Queen / Definitive Budokan 1976 2nd Night / 2CD

Queen / Definitive Budokan 1976 2nd Night / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 31st March 1976

Play sample :

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The well-known recordings that have been acclaimed as “Japan’s best in 1976” both in sound and performance have been reborn and renewed the highest peak. Of course, it is a permanent save Press 2CD!
The masterpiece of that masterpiece is the audience recording of “March 31, 1976: Nippon Budokan” performance. Yes, it is an upgraded edition of the masterpiece “OPERATIC ECSTASY” which became sold out and discontinued in the popular! One year since the first visit of the legend, QUEEN has returned to Japan with the title “The Night of the Opera House” shining in rock history. In our store, we have been archived in a number of great recordings. First, let’s check the position of this work while organizing the collection according to the date of that time.

・ March 22: Nippon Budokan
・ March 24: Himeji City Welfare Hall
・ March 26: Jyuden Gymnasium (2 performances)
・ March 29 “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1976 (two performances)”
・ March 31: Nippon Budokan [This work] ・ April 1 “INVITE YOU TO A NIGHT AT THE BUDOKAN”
・ April 2 “THE PROPHECY: SENDAI 1976”
・ April 4: Ryogoku Nippon Grand Hall

Above, all 11 performances. It was Nippon Budokan on the first day, but then we went around each place, and in the second half, we have two nights in a row. Therefore, although this work is “2ND NIGHT”, it is the first day of two consecutive performances.
It has reigned as the highest peak of such a show “OPERATIC ECSTASY”. The recording itself has been known for a long time, but in 2004, Omoto Master excavated. The parts already recorded before then are also included, and the sound is also greatly improved. Not only did we update the highest peak of the day, but we won the acclaim of the 1976 Japan Tour All High Peak. In fact, the sound is amazing. Speaking of the 70’s QUEEN’s Japanese recordings, it is natural that there is a distance, and the type of how the playing sound is not disturbed by the yellow enthusiasm. There are few fans who scream around around whether it was a position near PA very much. Of course, the scene is the highest girl rate ever, so it’s not zero, but without disturbing the performance, Freddie’s voice comes close to me. Moreover, the balance is excellent. Each musical instrument is separated neatly, and the sense of separation does not shake even if the band is united. It was a live album in which the beautiful sound runs through.
…… And so far, the story of “OPERatic ECSTASY”. This work also has the same name recording, but is upgraded further. This time, we re-digitalized the latest equipment from the Ogen cassette that was excavated in 2004. Of course, just because you redigitized your vintage master is not necessarily an upgrade. In the end, there is almost no change, and the deterioration of the analog tape may progress and become worse. However, in the case of this work is a great success! It becomes a brighter playback sound than the previous edition “OPERATIC ECSTASY”, and it is felt like Mokomoko even with the last edition that was felt so wonderful. Moreover, the sense of stability is further improved. As a matter of fact, some of the characteristics of the recording also include hiss, but even it is natural and kind to the ears. That’s what sounds like the generation of the master Gene went up for about 2 generations (although the actual Gene can not go up because it’s Omoto).
That alone is a 100 point perfect score, but this work aimed at further higher. As a matter of fact, the biggest drawback of “OPERatic ECSTASY” is the lack of tape change. Although there is less than Ogen only in the group already developed, the intro of “The Seven Seas Of Rhye” is still lacking. Therefore, this work was complemented by another recording of the masterpiece “INVITE YOUR TO A NIGHT AT THE BUDOKAN”. Most of this title is “April 1st” the next day, but “March 31st” which is partially the same as this work is used. And just “The Seven Seas Of Rhye” was a March 31st recording. Thanks to that, I could not only renew the longest in history, but also reprint the complete form of the show.
The show drawn in such an ultimate form is the highest peak again. Freddie’s voice disappears in the first half of this tour, especially in Fukuoka. When it came to Osaka performances, I was in a situation where I would be a doctor stop in a little more. However, it recovered after having taken a rest before and after the Osaka performance. In the second half, I regained the basics. The Nippon Budokan of this work is the show that will be its first hit. Even though it was doubtful, it sounds like it saved a little in the first half, but the middle stage is over and I wonder if it is completely recovered. Especially from “The Prophet’s Song” which starts with Japanese MC of “Please listen”, the brutal vocalization is a big explosion! When it comes to the middle part that makes use of the echo, it is a masterpiece singing voice.
If even Freddie revives, there is nothing scary in QUEEN at that time. The band also has a nori, a heat performance that seems to have risen to the tempo without mind. And “Seven Seas Of Rhye”. It has been sealed up to here because of the trouble, but it is released at a stretch here. I will listen to the wonderful performance. What’s more, this “Seven Seas Of Rhye” is not just a treasure in Japan. In fact, it was a short version as a part of the medley when it was not played last on this day and revived after “THE WORKS TOUR”. In other words, it was the last full version “Seven Seas Of Rhye” that Freddie sang. This work is also full of its overly valuable take.

A live in Japan by four of those days who created that “night at the opera house”. This work is a complete live album that updated its masterpiece recording in both sound and length. One of the world’s greatest treasures, including Freddie’s last perfect “Seven Seas Of Rhye”, was born. Please enjoy as much as you want with the Press 2CD, which will leave this shine forever!

(Remastered note))
★ Recording from the master tape
★ This time the board is equalized in the same direction as the existing board, so this time the board is brighter. (★ The texture of the 2nd generation Gene has risen) The high sound quality of the past is definitely achieved.
★ The texture is natural feeling though hiss is the same degree.
★ While the length is the same except for the compensation point, the existing game is hooked on the playing part and fades in / out.
★ This time the board is stopped from tape and hooked to hiss to fade in / out. So, this time the board is recorded slightly longer.

★ ★ This is the queen title of the year. Great sound quality and content. A masterpiece “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1976 2ND NIGHT” and a pair of two fans, all fans must listen and a must-have.

その最高傑作に収められているのは「1976年3月31日:日本武道館」公演のオーディエンス録音。そう、大人気のうちに完売・廃盤となった名作『OPERATIC ECSTASY』のアップグレード盤です! 伝説の初来日から1年、ロック史に輝く大名盤『オペラ座の夜』を引っさげて日本に帰ってきたQUEEN。当店では、数々の名録音でアーカイヴしてきました。まずは、当時の日程でコレクションを整理しつつ、本作のポジションも確かめてみましょう。

・3月29日『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1976(2公演)』
・3月31日:日本武道館 【本作】

以上、全11公演。初日も日本武道館でしたが、その後に各地を周り、後半にも2夜連続公演。そのため、本作は「2ND NIGHT」ではあるものの、2連続公演の初日にあたります。
そんなショウの最高峰として君臨してきたのが『OPERATIC ECSTASY』。録音自体は古くから知られていましたが、2004年になって大元マスターが発掘。それまでの既発ではカットされていたパートも収録し、サウンドも大幅にアップ。この日の最高峰を更新するだけでなく「1976年ジャパンツアー全部の最高峰」と大絶賛を博したのです。実際、そのサウンドは驚異的。70年代QUEENの日本録音と言えば距離があるのは当たり前、いかに演奏音が黄色い熱狂に邪魔されないか……というタイプがほとんどなのですが、この録音は違った。よほどPAに近いポジションだったのか、周囲に金切り声を上げるファンが少ない。もちろん、現場は史上最高の女子率だったのでゼロではありませんが、演奏を妨げることなく、フレディの歌声もグイグイと迫ってくる。しかもバランスも絶品。各楽器が綺麗にセパレートしており、バンドが一丸となっても分離感が揺るがない。その美麗サウンドが終始貫かれるライヴアルバムだったのです。
……と、ここまでは『OPERATIC ECSTASY』のお話。本作も同じ名録音ではありますが、さらにアップグレードしているのです。今回は、2004年に発掘された大元カセットから最新機材で再デジタル化したのです。もちろん、ヴィンテージ・マスターを再デジタル化したからと言って、必ずしもアップグレードするとは限らない。結局はほとんど変わらなかったり、アナログ・テープの劣化が進んで悪くなってしまう事もある。しかし、本作の場合は大成功! 前回盤『OPERATIC ECSTASY』よりもブライトな再生音となり、あれほど素晴らしく感じられた前回盤ですらモコモコに感じられるほど。しかも安定感もさらに向上。実のところ、録音の特性から所々わずかにヒスも含まれていますが、それさえも自然になって耳に優しい。それこそ、マスターのジェネが2世代くらい上がったようなサウンドなのです(大元なので実際のジェネは上がりようがないのですが)。
それだけでも100点満点なのですが、本作はさらに上を目指しました。実のところ、『OPERATIC ECSTASY』最大の欠点はテープチェンジの欠け。大元だけに既発群よりも少ないものの、それでも「The Seven Seas Of Rhye」のイントロだけは欠けていたのです。そこで、本作は名作『INVITE YOUR TO A NIGHT AT THE BUDOKAN』の別録音で補完したのです。このタイトルは大部分が翌日「4月1日」なのですが、部分的に本作と同じ「3月31日」が使用されている。そして、ちょうど「The Seven Seas Of Rhye」は3月31日の録音だった。そのおかげで、史上最長を更新するだけでなく、ショウの完全形を復刻する事ができたのです。
そんな究極形で描かれるショウがまた最高峰。このツアーは前半でフレディの声が出なくなり、特に福岡ではボロボロ。大阪公演に至っては、もう少しでドクター・ストップになるという状況でした。しかし、その大阪公演の前後で休養を取った事で回復。後半では本調子を取り戻しました。本作の日本武道館は、その本調子1発目となるショウなのです。それでも半信半疑だったのか、前半はややセーブしているようにも聞こえますが、中盤に差し掛かって完全回復を確信したのかガンガン飛ばしまくる。特に「どうぞお聴きください」の日本語MCで始まる「The Prophet’s Song」からは容赦のないヴォーカリゼーションが大爆発! エコーを活かした中間パートに至っては圧巻の歌声です。
フレディさえ復活してしまえば、当時のQUEENに怖いものなし。バンドもノリにノリ、心なしかテンポまで上がったような熱演がブチかまされる。そして「Seven Seas Of Rhye」。不調のせいかここに至るまで封印されてきましたが、ここで一気に大公開。素晴らしい演奏を聴かせてくれるのです。しかも、この「Seven Seas Of Rhye」は日本だけの宝ではない。実は、この日を最後に演奏されなくなり、“THE WORKS TOUR”以降に復活した際にはメドレーの一部としてショート・バージョンだった。つまり、このフレディが歌った最後の完全版「Seven Seas Of Rhye」だったのです。本作は、その貴重すぎるテイクも完全形で甦らせているのです。

あの『オペラ座の夜』を創り上げた当時の4人によるライヴ・イン・ジャパン。本作は、その最高傑作録音をサウンド/長さの両面で更新した完全ライヴアルバムです。フレディ最後の完全「Seven Seas Of Rhye」も含め、世界に誇る至宝の一作が誕生しました。この輝きを永久に残すプレス2CDで、どうぞ思う存分ご堪能ください!

★今回盤は既発と同方向のイコライズで、今回盤の方がブライトになっている。(★ジェネが2ランクぐらい上がった質感) 間違いなく過去最高の高音質を実現。

★★今年一番のクイーン・タイトルです。素晴らしい音質と内容。傑作「DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1976 2ND NIGHT」と双璧を成す、全てのファン必聴・必携の一枚。


Disc 1 (64:27)
1. Bohemian Rhapsody 2. Ogre Battle 3. Sweet Lady 4. White Queen(As It Began)
5. Flick Of The Wrist 6. Bohemian Rhapsody 7. Killer Queen 8. The March Of The Black Queen
9. Bohemian Rhapsody 10. Bring Back That Leroy Brown 11. Brighton Rock 12. Son And Daughter
13. The Prophet’s Song 14. Stone Cold Crazy 15. Doing All Right 16. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon
17. Keep Yourself Alive

Disc 2 (41:19)
1. Seven Seas Of Rhye ★0:00 – 0:21補填「Invite Your To A Night At The Budokan」
2. Liar 3. In The Lap Of The Gods 4. Now I’m Here 5. Hey Big Spender 6. Jailhouse Rock
7. See What A Fool I’ve Been 8. God Save The Queen


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