Rainbow / Live In Japan / 1CDR

Rainbow / Live In Japan / 1CDR / Non Label

Translated Text:

Koseeinenkin Kaikin, Osaka, Japan 9th December 1976, Radio Broadcast In Japan 1977. FM Broadcast


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Following that ” ROCK ON ” , and re- recorded from the air check tape recording , was recorded in the valuable radio program broadcast take the first visit to Japan live RAINBOW of the ” RISING IN OSAKA ” take . As ( . Was also this provisional title of ” ON STAGE ” pre-release ) program name be told at the beginning of this broadcast ” LIVE IN JAPAN ” is a re- release determined by the newly renovated Jacquet . With the main Osaka Welfare Pension Hall performances of December 9, 1976 the ( Osaka 3 performances eyes ) , content , ( another program and that ” ROCK ON ” of course) package broadcasting of about 36 minutes . Meet to hear a lot of talk also cast along with the live recordings of the best . Invite to ’35 before hand to listen , It is one of the unique gift title !

He was a personality ( everyone should know as ” that person ” If you listen to the voice) is veteran actor , radio program , which is contained in this work is the music program of all genres . It currently has ( of content and from the song has the actors themselves , while pick up a wide variety of music and rock jazz , Latin , folk , and pop , and sprinkled also tasteful talk with the guest , I was loved by many fans in this program it is not unreasonable to program even if it is broadcasting ) .
You proceed in Special Issue invited guest of the famous music commentator , focusing on RAINBOW Japan of 1976 this day . The last ” ROCK ON ” , the atmosphere was casual carefree in a good way was the individual , but ( there is also an image of actor personality ) , mood adult is characterized by somewhat serious this time . From talk of guest commentator and actor at the beginning , the conversation will be exchanged in the mood of the mature adult .
As you know , under the reception facility fully equipped , was recorded with religious care for the ” ROCK ON ” , taper the broadcast day , yet this recording the time the last minute if the person who is in the hand already ” RISING IN OSAKA ” it seems to have recorded in a hurry to notice , mood and hiss of some , such as radio recording really has been floating around . Sound easier to hear you are still backed by solid master freshness and clearness is , a world of difference to the radio show air check source of many kinds . A scene of talk , feeling like has become one of the listener at the time , listeners of all taste the real course live performances !

From opening that begins with talk that mixes a discussion of Richie , the fans will have set up near the ear unintentionally . Live the start and ” Over The Rainbow ” from ” Kill The King ” of course . Performance itself would be familiar with sound source of many so far has emerged if fan , but when I heard as ” part of the radio program ” , and not as ” Japan premiere ” in the (program you will have listened with a fresh feeling squares) . ” Will be released of record March ” , the place to talk about ” ON STAGE “, ” take of Tokyo ‘s right enter addition to the performance in Osaka , but undecided at the moment ,” said relationship and the Japanese fans in the talk of ” Mistreated ” before it probably reflects the high level of interest the user has received the live album . That it is touching the difference in stance in RAINBOW and DEEP PURPLE era of Ritchie does not miss listening .
It is broadcast on the full-length version and over 10 minutes with no editing ” Mistreated ” . I listen to ” Stargazer ” but ” ROCK ON “, but radio program at the time it was broadcasting firm in long playing these great! It is a scene of real-time fan is envious .
After discussing predictions about the future and RAINBOW Ritchie , as a live take of the third song , ” Man On The Silver Mountain ” comes from ” Purple Haze ” in the talk of the track 6 . I can taste slowly and carefully sense melody and guitar playing of Ritchie , which has been mentioned in the talk . Also drumming of Cozy and vocals full of spirit of Ronnie , I can enjoy the sound with full force , supported by thick tone of course . Flowing in from the ” Man On The Silver Mountain ” and ” Blues ” , while being firm grasp delicate play of Richie , you can listen in a clear tone keyboard of Tony Karei , also the base of Jimmy Bain . Unfortunately anything you would enter the talk of last vocal improvisation of Ronnie , you can not listen to the second half of the show that you hear in the ” ROCK ON ” and ” Starstruck ” or later .

Taste of anything else like ” ROCK ON ” , even while entertaining live take excellent , or talk of the cast , this film is able to relive the historical background and atmosphere of bygone days . If playing a disc , you should be able to enjoy the trip time of 36 minutes again ! In and listen to production , it should be able RAINBOW is a special view how the music scene at the time , the trends or not the attention , to capture a three-dimensional , bird’s-eye view . Both in terms of entertainment and material properties , this work will have a significant surprise to the fan . Important and in conjunction with the ” ROCK ON ” , that was shed on the radio broadcast live in Osaka in 1976 , the historical fact fantastic too , can be confirmed by broadcasting sound realistic , once again , of mania , a special one it would be like you enjoy to everyone !

あの「ROCK ON」に続き、RAINBOWの初来日ライヴを貴重なラジオ番組放送テイクで収録した「RISING IN OSAKA」テイクを、エアチェック録音テープより再収録。この放送の冒頭で語られる番組名「LIVE IN JAPAN」(「ON STAGE」リリース前の仮タイトルもこれでした。)として、新装ジャケにて再リリース決定です。内容は、1976年12月9日の大阪厚生年金会館公演(大阪3公演目)をメインとした、約36分間の放送をパッケージ(もちろんあの「ROCK ON」とは別番組)。極上のライヴ音源と共に出演者のトークも聴き応えたっぷり。聴き手を35年前へと誘う、ギフト・タイトルならではの一本です!

 この日は有名な音楽解説者をゲストに招き、’76年のRAINBOW来日に焦点を絞った特集で進行します。前回の「ROCK ON」は、良い意味で気楽なくだけた雰囲気が個性的でしたが、今回は(パーソナリティの俳優のイメージもあって)、ややシリアスでアダルトなムードが特徴です。冒頭の俳優とゲスト解説者のトークから、成熟した大人のムードで会話が交わされます。
 「RISING IN OSAKA」を既に手にされている方ならご存知の通り、整った受信設備のもと、用意周到に録音された「ROCK ON」に対し、本録音はテーパーが放送当日、しかも時間ギリギリに気がつき慌てて録音したようで、多少のヒスノイズなど、いかにもラジオ録音といったムードが漂っています。それでも確かなクリアネスとマスター鮮度に裏付けられた聴き易い音像は、凡百のラジオ番組エアチェック・ソースとは雲泥の差。ライヴ演奏はもちろんトークの場面も、当時のリスナーのひとりになったような気持ちで、全ての聴き手がリアルに味わえます!

 リッチーについての考察を交えたトークで始まるオープニングから、ファンは思わず耳をそば立ててしまうでしょう。ライヴはもちろん「Over The Rainbow」そして「Kill The King」からスタート。ファンならばこれまで登場してきた多くの音源で演奏そのものはお馴染みでしょうが、「ラジオ番組の一部」として聴いた時、新鮮な気持ちで聞き入ってしまうでしょう(番組では「本邦初公開」としています)。「Mistreated」前のトークで「レコードの発売予定は3月」,「大阪公演のほか東京のテイクも入るそうだが、今のところ未定」と「ON STAGE」について話す所は、日本のファンや関係者がライヴ・アルバムに寄せた関心の高さを反映しているのでしょう。リッチーのDEEP PURPLE時代とRAINBOWでのスタンスの違いに触れている点も聴き逃せません。
 「Mistreated」は編集なしで10分に渡り全長版で放送しています。「ROCK ON」でも「Stargazer」を聴けましたが、これら長い演奏でもしっかり放送していた当時のラジオ番組は素晴らしい! リアルタイムのファンがうらやましくなる場面です。
 トラック6のトークではリッチーと今後のRAINBOWについての予測を話し合ったのち、3曲目のライヴ・テイクとして、「Purple Haze」から「Man On The Silver Mountain」が登場。トークでも触れられていたリッチーのギター・プレイとメロディセンスをじっくりと味わえます。もちろんロニーの気迫溢れるヴォーカルやコージーのドラミングも、太い音色に支えられたサウンドで迫力たっぷりに楽しめます。「Man On The Silver Mountain」から流れ込む「Blues」では、リッチーの繊細なプレイをしっかり把握させながら、トニー・カーレイのキーボード、ジミー・ベインのベースも明瞭なトーンで聴く事ができます。ロニーのヴォーカル・アドリブで最後のトークに入ってしまい、「ROCK ON」では聴けたショウ後半の「Starstruck」以降を聴けないのが何とも残念です。

 本作は「ROCK ON」と同様、優れたライヴ・テイクを楽しませつつも、出演者のトークなどで、往時の雰囲気や時代背景を追体験できるのが何よりの旨み。ディスクを再生すれば、再び36分間のタイム・トリップを堪能できるでしょう!本番を聴くとで、当時の音楽シーンでRAINBOWがいかに特別視され、その動向が注目を集めていたか、立体的・俯瞰的に捉える事が出来るはず。資料性そしてエンターテイメントの両面で、本作はファンへ大きな驚きを与えます。1976年大阪でのライヴをラジオ放送で流されたという、あまりにファンタスティックな史実を、「ROCK ON」と合わせて、リアルな放送音源で確認できる重要かつ、特別な一本を、今一度、マニアの皆さんにはぜひお楽しみ頂きたいと思います!

1. DJ Talk 2. Over The Rainbow 3. Kill The King 4. DJ Talk 5. Mistreated 6. DJ Talk 
7. Purple Haze/Lazy/Man On The Silver Mountain 8. Blues 9. DJ Talk 

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Ronnie James Dio – Vocal
Cozy Powell – Drums Jimmy Bain – Bass Tony Carey – Keyboards



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