Queen / Budokan 1975 Final Night Master Stroke / 2CD

Queen / Budokan 1975 Final Night Master Stroke / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 1st May 1975

Play sample :

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A miracle is discovered in the famous recording Omoto cassette that has conveyed the highlight performance even to the first visit to Japan. It is decided to press for emergency permanent preservation!
The highlight performance that was sucked into the Daigen cassette was “May 1, 1975: Nippon Budokan.” It is an audience recording that vacuum-packed the whole story. Their first visit to Japan is a special special. Not only was it important to the Japanese, but there were even incidents that I could touch when talking about the history of QUEEN. Only for such an important tour, we have archived as many masterpiece recordings as possible. First of all, let’s look back at the position of this work while organizing that collection.

・April 19: Nippon Budokan
・April 22 “NAGOYA 1975”
・April 23 “COMPLETE KOBE 1975”
・April 25: Fukuoka City Kyuden Memorial Gymnasium
・April 28th “FATAL ATTRACTION (Okayama)”
・April 29th “TSUMAGOI 1975”
・April 30: Yokohama Cultural Gymnasium
・May 1st: Nippon Budokan ←★This work★
*All performances are representative works only.

[Ogen cassette that sucked in a real sound that was different from the original] Above, all 8 performances. It’s a grand schedule for the first time in Japan, but the first and last days are Nippon Budokan. This work is a live album that preserves the last day. This show has been known for several recordings so far, and “AN EXCEPTIONAL LEGACY (Wardour-097)” has been well received by our shop. This work is the origin of that masterpiece. .. .. .. Not a complete separate recording. It is a recording that appeared as “FIRST LIVE ATTACK” from the Private Master label more than 20 years ago. I think that some people say “Oh, nostalgic!”, but in reality, this work is also very different from that memory. The cassette that came from our original route is undoubtedly the origin of the Private Master label, but the listening response is completely different.
It is certain that it will be a big thing when the part before the start and the part after the end is (slightly) recorded for a while, but it is the sound that is more shocking than that. If you are familiar with “FIRST LIVE ATTACK”, I think that you should remember the sound of high notes protruding and clapping, but in reality it was a “made sound”. What flowed out of the Omoto cassette was a fat sound that was fat, thicker, and felt closer. Perhaps “FIRST LIVE ATTACK” probably reflected the fashion of the time when it was discovered (around 1999). Equalizing with the most emphasis on sharpness, the attack is forcibly raised and sound pressure is earned. On top of that, the reduction of hiss noise was also intensely applied, and it became a super-processed sound that did not stop the prototype.
However, the Daigen cassette is supernatural. It’s not just beautiful, but the “core” that was lost in “FIRST LIVE ATTACK” is powerful, and because the details of the minute parts are left behind, you can feel that “QUEEN is in front of you”. In fact, the personality of this recording is a balance that emphasizes bass. Therefore, in “FIRST LIVE ATTACK,” you might have emphasized the edge in search of the impact at the moment you listened to it… obviously the original sound is more natural and beautiful, and the direct feeling is plenty.

[Budokan on the final day, which was also a highlight of the legendary first visit to Japan] Despite being such a shocking master, this work is making upgrades after making the most of its beauty. One is the length. As you can see from the start from cut-in, the sound sucked into the Omoto cassette is used for 1 second, but the tape change cut is inevitable. Therefore, in this work, Brian May’s guitar solo (about 45 seconds) where the cut occurred and the end of the rock and roll medley (about 3 minutes) were patched with another recording “AN EXCEPTIONAL LEGACY”. We realized the full form of the show. And the other is the pitch. As a matter of fact, “FIRST LIVE ATTACK” had a big change in sound, but the pitch was crazy. The opposite of what this work aimed at. The pitch was adjusted accurately while maintaining the original sound, and the “sound of the scene” was faithfully reproduced.
The show drawn with such a sound is a hot performance with the highlight of “large”. At the first visit to Japan, every show was enthusiastic with intense tension, but on the last day, the feeling of success was spreading and overflowing. Moreover, not only the Japan tour, but also the whole “SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR” is a great piece of music, so you can fully enjoy the feeling of openness without having to think about the conditions of tomorrow. Japanese MCs such as “We are very happy to come to Tokyo again” and “Thank you” have jumped up to the extremely rare “Great King Rat” and “Hangman”.
▽ Until Freddie’s death… No, QUEEN and Japan’s bond that continues until the present of 2020. It is a masterpiece of a live album that allows you to fully experience the final day of your first visit to Japan. A two-disc set that revives the “truth sound” that the Omoto cassette was sucking into, and preserves the precious record in a correct form. This is the site of the final day of Nippon Budokan. Please inhale the fragrance with this work.

★Uses the master cassette of “First Live Attack” (Private Master PM007/008) released in 1999.

★Since it has already been impossible to equalize, the pitch is wrong, and Gene feels bad (probably due to his reduction), this board is overwhelmingly better. The sound quality is closer to the bass, but it is higher than the sound quality of our shop.


・4月22日『NAGOYA 1975』
・4月23日『COMPLETE KOBE 1975』
・4月29日『TSUMAGOI 1975』
・5月1日:日本武道館 ←★本作★

以上、全8公演。初来日にして堂々たる日程ですが、その初日と最終日が日本武道館。本作は、そのうち最終日を永久保存したライヴアルバムなのです。このショウはこれまでも幾つかの録音が知られ、当店でも『AN EXCEPTIONAL LEGACY(Wardour-097)』が大好評を賜っております。本作はあの名盤の大元。。。。ではなく、完全なる別録音。20年以上前にPrivate Masterレーベルから『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』として登場した録音なのです。「おぉ、懐かしい!」という方もいらっしゃると思いますが、実のところ本作はその想い出とも大きく異なる。独自ルートからもたらされたカセットは間違いなくPrivate Masterレーベルの大元なのですが、その聴き応えはまったくと言って良いほど別物なのです。
開演前パートや終演後が(若干)長く収録されている時点で大元なのは確実ですが、それ以上に衝撃なのはサウンド。『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』をご存じの方は、高音が突き出て拍手がパンパンしたサウンドをご記憶かと思いますが、実はアレは「作られた音」でした。大元カセットから流れ出たのは、もっとファットでぶ厚く、そして間近に感じられる極太サウンド。恐らく『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』は発掘された当時(1999年頃)の流行を反映していたのでしょう。鋭さ最重視のイコライジングでアタックを強引に引き上げ、音圧稼ぎもバンバン。その上でヒスノイズのリダクションも強烈にかけ、原型を留めていない超加工サウンドになっていたのです。
ところが、大元カセットは超自然。単に美しいのではなく、『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』では失われていた「芯」が力強く、しかも微細部のディテールが残されているために「QUEENが目の前にいる」と感じられるのです。実のところ、この録音の個性は低音重視のバランス。そのため『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』ではパッと聴いた瞬間のインパクトを求めてエッジを強調したのでしょうが……明らかに原音の方がナチュラルで美しく、ダイレクト感もたっぷりなのです。

そんな衝撃の大元マスターですが、本作はその美点を最大限に活かした上でアップグレードも計っています。1つは長さ。カットインからスタートする事からも分かるように大元カセットに吸い込まれた音は1秒残らず活かしておりますが、それでもテープチェンジのカットは避けられない。そこで、本作ではカットが発生したブライアン・メイのギターソロ(約45秒)や終盤のロックンロール・メドレー(約3分)を別録音『AN EXCEPTIONAL LEGACY』でパッチ。ショウの完全形を実現したのです。そして、もう1つはピッチ。実のところ『FIRST LIVE ATTACK』はサウンドを大幅に改変していたわりにピッチは狂っていました。本作が目指したのは、その逆。本来の鳴りはそのままにピッチは正確に整え、「現場の音」を忠実に復刻したのです。
そんなサウンドで描かれたショウは、まさにハイライトな「大」の付く熱演。初来日はどのショウも猛烈なテンションの熱演が繰り広げられましたが、最終日はその成功の実感が滲んで溢れてこぼれ出す勢い。しかも、ジャパン・ツアーだけでなく“SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”全体の千秋楽ということもあり、明日の調子を考えずに済む開放感も全開。「わたしたちは、東京にまた来て、とても幸せです」「ありがとー」等の日本語MCもえらく勢いがあり、激レアな「Great King Rat」「Hangman」まで飛び出すのです。

★1999年リリースの「First Live Attack」(Private Master PM007/008)のマスターカセットを使用。



Disc 1 (51:03)
1. Procession ★既発「First Live Attack」より最初2秒長く収録
2. Now I’m Here
3. Ogre Battle
4. Great King Rat
5. White Queen
6. Flick Of The Wrist
7. Hangman
8. Doing All Right
9. In The Lap Of The Gods
10. Killer Queen
11. The March Of The Black Queen
12. Bring Back That Leroy Brown

Disc 2 (71:51)
1. Son & Daughter
2. Brian May Solo ★6:51 – 7:36 当店既発「An Exceptional Legacy」補填。
3. Son & Daughter (reprise)
4. Keep Yourself Alive
5. Seven Seas Of Rhye
6. Stone Cold Crazy
7. Liar
8. In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited
9. Hey Big Spender
10. Modern Times Rock ‘n’ Roll
11. Rock ‘n’ Roll Medley: Jailhouse Rock/Shake Rattle & Roll/Stupid Cupid/Be Bop A Lula
★8:29 – 11:22 当店既発「An Exceptional Legacy」をイコライズして補填。
12. See What A Fool I’ve Been
13. God Save The Queen ★既発「First Live Attack」より最後0.5秒長く収録。


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