Queen / Invite You To A Night At The Budokan / 1CD

Queen / Invite You To A Night At The Budokan / 1CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Taken from the original LP “Invite You To A Night At The Budokan” (Marc Records TQ-76059)
Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 1st April 1976

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In 1976, she came back to Japan with the historical masterpiece “Night of the Opera” pulled back. Legendary analog · boot legs that have handed down the scene are reprinted with the highest quality ever.
That legendary board is “INVITE YOU TO A NIGHT AT THE BUDOKAN”. It is a superb audience recording of ” April 1, 1976: Nippon Budokan ” performance. This analog board was just a legend. It is not an era when the recording seems to be disturbed immediately after the live as it is now, but the official live album was a dream of a dream again in 1976. It appeared as early as it was in such an era, let me hear “raw QUEEN” with a wonderful sound. As well as memories of those who came to the concert, many people responded to the popularity that continues to rise afterwards, and many were pressed again, CDs were made and I continued to convey the scene of “A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”. It was just a live album to be the storyteller of the legend.
This work is the highest peak record of such a legendary board ever. Unfortunately, the original master of this recording has not been discovered until now, and its vertex is the original release board “Marc Records TQ – 76059”. Overseas QUEEN researchers succeeded in finding exciting mints. It digitized it in a high-end environment specialized for analog raising. This week, we will release a similar analog raising miracle plate “THE ROYAL AMERICAN TOUR 1975” at the same time, but this work is also done by the same researcher.
That quality is exquisite. Even when listening with headphones, the glossiness where almost no needle patch is found, the sense of stability not feeling rotation unevenness, the freshness as it was at that time that it was able to hold because it is a vinyl. 42 years ago, the manufacturing process of Bootleg LP is not high altitude, but it is incredibly beautiful and beautiful.
Of course, the recording itself is wonderful above such board raising accuracy. Actually, this masterpiece is not a full collection of one show. It is an excerpt collection of about one hour, and some songs are also used “live on March 31” the day before. First of all, let’s check the position of the show at the schedule of the time.

· March 22: Nippon Budokan
· March 23: Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium
· March 24: Himeji City Kokusai Kaikan
· March 26: Kyushu Gymnasium (2 performances)
· March 29th: Osaka Health Pension Center (2 performances)
· March 31st: Nippon Budokan 【this work (part)】
· April 1: Nippon Budokan 【This work (most part)】
· April 2: Miyagi Prefecture Sports Center
· April 4th: Nihon University Noda Auditorium

QUEEN already played a global break, but the Japanese popularity that became its forerunners is still tremendous. For the second time, it was a rare schedule including 3 Nippon Budokan 3 performances. This work was composed from two consecutive performances of that Nippon Budokan. Four out of 13 tracks were “Seven Seas Of Rhye” “Father To Son” “Doing All Right” “Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon” was “March 31” and the rest was “April 1” .
Such editing is actually seemingly in the 70’s, but the finish is not like the 70’s. It is very skillfully assembled, and there is almost no discomfort in the recording difference. Both of them have a wonderful atmosphere feeling, very on. Although it is not the type that is mistaken for a soundboard, the venue sound creates a sense of scale, and neither cloudy nor cloudy the details. Although it seems that “The main recording is more direct”, it is because quality distribution is known, but it is a quality and unity that is sufficiently a musical work.
A show drawn with such quality …… This is also suitable for the legend’s name. It was also known that Freddy ‘s bad physical condition was re – arrived in Japan in 1976, and it worsened as the tour progressed. However, its bottom is called Fukuoka, gradually recovering from Osaka. At this Nippon Budokan, I am returning to a normal tune, especially “April 1” which is the main work of this work will listen to a performance that is good enough to say the best condition. The singing voice is powerful, Impro is stretching. “I Tachiha Tokyo Nimata came, Tomomo Sachi Sedes” “Thank you very much!” Japanese MC also jumped out everywhere and it was really good. Three other people enthusiastically to be taken by such Freddie, the guitar riff of “Brighton Rock” and the beat of “Seven Seas Of Rhye” are also crisp.
“Hangman” and “Father To Son” symbolize such a strong success. Both of them were hardly played at “A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”, and the early masterpieces that could not be picked up even afterwards. I am playing both of them. As mentioned above, this work is not full recording, but the remixed symbolic song was left with the finest sound. That alone is a valuable live album.

Currently full recording of “April 1” is also known, but it is another recording from this work. Quality can not be compared at all either. “Valuable” Hangman “” Father To Son “including” Legendary sound “that has inherited the second visit to Japan. “The sound of a storyteller” who continued to convey the charm of raw QUEEN. This work is a cultural heritage album that permanently preserves such historical recording with the highest peak quality ever. Please enjoy it with your press CD that will never fade forever.

その伝説盤とは『INVITE YOU TO A NIGHT AT THE BUDOKAN』。「1976年4月1日:日本武道館」公演の極上オーディエンス録音です。このアナログ盤は、まさに伝説でした。現在のようにライヴ直後に録音が乱れ飛ぶような時代ではなく、公式ライヴアルバムも夢のまた夢だった1976年。そんな時代でありながら早々に登場し、素晴らしいサウンドで“生のQUEEN”を聴かせてくれた。コンサートに足を運んだ人の思い出としてはもちろんのこと、その後も高まり続ける人気に応えて幾たびも再プレスされ、CD化され、“A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”の現場を伝え続けてきた。まさに伝説の語り部となるライヴアルバムだったのです。
本作は、そんな伝説盤の史上最高峰盤です。残念ながら、この録音の大元マスターは現在に至るまで発見されておらず、その頂点はオリジナル・リリース盤「Marc Records TQ-76059」。海外のQUEEN研究家がほぼミント状態のものを発掘に成功。それをアナログ起こしに特化したハイエンド環境でデジタル化したのです。今週は、同様のアナログ起こしの奇跡盤『THE ROYAL AMERICAN TOUR 1975』も同時リリースとなりますが、本作も同じ研究家の手によるものです。

・3月31日:日本武道館 【本作(一部)】
・4月1日:日本武道館 【本作(大部分)】

すでに世界的ブレイクを果たしていたQUEENですが、その先鞭ともなった日本人気はやはり絶大。二度目にして日本武道館3公演を含む錚々たる日程でした。本作はその日本武道館の2連続公演から組まれたもの。全13トラックのうち4曲が「Seven Seas Of Rhye」「Father To Son」「Doing All Right」「Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon」が“3月31日”で、残りが“4月1日”でした。
そんなクオリティで描かれるショウ……これがまた伝説の名に相応しい。1976年の再来日はフレディの体調不良でも知られており、ツアーが進むほど悪化していきました。しかし、そのどん底は福岡と言われ、大阪から徐々に回復。この日本武道館では本調子に戻っており、特に本作のメインとなる「4月1日」は絶好調と言っても良いくらいの熱演を聴かせてくれる。その歌声は力強く、インプロは伸び伸びとしている。「私タチハ東京ニマタ来テ、トテモ幸セデス」「アリガト very much!」といった日本語MCも随所に飛び出し、実に快調。そんなフレディにつられるように他3人も熱が入り、「Brighton Rock」のギターリフも「Seven Seas Of Rhye」のビートもキレッキレなのです。
そんな好調ぶりを象徴するのが「Hangman」と「Father To Son」。どちらも“A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”ではほとんど演奏されず、その後も取り上げられなかった初期の名曲。それを両方とも演奏しているのです。前述の通り本作はフル収録ではないわけですが、極めつけの象徴曲が極上サウンドで残された。それだけでも価値のあるライヴアルバムなのです。

現在では「4月1日」のフル録音も知られていますが、それは本作とは別録音。クオリティもまったく比べられません。貴重な「Hangman」「Father To Son」も含め、長らく二度目の来日公演を語り継いできた“伝説の音”。生QUEENの魅力を伝え続けた“語り部の音”。本作は、そんな歴史的録音を史上最高峰クオリティで永久保存する文化遺産アルバムです。どうぞ、いつまでも色あせないプレスCDで存分にお楽しみください。


Live at Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 1st April 1976

1. Bohemian Rhapsody (tape & rock part) 2. Flick Of The Wrist 3. Hangman
4. Brighton Rock incl. Guitar Solo 5. Son And Daughter (reprise) 6. Seven Seas Of Rhye *
7. Father To Son 8. Doing All Right * 9. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon *
10. Keep Yourself Alive 11. Now I’m Here 12. See What A Fool I’ve Been 13. God Save The Queen

* Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 31st March 1976

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