Queen / Vienna 1982 / 4CD

Queen / Vienna 1982 / 4CD / Wardour

Translated Text:
Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 12th & 13th May 1982



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The secret to the general image the difference between hot space tour is getting a tremendous Naru support among enthusiasts around the world, it has evolved into a stunning Queen Rocks in black near a sound live stage of the album thing was. In addition the deep horn sound up with the help of Arif Mardin in the album, especially we’ve sparked the pros and cons in it initially release the black closer to sound-oriented Freddie and John had been pushed out strongly in A plane It is a translation. It also is a translation that is currently being re-evaluated, the results are on the stage was decorated with the arrangement that has been supported by Brian guitar sound than the album, as a stunning live version that seems more Queen taste is fused, which the song also has seen a finish that shines stage.
For example, rent a (interlude for the “Crazy Little Thing Called Love”) “Staying Power” in black John Brian Telecaster, it had to create or different funky hard rock the album. Overwhelmingly innovative 1982 model year Queen of live sound, phenomenal voice of Freddie was dictated its strong impact. It’s already Saewata’ also at the time of the previous year of Montreal of video recording, but it is not an exaggeration to say that culminated in the European leg of the hot space tour. Both the sound and the vocal performance was Noboritsume to heights. Expressing such element in the word “heyday”, it is this tour, probably the reason that’s popular among enthusiasts.

This time, the shop does not stop in just to release the Frankfurt show is the great performance of the hot space tour April. In the European leg and the great performance of the knobs are other rumbling. So another release was a selection of of May great performance. Vienna performances of it is 12 days and 13 days. These as two days also great performance in a great performance in the European leg of the hot space tour, two days that has established a solid reputation among enthusiasts. Again anyway sublime is singing earnestly sharp in the crisp of the Freddie! Momentum is the charm of a lot playing with the combined hot space tour unique is plenty packed into two days.
Let’s first listen from the first day. Sound image audience recording of two days compared both with the Frankfurt we have a sense of distance, but has become a unique sound quality that To Kikikome carefully rather made it a major attraction. After all Freddie rolled skip from the beginning of the live. At the ending of “Somebody To Love”, about learn even impressed by the manner in which liven up as if not enough to sing a song. Same as piano is mainly song “Save Me” even is unusually high Freddie of tension, even just listening to these two songs scene, it should be allowed to feel any unpleasant Upper a condition of exceptional. Still hot space Tour, European leg does not think only that dwells something special.
As can be seen If you listen to here, the basic hot space tour is overwhelming presence of Freddie, are you might want to say that the standing position of Brian and he has been directly reflected in the album that point . But for us to show off even in a bad meaning in the sense refers to the presence outdone in Freddie Brian of this day. Intense that he in the middle of a guitar solo spotlight, playing the riff of (release the coupling of “Radio Ga Ga” later) would still was not even made the song “I Go Crazy” at that time rare scene appeared. In every time of deployment could sink also an avid enthusiast too familiar part, this is not absolutely hear you miss! But that shabby when it comes to the interlude of “Bohemian Rhapsody”, or I used to do play that has been glimpsed occasionally on this tour. But the entire live wonderfully on this day also no exaggeration to say, and over the show flows “God Save The Queen”, what that Freddie hum to match it, this also was concluded with a rhea scene.

The second day of the audience recording is the difference between the muscular texture of the day before, but rather delicate texture attractive. But what is bought surprise, despite the two consecutive days of the stage, the fact that the voice of Freddie is not tired at all. Do not we’re skipping more than the day before rather? In what seems and, even in the “Action This Day” will be taken aback in the way that would peaked early. Goodness of the reaction to the song from the “hot space” that was started this song might be the cause of Freddie top form. Stop became this day with the live premiere “Body Language”. “Under ~, do it I wonder – do,” but is a famous song in notes (laughs), Dozukoi rhythm rock that was reborn from the album version of the black sound, even here in Japan of the fan shop release “SPACE BOOGIE” It is superb. It against Vienna audience greatly swollen to be naturally or with.
On the other hand in the “Back Chat” is that you have not been playing, unlike the previous day, but will be spared to the goodness of the reaction of the audience of the day, as in the case of Frankfurt, is to Freddie Will it was unsatisfactory, that this time to blast the “Back Chat” ad lib in the middle of Angkor “Another One Bites the Dust”, which is also interesting deployed in rare. Only great while embracing the self-confidence, these free and thrilling deployment is seen point also hot space-tour, a big attraction of the European leg against the album.

And although these two days the first day is titled “STAYING POWER AND GLORY” in the past had been released, this time by using a sound source of first-generation, natural in Womi sound quality enough to not be compared with it realize improvement. On the second day, but was released a sound source of first-generation shop in the CD-R as “BEST CHAT”, award-winning high was great performance is finally press CD of the limited realized at the time of the CD-R. Please enjoy to your heart’s content the reputation at all unwavering great performance and name sound source of “two days of knobs” in the hot space tour between the countries of the fan site. Hot Space tour, of mania, which had been looking forward to a new press CD item in the European leg everyone, Thank you for waiting!

例えば「Staying Power」ではジョンがブライアンの黒いテレキャスター(「Crazy Little Thing Called Love」の間奏用)を借り、アルバムとはまた違ったファンキー・ハードロックを創造していました。圧倒的に斬新な1982年型クイーンのライブ・サウンド、その強烈なインパクトを決定づけたのがフレディの驚異的な声。それは既に前年のモントリオールの映像収録の際にも冴えわたっていたのですが、ホット・スペース・ツアーのヨーロピアン・レグにおいて頂点に達したと言っても過言ではありません。サウンドとボーカル・パフォーマンスの両方が高みに登り詰めた。そうした要素を一言で表すと「絶頂期」、それがこのツアーであり、マニアの間で高い人気を誇る理由でしょう。

まずは初日から聴いてみましょう。二日間のオーディエンス録音はどちらもフランクフルトと比べて音像は距離感があるのですが、むしろそれが大きな魅力となってじっくりと聴き込める独特の音質となっているのです。何しろフレディはライブの序盤から飛ばしまくり。「Somebody To Love」のエンディングでの、曲を歌い足りないかの如く盛り上げる様子には感動すら覚えるほど。同じようにピアノが主体な曲「Save Me」でもフレディのテンションが異様に高く、これら二曲の場面を聴いただけでも、別格のアッパーなコンディションを嫌でも実感させられるはず。やはりホット・スペース・ツアー、ヨーロピアン・レグは特別な何かが宿っているとしか思えません。
ここまで聴けば解るように、基本ホット・スペース・ツアーはフレディの存在感が圧倒的であり、その点はアルバムにおける彼とブライアンの立ち位置がそのまま反映されていると言っていいかもしれません。ところがフレディに負けじと存在感をいい意味でも悪い意味でも誇示してくれるのがこの日のブライアン。彼にスポットライトが当たるギター・ソロの途中、当時はまだ曲が作られてもいなかったであろう「I Go Crazy」(後に「Radio Ga Ga」のカップリングでリリース)のリフを弾くという激レアな場面が登場します。毎回の展開がおなじみすぎて熱心なマニアでも流しかねないパートにおいて、これは絶対に聞き逃せません!しかし「Bohemian Rhapsody」の間奏になるとヨレヨレという、このツアーで時折垣間見られたプレイはどうしたものだか。しかしライブ全体はこの日も掛け値なしに素晴らしく、ショウが終わって「God Save The Queen」が流れると、何とフレディがそれに合わせてハミングするという、これまた激レアな場面で締めくくられました。

二日目のオーディエンス録音は前日の骨太な質感とは違い、むしろ繊細な質感が魅力。しかし何が驚きかって、二日連続のステージにも関わらず、フレディの声がまったく疲れていないということ。むしろ前日以上に飛ばしているのではないか?と思えるほどで、早くも「Action This Day」でピークを迎えてしまう様にはあっけに取られてしまいます。この曲を始めとした「ホット・スペース」からの曲に対する反応の良さもフレディ絶好調の原因かもしれません。とどめはこの日がライブ初演となった「Body Language」。日本のファンには当店リリース「SPACE BOOGIE」の「げ~、やるんだなぁ~」リアクションで有名な曲ですが(笑)、ここでもアルバム・バージョンのブラックなサウンドから生まれ変わったドズコイ・リズムなロックが見事。それに対してウィーンの観客が大いに盛り上がるのも当然かと。
一方で「Back Chat」は前日と違って演奏されなかったことは、この日の観客の反応の良さからすると惜しまれますが、フランクフルトの時と同じく、フレディにはそれが物足りなかったのでしょう、今回はアンコール「Another One Bites The Dust」の途中で「Back Chat」アドリブを連呼するという、これもまたレアで面白い展開。あくまでアルバムに対して大きな自信を抱きつつ、こうした自由でスリリングな展開が見られる点もホット・スペース・ツアー、ヨーロピアン・レグの大きな魅力。

そしてこれら二日間は初日が過去に「STAYING POWER AND GLORY」というタイトルがリリースされていましたが、今回はファースト・ジェネレーションの音源を使用することで、それとは比べ物にならないほどナチュラルでウォーミーな音質の向上を実現。二日目はファースト・ジェネレーションの音源を当店が「BEST CHAT」というCD-Rでリリースしていましたが、CD-Rの時点でも定評高かった名演が遂に限定のプレスCD化が実現。各国のファンサイトの間でホット・スペース・ツアーにおける「極めつけの二日間」という定評がまったく揺るがない名演かつ名音源を心ゆくまでお楽しみください。ホット・スペース・ツアー、ヨーロピアン・レグの新たなプレスCDアイテムを心待ちにしていたマニアの皆さま、お待たせしました!

Live at Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 12th May 1982

Disc 1 (45:56)
1. Flash Intro. 2. The Hero 3. We Will Rock You (fast) 4. Action This Day 5. Play The Game
6. Staying Power 7. Somebody To Love 8. Now I’m Here 9. Dragon Attack 10. Now I’m Here (reprise)
11. Love of my life 12. Save me

Disc 2 (49:18)
1. Back Chat 2. Get Down, Make Love 3. Guitar Solo 4. Under Pressure 5. Fat Bottomed Girls
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 7. Bohemian Rhapsody 8. Tie Your Mother Down
9. Another One Bites The Dust 10. We Will Rock You 11. We Are The Champions 12. God Save The Queen

Live at Stadthalle, Vienna, Austria 13th May 1982

Disc 3 (47:10)
1. Flash Intro. 2. The Hero 3. Action This Day 4. Play The Game 5. Staying Power
6. Somebody To Love 7. Now I’m Here 8. Dragon Attack 9. Now I’m Here (reprise)
10. Love Of My Life 11. Save Me 12. Body Language

Disc 4 (50:41)
1. Get Down, Make Love 2. Guitar Solo 3. Under Pressure 4. Fat Bottomed Girls
5. Crazy Little Thing Called Love 6. Bohemian Rhapsody 7. Tie Your Mother Down
8. Another One Bites The Dust incl. Back Chat 9. Sheer Heart Attack
10. We Will Rock You 11. We Are The Champions 12. God Save The Queen
Wardour 187

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