一言で総括はできないものの、やはり遮蔽物に邪魔されないクリアさが素晴らしいものばかり。9つの特等席を渡り歩きながらショウ全曲を本生体験できる贅沢な映像なのです。
ただし9台のカメラと言うことは曲数よりも少なく、同じ撮影者のものもいくつかある。特に多いメインのカメラはショウの約半分となる10曲「Tumbling Dice」「Just Your Fool」「Like A Rolling Stone」「Paint It Black」「You Got the Silver」「Before They Make Me Run」「Miss You」「Midnight Rambler」「Jumping Jack Flash」「Gimme Shelter」を占める。メインに選ばれるだけあって、この映像は絶品。何よりも素晴らしいのは近さ。花道の右脇から撮影しており、横を向けば目の前をミックが横切り、ステージを向けばキースやロニーを果敢なズームで攻め、バストアップが画面を占領する。もちろん、瞬間最高記録は他の映像も負けてはいないものの、アヴェレージの高さは無類。この映像がフルで登場したら、永久保存プレスDVD化も可能なほどの傑作なのです。
そんなクオリティで描かれる千秋楽がまた実に素晴らしい。今年は序盤のサプライズから徐々に固まっていく流れでしたが、本作のワルシャワ公演はまさに最終形。オープニングを「Street Fighting Man」が務め、日替わり曲も半ば定番化した「Just Your Fool」「Like A Rolling Stone」。キース・コーナーも鉄壁の「Before They Make Me Run」「You Got the Silver」です。珍しさ皆無のようでもありますが、その中で唯一光ったのが「Bitch」。英国ラストのロンドン公演でも演奏されたものの、今年は本作ワルシャワと合わせて2回のみ。本作でもミックが曲名をコールすると「そう来たか」と言わんばかりの喝采が上がるのです。
また、ちょっとグッと来るのが「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」。スタンド席には観客の掲げるスマホの光が無数に灯り、それがホタルの大群のように美しい。スマホだけでなく、オープンスペースの会場には虫が飛んでいるらしく、それがステージの強烈なライトに照らされてチラチラと輝き、本当にホタルのようでもある。その一歩であれ?となるのが「Sympathy For The Devil」。この曲は遠景から巨大モニターのスケール感を捉えたショットで、イントロに乗って軽やかなステップを見せるミックがカッコイイ。しかし、その巨大なミックは口元にマイクを持って行っているのに声が聞こえず、長々とあのイントロのまま。異変を察した会場に笑いが起こり始めたところでミックが戻って曲が動き出す……。その後もマイクの調子が良くなさそうなので機材トラブルだと思われますが、ちょっと可笑しいシーンです。

2007年の7月以来、11年ぶりとなったワルシャワ公演。その待ち焦がれたムードと“NO FILTER TOUR”を完遂した充実感が滲む素晴らしいショウ。その全曲を特等席視点を渡り歩きながら体験できる1枚です。リアルタイムでレポートし続け、2018年夏の楽しみとなってきた映像シリーズの最終弾。どうぞ、最後までたっぷりとご堪能ください。

★内容は今週リリースの「WARSAW 2018」(Uxbridge 865)の映像と同じ。素晴らしい内容の映像集です。

1. Intro 2. Street Fighting Man 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. Tumbling Dice 5. Just Your Fool
6. Bitch 7. Like a Rolling Stone 8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want 9. Paint It Black
10. Honky Tonk Women 11. Band Introductions 12. You Got the Silver 13. Before They Make Me Run
14. Sympathy for the Devil 15. Miss You 16. Midnight Rambler 17. Start Me Up
18. Jumping Jack Flash 19. Brown Sugar 20. Gimme Shelter 21. Satisfaction

COLOUR NTSC Approx.122min.

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