Queen / Long Beach Arena 1977 1st Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

Queen / Long Beach Arena 1977 1st Night: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Wardour

Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA 20th December 1977 ULTIMATE SOUND

Play sample :

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Suddenly announced at the end of 2020, the masterpiece of the QUEEN audience. Introducing Press 2CD, which permanently preserves the records of miracles that are causing the year-end and New Year holidays around the world!
“December 20, 1977 Long Beach Performance” was contained in the miracle record. It is a transcendental audience recording by the legendary famous recording artist “Mike Millard”. I think many of you already know this. The origin of this work is the first appearance master that was suddenly released on the same date as last year’s show “December 20th”. The sound is located at the highest peak in the many mirrored collections (along with LED ZEPPELIN’s “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE”), and the content of the show is a tremendous performance of the heyday. We have introduced countless QUEEN titles so far, but this is definitely a masterpiece. It was such a big excavation of another dimension.
The content is not transmitted just by repeating shocks and shocks, so cool your head once here ……. By the way, speaking of “Mirrored QUEEN”, the new excavation “L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT (Wardour-407)” was also new to my memory a year ago, but of course this work is a separate performance. On the contrary, even though it is the same “1977”, the contents are very different. In order to explain the situation in that area, let’s first look back on the schedule at that time.

● 1977
・ January 13-March 18: North America # 1 (40 performances) ← * L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT
・ May 8-June 7: Europe # 1 (19 performances)
“October 28,” News of the World “released”
・ November 11th-December 22nd: North America # 2 (26 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1978
・ April 12-May 13: Europe # 2 (20 performances)
<< July-October “JAZZ” production >>

This is the overall picture of “A DAY AT THE RACES TOUR” and “NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR”. Both are from North America to Europe, and “L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT” is the beginning of the former. On the other hand, the long beach performance of this work is the 24th performance of “North America # 2” which is “NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR”. The symbol of this “North America # 2” is the professional shot of the Houston performance, but it was also the concert after the 4th performance.
This work was recorded at such a show, but … how should this sound be put into words? Anyway, it’s perfect and supreme. You can use the words “core”, “distance”, and “details” individually, but that doesn’t convey the “dignity of sound” that makes you feel cheap and even aura. If you’re interested in this article, you’re probably experiencing mirrored recording in some band, but this one sounds better than any of them. On the other hand, if you are asking “Who is Mirrored?”, Please remember the most memorable QUEEN audience recording ever. It’s a much better sound than that.
It was too abstract, so when compared with the same mirrored recording “L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT”, this work clearly has a direct feeling and the outline is sharp. Even bigger is the low audience noise. “LA FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT” was a scorching recording with hot clapping and applause, but in this work, while the band is in front of you, the other applause is far away (like a direct soundboard). It’s small. Let’s compare another one. Until now, the best masterpiece of the QUEEN audience was “A NIGHT AT BOSTON” recorded by Dan Lampinsky in 1976, but even with that super masterpiece, it is not as good as this one. The tight feeling to the tremendous is tremendous, and even the base line with a bing is super clear. This year-end and New Year holidays were also a moment when the throne of the masterpiece was replaced.
Of course, no matter how terrible the sound is, the show is meaningless, but in that respect as well, this work deserves to be called a masterpiece. In fact, the North American tour of “NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR” is also a big turning point for collectors. Prior to this, QUEEN was in the growth stage. While producing famous songs one after another, the playing ability, singing ability, and performance have improved one tour at a time. And it was “North America in 1977” that the growth reached its first peak. Actually, the set may be the same as “ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977 (Wardour-246)”, but let’s dare to compare it with “L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT” and experience the transformation.

● Songs inherited from the previous tour
・ Queen of Dread: Liar / Keep Yourself Alive
・ Sheer Heart Attack: Brighton Rock / Killer Queen / Now I’m Here / Stone Cold Crazy (There is a recording omission at the beginning)
・ A Night at the Opera: You’re My Best Friend / ’39 / The Prophet’s Song / Bohemian Rhapsody
・ A Day at the Races: Somebody To Love / The Millionaire Waltz / White Man / Tie Your Mother Down
・ Others: Jailhouse Rock
● Songs that could not be heard in “L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT”
・ A Night at the Opera: Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to…) / I’m In Love With My Car / Love Of My Life
・ A Day at the Races: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
・ Dedicated to the world: We Will Rock You / Get Down Make Love / My Melancholy Blues / We Are The Champions / Sheer Heart Attack

… And it looks like this. The three major songs “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “We Will Rock You” and “We Are The Champions” are all together to complete the foundation that continues to the current QUEEN + Adam. In addition, numbers such as “I’m In Love With My Car” and “Love Of My Life” that will play a central role in the show are also included.
And the performance itself is more than such a set. Freddie’s vocalization has finally reached the stage of completion, and the vibrato with plenty of stretchy vocalization is also climax. Of course, the performances of the other three who have grown together are also perfect, and the ensemble as a band is an iron wall. Of course, there are various theories about the peak period of QUEEN depending on the person, and there are also factors such as the tension of special performances and the frequency of famous performances that cannot be decided by one work alone. However, in terms of playing ability and singing ability, QUEEN has already reached the completed form, and a great performance that can only be called a masterpiece as one live board is unfolding.

Introducing countless QUEEN titles so far, we have called them “masterpieces” several times. However, this work has surpassed (jumped) such super-masterpieces at once. An unprecedented masterpiece is more than just “best.” It means that I was hit in the head with the shock of “I have never heard such a great QUEEN!”.
A shocking work that deserves to be called a “masterpiece” from both the QUEEN perspective and the mirrored collection perspective. Enjoy it anytime, forever with Press 2CD, which permanently stores the shock!

★ The masterpiece of the QUEEN audience, which was suddenly announced at the end of 2020. It is a transcendental audience recording of “December 20, 1977 Long Beach Performance”. Although it is the first public master of the legendary master Millard, it sounds more amazing than all the audience recordings of QUEEN that have been known so far, and it is the highest peak from the viewpoint of the mirrored collection. It is truly a great excavation of a different dimension and miracle. Moreover, the show is also a great performance. While the three major songs “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “We Will Rock You” and “We Are The Champions” are available, Freddie’s vocals and the performances of the three performers have reached the stage of completion. It is the birth of a new masterpiece that has surpassed the masterpieces so far!
!! !!
★ Sound quality / content “AAA” (Triple A). A masterpiece along with that “A NIGHT AT BOSTON” that suddenly appeared at the end of 2020. Everything is a miracle mirrored master. This is the pinnacle of bootlegs! !!

その奇跡の記録に封じ込められていたのは「1977年12月20日ロングビーチ公演」。伝説の名録音家“マイク・ミラード”による超絶級オーディエンス録音です。もうご存じの方も多いのではないでしょうか。本作の大元になっているのは、昨年ショウと同じ日付“12月20日”に突如として公開された初登場マスター。そのサウンドは数あるミラード・コレクションでも(LED ZEPPELINの『LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE』と並んで)最高峰に位置し、ショウの内容も絶頂時代の凄まじいパフォーマンス。当店ではこれまで無数のQUEENタイトルをご紹介してきましたが、これこそ最高傑作に間違いない。そんな異次元の大発掘だったのです。
衝撃・衝撃と繰り返してばかりでは内容が伝わりませんので、ここで一度頭を冷やしまして……。さて、「ミラードのQUEEN」と言えば、1年前にも新発掘『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT(Wardour-407)』も記憶に新しいところですが、もちろん本作は別公演。それどころか、同じ「1977年」とは言っても内容が大きく異なります。その辺の事情をご説明するためにも、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

・1月13日-3月18日:北米#1(40公演)←※L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT

これが“A DAY AT THE RACES TOUR”・“NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR”の全体像。どちらも北米→欧州の流れで、『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT』は前者の序盤。それに対し、本作のロングビーチ公演は“NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR”である「北米#2」の24公演目。この「北米#2」の象徴と言えばヒューストン公演のプロショットですが、その4公演後にあたるコンサートでもありました。
あまりに抽象的すぎましたので、同じミラード録音『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT』と比較してみますと、本作の方が明らかにダイレクト感があり、輪郭もシャープ。さらに大きいのはオーディエンス・ノイズの少なさ。『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT』は手拍子や喝采も熱い灼熱の録音でしたが、本作はバンドが目の前でありつつ、他の喝采は(それこそ卓直結サウンドボード化のように)遠く、小さいのです。もう1本、比較してみましょう。これまでQUEENオーディエンスの最高傑作と言えば、1976年にダン・ランピンスキーが録音した『A NIGHT AT BOSTON』でしたが、あの超傑作をもってしても本作には及ばない。凄まじいまでのタイト感が絶大で、ビンビンとしたベースのラインまで超克明。この年末年始は、最高傑作の王座が交代した刹那でもあったのです。
もちろん、いくら音が凄まじかろうとショウがダメでは無意味なのですが、その点でも本作は最高傑作と呼ぶに相応しい。実のところ、“NEWS OF THE WORLD TOUR”の北米ツアーはコレクターにとって大きなターニング・ポイントでもある。これ以前のQUEENは言わば成長段階。名曲を次々と生み出しつつ、演奏力も歌唱力もパフォーマンスも1ツアーずつ向上してきました。そして、その成長が最初のピークを迎えたのが「1977年の北米」だったわけです。実のところ、セットは『ULTIMATE HOUSTON 1977(Wardour-246)』と同一だったりもするのですが、ここではあえて『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT』と比較しながら変貌ぶりを実感してみましょう。

・戦慄の王女:Liar/Keep Yourself Alive
・シアー・ハート・アタック:Brighton Rock/Killer Queen/Now I’m Here/Stone Cold Crazy(冒頭に録音漏れあり)
・オペラ座の夜:You’re My Best Friend/’39/The Prophet’s Song/Bohemian Rhapsody
・華麗なるレース:Somebody To Love/The Millionaire Waltz/White Man/Tie Your Mother Down
・その他:Jailhouse Rock
●『L.A. FORUM 1977 2ND NIGHT』で聴けなかった曲
・オペラ座の夜:Death on Two Legs (Dedicated to…)/I’m In Love With My Car/Love Of My Life
・華麗なるレース:Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
・世界に捧ぐ:We Will Rock You/Get Down Make Love/My Melancholy Blues/We Are The Champions/Sheer Heart Attack

……と、このようになっています。3大代表曲「Bohemian Rhapsody」「We Will Rock You」「We Are The Champions」が揃って現在のQUEEN+アダムまで続く基礎が完成。さらに「I’m In Love With My Car」や「Love Of My Life」など、その後ショウの中核を担うナンバーも盛り込まれているのです。


★2020年の暮れに突如発表された、QUEENオーディエンスの最高傑作。「1977年12月20日ロングビーチ公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。伝説の名手ミラードの初公開マスターなのですが、従来知られてきたQUEENのあらゆるオーディエンス録音よりも凄い音で、ミラード・コレクションの観点でも最高峰。まさに異次元・奇跡の大発掘です。しかも、ショウも大名演。3大代表曲「Bohemian Rhapsody」「We Will Rock You」「We Are The Champions」が揃いつつ、フレディのヴォーカルも3人の演奏も完成の域に到達。これまでの名盤群を飛び越えた新たなる最高傑作の誕生です!
★音質・内容「AAA」(トリプルA)。2020年末に突如出現した、あの「A NIGHT AT BOSTON」と並ぶ最高傑作。全てが奇跡のミラード・マスター。これぞブートレッグの頂点!!

Disc 1 (58:15)
1. Intro
2. We Will Rock You (slow)
3. We Will Rock You (fast)
4. Brighton Rock
5. Somebody To Love
6. Death On Two Legs
7. Killer Queen
8. Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
9. I’m In Love With My Car
10. Get Down Make Love
11. The Millionaire Waltz
12. You’re My Best Friend
13. Liar
14. Love Of My Life
15. ’39
16. My Melancholy Blues

Disc 2 (55:06)
1. White Man
2. The Prophet’s Song
3. Guitar Solo
4. The Prophet’s Song (reprise)
5. Now I’m Here
6. Stone Cold Crazy
7. Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Keep Yourself Alive
9. Tie Your Mother Down
10. We Will Rock You
11. We Are The Champions
12. Sheer Heart Attack
13. Jailhouse Rock
14. God Save The Queen

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