Rainbow / Definitive Heavy Portrait / 2CD

Rainbow / Definitive Heavy Portrait / 2CD / Rising Arrow
Live at Beacon Theatre, New York City, NY, USA 12th November 1975

Play sample :

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Known as the oldest live recording, the legendary masterpiece recording that has inherited “RAINBOW in 1975” has evolved into a complete version. The largest important board in RAINBOW history is now available in Permanent Preservation Press 2CD.

[Legendary recording recording the scene of the new band’s unveiling] The engraving on this work is “November 12, 1975 New York City Performance”. It’s a full audience recording. Speaking of 1975, the era when the Triumvirate was established but even “Kill the King” was not born. First of all, let’s look back on such an extremely early situation on a schedule and confirm the position of the show.

● 1975
《April 7: Ritchie leaves DEEP PURPLE》
“August 4,” Ginrei no Champion “released-> September: Lineup confirmed”
・ November 10-29: North America # 1 (13 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1976
“May 15th,” Rising the Rainbow “released”
・ June 11-August 7: North America # 2 (32 performances)
・ August 31st-September 14th: UK (10 performances)
・ September 20-October 18: Europe (20 performances)
・ November 4-22: Australia (11 performances)
・ December 2-16: First visit to Japan (10 performances)
《February 1977: Jimmy Bain dismissed》

This is the history from the birth of RAINBOW to 1976. It wasn’t live as a member of the debut work, and it wasn’t until Cozy Powell, Jimmy Bain, and Tony Carey got on the road. In 1976, the familiar style was completed even when I first came to Japan, but in 1975 it was before that. It was the only time that “Do You Close Your Eyes” was in pole position, not only “Kill the King” but also the promised “Over The Rainbow”. The New York City performance of this work is the second performance of “North America # 1”, which is even earlier in the dawn season. In other words, the Montreal performance on the first day (November 10th) was a public rehearsal stage, so it was actually the first day of the tour, which was the unveiling of the new band.
Such a historic show has also been known to have the oldest audience recordings left behind. Old titles such as “MARTIAN RAINBOW” and “FIRST GIG IN N.Y.” were at the level of “thank you for listening”, but it was “HEAVY PORTRAIT” which was the initial masterpiece of the Rising Arrow label. It wasn’t just “listening”, but the sound standard itself in 1975 was significantly updated, and it became a masterpiece called “If you say RAINBOW in the early days, this is it.” This work is a brush-up board that remastered such a masterpiece “HEAVY PORTRAIT” with a careful remaster of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.

[Highest peak board with phase inversion and fine noise processing] Moreover, this work is not just a remastered version. Making full use of another recording excavated in recent years, it complements the part that was missing so far. It has evolved into a complete version of the show. There are three compensation points. The first is the cheers section immediately after the performance of “Self Portrait” (6 seconds), and the second is the cheers section after “Man On The Silver Mountain” (about 25 seconds). The last is near the most important “Stargazer” ending (6 seconds), and only here is playing. The guitar phrase has also been reprinted, albeit slightly. All of them are in seconds, but the site is extremely valuable at the dawn. The significance of being able to fully relive from corner to corner is not comparable to other performances.
Of course, the value of this work does not end with an expansion of a few seconds. Rather, the sound that goes through the whole story has a big impact. The point is “phase”. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is known for its precise mastering that does not allow a phase shift of 1/1000 second, but it is not the case with this work. As a matter of fact, in Omoto Master, the phase of one channel is completely reversed. The reverse phase is corrected to the positive phase, and the original sound is reproduced. The cause of the phase reversal is unknown, but it is probably due to the master excavator. After all, in the early days when it became possible to master on a personal computer, the processing know-how of audience recording was not established, and various things were tried in the dark. In some cases (rarely), the phase was intentionally reversed with the aim of improving the stereo effect. Of course, it is difficult to understand the phase unless you check it with a waveform, and especially in the case of audio recording, it is almost always taken as “such a sound”. Recently, there have been cases where it turned out that “the original sound was different” (By the way, PINK FLOYD “JERSEY CITY 1975” released at the same time this week had the same pattern).
Of course, this work is not just the phase inversion, but it is arranged in a snap. In addition, band adjustment by frequency analysis, correction of changing pitch, and noise processing are thoroughly performed. What was particularly effective this time was the removal of crackling noise. Unlike hiss and ham, it is not something that can be processed in a batch to some extent, but each one is carefully corrected, but here the paranoid work by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is effective. As if to fix a piece of paint that had peeled off from the painting, the precise correction is alive.

[Symbol live album representing the dawn of “1975”] The unveiling show drawn with the sound that updated the highest peak is fresh as if it was reborn. The opening where “Do You Close Your Eyes” starts from the trial playing is also DEEP PURPLE-like, and the flow of the early stage when the snow falls from there to the extremely rare song “Self Portrait” is dazzling, and the ensemble is clearly groping. , The tempo is as solid as checking the song. It’s refreshing that there is no “Mistreated” yet and all the songs are solidified with the numbers “Ginrei no Haha” and “Rising the Rainbow”, and “Stargazer” and “A Light In The Black” can be heard in the developing version before the studio recording. increase. It is MC that the dawn is further blurred. Hero Ronnie also shows off his innocence everywhere, especially in front of “Catch The Rainbow”, saying, “Today is the first concert in America!”
RAINBOW in the Ronnie era, which was synonymous with stylistic beauty. This work is a complete live album where you can experience the full show before the “style” is completed. A historic must-listen board that has been upgraded from the masterpiece of “Speaking of 1975, first of all”. Please enjoy it with the permanent storage press 2CD.

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(Remaster memo)

★ The missing part (3 places) is supplemented to the old sound source with another source that seems to have appeared in recent years, and the first complete recording is realized. Comparing the two sound sources, the new sound source is very fresh. However, while the old sound source is stereo, the new sound source is monaural. Also, the sound of the new sound source is a little crushed, and digital errors frequently occur in the middle of the song, so it can not be used in the main. , It was successfully adopted to make up for the missing points in this performance.

★ The main source is the source of the already-released board, but in the already-released board, it was in reverse phase (one channel phase is reversed) throughout the whole volume, and it was a pseudo-stereo that was sticky and uncomfortable. So, correct it to the positive phase. After that, correct the phase shift and slightly correct the high range that has declined by EQ. Note that if EQ is overdone, it will become a digital tick, so this is a conservative process.

★ Pinpoint repair of crackling digital noise that enters from beginning to end

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★★ Full audience recording of “November 12, 1975 Beacon Theater Performance”, which will be the 2nd performance. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” brushes up the famous recording that represents 1975. This is the first complete version with the cut part complemented by another recording, and the sound is also the highest ever. The phase of one channel that was inverted at the time of excavation is also strictly corrected, and crackling noise is carefully removed. It is a complete live album where you can experience the full show before the “style” is completed, such as the rare song “Self Portrait” and the precious “Do You Close Your Eyes” opening.


そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1975年11月12日ニューヨーク・シティ公演」。そのフル・オーディエンス録音です。1975年と言えば、三頭政治体制は確立しながらも「Kill the King」すら誕生していなかった時代。まずはそんな極初期の状況をスケジュールで振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《4月7日:リッチーがDEEP PURPLEを脱退》
・11月10日ー29月:北米#1(13公演) ←★ココ★

これがRAINBOW誕生から1976年までの歩み。デビュー作のメンバーでライヴは行われておらず、ロードに出たのはコージー・パウエル、ジミー・ベイン、トニー・カレイが揃ってから。1976年に入ると初来日でもお馴染みな様式が完成しますが、1975年はそれに至る前。「Kill the King」だけでなくお約束の「Over The Rainbow」もなく、「Do You Close Your Eyes」がポールポジションを務めていた唯一の時期でした。本作のニューヨーク・シティ公演は、そんな黎明の季節でもさらに序盤となる「北米#1」の2公演目。もっと言えば、初日(11月10日)のモントリオール公演は公開リハーサル的なステージでしたので、実質的には新バンドのお披露目となるツアー初日だったのです。
そんな歴史的なショウは最古のオーディエンス録音が残された事でも知られてきました。『MARTIAN RAINBOW』『FIRST GIG IN N.Y.』といった古のタイトルは「聴けるだけありがたい」というレベルでしたが、それを一気に引き上げたのがRising Arrowレーベルの初期名盤だった『HEAVY PORTRAIT』。「聴ける」どころではなく、1975年のサウンド基準そのものを大幅に更新し、「黎明期RAINBOWと言ったらコレ」と言われる代表作となったのです。本作は、そんな名盤『HEAVY PORTRAIT』を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の入念リマスターで磨き直したブラッシュアップ盤なのです。

しかも、本作はただのリマスター盤ではない。近年になって発掘された別録音も駆使し、これまで欠けていたパートを補完。ショウの完全版に進化しているのです。その補填ポイントは3ヶ所。1つめは「Self Portrait」終演直後の歓声部(6秒)、2つめは「Man On The Silver Mountain」後の歓声部(約25秒)。最後が一番重要な「Stargazer」エンディング付近(6秒)で、ここだけは演奏中。わずかではありますが、ギターフレーズも復刻されている。いずれも秒単位ではありますが、その現場が貴重極まりない黎明の現場。隅から隅まで完全形で追体験できるようになった意義は他公演の比ではないのです。
もちろん、本作の価値は数秒の拡張では終わらない。むしろ、全編を貫くサウンドこそが大インパクトなのです。その要は「位相」。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は1/1000秒の位相ズレも許さない精密なマスタリングで知られていますが、本作に限ってはそれどころではない。実のところ、大元マスターでは片チャンネルが丸ごと位相が逆転。その逆相を正相に正し、本来のサウンドを復刻しているのです。位相逆転の原因は不明ですが、恐らくはマスターの発掘者によるものではないでしょうか。と言うのも、パソコンでマスタリングできるようになった初期には、オーディエンス録音の処理ノウハウが確立しておらず、暗中模索でいろいろな事が試されていた。中にはステレオ感の向上を狙い、わざと位相を逆転される事も(希にですが)あったのです。もちろん位相は波形でチェックしないと分かりづらく、特にオーディネス録音の場合は「そういう音」とそのまま受け止めてしまう事がほとんど。最近になって「本来の音は違っていた」と判明するケースが出てきたのです(ちなみに、今週同時リリースのPINK FLOYD『JERSEY CITY 1975』も同じパターンでした)。
もちろん本作は単に位相を反転させただけでなく、ビシッと整えている。さらに周波数分析による帯域調整や変化するピッチの補整、ノイズ処理も徹底的に施されています。今回特に効果的だったのはパチノイズの除去。ヒスやハムのようにある程度一括で処理できるものではなく、1つひとつを丁寧に正していくわけですが、ここで「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による偏執的なまでの作業が威力を発揮。まるで絵画の剥がれた絵の具片を直していくかのように、緻密な補整が活きているのです。

最高峰を更新したサウンドで描かれるお披露目ショウは、まさに生まれ変わったように新鮮。試し弾きから「Do You Close Your Eyes」が始まるオープニングもDEEP PURPLE的ですし、そこから激レア曲「Self Portrait」へ雪崩れ込む序盤の流れには目も眩む、アンサンブルも明らかに手探り感があり、テンポも曲を確かめるように手堅い。まだ「Mistreated」がなく全曲『銀嶺の覇者』『虹を翔る覇者』ナンバーで固められているのも新鮮ですし、「Stargazer」「A Light In The Black」はスタジオ録音前の発展途上バージョンが聴けます。さらに黎明感が滲むのがMC。英雄ロニーも各所で初々しさを覗かせ、特に「Catch The Rainbow」の前では「今日はアメリカでの最初のコンサートだ!」と語るのです。








★★結成2公演となる「1975年11月12日ビーコン・シアター公演」のフル・オーディエンス録音。1975年を代表する名録音を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がブラッシュアップ。カット部分を別録音で補完した初の完全版で、サウンドも過去最高。発掘時点で反転していた片チャンネルの位相も厳密に補整し、パチノイズも入念に除去。レア曲「Self Portrait」や貴重な「Do You Close Your Eyes」オープニングなど、「様式」が完成する前のフルショウを極上体験できる完全ライヴアルバムです。


Disc 1 (43:49)
1. Intro.
2. Do You Close Your Eyes
3. Self Portrait ★4:21-4:27付近(演奏後)曲間補填
4. 16th Century Greensleeves
5. Catch The Rainbow
6. Man On The Silver Mountain ★7:54以降(曲間部)補填

Disc 2 (48:10)
1. Keyboard Solo ★出だし-0:17(MC部)補填
2. Stargazer ★9:34-9:40付近曲中カット補填
3. A Light In The Black
4. Still I’m Sad
5. Drum Solo incl. 1812 Overture
6. Still I’m Sad (Reprise)

Bonus track
7. Interview with Ritchie Blackmore & Ronnie James Dio for BBC radio in 1975

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Ronnie James Dio – Vocals
Cozy Powell – Drums
Jimmy Bain – Bass
Tony Carey – Keyboards


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