Rainbow / Down To Earth Rough Mix / 1CD

Rainbow / Down To Earth Rough Mix / 1CD /Black Box

Translated Text:

Taken from the original cassette tape (Scotch C60) which belonged to Cozy Powell,The label description “Rainbow Rough Mixes France”

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The final version of the shockwork, “DOWN TO EARTH ROUGH MIX” that was born from the late Koji Powell tape collection is appearing. Although it is a cozy tape that has produced a number of masterpieces and nameplates, RAINBOW tells that extraordinary. It will be exhausted as a rough mix of Daimyo ‘RISING’ and ‘DOWN TO EARTH’. This is the last chance I tried digitizing the underground 2 big name board this week. It is simultaneous release with “RISING ROUGH MIX (Rising Arrow – 061)”.
The biggest point of such work is the sound which becomes more natural and highest peak than ever. But before that, let’s just talk about the basic story.
This work is a temporary mix album recorded during production of RAINBOW’s famous board “DOWN TO EARTH”. Even if we say “rough mix” to one person, there are things of various stages, and their contents are various. In the case of “RISING” it is just before completion, the finish which should also be said as the blueprint of the final mix. Even if it was released as it was it was the perfection that would have been called the rock’s masterpiece. In contrast, this work is not there. In the cassette holding Kozi, all songs are written with working titles, and all songs except “Sparks Do not Mean A Fire (No Time To Lose Original Song)” are instruments before singing. It is a record of the stage of consolidating the backing arrangement.
The first time this recording came out in the world was 2002, but later the Deluxe Edition of “DOWN TO EARTH” was released from the official. Also on the bonus disc there was also an out-take entitled “WORK IN PROGRESS” under work, but this work is totally different take / mix (According to mania’s verification “RISING” deluxe · The edition is said to be the same as Cozy tape).
Such a “rough mix of cozy tape”, but this work digitized from the same master cassette as the previous episode so far. As a result, the Langley / Langley Deluxe label’s previous departure, performance and mix itself will not change. But the sound is different. Of course, we have the best equipment and environment that we can hope for in 2018, but in the last challenge this time we play it again and again. Even though the analog environment is the same environment, the sound subtly differs every time it is played. I picked the best sound among them and kept it in a permanent preservation press CD (In this work, as with the previous episode, another cozy tape from Graham Bonnet’s solo album “Set Me Free” Also added, but this is a similar process).
The sound pulled out with such precise and precise work is exactly the vibration of the air itself inhaled by the master cassette. Richie’s guitar strings and Kohji’s hitting drums are also reality trembling soon there. On top of that, natural sounds are also spreading sounds. Better than the strength of the attack, it is a glossy sound peculiar to analog, but this is the truth of the master. All silence parts including the order of music, all have cozy tape. It is recorded with non mastering.
Also, the process of refining precision has picked up “sound” that I could not hear so far. For example, “Bluesing (Original Song of Love’s No Friend)” is a small little one that can be put on before playing. Although it is a very slight voice that can not be identified by anyone’s voice, this work is carved in tightly even such fine sounds. In addition, this time is the best feeling during playback. I also feel it from the full stereo feeling, the most intuitive thing is the introduction of “The Plod (Original Song of Making Love)”. In the past it deteriorated slightly and the sound became unstable, but this time it is beautiful and stable. These points are examples of accuracy to the last. In this work, the precise precision goes through the whole story throughout the entire story.

While enclosing rich sound, unlike digital recording, an analog master with limited lifetime. It is a stock worth betting on the last chance to suck out that beautiful sound before it is lost and leave it permanently. This is the master sound. It is the truth of the legendary Koji tape. Please, please hand down from your shelf to posterity.

★ (Remaster memo) Although the sound quality has not changed at all, I adjusted it because the left and right balance was greatly distorted between the A side and the B side. You can enjoy the sound of the tape itself in the best condition.


(43: 35)
1. Stone (Bad Girl) 2. The Steamer (Lost In Hollywood) 3. Bluesing (Love’s No Friend) ★ 0: 01 voice is not in the previous episode. In case
4. Mars (Eyes Of The World) 5. The Plod (Making Love) ★ Although the intro has deteriorated in the past, the board has been alleviated this time.
6. New York (Danger Zone) 7. Once More With Feeling (All Night Long)
8. Sparks Do not Mean A Fire (No Time To Lose)

故コージー・パウエルのテープ・コレクションから誕生した衝撃作、『DOWN TO EARTH ROUGH MIX』の最終版が登場です。数々の名作・名盤を生み出してきたコージー・テープですが、その極めつけと言ったらRAINBOW。それも大名盤『RISING』と『DOWN TO EARTH』のラフミックスに尽きるでしょう。今週は、そのアンダーグラウンドの2大名盤のデジタル化に挑んだ最後のチャンス。『RISING ROUGH MIX(Rising Arrow-061)』との同時リリースです。
本作は、RAINBOWの名盤『DOWN TO EARTH』の制作中に録音された仮ミックス・アルバム。ひと口に“ラフミックス”と言ってもさまざまな段階のものがあり、その内容は多種多様。『RISING』の場合はまさに完成直前で、ファイナル・ミックスの青写真とも言うべき仕上がり。そのままリリースされていたとしてもロックの名盤と呼ばれたであろう完成度でした。それに対し、本作はそこまでではありません。コージー所蔵のカセットには、すべての曲がワーキング・タイトルで記されており、「Sparks Don’t Mean A Fire(No Time To Loseの原曲)」を除くすべての曲が歌入り前のインスト。バッキング・アレンジを固める段階の記録なのです。
この録音が初めて世に出たのは2002年のことでしたが、その後にオフィシャルから『DOWN TO EARTH』のデラックス・エディションが発売。そのボーナス・ディスクにも作業中の「WORK IN PROGRESS」と題したアウトテイクが収録されていましたが、本作とはまったく別のテイク/ミックスです(マニアの検証によると『RISING』のデラックス・エディションはコージー・テープと同じと言われています)。
そんな“コージー・テープのラフミックス”ですが、本作はこれまでの既発と同一マスター・カセットからのデジタル化。それだけにLangley/Langley Deluxeレーベルの既発と演奏やミックス自体は変わりません。しかし、異なるのはサウンド。2018年に望みうる最高の機材と環境を揃えているのはもちろんですが、さらに今回のラスト・チャレンジでは何回も繰り返して再生。アナログは同じ環境であっても再生の度に微妙にサウンドが異なるもの。その中でベストとなるサウンドを選びぬき、永久保存プレスCDに封じ込めたのです(本作では既発と同様にもう1本のコージー・テープからグラハム・ボネットのソロアルバム用トラック「Set Me Free」も追加収録していますが、これも同様の行程です)。
また、精緻・精密を凝らした行程は、これまで聴けなかった“音”をも拾い出している。例えば、「Bluesing(Love’s No Friendの原曲)」では演奏前にかけられる小さな小さな一声。誰の声かも判別できないような極わずかな声ですが、本作はそんな微細な音までもきっちりと刻み込んでいます。さらに、再生時の安定感も今回がベスト。全編のステレオ感からも感じますが、一番分かりやすいのは「The Plod(Making Loveの原曲)」のイントロでしょうか。既発ではわずかに劣化して音が不安定になっていましたが、今回は美しく安定しているのです。こうしたポイントはあくまでも精度の例。本作は、全編にわたって、緻密な精度が全編を貫いているのです。




1. Stone (Bad Girl) 2. The Steamer (Lost In Hollywood) 3. Bluesing (Love’s No Friend) ★0:01の声は既発に無し。
4. Mars (Eyes Of The World) 5. The Plod (Making Love) ★既発はイントロが劣化しているが、今回盤は軽減されている。
6. New York (Danger Zone) 7. Once More With Feeling (All Night Long)
8. Sparks Don’t Mean A Fire (No Time To Lose)

Bonus Track

Graham Bonnet
Taken from the original master cassette (TDK AD-C46) belonged to Cozy Powell

9. Set Me Free
Studio Demo for Graham Bonnet’s Solo Album “Line-Up”

Black Box 024

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