Queen / Live Aid / 1CD

Queen / Live Aid / 1CD / Wardour
Live at Wembley Stadium, London, UK 13th July 1985  . STEREO SBD

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Translated text:

The legendary stage “Wembley Stadium on July 13, 1985” highlighted by the big hit of the movie Bohemian Rhapsody. The ultimate master who recorded the scene of that “LIVE AID” is the world first exhibition.
This stage is no longer an explanation legend in the legend. Although it was omitted in the movie, it is a worldwide bashing to South Africa performance, a big boo in rock in Rio, and discord between members. Those who had been driven to the point of dissolution with full creativity creation reversed everything in only one stage. Not only the four members but also tens of thousands of spectators gathered together, it was a legendary show that they played Elton John “You were eaten by you”. The pattern is also reproduced in movies. Although it is a movie with a pros and cons story, the scenes of reproduction of that highlight are also motivated by everyone, and it is also the driving force of a big hit.
It was such a legendary show, but the document of the spectator viewpoint has not been known so far. Perhaps it was not thought that most days would be recorded as it was relayed all over the world, but there are exceptions in everything. Among the 72,000 people gathered at the scene, there was a person turning the tape. Moreover, that person is a Japanese. Yes, it was a staff of the prestigious “Kinney”. This work is one such big decision board that set FM sound board which is regarded as the world’s highest peak still in addition to such first world released Kinney master. It is the first live album ever to taste that legend stage from “band side” and “audience side”.

【First half: Original master of prestigious Kinney】
First of all, the recording of a shocking kinney. Hidden treasure in the treasure that was unpublished until today due to television and radio broadcasting. I made CD directly from its original cassette.
That sound is exactly the story of Kinney Magic. Of course, the breath of the workplace is also a realistic audience recording, but the sense of air is transparent, the performance and the singing voice jump straight in hand. And the freshness unique to the original master is overwhelming. Perhaps it has been almost never played for 33 years since recording. Dubbing deterioration and aged deterioration are scarcely seen, neither distortion nor flapping. Until a huge cheering outrageous sound is finally overturning.
It is “audience side LIVE AID” that is drawn with that sound. Elton also stands in the midst of enthusiasm for accepting defeat. The thing you do not want to be wrong here is that you are not bothered by bizarre screaming (never!). Although we can feel the excitement of 72,000 people together, there is no strange voice and no talk is heard. Feeling like being in an empty space completely empty in the middle of a furious excitement. I can not imagine that there is such space even if I look at the picture, but the sound sounds like that.
And that enthusiasm is wonderful. Although cheering from the appearance of four people, Freddie boils at once at a stroke when Freddie strikes the intro of “Bohemian Rhapsody”. A vast chorus bursts out finely. Its thickness and beauty. Although it was a touching scene in movies and television broadcasting, the sense of standing on the scene was just like another dimension. The madness of the skin does not stop, it is the moment when it gets softer.
That hot presence is not destroyed. The subsequent “Radio Ga Ga” also has a great excitement, although at that time it should have been the new number yet, 72,000 people can not stop chanting. And that gigantic “Day – O” intercourse. The cheers that caught randomly until last time follow Freddie, but what is phenomenal is that orderly control. Freddie’s voice passes as if no one talked about my own lyrics, and I will return it with a chord undisturbed. It seems like the usual sight, but there are 72,000 people gathered here. Although the sense of scale is understood in the thickness of the voice to return, its synchro rate is about to think that it is a hall class. And, “Hammer To Fall” starts. In the middle of that, suddenly laughter and cheerless swells crawl. Actually, at this time Freddie is playing around with the TV broadcast camera. There are also people who memorize scenes in which the face will be lit up in a live broadcast and disturbed, but at that moment the Wembley pot was also boiling. The truth of LIVE AID, which I could not tell as much as watching on TV or on the radio, got tangled with neat sounds.
The boiling pot is full of clapping hands with “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” even dancing performance, finally reaching the top with “We Will Rock You”. Boiling in that intro replaces the explosion, everyone in the pan inscribes the rhythm. However, the 72,000 beats eventually exceeded the performance of the band, and the clapping drifts crazy. To that much audience energy is enormous, so that simple rhythm is crazy enough so that it goes crazy. And such a chaos is briskly arranged in a moment with Freddie’s singing out. This is the dreadfulness of Freddy Mercury who could manipulate every crowd in a row. No matter how big it is, this place is not just a place of fuss and not a riot. It is a moment that is felt by QUEEN and it is realized that it is a scene of a concert accompanying Freddie.
The enthusiasm of that vertex does not get hurried, and it moves to “We Are The Champions”. This take is too good. Fevery’s enthusiasm of the deep penetrates in the middle of that deeply thick thick chorus swirling with a consistent sense of unity. The extension of the voice and streets, and the power of Vivrato. There is overwhelmingly as much. Usually it is after the full set singing at the concert, but this day is highlight with less than 20 minutes from the opening. I do not remember the weak “We Are The Champions” which is so striking whether it is successful or not. Singing voice impressed through space, synchronizing beauty with huge chorus. This is beyond TV and radio broadcasts again. Although it is a continuation of miracle from the head to the end, this 3 minutes 52 seconds is a miracle in the miracle.
It keeps watching as tired as ever, and it is 21 minutes 12 seconds of the legend which I also confirmed in the movie. That scene was so wonderful. This is a miracle of reality. The scene. It is a new excavation master of a miracle that teaches us the moment without feeling twice with skin sensation.

【Latter half: highest peak stereo · sound board】
In the second half that follows, full sound board recording that is pushed for “best” and grand prix from mania. “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and “We Will Rock You” that were not used in the movie were not recorded, but in addition to the complete version of the show, only Freddy and Brian on that night (21: 48) You can enjoy “Is This The World We Created?” That re-appeared and played with the highest peak sound.
Of course, this show is officially made into DVD, but those who are supposed to be “the best” from maniacs are those of FM broadcasting at the time. Separately, there is not a problem with the sound quality of the official DVD, is it instead of covering a big cheer with a stereo feeling? The localization of the performance was closer to the center, and it was hardened as it was almost monaural. On the other hand, the FM sound board is live only, the audience’s play is thin (although it still gets excited enough to enter), the performance and singing voice itself is super vivid. “Radio Ga Ga” Intro synth sounds flow from the right, John Deacon’s chorus singing from the left properly. The first half of Kinney recording was the leading role in the workplace, but this soundboard is a live album that can be synchronized with QUEEN himself.
Also, listen to “Is This The World We Created?” In the evening section. Although we play only with two people, howling frequently occurs from the intro and the mix is ​​unstable. We get into the conversation of the staff on the way. Although it is a broadcast accident which can not be thought in modern times, this is also a big project of unprecedented unexplainable beyond the limit of the 1980s. It is one song that you can realize how the main stage of the day was miraculous while that sense of era is real.

“QUEEN of LIVE AID” which continues to attract the world even if it exceeds the time of 33 years. A new excavation audience recording that can experience the scene and a close contact stereo sound board of the highest peak ever. It is a historical live album that contains two vertex records.
The reproduction scene of the movie was also a wonderful entertainment, but this is the real thing of a miracle. Please, please enjoy at any time with permanent preservation press CD.

★ This is amazing. All rock and fan It is a super killer title of tears of tears.

映画『ボヘミアン・ラプソディ』の大ヒットによって脚光を浴びている伝説のステージ「1985年7月13日ウェンブリー・スタジアム」。あの“LIVE AID”の現場を記録した超極上マスターが全世界初公開です。

そのサウンドで描かれるのは「観客側のLIVE AID」。エルトンも負けを認めたという熱狂のただ中に立てるのです。ここでカン違いしてないでいただきたいのは、奇声・絶叫に悩まされる録音では(決して!)ないこと。7万2000人が一体となった盛り上がりは体感できるものの、間近な声が不思議なほどなく、話し声すらしない。猛烈な盛り上がりのド真ん中にすっぽり空いた無人空間にでもいるような感覚。映像を見てもそんな空間があるとは思えないのですが、サウンドはそう聞こえるのです。
そして、その熱狂こそが素晴らしい。4人の登場から声援が飛びますが、フレディが「Bohemian Rhapsody」のイントロをつま弾くや一気にウェンブリー鍋が一気に沸騰。きめ細かくも広大な大合唱が吹き出す。そのぶ厚さと美しさ。映画やテレビ中継でも感動のシーンでしたが、現場に立つ感覚はまるで別次元。肌の粟立ちが止まらず、まさに総毛立つ瞬間です。
その熱い臨場感が潰えない。続く「Radio Ga Ga」も盛大な盛り上がりが素晴らしく、当時はまだ新しめのナンバーだったはずなのに7万2000人の唱和が止まらない。そして、あの巨大な「Day-O」の交歓。つい先ほどまでランダムに沸きまくっていた歓声がフレディに付き従うのですが、驚異的なのはその整然とした統制。まるで誰も私語を口にしていないかのようにフレディの声が通り、一糸乱れぬ唱和で返してみせる。いつもの光景のようではありますが、ここに集っているのは7万2000人。返す声のぶ厚さにスケール感が分かるものの、そのシンクロ率はホールクラスかと思うほどです。そして、始まるのが「Hammer To Fall」。その中盤では、突如として笑いとも喝采とも付かぬうねりが沸き上がる。実は、この時フレディはテレビ放送のカメラに絡んで遊んでいる。中継で顔が大写しになって乱れるシーンをご記憶の方もいらっしゃるでしょうが、あの瞬間にはウェンブリー鍋も沸騰していた。テレビでもラジオでもうかがい知ることのできなかったLIVE AIDの真実が端正サウンドでつまびらかになっていくのです。
煮立った鍋は「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」でも演奏をかき消さんばかりの手拍子で満ち、「We Will Rock You」で遂に頂点を迎える。あのイントロに沸騰は爆発に取って代わり、鍋の中の全員がリズムを刻む。しかし、7万2000人のビートが遂にバンドの演奏を超えてしまい、手拍子がズレまくりの狂いまくり。それほどまでに観客のエネルギーは巨大で、あれだけシンプルなリズムが狂うほどに夢中。そして、そんな混沌がフレディの歌い出しで一瞬にしてビシッと揃う。これこそ、どれほどの群衆でも縦横無尽に操ってみせたフレディ・マーキュリーの凄味。いかに盛大であっても、ここは単なる大騒ぎの場でもなければ、暴動でもない。QUEENに掻き立てられ、フレディに付き従うコンサートの現場なんだと思い知らされる瞬間です。
その頂点の熱狂が間髪入れず「We Are The Champions」へと突き進む。このテイクが絶品すぎる。熱く厚い大合唱が一糸乱れぬ整合感で渦巻き、そのド真ん中をフレディの熱唱が貫く。その声の伸びと通り、そしてヴィヴラートの力強さ。圧倒的にもほどがある。通常コンサートではフルセットを歌いきった後ですが、この日ばかりは開演から20分足らずでのハイライト。それが奏功しているのか、これほど見事な「We Are The Champions」はちょっと覚えがない。空間を突き抜ける歌声の感動、巨大な唱和とのシンクロの美。これまたテレビやラジオ放送を超えている。頭から最後までミラクルの連続ではありますが、この3分52秒は、奇跡の中の奇跡です。

続く後半は、マニアから「ベスト」と太鼓判を押されているフル・サウンドボード録音。映画のサントラ盤は使用されなかった「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」「We Will Rock You」が未収録でしたが、こちらはショウの完全版に加え、当日夜(21:48)にフレディとブライアンだけで再登場して演奏した「Is This The World We Created?」も最高峰サウンドで楽しめます。
もちろん、このショウは公式にDVD化もされているわけですが、マニアから「ベスト」とされているのは当時のFM放送の方。別に公式DVDのサウンド・クオリティに問題があるわけではないのですが、大歓声をステレオ感たっぷりに被せた代わり?に演奏の定位が中央に寄っており、ほとんどモノラルに近いほど固まっていました。それに対し、FMサウンドボードは生中継だけに観客の唱和は薄く(それでも入るほど盛り上がっているわけですが)、演奏と歌声自体が超ビビッド。「Radio Ga Ga」イントロのシンセ音が右から流れ、ジョン・ディーコンのコーラスがちゃんと左から歌いかけてくる。前半のキニー録音は現場感が主役だったわけですが、このサウンドボードはQUEEN自身とシンクロできるライヴアルバムなのです。
また、夜の部の「Is This The World We Created?」も聞き物。2人だけで切々と演奏するのですが、イントロからハウリングが頻発し、ミックスが不安定。途中でスタッフの会話まで紛れ込んでしまうのです。現代では考えられないような放送事故ですが、これも80年代の限界を超えた前代未聞の一大プロジェクトだからこそ。その時代感がリアルでありつつ、昼のメイン・ステージがいかに奇跡的だったかも実感できる1曲なのです。

33年の時間を超えても世界を魅了し続けている“LIVE AIDのQUEEN”。その現場を実体験できる新発掘オーディエンス録音と、史上最高峰の密着ステレオ・サウンドボード。2つの頂点記録を封じ込めたヒストリカルなライヴアルバムです。



Original Audience Recording★観客席からの生録テイク(初登場)

1. Intro
2. Bohemian Rhapsody
3. Radio Ga Ga
4. Day-O
5. Hammer To Fall ★カメラを顔に近づけるところで歓声があがる
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
7. We Will Rock You ★最初、手拍子が楽音より大きくて、手拍子がずれてしまう(その位の盛り上がり)
8. We Are The Champions ★凄い 神テイク

Stereo FM Broadcast Recording ★ラジオ放送音源なのでステレオ収録

9. Intro 10. Bohemian Rhapsody 11. Radio Ga Ga 12. Day-O 13. Hammer To Fall
14. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 15. We Will Rock You 16. We Are The Champions

17. Is This The World We Created? ★スタッフの声が入りこんでしまいえらいことになっている


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