Rainbow/ Rainbow Theatre 1981 Soundcheck Tapes / 1CDR

Rainbow/ Rainbow Theatre 1981 Soundcheck Tapes / 1CDR / Shades
Rainbow Theatre, London, UK 8th July 1981

Play sample :

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RAINBOW in 1981 returned to his home country England with a new system that welcomed Joe Lynn Turner. The precious sound check album is here.
“July 8, 1981 Rainbow Theater performance” is imbued in this work. However, it is not the main part of the live performance, but the audience recording recorded at the sound check performed in the venue before the performance. As a convention, I wrote “audience recording”, but of course this is a story of type. (Probably) it was recorded by the staff, not the audience, with a microphone. Also, on this day, it is familiar that the Kinney recording press masterpiece “RAINBOW THEATER 1981 (Darker Than Blue 209/210)” was left. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s look back at the schedule at the time and check the position of the show.

《February 3rd, “Cannot be treated” will be released》
・ February 20-May 13: North America (47 performances)
・ June 3-July 5: Europe (23 performances)
・ July 8-27: UK (16 performances) ← here
・ August 12-28: Japan (8 performances)
《September: Don Airey leaves → October: Dave Rosenthal joins》

This is RAINBOW in 1981. North America → Europe (Continental Europe) → UK → Japan, we traveled around the world with a simple configuration. It was two consecutive performances at the Rainbow Theater, but both this work and the press masterpiece “RAINBOW THEATER 1981” were on the first day. This was the first day of the “UK” tour itself, and it was also the homecoming concert since that “first MONSTERS OF ROCK”. In this work, you can witness the sound check ahead of such a memorial show.
As a matter of fact, this recording has been known for a long time, but this work is neither a copy of its predecessor nor a remastered reissue. It is an upgrade master brought from its own route. Moreover, its own route is the same route as Michael Schenker’s impact board “STUDIO SESSIONS 1979 WITH BILLY SHEEHAN (Zodiac 505)”. It is a young generation that is bright and easy to hear, with much less turbidity and cloudiness than the existing group.
The behind-the-scenes scenes of RAINBOW are depicted with such a fresh sound. Instead of playing the song in its completed form, it is just a check of the sound output. You can check your favorite phrases by playing them over and over, or by matching the texture of the song with several people to check the balance. Don has been experimenting with famous songs for solo time. Of course, it is a live performance by the person himself, and the conversations between the members and staff exchanged between them are vivid. Although most of it is an instrumental, Joe also participates properly, and in “Catch the Rainbow” you can hear scatting with a female chorus, and in “Since You Been Gone” he sings beautifully (a very glossy beautiful voice !)
A masterpiece of sound check album revived with a more beautiful and more realistic sound. Rather than a musical work, it was introduced from the Shades label because it appeals to fans who want to look into the backstage, but its sound and preciousness are press-class cultural heritage. Surprisingly (?) Richie who seriously faces the live is also interesting, and the member dynamics seems to be transparent and interesting. This work itself is a valuable record, and one of the best as a sub-text of the press masterpiece “RAINBOW THEATER 1981”. Please take this opportunity to thoroughly experience the highest peak updated sound.

★Soundcheck album of “July 8, 1981 Rainbow Theater Performance”. Although it is a microphone recording, it is a new excavation master that has been upgraded from the conventional version, and it is a bright and easy-to-hear young Gene sound. You can witness the behind-the-scenes performances before the show, such as the members playing many times to check their favorite phrases, and checking the balance by matching the texture of the song with several people. It is one of the best sub-texts of the show press masterpiece “RAINBOW THEATER 1981 (Darker Than Blue 209/210)”.

 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1981年7月8日レインボー・シアター公演」。ただしライヴ本編ではなく、開演前に会場内で行われたサウンドチェックで記録されたオーディエンス録音です。慣例として「オーディエンス録音」と記してしまいましたが、もちろんこれは種別の話。(恐らく)観客ではなく、スタッフがマイクで録音したものなのです。また、この日はキニー録音のプレス名盤『RAINBOW THEATRE 1981(Darker Than Blue 209/210)』が残された事でもお馴染み。良い機会でもありますので、当時のスケジュールを振り返ってショウのポジションも確認しておきましょう。
 これが1981年のRAINBOW。北米→欧州(大陸ヨーロッパ)→英国→日本と、シンプルな構成で世界を巡りました。レインボーシアターでは2連続公演だったのですが、本作もプレス名盤『RAINBOW THEATRE 1981』も初日の方。これは「英国」ツアー自体の初日であり、あの“第一回MONSTERS OF ROCK”以来の帰国コンサートでもありました。本作は、そんなメモリアルなショウを目前に控えたサウンドチェックに立ち会えるわけです。
 実のところ、この録音は従来から知られてきた分けですが、本作はその既発コピーでもなければ、リマスター再発でもありません。独自ルートからもたらされたアップグレード・マスターなのです。しかも、その独自ルートというのがマイケル・シェンカーの衝撃盤『STUDIO SESSIONS 1979 WITH BILLY SHEEHAN(Zodiac 505)』と同じ経路。既発群よりも濁りが曇りが格段に少なく、グッと明るく聞きやすい若ジェネなのです。
 そんな瑞々しいサウンドで描かれるのは、貴重なRAINBOWの裏舞台。曲を完成形で演奏するのではなく、あくまでも出音のチェック。お気に入りのフレーズを確かめる何度も弾いたり、何人かで曲のキメを合わせてバランスを確認したり。ドンはソロ・タイムで弾く有名曲をいろいろと試しています。もちろん本人による生演奏ですし、その合間に交わされるメンバーやスタッフの会話も生々しい。大半はインストでもありつつ、ジョーもちゃんと参加しており、「Catch the Rainbow」では女声コーラスも交えてスキャットが聞こえますし、「Since You Been Gone」では見事に歌い上げています(えらく艶やかな美声!)
 より美しく、よりリアルなサウンドで甦ったサウンドチェック・アルバムの名作です。音楽作品というよりは、裏舞台を覗き込みたいファン心理に訴える内容のためにShadesレーベルからのご紹介となりましたが、そのサウンドも貴重度もプレス級の文化遺産です。意外に(?)マジメにライヴに臨むリッチーも面白いですし、メンバー力学も透けるようで興味深い。本作自体が貴重な記録であり、プレス名盤『RAINBOW THEATRE 1981』のサブ・テキストとしても最高な1枚。どうぞ、この機会に最高峰更新サウンドでじっくりとご体験ください。
★「1981年7月8日レインボー・シアター公演」のサウンドチェック・アルバム。マイク録音ではありますが、従来盤よりもアップグレードした新発掘マスターで、グッと明るく聞きやすい若ジェネ・サウンド。メンバーがお気に入りのフレーズを確かめる何度も弾いたり、何人かで曲のキメを合わせてバランスを確認したりと、ショウを目前に控えた裏舞台に立ち会える。ショウ本番のプレス名盤『RAINBOW THEATRE 1981(Darker Than Blue 209/210)』のサブ・テキストとしても最高な1枚です。
1. Segment 1 Guitar
2. Segment 2 Guitar
3. Segment 3 Guitar / Bass
4. Segment 4 Drum
5. Segment 5 Guitar / Bass / Drum
6. Segment 6 Guitar / Keyboard
7. Segment 7 Guitar / Keyboard
8. Segment 8 Keyboard
9. Segment 9 Keyboard / Drum
10. Segment 10 Since You Been Gone
11. Segment 11 Since You Been Gone
12. Segment 12 Since You Been Gone
13. Segment 13 Since You Been Gone
14. Segment 14 Spotlight Kid / Catch the Rainbow
15. Segment 15 Catch the Rainbow
16. Segment 16 Band
17. Segment 17 Keyboard / Bass / Drum
18. Segment 18 Keyboard
19. Segment 19 Band
20. Segment 20 Since You Been Gone
21. Segment 21 Keyboard / Drum
22. Segment 22 Keyboard
23. Segment 23 Pre-Show Music
24. Segment 24 Interview
25. Segment 25 Interview
26. Segment 26 Interview
27. Segment 27 Interview
28. Segment 28 Keyboard
29. Segment 29 Keyboard
30. Segment 30 Keyboard
Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals
Roger Glover – Bass
Don Airey – Keyboards
Bob Rondinelli – Drums
Shades 1520 

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