Rainbow / Budokan 1980 1st Night Definitive Master / 2CD

Rainbow / Budokan 1980 1st Night Definitive Master / 2CD / Black Box
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 8th May 1980

Play sample :

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A shocking master has appeared again from the master collection, which is producing super masterpieces of HR / HM series every day! What a historic excavation of the super-famous recording master cassette master of the Graham Bonnet era !! Two titles of press 2CD upgraded to the ultimate Gene will be released at the same time!
Speaking of RAINBOW’s performance in Japan during the Graham era, a miracle tour comparable to DEEP PURPLE’s first visit to Japan. Since everything is a masterpiece, not only are audience recordings of all performances unearthed, but there is competition for top recordings every day. What was unearthed this time is the original cassette of historical records, which has been regarded as the “best recording” in the first two performances. The traditionally top-notch recording has made the ultimate upgrade. This work is the first of two such newly excavated cassettes. This is the best audience recording of the performance of “May 8, 1980: Nippon Budokan”.
Speaking of the Graham era, there are only two venues, Tokyo and Osaka, as in the case of Purple’s first visit to Japan. First of all, let’s confirm the position of this work on the schedule this time as well.

● First half: Nippon Budokan (3 performances)
・ May 8: Nippon Budokan ← ★ This work ★
-Off for 2 days-

● Second half: Osaka Festival Hall (3 performances)
・ May 13 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980” * Disc 1-2
・ May 14 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980” * Disc 3-4
* Note: Only representative works on each day.

[Finally born super masterpiece class first day album] Above, all 6 performances. This year was the first visit to Japan for Graham and Don Airey, and this work was the first day of that. Some people think about it in half from the schedule of “3 days in Tokyo + 3 days in Osaka”, but when you step into the contents of the show (described later), “2 days + 4 days” is actually more suitable. This time, the highest peak master of such first half two days jumped out.
By the way, this time it is not the first appearance recording, but the excavation of the original master of the legendary recording that represents each day. In the case of this work, it is the original cassette of the audience recording known as “BROKEN DREAMS” which is famous for the best on the first day (DISC 1-2 of our shop “FACING GRAHAM” is also this system). You may hear “BROKEN DREAMS” here and think of a rounded, moody sound. Or it may be remembered as “a mediocre recording that became a masterpiece because it was the first day without a masterpiece.” However, what flowed out of the Omoto cassette was a clear and superb sound that overturned such preconceptions at once! Actually, the sound of this work is super clear. The microphone is “Sony ECM-989” and the recorder is “Cassette Densuke D5M”, which is most suitable for metal tape. The sound is made of the finest equipment at that time, and each instrument is beautifully separated. The graininess of each note is good, and the reverberation of the drum cymbals is sharp. Anyway, I’m surprised at the beautiful extension of the treble, but by the time the impact goes away, I’m surprised again that the deep bass is also beautiful. The details that were crushed by the sound pressure earning in the previous shot are beautifully left, for example, even if it is the base of Roger Glover, the outline of each attack is beautiful, and the drive feeling created by connecting them is also vivid. Can be done.
Honestly, until now, the recording of 1980 yen was dented only on the first day. The other five days were “super masterpiece” and “miracle recording” classes, but only the first day was different. However, with the advent of this work, that perception will change significantly. I don’t say “this is a masterpiece!” Because I have a taste for sound, but I’m more than happy with the other 5 days. It has evolved into a super masterpiece that fills the last piece of the miracle of six days!

[The strongest in my life !?
Moreover, the content of the show is even more special! I wrote “2 days + 4 days” earlier, but in fact, the most popular one is “the latter 4 days”. By rehearsing again while off, the ensemble will be more complete and “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” will be added. However, the first two performances have immeasurable charm at such visible points. That’s the voice of Graham! As a matter of fact, this show (now no longer !?) is also a fan site specializing in Graham, “World Tour No. 1 singing”, “Intense than MONSTERS OF ROCK who is enthusiastic about the big stage”・ High! ”Was praised. In fact, the singing voice that comes out of this work is a ridiculous explosive tension, and it is not a little fashionable. For example, the latter half of the 2nd minute of “Eyes Of The World”. Although the dos that hits something into the ground is powerful, it is not an angry one, and the high that heavens is growing forever and not a shout. To be honest, I don’t have the courage to declare “No. 1 in the world” and “No. 1 in career” like a certain fan site, but I certainly don’t remember hearing any more vocalization.
It was probably the first day that it became such a singing song. It seems that the terrible popularity of Japan for newcomers Graham and Don was a shock, but the tension is bare. Some fans at the time who experienced this day said, “I could only hear Graham’s voice,” but it was probably because Graham’s voice was simply big, rather than because of PA. The backing can be heard clearly from this work, but the singing voice of Mr. Nuri is exploding.
Maybe the whole band is more solid in the “second half 4 days”. The precious “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” is also hard to throw away. However, this tension, this vocalization, and this singing are only on “May 8, 1980”. Not everyone has the same impression, but with humility, it is certain that “Graham on this day is not average.” A historic excavation of the Omoto cassette that lets you experience such a full show with the sound of a super-famous board class. Please fully enjoy with the permanent storage press 2CD!

★ The best audience recording of the performance of “May 8, 1980: Nippon Budokan” during the Graham Bonnet era. The original cassette of the traditional board “BROKEN DREAMS”, which is famous as the best recording of the day, is a new discovery of a miracle. It is a directly digitized product. The sound is tremendously clear to wipe out the existing ones, and each instrument is beautifully separated. The graininess of each note is good, and the reverberation of the drum cymbals is sharp. And the impact of the show is more than that, and the singing that is whispered to “the best of Graham’s life” among enthusiasts roars in the whole story. It is a new masterpiece of a live album where you can experience the highest peak of a special individuality show even if you come to Japan in 1980, which has only a famous performance.

連日HR/HM系の超傑作を連発している達人コレクションから衝撃のマスターがまたも登場です! なんと、グラハム・ボネット時代の超・名録音の大元カセット・マスターが歴史的大発掘!! 究極ジェネにアップグレードしたプレス2CDが2タイトル同時リリース決定です!
グラハム時代RAINBOWの来日公演と言えば、DEEP PURPLE初来日にも匹敵する奇跡のツアー。すべてが名演なために、全公演のオーディエンス録音が発掘されているだけでなく、1日ごとに頂点録音の競争が起きています。今回発掘されたのは、その初期2公演で「ベスト録音」とされてきた歴史的記録の大元カセット。従来から頂点的だった録音が究極アップグレードを果たしたのです。本作は、そんな新発掘カセット2本のうちの第一弾。「1980年5月8日:日本武道館」公演の極上オーディエンス録音です。

・5月8日:日本武道館 ←★本作★

・5月13日『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980』*Disc 1-2
・5月14日『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1980』*Disc 3-4

さて今回は初登場録音ではなく、各日を代表する伝説録音の大元マスター発掘。本作の場合は、初日ベストで名高い『BROKEN DREAMS』で知られるオーディエンス録音の大元カセットです(当店『FACING GRAHAM』のDISC 1-2もこの系統です)。ここで『BROKEN DREAMS』と聞いて丸みを帯びたモヤッとしたサウンドを思い浮かべる方もいらっしゃるかも知れません。あるいは「名作のない初日だから代表作になれた凡録音」と記憶されているかも知れない。しかし、大元カセットから流れ出てきたのは、そんな先入観を一気に覆すクリアな極上サウンドだったのです! 実際、本作のサウンドはスーパー・クリア。マイクに「ソニーECM-989」&レコーダーにはメタルテープに最適な「カセットデンスケD5M」という当時最高級となる機材が使用されたサウンドにはモコモコ感など微塵もなく、各楽器が綺麗にセパレート。1音1音の粒立ちがよく、ドラムのシンバルに至っては残響にまでキレがある。とにかく綺麗な高音の伸びにビックリするのですが、その衝撃が去る頃には重低音も綺麗なことに改めて驚く。既発では音圧稼ぎで潰れていたディテールが綺麗に残されており、例えばロジャー・グローヴァーのベースにしてもアタック1つひとつの輪郭まで美しく、それが連なることで生まれるドライヴ感も鮮烈に感じられるのです。

しかも、ショウの内容はそれ以上にスペシャル! 先ほど「2日間+4日間」と書きましたが、実のところ人気が高いのは「後半4日間」の方。オフの間に再度リハを行う事でアンサンブルの完成度が増し、「Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow」も追加されるからです。しかし、初期2公演はそうした目に見えるポイントでは計り知れない魅力がある。それがズバリ、グラハムの声! 実のところ、このショウは(今はもうない!?)グラハム専門のファンサイトでも「ワールド・ツアーNo.1の絶唱」「大舞台に意気込むMONSTERS OF ROCKより強烈」「いや、RAINBOWに限らずキャリア・ハイ!」と激賞されていた日。実際、本作から吹き出す歌声はとんでもない爆テンションでして、ちょっとシャレになってない。例えば、「Eyes Of The World」の2分台後半。何かを地面に打ち込むようなドスがド迫力なのに怒号ではなく、天翔るハイがどこまでも伸びつつシャウトではない。正直、某ファンサイトのように「全世界No.1」「キャリアNo.1」を断言する勇気はないものの、確かにこれ以上のヴォーカリゼーションは聴いた記憶がありません。
もしかしたらバンド全体では「後半4日間」の方がガッチリと固まっているかも知れません。貴重な「Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow」も捨てがたいでしょう。しかしこのテンション、このヴォーカリゼーション、この絶唱は「1980年5月8日」にしかないのです。誰もが同じ感想を抱くとは限らないわけですが、謙虚さ全開で言って「この日のグラハムは並じゃない」のは確か。そんなフルショウを超名盤クラスのサウンドで体験させてくれる大元カセットの歴史的大発掘。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご堪能ください!

★グラハム・ボネット時代「1980年5月8日:日本武道館」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。この日のベスト録音として名高い伝統盤『BROKEN DREAMS』の大元カセットが奇跡の新発掘。ダイレクトにデジタル化された銘品です。そのサウンドは既発を一掃するクリアさが凄まじく、各楽器が綺麗にセパレート。1音1音の粒立ちがよく、ドラムのシンバルに至っては残響にまでキレがある。そしてショウのインパクトはそれ以上で、マニア間で「グラハムの生涯最高」とまで囁かれる絶唱が全編で轟く。名演しかない1980年来日でも格別の個性派ショウを最高峰体験できるライヴアルバムの新名盤です。


Disc 1 (39:24)
1. The Land Of Hope And Glory
2. Countdown Intro.
3. Eyes Of The World
4. Love’s No Friend
5. Since You Been Gone
6. Over The Rainbow
7. Man On The Silver Mountain
8. Catch The Rainbow

Disc 2 (52:09)
1. Keyboards Intro.
2. Lost In Hollywood
3. Guitar Solo
4. Beethoven 9th
5. Keyboards Solo
6. Drums Solo incl. 1812 Overture
7. Lost In Hollywood(reprise)
8. Guitar Intro
9. Lazy
10. All Night Long
11. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll
12. Kill The King incl. Guitar Crash ★ギタークラッシュ音迫力満点
13. Long Live Rock ‘N’ Roll(reprise)
14. Over The Rainbow

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Graham Bonnet – Vocal
Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboard
Cozy Powell – Drums

Black Box 038

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