Queen / Newcastle 1979 2nd Night / 2CDR

Queen / Newcastle 1979 2nd Night / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Live At City Hall Newcastle Uk 4th December 1979.

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It’s been a week since the release of “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979”, the most popular sound source of “CRAZY TOUR” in 1979. Queen The latest definitive version of the sound source that recorded the last stage of 1979 with the best audience recording has appeared, but in the first place, “CRAZY TOUR” is extremely popular with enthusiasts as Freddie is consistently in the best condition. On the contrary, it is common sense for enthusiasts that the high energy performance that easily surpasses Hammersmith Odeon is rumbling. Even from Queen’s 1979 career, the period of “CRAZY TOUR” shines exceptionally brightly. The best night in such a heyday, on the contrary, Freddie was the best in Queen’s live history? The New Castle City Hall on December 4, 1979 was so successful that it was said to be.
“CRAZY TOUR” was played violently every day as if the tension exploded from the opening, but on this day it seems that the climax has already reached the next level, and that sharp performance It’s so spectacular that you can hear it for the first time. It is well known that “Somebody To Love” is the barometer for Freddy’s good performance in the first half of Queen’s live performance, but Freddy’s enthusiasm heard here is definitely “10” out of 10 points. Fierceness. Immediately after the start of the performance, the engine is fully open, and there is Freddie who screams at will without suppressing his voice. After that, he took the initiative in the live performance, or the band entrusted everything to Freddie who was too strong, and a tremendous performance was unfolded.

Speaking of live Freddie, it’s a good idea to sing with the melody and keys down to protect your throat. That’s the level of the art, and it’s not surprising, but on this day he breaks away from the usual pattern and listens to an incredibly aggressive song. Even in the already high-tension “CRAZY TOUR”, such as the fanning in “Now I’m Here”, it is even more intense, and it is so intense that it makes me tremble when I hear it. In front of such a reliable Freddie, the band will respond by picking up “Liar” on the stage for the first time in a year.
Witnessing such Freddie and the band, the audience also sang “Spread Your Wings” (again, Freddie is a masterpiece) and “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” which was just a big hit. In particular, the chorus in the latter was a scene that was also seen in Hammersmith, but at this point it was not a reply while fueling the excitement, and instead started “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Such “Bohemian Rhapsody” is the best performance of Newcastle on December 4th. After all, Freddie sang a phrase close to the melody line of the album version, and the scene where he sang without lowering the melody line in “So you think you can love me and leave me to die? Oh, baby” was stunning. Impact enough to make you. This has a high reputation overseas, and on YouTube, there is a video that enthusiasts will summarize only the scenes where Freddy’s voice came out especially on this day, and bother to dubbing it with the video of the 1979 performance (laugh) So please refer to it.

This famous performance on December 4, 1979 Newcastle is also a monaural sound quality of the 70’s, the quality of ordinary audience recording, and even if it is wrong, it is not a level for everyone. In the past, there was only a CD-R called “CRAZY IN NEW CASTLE”. It was enough to please enthusiasts in itself, but after adding equalization at the time of release (it was unpopular overseas that the sound quality was rather deteriorated), the pitch deviation was neglected. The significance of the release of the famous performance, which was said to be “” Bohemian Rhapsody “maybe the best of all live takes” in a specialized magazine, has diminished.
Since it is a sound image with a sense of distance, it is in the form of a CD-R from the UXBRIDGE label this time as well, but when it was released, we did not add any extra equalization, but rather focused on adjusting the pitch. As I mentioned earlier, it is basically a sound source for enthusiasts, but it is still a very enjoyable item. As I have written so far, the performance centered on Freddie is a word of fierceness. If you are an enthusiast who is accustomed to recording audiences, it is a series of scenes that make you want to put effort into your hands, saying, “Playing so great …”.
More than 10 years have passed since the release of “CRAZY IN NEW CASTLE”, and many enthusiasts have been waiting for the upper version of this sound source from the UXBRIDGE label. Enjoy a masterpiece with a warm and straightforward sound quality on an accurate pitch. Freddie here is really awesome, and almost every song has a high point. It ’s already sharp!
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1979年“CRAZY TOUR”の最定番音源である「HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979」のリリースから早一週間。クイーン1979年最後のステージを最高のオーディエンス録音で収録した音源の最新決定版が登場した訳ですが、そもそも“CRAZY TOUR”は一貫してフレディが絶好調な時期としてマニアには絶大な人気を誇る。それどころかハマースミス・オデオンをも軽く凌いでしまうようなハイ・エナジー・パフォーマンスがゴロゴロしているのはマニアなら常識です。クイーンの1979年のキャリアから見ても “CRAZY TOUR”という時期は別格な輝きを放っている。そんな絶頂期の中でも最高の一夜、それどころかクイーンのライブ史上、フレディが最高だったのでは?と言われるほど絶好調だったのが1979年12月4日のニューキャッスル・シティ・ホール。
“CRAZY TOUR”はどの日もオープニングからテンションが爆発するかのごとく激しい演奏がやすやすと繰り広げられていたのですが、この日は絶頂がもはやネクスト・レベルに到達した感じであり、そのキレッキレな演奏ぶりが一聴して解るほど壮絶なもの。クイーンのライブ前半においてフレディの好調度を図るバロメーターが「Somebody To Love」であることは有名ですが、ここで聞かれるフレディの熱唱度は間違いなく10点中「10」と付けずにはいられない壮絶さ。演奏開始直後からエンジン全開で、声を抑えることなく気の赴くままに叫ぶフレディがいる。その後はライブの主導権を彼が握る、あるいは好調すぎるフレディにバンドがすべてを託す形ですさまじい演奏が繰り広げられました。

ライブのフレディと言えば喉をかばう意味でメロディやキーを下げて歌うのが当たりませ。それがお家芸のレベルであり、取り立てて驚くほどのことでもないのですが、この日の彼はいつものパターンから脱却し、信じられないほど攻めまくった歌を聞かせる。「Now I’m Here」における煽りなど、ただでさえテンションが高い“CRAZY TOUR”の中でも一層激しく、聞いていて身震いするほどに強烈。こうした頼もしいフレディを前に、バンドも一年ぶりにステージで「Liar」を取り上げて応えます。
そんなフレディやバンドを目の当たりにオーディエンスも「Spread Your Wings」(ここでもフレディが圧巻)や大ヒットしたばかりの「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」を大合唱して盛り上げてくれる。特に後者での合唱はハマースミスでも見られた光景ですが、この時点では盛り上がりを煽りつつもリプライズにはならず、代わりに「Bohemian Rhapsody」を始めるのでした。
そんな「Bohemian Rhapsody」こそニューキャッスル12月4日における最高の演奏。何しろフレディはアルバム・バージョンのメロディラインに近いフレーズを平然と歌い上げており、中でも「So you think you can love me and leave me to die? oh, baby」でメロディラインを下げずに歌い上げた場面は唖然とさせられるほどのインパクト。これは海外でも定評が高く、YouTube上ではマニアがこの日の中でも特にフレディの声が出た場面だけをまとめ、わざわざ79年別公演の映像とアフレコさせて解説してくれる(笑)映像があるので参照してみてください。


この名演中の名演1979年12月4日ニューキャッスルも音質的には70年代のモノラル、ありふれたオーディエンス録音のクオリティであり、間違っても万人向けなレベルではない。過去には「CRAZY IN NEWCASTLE」というCD-Rが存在したのみ。それ自体はマニアを喜ばせるに十分だったのですが、リリースに際してイコライズを加えてしまった(海外ではむしろ音質が落ちたと不評でした)挙句、ピッチの狂いがおざなりにされていたというもの。専門誌をして「”Bohemian Rhapsody”はもしかしたら全てのライブ・テイクの中でベスト」と言わしめた名演がリリースされた意義も薄れてしまったのです。
今や「CRAZY IN NEWCASTLE」のリリースから10年以上の歳月が経過し、むしろUXBRIDGEレーベルから本音源のアッパー版を待ち望んでいたマニアも少なくなかったことでしょう。正確なピッチにウォーミーかつ素直な音質で極めつけの名演お楽しみください。本当にここでのフレディは凄まじく、ほとんど毎曲でハイ・ポイントが訪れます。もうキレッキレ!


Disc 1(46:57)
1. Intro 2. Jailhouse Rock 3. We Will Rock You (fast) 4. Let Me Entertain You 5. Somebody To Love
6. Mustapha 7. Death On Two Legs☆The Millionaire Waltz のイントロを披露 8. Killer Queen
9. I’m In Love With My Car 10. Get Down, Make Love 11. You’re My Best Friend
12. Save Me 13. Now I’m Here

Disc 2(60:39)
1. Don’t Stop Me Now 2. Spread Your Wings 3. Love Of My Life 4. ’39 5. Keep Yourself Alive
6. Drum/Guitar Solos 7. Liar ☆1978年以来の演奏! 8. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
9. Bohemian Rhapsody 10. Tie Your Mother Down 11. Sheer Heart Attack
12. We Will Rock You 13. We Are The Champions 14. God Save The Queen

Uxbridge 941

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