Queen / Hammersmith Odeon 1979 Legendary Master Tapes / 2CD

Queen / Hammersmith Odeon 1979 Legendary Master Tapes / 2CD /Wardour

The Concerts For The People Of Kampuchea.Live at Hammersmith Odeon, London, UK 26th December 1979

Play sample :

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This is … this is amazing. We have been dealing with many QUEEN titles, but this time the dimensions are different. Probably … No, a transcendent live album that will definitely be the masterpiece of the entire history of QUEEN has been born!
の Engraved on such a supplementary work is “December 26, 1979 Hammersmith Odeon Performance”. That super-excellent audience recording … yes, the master cassette of the prestigious “Kinney”, the masterpiece of that famous masterpiece “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979”, has been unearthed!

[Recording the highest peak of a miracle tour that has only “performance”] I’m sorry that the tension suddenly jumped. But this is too great. If you are familiar with HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979 (Wardour-307), you can understand how historical this is, but for those who are not, let’s start with Ichi. . First of all, this work is top notch from the tour. It is the last day of “CRAZY TOUR” called “The miracle tour that will be the No.1 in the history of QUEEN” from enthusiasts. Although it is not well known because it does not bear the album title, there is no useless show on this tour. It was always a “tour with only super-performances” where Freddy’s stormy waves roared terrible throats in all performances. Here, let’s confirm the outline of the tour.

● 1978
・ October 28-December 20: North America (35 performances)
● 1979
・ January 17-March 1: Europe (28 performances)
・ April 13-May 6: Japan (15 performances)
《Started production of “THE GAME” in June》
・ August 18: SAARBRUCKEN OPEN AIR appearance
<< October 5 single “Crazy Little Thing…” release >>
・ November 22-December 26: UK (20 performances) ← ★ coco ★

This is the whole picture of the miraculous “CRAZY TOUR”. The closest album was “JAZZ”, but in fact “JAZZ TOUR” did not have a performance in his home country UK. Therefore, with the single “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”, a special tour was set up only in his home country. That was “CRAZY TOUR”. This is normal, but the contents were amazing. After all, Freddie is in great shape every day. It wasn’t just the dimension that the throat was good, but the cracked explosion tension of “LIVE AID”. Of course, “LIVE AID” is also a miracle during the miracle, but also because it was concentrated in about 25 minutes. However, this “JAZZ TOUR” did not lose its momentum even with a full show of 110 minutes or more, and it ran through all the performances.
And the highest peak live album of such a miraculous tour … That is this work. Speaking of what is the best, of course, length and sound. As a matter of fact, “JAZZ TOUR” is not only a super famous performance but also a severe sound. The only exception to this is the famous recording “Kinney”, a full-audience recording by a famous Japanese artist.

[Miracle tour site revived from prestigious Kinney’s original cassette] The highest peak recording of the QUEEN vertex tour …… This is a legendary class alone, but this work is the ultimate board that has achieved “no more” upgrade. Until now, the highest peaks were competing due to the difference in the gene and the route, but this work was digitized directly from the original cassette of the prestigious “Kinny”. In other words, it is a vertex out of the vertices where no more gene updates are possible.
音 The cheering part is the longest ever in the past because the sound sucked into the original cassette is digitized every second. But the sound is overwhelming. Even with the conventional version, “CRAZY TOUR” was the best sound with the best sound and clearness and direct feeling were great, but this work is even richer. The thickness of the sound that has been spoiled somewhere in the dubbing process remains, and the details are firm even to ultra-fine subtleties. It is amazing that the “realism” created by the combination of the two. From the rich response, the presence of “there is QUEEN there” is felt, and the subtleties are “in front of you”. Moreover, there is no need to process it because it is an original cassette, and the texture and balance are extremely natural.
シ ョ The show drawn with such “sound of beauty” is also exquisite. In fact, the show was not just the last day of the tour, but also the first day of the Cambodian rescue charity concert “CONCERT FOR KAMPUCHEA”, inspired by Paul McCartney. The pattern was broadcast on television and the professional shots are also left (you can enjoy it on our press DVD “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979”), but there is an incomplete version with many cuts. Here, let’s organize the set while comparing.

● Songs with professional shots
・ SHEER HEART ATTACK: Killer Queen / Now I’m Here
・ A NIGHT AT THE OPERA: Death On Two Legs / I’m In Love With My Car / You’re My Best Friend / Love Of My Life / ’39
・ A DAY AT THE RACES: Somebody To Love / Tie Your Mother Down
・ NEWS OF THE WORLD: We Will Rock You (fast) / Get Down Make Love / Sheer Heart Attack / We Will Rock You / We Are The Champions
・ JAZZ: Let Me Entertain You / Don’t Stop Me Now
・ THE GAME: Save Me / Crazy Little Thing Called Love
・ Others: Jailhouse Rock

● Songs not seen in professional shots
・ QUEEN: Keep Yourself Alive
・ A NIGHT AT THE OPERA: Bohemian Rhapsody
・ NEWS OF THE WORLD: Spread Your Wings
・ JAZZ: If You Can’t Beat Them / Mustapha
・ Others: Guitar solo, drum solo, etc.

… and it looks like this. I thought about writing songs that couldn’t be seen on TV pro shots, but that wasn’t the point. After all, the sound of this work is much higher quality than the sound board sound of TV pro shot. You can experience a full-show of the sound with that sound.
And, of course, a superlative performance. It is a type with a high degree of perfection rather than an unusual explosion due to the presence of a television, but it is only a kind of difference. The vocalizations that fall in love and the ensemble that was sizzling are terrible. Of course, you can enjoy many of the show’s famous scenes with further upgrades and natural sounds, such as guitar solos that include “Silent Night” only at Christmas time and “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” recalled by the audience’s great chorus. .

に も Anyway, a great historical excavation. Hero QUEEN’s “Vertex Tour” “Vertex Recording” “Vertex Master” … I thought that it existed somewhere in the world, but the day will come when I can actually hear it … …. Speaking of QUEEN’s biggest shocking work was “LIVE AID (Wardour-303)”, but this work is also a super masterpiece equal to or more than equivalent. It is also a super famous board born from the original cassette of the prestigious “Kinny”. Enjoy the excitement of this new excavation and enjoy it to your heart’s content with Press 2CD, which will be left forever.

そんな補作に刻まれているのは「1979年12月26日ハマースミス・オデオン公演」。その超・極上オーディエンス録音……そう、あの大名盤『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979』の大元となる名門“キニー”のマスター・カセットが発掘されてしまったのです!!

いきなりテンションがぶっ飛んでしまって申し訳ありません。しかし、これは凄すぎる。既発『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979(Wardour-307)』をご存じの方でしたら、これがいかに歴史的な事なのかご理解いただけると思いますが、そうでない方のためにも、イチからご説明していきましょう。まず第一に、本作はツアーからして頂点的。マニア筋から「QUEEN全史のNo.1となる奇跡のツアー」と呼ばれる“CRAZY TOUR”の最終日なのです。アルバム・タイトルを冠していないので知名度は今ひとつですが、このツアーにはダメなショウが1つもない。いつもは波の激しいフレディが全公演で凄まじいノドを轟かせる「超名演しかないツアー」だったのです。ここで、そのツアー概要を確認しておきましょう。

《6月『THE GAME』制作開始》
《10月5日シングル『Crazy Little Thing…』発売》

これが奇跡の“CRAZY TOUR”の全体像。一番近いアルバムは『JAZZ』だったわけですが、実は“JAZZ TOUR”では母国イギリス公演がなかった。そのため、シングル『Crazy Little Thing Called Love』に伴い、母国のみの特別ツアーが組まれた。それが“CRAZY TOUR”でした。これだけなら普通の事ですが、その中身が凄かった。何しろ、フレディが連日連夜すべて絶好調。単にノドの調子が良いという次元ではなく、“LIVE AID”ばりのブッちぎれた爆テンションをブチかましたのです。もちろん、“LIVE AID”も奇跡中の奇跡ではありますが、それは約25分という短い時間に濃縮されたからでもありました。しかし、この“JAZZ TOUR”は、110分以上のフルショウでも勢いが衰えず、さらに全公演を駆け抜けてしまったのです。
そして、そんな奇跡のツアーの最高峰ライヴアルバム……それが本作なのです。何が最高峰かと言えば、もちろん長さとサウンド。実のところ、“JAZZ TOUR”は超名演ばかりながらサウンド面では厳しいものばかり。その中で唯一の例外として名録音として知られているのが日本の名門“キニー”によるフル・オーディエンス録音なのです。

オリジナル・カセットに吸い込まれていた音を1秒残らずデジタル化したために歓声パートも過去最長。しかし、それ以上にサウンドこそが圧倒的。従来盤でも“CRAZY TOUR”で随一の極上サウンドでクリアさもダイレクト感も絶大だったわけですが、本作はさらにリッチでさえある。ダビング過程のどこかでスポイルされてしまった鳴りの厚さが残されており、ディテールも超微細な機微までしっかり。その双方が相まって醸される“現実感”まで凄い。リッチな手応えからは「そこにQUEENがいる」という存在が感じられ、細やかな機微は「目の前にいる」というが実感になっている。しかも、オリジナル・カセットだからこそ加工する必要もなく、質感もバランスも極めてナチュラルなのです。
そんな“美の音”で描かれるショウもまた絶品。実のところ、このショウは単にツアー最終日というだけでなく、ポール・マッカートニーの呼びかけによるカンボジア救済チャリティ・コンサート“CONCERT FOR KAMPUCHEA”の初日でもありました。その模様はテレビ放送されてプロショットも残されている(当店のプレスDVD『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1979』でもお楽しみ頂けます)わけですが、そちらはカットも多い不完全版。ここでは比較しながらセットを整理してみましょう。

・SHEER HEART ATTACK:Killer Queen/Now I’m Here
・A NIGHT AT THE OPERA:Death On Two Legs/I’m In Love With My Car/You’re My Best Friend/Love Of My Life/’39
・A DAY AT THE RACES:Somebody To Love/Tie Your Mother Down
・NEWS OF THE WORLD:We Will Rock You (fast)/Get Down Make Love/Sheer Heart Attack/We Will Rock You/We Are The Champions
・JAZZ:Let Me Entertain You/Don’t Stop Me Now
・THE GAME:Save Me/Crazy Little Thing Called Love
・その他:Jailhouse Rock

・QUEEN:Keep Yourself Alive
・A NIGHT AT THE OPERA:Bohemian Rhapsody
・NEWS OF THE WORLD:Spread Your Wings
・JAZZ:If You Can’t Beat Them/Mustapha

そして、もちろん超名演。テレビが入っているせいか常軌を逸した爆ノリというよりは完成度が高いタイプですが、それは種類の違いでしかない。惚れ惚れするヴォーカリゼーションもビシッとしたアンサンブルも凄まじい。もちろん、クリスマス時期だからこその「Silent Night」を盛り込んだギターソロや、観客の大合唱によって呼び戻される「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」等、このショウならではの名シーンの数々もさらなるアップグレード&ナチュラル・サウンドで楽しめるのです。

とにもかくにも、歴史的な大発掘。英雄QUEENの「頂点ツアー」の「頂点録音」の「頂点マスター」……世界のどこかに存在しているとは思いましたが、それを現実に耳にできる日が来てくれるとは……。QUEEN最大の衝撃作と言えば『LIVE AID(Wardour-303)』でしたが、本作もまた同等以上の超傑作。同じく名門“キニー”のオリジナル・カセットから誕生した超名盤なのです。この新発掘の喜び、永久に残すプレス2CDで心ゆくまで存分に味わい尽くしてください。

Disc 1 (44:46)
1. Intro.
2. Jailhouse Rock
3. We Will Rock You (Fast)
4. Let Me Entertain You
5. Somebody to Love
6. If You Can’t Beat Them
7. Mustapha
8. Death on Two Legs
9. Killer Queen
10. I’m in Love With My Car
11. Get Down, Make Love
12. You’re My Best Friend
13. Save Me

Disc 2 (69:12)
1. Now I’m Here
2. Don’t Stop Me Now
3. Spread Your Wings
4. Love of My Life
5. ’39
6. Keep Yourself Alive
7. Drum / Guitar Solo
8. Guitar Solo (incl. Silent Night)
9. Brighton Rock (Ending) ★0:56 テープチェンジ
10. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
11. Bohemian Rhapsody
12. Tie Your Mother Down ★3:51 一時停止
13. Sheer Heart Attack ★3:36 一時停止
14. We Will Rock You
15. We Are the Champions
16. God Save the Queen


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