Queen / Mannheim 1986 NPR/NDR German Pre-FM Master / 2CD

Queen / Mannheim 1986 NPR/NDR German Pre-FM Master / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Maimarktgelande, Mannheim, Germany 21st June 1986 STEREO SBD(from Pre-FM Reel Master)

Play sample :

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The FM soundboard of the Mannheim performance that has been representing QUEEN’s last “THE MAGIC TOUR” together with the official “LIVE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM” and “HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY”. The original master reel in-kind of the broadcasting station that became a major standard was excavated! It is a decision to make it into a CD with an emergency permanent storage press !!

[Observation of master reels of broadcasting stations to obtain miracle] What is contained in such a case board is “Mannheim performance on June 21, 1986”. This show is radio broadcast on NPR (US Public Radio Station) and NDR (North German Broadcasting), and is a large standard among the classics that has produced numerous FM soundboards. In our shop, the ultimate quality board “DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM (Wardour-100)” became a big hit. It is a sound board recording that should be called the treasure of “THE MAGIC TOUR”, but this work makes a distinction from such a group that has already been released. It is a direct digitization from the actual master reels used by radio stations. Moreover, this reel sound source is not on the net. The photograph of the reel actual thing is also published on the right, but this is probably from West Germany. The copies were distributed around the world (including Japan), but this reel was sent to the United States. The FM radio station was put on auction recently, and it was provided by the mania who made a successful bid for it.
And when I tried to play that treasure master, the “Dengen of Otogen” including the parts that I could not hear in the past has been flowing out. Before the contents of the shock, here the position of the show. Let’s confirm it in the whole picture of “THE MAGIC TOUR”.

“June 3” A KIND OF MAGIC “release”
・ June 7-July 2: Europe # 1 (12 performances) ★ ★ Coco ★
・ July 5-16: Britain (5 performances)
・ July 19-August 5: Europe # 2 (eight performances)
・ August 9: Nebworth performance (last show)

This is QUEEN last tour. Originally it was a tour that lasted about two months without a break, but it will be like this when divided by the UK and the continental Europe. “LIVE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM” was “UK” and “HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY” was “Europe # 2”, but this work’s Mannheim performance is “Europe # 1” in the early stage. It is a concert that hits the seventh performance, and has symbolized the opening, middle and end of the tour in conjunction with the two official works.

[A panoramic view of the Mannheim performance that no one knew] Well, main subject. It is this work that is full of the legendary broadcast ‘Omoto’, but the most shocking thing is the length. It also included parts that could not be heard in the previous group. Of course, the playing parts are the same as before, but there are mainly five places between the songs that have been cut. You can hear the announcement from NDR early on, but the longer one is about 30 seconds between “Another One Bites The Dust” and “Who Wants To Live Forever”. Here, Freddie beats the microphone and beats the spectator’s hand, and Roger’s drumming rides there. The second one is waiting for the encore after “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”. After Freddie said “Good Night Thank you!”, Cheers for them to reappear have been recorded for two and a half minutes. The third one is waiting for encore, after “Radio Ga Ga”. A two-minute on-the-spot sound that has never been known flows, and the call and hand clap to call back QUEEN three times is great, and the mood of waking up to their reappearance is fresh. And finally, after the final performance of “God Save The Queen”, a large circle was reached. The loud cheers in the on-site announcements were recorded about three seconds longer than the existing group.
It may have been determined that cheers were too long when it was broadcasted, but this is the “Ogen”. Taka may seem to be cheers, but if it is not actually there is a totally different feeling of experience. “Who Wants To Live Forever”, which had suddenly changed mood in the group already, also flows naturally, and the catharsis of “Radio Ga Ga” and “We Will Rock You” will also be doubled because the wait for encore will also wait with the big audience It is Curiously, the master reel lacked about a minute of cheer after “Now I’m Here”. In this work, this part was compensated from the existing issue, and the longest and complete form of the show was realized.
And it is a super realistic sound that is not finished in the song interval. “DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM” was “official style” in terms of sound and stereo feeling that removed noise thoroughly, but this work is more natural. The sound of the 80’s is enough to make it sound completely unprocessed, and the freshness of the “Ogen” is also extremely refreshing. As a matter of fact, this broadcast was also known for its high-pitched feel, but it seems that it was originally from the beginning. In “DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM”, it was reduced by mastering etc., and it was finished in the official style sound, but in this work, “the truth of the reel” has been digitized faithfully.
The Mannheim performance depicted with such a sound is still great. I think that many people know only a large standard, but on this day Fredy also performed well. I’m pulling a squeak and a show with nori that I’m not afraid of mistakes, and the tension of the entire band is rising as well. It’s exciting to leave yourself alone, but when I listen to it in detail, I jump to the riffs of Beatles ‘”I Feel Fine” and “Gimme Some Lovin'” of THE SPENCER DAVIS GROUP for a moment following “Impromptu”. Anyway, the whole story is passed in the former melancholy mood, and there is also a mania called “one of the best shows in 1986” “It is great than Wembley!”. Another point is “Tutti Frutti”. Here, MARILLION fish jumps and participates. You can enjoy the thick chorus at any time on the Omoto sound board.

A legendary broadcast of tradition that has been handed down “THE MAGIC TOUR” with two official works. It is a superb stereo sound board of only this work that was awakened from the original master reel. A scene that has never been known is also recorded, and it is a new excavation that is nothing more than just an “event”. Please enjoy it with perpetual preservation press 2CD.

オフィシャルの『LIVE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM』『HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY』と共にQUEEN最後の“THE MAGIC TOUR”を代表してきたマンハイム公演のFMサウンドボード。あの大定番の大元となった放送局のオリジナル・マスターリール現物が発掘されました! 緊急永久保存プレスでCD化決定です!!

そんな事件盤に収められているのは「1986年6月21日マンハイム公演」。このショウはNPR(米公共ラジオ局)やNDR(北ドイツ放送)でラジオ放送され、数々のFMサウンドボード盤を生み出してきた定番中の大定番。当店でも究極クオリティ盤『DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM(Wardour-100)』が大ヒットとなりました。まさに“THE MAGIC TOUR”の至宝とも言うべきサウンドボード録音なのですが、本作はそうした既発群とは一線を画す。ラジオ局が使用したマスター・リール現物からダイレクトにデジタル化したものなのです。しかも、このリール音源はネットに出回っているものではありません。右にそのリール現物の写真も掲載しておりますが、これは恐らく西ドイツ産。(日本も含む)世界各国にコピーが配られたわけですが、このリールはアメリカへ送られた。そのアメリカFM局が最近になってオークションに出品し、それを落札したマニアから提供されたのです。
そして、そのお宝マスターを再生してみるとこれまでの既発では聴けなかったパートも含む“伝説放送の大元”が流れ出てきたのです。その衝撃の内容の前に、ここでショウのポジション。“THE MAGIC TOUR”全体像の中で確かめておきましょう。

《6月3日『A KIND OF MAGIC』発売》

これがQUEEN最後のツアー。本来は休みなく約2ヶ月続いたツアーでしたが、英国と大陸ヨーロッパで分けるとこのようになります。『LIVE AT WEMBLEY STADIUM』が「英国」、『HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY』が「欧州#2」だったのに対し、本作のマンハイム公演は序盤の「欧州#1」。その7公演目にあたるコンサートであり、公式2作品と併せてツアーの序盤・中盤・終盤を象徴してきたのです。

さて、本題。その伝説放送の“大元”が詰まった本作ですが、何よりも衝撃なのは長さ。これまでの既発群では聴けなかったパートも収録していたのです。もちろん、演奏パートはこれまで通りですが、カットされていたのは主に曲間で5カ所あります。再生早々、NDRのアナウンスが聴けますが、もっと長いのは「Another One Bites The Dust」から「Who Wants To Live Forever」間の約30秒。ここではフレディがマイクを叩いて観客の手拍子を煽っており、そこにロジャーのドラミングが乗って盛り上げている。2つめは「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」後のアンコール待ち。フレディが「Good Night Thank you!」と言った後、彼らの再登場を待つ歓声が2分30秒記録されている。3つめもアンコール待ちで「Radio Ga Ga」の後。これまで知られてこなかった2分間の現場音が流れ、QUEENを三度呼び戻そうとするコールや手拍子が盛大で、彼らの再々登場にワッと湧くムードが生々しい。そして、最後は「God Save The Queen」で大団円を迎えた終演後。現場アナウンスに湧く大歓声が既発群より3秒ほど長めに収録されていたのです。
放送時に歓声が長すぎると判断されてカットされたのかも知れませんが、これこそが“大元”。たかが歓声と思われるかも知れませんが、実際にあると無いとでは体験感がまるで違ってくる。既発群では急にムードが変わっていた「Who Wants To Live Forever」も自然に流れ、アンコール待ちも大観衆と一緒に待ちわびるからこそ「Radio Ga Ga」「We Will Rock You」のカタルシスも倍増するのです。逆に不思議なことに、このマスターリールには「Now I’m Here」後の約1分間の歓声が欠けていた。本作では、このパートを既発から補填し、ショウの最長・完全形を実現しました。
そして、曲間で済まないのが超リアルなサウンド。『DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM』はノイズを徹底的に除去した鳴りやステレオ感の面で「オフィシャル風」でしたが、本作はもっとナチュラル。完全に無加工なだけに鳴りには80年代放送の薫りがたっぷりとただよい、“大元”だからこその鮮度も極めて瑞々しいのです。実のところ、この放送は高音にチリチリとした感触でも知られていたのですが、どうやらそれは元からだった模様。『DEFINITIVE MANNHEIM』ではマスタリング等で軽減し、オフィシャル風サウンドに仕上げてありましたが、本作では「リールの真実」を忠実にデジタル化いたしました。
そんなサウンドで描かれるマンハイム公演は、やはり素晴らしい。大定番だけにご存じの方も多いと思いますが、この日はフレディも絶好調の名演。ミスも恐れないノリでグイグイとショウを引っぱり、バンド全体のテンションも尻上がりになっていく。その流れに身を任せるだけでも痛快ですが、細かく聴いていくと「Impromptu」に続いて一瞬ビートルズの「I Feel Fine」のリフやTHE SPENCER DAVIS GROUPの「Gimme Some Lovin’」まで飛び出したり。とにかく全編が前のめりなムードで通され、「ウェンブリーより凄い!」「1986年ベスト・ショウの1つ」と呼ぶマニアもいるほど。さらにポイントなのが「Tutti Frutti」。ここではMARILLIONのフィッシュが飛び入り参加。いつになくぶ厚いコーラスも大元サウンドボードでじっくりと楽しめるのです。

オフィシャル2作と共に“THE MAGIC TOUR”を語り継いできた伝統の名放送。その大元マスター・リールから起こされた本作だけの極上ステレオ・サウンドボードです。これまで知られることのなかったシーンも記録され、まさしく“事件”以外の何物でもない新発掘。永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご堪能ください。


Disc 1 (53:02)
1. DJ Intro
2. One Vision
3. Tie Your Mother Down
4. In The Lap Of The Gods… Revisited
5. Seven Seas Of Rhye
6. Tear It Up
7. A Kind Of Magic
8. Day-O
9. Under Pressure ★ここからB面
10. Another One Bites The Dust★4:30 – 5:03 フレディが観客を盛り上げる所は初登場(超重要)
11. Who Wants To Live Forever
12. I Want To Break Free
13. Impromptu
14. Guitar Solo

Disc 2 (57:28)
1. Now I’m Here
2. Love Of My Life
3. Is This The World We Created?
4. You’re So Square (Baby I Don’t Care)
5. Hello Mary Lou
6. Tutti Frutti
7. Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Hammer To Fall
9. Crazy Little Thing Called Love★ここからB面★5:37 – 7:56 Good Night Thank youの後のアンコール待ち歓声2分30秒(超重要)
10. Radio Ga Ga ★5:56 – 8:06 2分のアンコール待ち歓声(超重要)
11. We Will Rock You
12. Friends Will Be Friends
13. We Are The Champions
14. God Save The Queen
15. Outro ★一番最後が3秒程度長い。



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