Ratt / Monsters Of Rock 1985 / 1CDR

Ratt / Monsters Of Rock 1985 / 1CDR / Shades
Castle Donington, Donington Park, UK 17th August 1985

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“OUT OF THE CELLAR” “INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY” RATT in 1985 who embarked on world domination with the surplus of consecutive hits. Introducing a new excavation live album that lets you experience the scene in the best possible way.
It is “August 17, 1985 Donington performance” that is imbued with such a work. This is the first appearance recording of the audience when they appeared in the 6th “MONSTERS OF ROCK”, the biggest rock festival in the UK. This year’s MOR will feature ZZ TOP as the headliner, while HR / HM rising stars such as BON JOVI and METALLICA will all appear. RATT also appeared in second place as a member. The fresh feeling of the times becomes even clearer when you look at RATT’s own activity history. Let’s look back on the schedule at that time.

● 1985
・ January 4: Honolulu performance
・ March 20-27: Japan # 1 (6 performances)
“June 13” INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY “released”
・ June 18-August 13: North America # 1a (41 performances)
・ August 17: MONSTERS OF ROCK appearance ← ★ Coco ★
・ August 20-December 31: North America # 1b (86 performances)
● 1986
・ February 6-28: UK (17 performances)
・ April 7-28: Japan # 2 (17 performances)
・ April 30: Anchorage performance
“August 9th” DANCING UNDERCOVER “released”
・ December 4-31: North America # 2 (18 performances)

This was the 1985/1986 RATT that rushed into its heyday. He has performed a huge number of shows including the legendary first visit to Japan and the second visit to Japan, but this work also appeared in MOR about two months after “INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY”. It was also a concert that was held only once with Potsun during the US tour “North America # 1”. In fact, this is their first trip to Europe. Until then, I had only visited North America for the first time, and it was the first time I entered Europe.
The sound that recorded such a monument stage is also wonderful. Although it is a vintage audience of the 80’s, it has a strong vivid feeling with zero echo because it is an outdoor venue, and the thick core is amazing. However, even though the recording was excellent, the sound output at the scene was not. Maybe it’s the second appearance, so I’m a little groping. The feeling of separation is not good in the first place, but what is even more surprising is the ending of the second song “Wanted Man”. RATT decides quickly and falls into “You Think You’re Tough” without a break, but PA falls here. This is completely a mistake of the staff, and the audience at the site is also dissatisfied. It recovers quickly in the 1 minute range of “You Think You’re Tough”, but the noisy atmosphere is also a historical document.
The historical sound is drawn with a show packed with the charm of the early days. Since I was in second place, I had a short time of about 35 minutes, but roughly speaking, this is about the same length as one “OUT OF THE CELLAR” or “INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY”. Two masterpieces + the special songs of the debut EP “RATT” are concentrated there. Let’s organize the set here and let’s experience the special taste.

・ RATT: U Got It / You Think You’re Tough / Sweet Cheater
・ OUT OF THE CELLAR: Wanted Man / The Morning After / Round and Round
・ INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY: You’re in Love / Lay It Down / Never Use Love

… And it looks like this. A microcosm of the golden age. While the major songs are lined up in a row, “U Got It” and “Never Use Love”, which will be sealed for more than 20 years after that, are scattered in real time. And above all, a passionate performance of such a set! This is really hot already. The tension in front of tens of thousands of people suddenly went to England for the first time, and the two guitars were aggressive with riffs and sharp dancing leads. The beat also rushes with a squeaky front. As mentioned above, there is a PA trouble in the early stages, but whether you are aware of it or not (well, you are aware of it), a strange passion comes out of the speaker.
RATT attacked HR / HM’s hometown of England, building on his success in his home country of America and Japan. This is a document album where you can experience the front line in the field. Their live album itself is valuable, but even more historic and overwhelming. Collectors can’t stop because such a sound source is suddenly discovered. One piece that overflows to such emotions. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

Audience recording of “August 17, 1985 MONSTERS OF ROCK”, which was RATT’s first performance in Europe. It is the first appearance master that was excavated very recently, and it has a strong vivid feeling and a thick core because it is an outdoor venue. The ending of the second song “Wanted Man” ~ “You Think You’re Tough” causes trouble in the field PA, but the noisy field feeling is also super real. Although the time was short, about 35 minutes because he appeared in 2nd place, the show that concentrated EP “RATT”, “OUT OF THE CELLAR”, and “INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY” exploded. It is one of the hottest pieces that the explosion tension blows out from the speaker because it is the first UK.

『OUT OF THE CELLAR』『INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY』連続ヒットの余勢を駆って世界制覇に乗り出した1985年のRATT。その現場を極上体験させてくれる新発掘ライヴアルバムが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1985年8月17日ドニントン公演」。英国最大のロックフェス第6回“MONSTERS OF ROCK”に出演した際の初登場オーディエンス録音です。この年のMORはZZ TOPをヘッドライナーにすえつつ、BON JOVIやMETALLICAといったHR/HM新星がこぞって出演。RATTもその一員として二番手で登場しました。そのフレッシュな時代感は、RATT自身の活動歴を見るとさらにハッキリとする。ここで当時のスケジュールも振り返っておきましょう。

・8月17日:MONSTERS OF ROCK出演 ←★ココ★

これが一大全盛に突入した1985年/1986年のRATT。伝説の初来日や2回目の来日も含めて膨大な数のショウをこなしていますが、本作もMOR出演は『INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY』の約2ヶ月後。全米ツアー「北米#1」の最中にポツンと1回だけ渡英して行われたコンサートでもありました。実は、これが彼らにとって初渡欧。それまでは北米と初来日しか行っておらず、初めてヨーロッパに進出したイの一番でもあったのです。
そんな記念碑ステージを記録したサウンドも素晴らしい。あくまで80年代のヴィンテージ・オーディエンスではありますが、野外会場だからこその反響ゼロなビビッド感が強烈で、極太な芯が凄い。ただし、録音は素晴らしくても現場の出音はどうではありませんでした。二番手の出演ということもあってか、やや手探り状態。そもそもの分離感も今ひとつなのですが、もっと驚くのは2曲目「Wanted Man」のエンディング。RATTはバシッと決めて間髪入れずに「You Think You’re Tough」へと雪崩れ込んでいくのですが、ここでPAが落ちてしまう。こうれはもう、完全にスタッフのミスで、現場の観客も不満げ。「You Think You’re Tough」の1分台でパッと回復しますが、その騒然とした雰囲気も歴史のドキュメントなのです。
そんなヒストリカル・サウンドで描かれるのは、初期の魅力をギュウ詰めしたショウ。二番手での出演だったために約35分と持ち時間は少ないわけですが、これはざっくり言って『OUT OF THE CELLAR』や『INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY』1枚分とほぼ同じ長さ。そこに名盤2枚+デビューEP『RATT』の必殺曲を濃縮しているのです。ここでセットも整理し、特濃ぶりを実感していただきましょう。

・RATT:U Got It/You Think You’re Tough/Sweet Cheater
・OUT OF THE CELLAR:Wanted Man/The Morning After/Round and Round
・INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY:You’re in Love/Lay It Down/Never Use Love

……と、このようになっています。まさに黄金時代の縮図。大代表曲がズラリと並びつつ、その後20年以上も封印される事になる「U Got It」「Never Use Love」が散らされているのもリアルタイム感バツグン。そして何より、そんなセットをブチかます熱演! これがもう、本当に熱い。初渡英にしていきなり数万人を前にしたテンションは天井知らずで、2本のギターはリフもキレにキレて舞い踊るリードもアグレッシヴ。ビートも前のめりなノリでグイグイと突っ走っていく。前述の通り、序盤でPAトラブルがありますが、それに気づいているのかいないのか(まあ、気づいているでしょう)、ものともしないパッションがスピーカーから吹き出してくるのです。

RATT初のヨーロッパ公演となった「1985年8月17日MONSTERS OF ROCK」のオーディエンス録音。ごく最近発掘された初登場マスターで、野外会場だからこその反響ゼロなビビッド感と極太な芯が強烈。2曲目「Wanted Man」エンディング〜「You Think You’re Tough」の1分台で現場PAがトラブルを起こしますが、その騒然とした現場感も超リアル。二番手での出演だったために約35分と持ち時間は短いものの、そこにEP『RATT』『OUT OF THE CELLAR』『INVASION OF YOUR PRIVACY』を濃縮したショウが炸裂。初英国だからこその爆テンションがスピーカーから吹き出す激アツの1枚です。

1. Intro
2. U Got It
3. Wanted Man ★エンディングでPAが落ちる
4. You Think You’re Tough ★1分目でPA回復
5. You’re In Love
6. Lay It Down
7. The Morning After
8. Never Use Love
9. Round And Round
10. Sweet Cheater

Stephen Pearcy – Vocals
Warren De Martini – Guitar
Robin Crosby – Guitar
Juan Croucier – Bass
Bobby Blotzer – Drums

Shades 1289

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