Rolling Stones / LP Field 2015 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / LP Field 2015 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at LP Field, Nashville, TN. USA 17th June 2015


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A renowned name board “quasi-official album” was revived in the decision specifications of the latest remastered & Press 2CD! This work, “January 30, 1992 Oakland Coliseum” was met with performance, perfect sound board album. This recording is a very famous sound source title was a big hit originally made “MIRRORS (Oxygen),” in the mid-90s.
It will be a little longer, but let’s now try to organize the information of its outstanding. The advent of the sound board is not only shock, was also a Iwakutsuki. First place at that time in 1992, bassist of PRIMUS, which has been tour as opening act of RUSH, a Les Claypool Tanomikomi the crew of RUSH, and one that I that I had recorded. The recording flows out from somewhere, such as “RUSH ‘N’ ROULETTE ’92,” “CONDUCTION” “MIRRORS”, and I have produced a variety of titles. “MIRRORS” Among them many years as the best sound quality, is why was reigning on the throne, but it was was overturned it was CDR released in 2009 “GANGSTER OF BOATS”. in the boot industry mid-1990s that “MIRRORS” has appeared, there remains still a sense of 1980s prettify is heavily, it is the excess was an equalizing been processed sound. However, it was with the officials outflow of DAT master direct “GANGSTER OF BOATS” is, apparently natural sound derived from the original tape. Moreover, the venue BGM at the beginning was not to “MIRRORS” (TEMPLE OF THE “Hunger Strike” of DOG) and, also cheers after the show had been recorded. Although it is the story of about 20 seconds in total, but I was also listen hard evidence to prove the origin of the master.
And ……, there are reasons to have been written with gudaguda for its outstanding so far. Even say, this sound source is too only be famous, you have how many some sort of already issued even if not familiar to the sound source circumstances of RUSH. If I want to thank title arranged Zurazura to above and if there is also a single in your shelf “I was beyond it is this work!”.

So, this work in 2009 “” MIRRORS “beyond! “I became the topic” GANGSTER OF BOATS “of DAT cassette what was remastered. Of course, because “GANGSTER OF BOATS” maximum of beauty is a translation was natural of the sound, while paying close attention so as not to hurt it, and to prop up the bass that did not slightly enough, was well-proportioned more the overall balance and I was appointed to.
The aim, frankly “official instead.” Originally, making this recording is a gift to the less, engineers are said to or not was over people time, was also each person’s performance also cheers have been decorated with exquisite mix of official style. That is, it is different from mere outflow sound board, I recordings “close to the official release panel to the limit”. Also a sound board that number, because I much special in the precious one, mastering also “close to the limit until the official release panel”, I was finished a “really ought to be in such a sound When the official of” in the concept.
To the aim of “official place” is, there is another reason. It is also in the “ROLL THE BONES TOUR 1991-1992” is RUSH history, because it is the tour that should leave the original live album. Currently, the bottom line of the history of the band “R40 TOUR” have been made, but where it has been played like dating back a song from the latest album to debut album. However, should also not to be able to play from all albums of counting the 20 installment in one of the live, what installment or it would have been skipped. Especially intense for the 1990s from the late 1980s. While this time there is a “TEST FOR ECHO” up to six albums from “POWER WINDOWS”, what is playing the “Roll The Bones” only “Animate”. In other words, the masterpiece “not still take off” Among skip tend to medium term is is not a “ROLL THE BONES” and “COUNTERPARTS”. In particular, “ROLL THE BONES” is, shine in the US third place, at the end of the album that took the platinum in the United States, musical in fiscal year of about to rush to the heavy line that has been affected by the grunge also. “ROLL THE BONES TOUR 1991-1992” what, should leave the annual RUSH “live album to the turning point of the times” tour. The masterpiece recording, is this 2-Pack.

Thus, this work that I completed. It is, of course, was the official “DIFFERENT STAGES” it is also a great live album, you’ll be many people that “I’m wanted at this point”. Its tail feeling to meet, originally to be the official release “quasi-official” Quality live album of. Beyond the another official / unofficial, becomes “First of all this,” If you listen to the medium-term from the late 80s of the 90s is a faultless one-installment. Containment this glorious music to the press 2CD it is not lost forever, now on your handy weekend.

ツアー開始直後から質の高い演奏がマニアの間で評判を呼んでいるストーンズの最新ツアー「Zip Code」から今回は6月17日のナッシュビル公演をリリースいたします。キースも大好きなカントリー・ミュージックのメッカであるナッシュビルでのライブは今回のツアーのちょうど中盤戦に位置するライブ。そんな最新ライブを極上のオーディエンス録音にてリリースいたします。
今回の音源はネット上に現れたものをリマスターいたしましたが、オープニングの「Jumping Jack Flash」が始まった瞬間におけるキースのギターがあまりにオンな音像…これだけでもマニアの方には満足していただけるかと思います。非常に荒々しい質感でキースのギターが鳴り響き、ストーンズの演奏自体もみごとなワイルダネスを感じさせる味わい。確かに今回のツアーで今のところナンバーワン・レコーディングの地位を獲得しているシトラス・ボウルのような優等生録音とくらべると粗さがないとは言えず、さすがにそのレベルの域には達していないのが事実です。

ただし、この日の演奏なのですが、前半は結構ユルいです。カントリーのメッカだからでしょうか、それともツアー中盤の中だるみとなってしまったのでしょうか?特にキースの音がオンな音像で捉えられている分、彼のプレイの粗もよく伝わってしまうから困りもの。例えばペトコ・パークやアトランタで聴かせてくれたキレが感じられないのが正直なところ。中でも「Tumbling Dice」はイントロからしてキースの雲行きが怪しく、挙句の果てにはエンディングがいったん終わったのに終われない、という久々に派手なミスで幕を閉じてしまいました。

しかし幸いにもここはナッシュビル。ストーンズもいきなり「Far Away Eyes」で同地を意識した選曲。しかもライブ前半のユルめな調子の中、ストーンズ・カントリーの選曲は大正解。恐らくはナッシュビルのオーディエンスも聞き惚れてしまったであろう、見事な演奏を披露してくれました。
その名演に続くは今回のツアーにおけるライブ前半の恒例であるスティッキー・コーナー。その選曲が「Wild Horses」と「Dead Flowers」という絶妙なセレクト。どちらもナッシュビルにぴったりな選曲というだけでなく、ゆったりとした曲調のおかげで、この日前半のストーンズのユルさまでもがぴったりはまってしまったのだから面白いもの。しかもこの日のリクエスト・ナンバーでもあった後者では近年のストーンズ・ライブのアメリカにおける常連ゲストと言えるブラッド・ペイズリーが登場してミックとボーカルを分け合っていました。

こんな風にユルさが良くも悪くも目立ったライブ前半と比べ「Midnight Rambler」からはいきなりワイルドで激しいストーンズに豹変してしまうからびっくり。ちょうどこの曲から二枚目のディスクへと変わりますので、なおさら豹変ぶりが際立つのです。しかもそこで要となるのは前半で調子が今一つだったキース。ここでは彼を中心として、それこそ1969年から71年辺りのライブ・バージョンを偲ばせるようなワイルドさが絶品。ここから「Zip Code」ツアーのストーンズらしい高品位なパフォーマンスへと切り替わり、お約束ナンバーの「Miss You」ですらいつもよりもタイトでキレのある演奏に打ちのめされること間違いなし!
そんな前半と後半(ライブ後半で散見されるPAトラブルも何のその)の対比がはっきりと分かれたナッシュビルでのライブを見事な音質で捉えた音源が限定のプレスCDにてリリースされます。ある意味では、これこそストーンズらしい(笑)いつもの「Zip Code」ツアーとはちがったライブを楽しんでください!

Disc 1 (66:41)
1. Intro
2. Jumping Jack Flash 3. It’s Only Rock ‘n Roll 4. You Got Me Rocking 5. Tumbling Dice
6. Doom and Gloom 7. Bitch 8. Far Away Eyes 9. Wild Horses 10. Dead Flowers (with Brad Paisley)
11. Honky Tonk Women 12. Band Introductions 13. Before They Make Me Run
14. Happy

Disc 2 (66:10)
1. Midnight Rambler 2. Miss You 3. Gimme Shelter 4. Start Me Up 5. Sympathy for the Devil
6. Brown Sugar 7. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with The Belmont University Chorale)
8. Satisfaction

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