Queen / Definitive Leeds 1982 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR

Queen / Definitive Leeds 1982 / 2CD+1Bonus DVDR / Wardour

Live at Elland Road Football Stadium, Leeds, UK 29th May 1982 plus Ltd Bonus DVDR “QUEEN SPECIAL: THE GREAT ROCK’N’ROLL STORY Part 2”


Play sample :

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The miracle concert “1982 Leeds” that Brian May himself repeats “it was the best show that was too special”. The legendary famous recording that has conveyed the whole picture has been brushed up and appeared. This work was recorded at “May 29, 1982 at Elland Road”. It is the best audience recording.

[A great performance that Brian talks about as a lifelong show] For QUEEN fans, “1982” was a special year with various meanings. The biggest monster “HOT SPACE” was controversial and developed into a suspension of activities and a theory of dissolution. However, it is exactly the opposite for sound source enthusiasts. It was also the year of a good harvest, with a large number of great performances of ridiculous explosion tension and a large number of famous recordings recording the scene. The more the unfortunate image of general fans is deeply rooted, the more people may have thought that “it’s actually different,” and that it makes me laugh.
I think that image has been relaxed since the officialization of “QUEEN ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL”, but that show was not the peak. As I introduced at the beginning, it was the Leeds performance that Brian himself was completely satisfied with and remembered. This work is a live album where you can enjoy the show with the highest peak sound, which even said “I wanted to shoot at Leeds from (QUEEN ON FIRE) Milton Keynes”.
I have proceeded with the discussion based on “QUEEN ON FIRE”, but if you do not have an overview of “HOT SPACE TOUR” in mind, it may not come to you. Let’s check the position of the show from the schedule at that time.

<< March “HOT SPACE” completed >>
・ April 9-May 22: Europe (26 performances)
《May 21st release of “HOT SPACE”》
・ May 29-June 5: UK (4 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ July 21-September 15: North America (33 performances)
・ October 19th-November 3rd: Japan (6 performances)

The above is the whole picture of the 1982 tour that enthusiasts love so much that general fans do not look at it. However, the miracle of “HOT SPACE TOUR” was the “Europe” and “UK” legs in the first half. “QUEEN ON FIRE” was the last day of the “UK” tour, but the Leeds performance of this work was the first day in the UK about a week ago.

[Traditional name recording that achieved an upgrade] This work, which recorded such a show, is a refinement of traditional masterpieces with meticulous and latest mastering. The biggest point is the upgrade, but the recording itself is extremely wonderful in the first place. It is a master who has been loved by the famous board “HOTTEST LEEDS” in our shop, but its clearness and direct feeling far exceed the common sense of the audience. The sound of the bass drum oozes like a guest record, while the direct feeling that does not make you feel the atmosphere is overwhelming, and the bold core penetrates through the center of the clear clear space. And the details are super clear, Freddy’s singing voice can feel the nuances contained in each word of the lyrics, and Brian’s guitar is so vivid that you can feel the angle of the pick that hits the strings. The reason for the direct feeling is probably in the venue. “Elland Road”, the site of this work, is an open space stadium with a large ceiling. On top of that, it was probably recorded right next to the PA. The sound produced by the on-site PA is picked up neatly with zero echo. That’s why, although it sucks in a big cheer, the balance that feels QUEEN far closer than that is realized.
And this work is the highest peak updated version that maximizes the possibility of such original sound. The tape change part of the lump is finished smoothly and seamlessly, but the sound itself is more than that. Of course, the vividness of the outline and the sound are organized without imitating the natural feeling that is spoiled by earning sound pressure. The direct feeling and the goodness of omission, which are the best tastes, are greatly improved, and that is what makes the sound as detailed as the sound board.

[Hyper full show that shines in the history of QUEEN] The upgrade sound is a masterpiece of life that clings to Brian’s mind. Since the set is almost the same as “QUEEN ON FIRE”, I will omit the analysis, but the explosive tension that spins the set is overwhelming. Anyway, Freddy’s voice is strong, and it can be extended and freely. Even if you run up to high with great momentum, the margin does not collapse, and the vibrato with a dynamic sound width is also decided. Perhaps Freddy’s tension rises steadily, perhaps because he is so happy to hear all-you-can-eat voices as he wishes, and a dynamic improvisation like trying his own throat pops out. I think that this great performance is due to the fact that we have welcomed support members in addition to our age. From this tour, Morgan Fisher has been accompanied by the keyboard, and the number of scenes where Freddie plays the piano has decreased dramatically. On the other hand, I was able to concentrate on vocals and take action freely. Even the feeling of openness exudes in the singing voice of this work.
Of course, the three people who were inspired by Freddie also had great tension, and the super tight and powerful beats were also great. And of course, Brian, who asserts that “Leeds is special” and does not stop, is also in great shape. There is no trouble that the strings break like “QUEEN ON FIRE”, and I play it comfortably. If there is a scene that makes you feel that kind of scene, is it after “Love Of My Life”? Freddie improvises and sings “Keep Yourself Alive” to interact with the audience, but Brian pauses on the piano as if it’s about time. Enter “Save Me”. The timing and the unreasonable way of entering are somewhat funny, and I can see Brian playing with a smile and Freddy’s expression laughing back.

Freddie shouted “Absolutely fabulous. Thank you very much!” And “We shall not forget you!” While “God Save The Queen” was playing, and this work closed the curtain on Glorias. Originally, we should devote the number of characters to the precious “Action This Day”, “Staying Power”, and “Back Chat”, but that is not the case. Anyway, you can experience the tremendous great performance of explosive tension with super direct sound … This real thrill is too intense.
Press 2CD that depicts the legendary masterpiece engraved in Brian’s heart with the sound that updates the highest peak in history. Please fully enjoy this one of the best.

★ The miracle concert “1982 Leeds” that Brian May repeats, “It was the best show that was too special.” Introducing the strongest Queen Live Edition.

QUEENファンにとって「1982年」はさまざまな意味を持つ特別な年でした。最大の怪作『HOT SPACE』が物議を醸し、活動休止や解散説にまで発展していった。ところが、音源マニアにとってはまったく逆。とんでもない爆テンションの名演が大量に行われ、その現場を記録した名録音も大量に残された大豊作の年でもある。一般ファンの残念なイメージが根強いほど「実は違うんだけどな」と歯がゆいような、ほくそ笑むような想いをしてきた方も多いのではないでしょうか。
そのイメージも『QUEEN ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL』の公式化以降だいぶ緩和されたように思いますが、あのショウが頂点だったわけでもない。冒頭に紹介したようにブライアン自身が心から満足し、記憶に焼きついたのはリーズ公演の方。本作は、「(QUEEN ON FIREの)ミルトン・キーンズよりリーズで撮影したかった」とまで言わしめたショウを最高峰サウンドで楽しめるライヴアルバムなのです。
『QUEEN ON FIRE』を大前提に話を進めてしまいましたが、“HOT SPACE TOUR”の概要が頭に入っていないと今ひとつピンと来ないかも知れません。ここで当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《3月『HOT SPACE』完成》
《5月21日『HOT SPACE』発売》

以上が一般ファンが見向きもせず、マニアがこよなく愛する1982年ツアーの全体像。もっとも“HOT SPACE TOUR”の中でも奇跡だったのは前半の「欧州」「英国」レッグ。『QUEEN ON FIRE』は「英国」ツアーの最終日だったわけですが、本作のリーズ公演は約1週間前のイギリス初日でした。

そんなショウを記録した本作は、伝統の名録音を細心・最新マスタリングで磨き込んだもの。最大のポイントはアップグレードぶりですが、そもそもの録音自体も極めて素晴らしい。当店でも名盤『HOTTEST LEEDS』で愛されてきたマスターなのですが、そのクリアさ、ダイレクト感はオーディエンスの常識を遙かに超えている。バスドラの音色に客録らしさが滲みつつ、大気をまるで感じさせないダイレクト感が圧倒的で、澄み切ったクリア空間のド真ん中を骨太な芯がグイグイと貫いてくる。そしてディテールも超鮮明で、フレディの歌声は歌詞の1語1語に込められたニュアンスまで感じられ、ブライアンのギターも弦に当たるピックの角度まで感じ取れそうな鮮やかさなのです。そのド級なダイレクト感の要因は、恐らく会場にある。本作の現場となった“エランド・ロード”は、天井が大きく空いたオープン・スペースのスタジアム。その上で、恐らくPAのすぐ側で録音したのでしょう。現場PAが吐き出す出音を反響ゼロで綺麗に拾っている。だからこそ盛大な喝采も吸い込んではいるものの、それよりも遙かに近くにQUEENを感じるバランスが実現しているのです。

そんなアップグレード・サウンドで描かれるのは、ブライアンの脳裏にもこびりついた人生の名演。セットは『QUEEN ON FIRE』とほぼ同じなので分析は省略しますが、そのセットを紡ぐ爆テンションぶりが圧倒的。とにかくフレディの声が強烈で、どこまでも伸びて自由自在。凄い勢いでハイに駆け上がっても余裕が崩れず、豪快な音幅のヴィヴラートもビシッと決まる。望みのままに出放題な声がよほど嬉しいのか、フレディのテンションもドンドン上がり、自分のノドを試すような豪快な即興もバンバン飛び出す。この絶好調ぶりは、年齢に加えてサポート・メンバーを迎えた事も大きいのではないでしょうか。このツアーからキーボードにモーガン・フィッシャーを同行させており、フレディがピアノを弾く場面が激減。その反面、ヴォーカルに集中でき、アクションも自由になりました。本作の歌声には、その開放感までもが滲み出ているのです。
もちろん、そんなフレディに触発された3人も凄いテンションで、超タイトでパワフルなビートも凄い。そして当然「リーズは特別」と断言して止まないブライアンも絶好調。『QUEEN ON FIRE』のように弦が切れるトラブルもなく、気持ちよく弾き倒しています。そんな現場ノリを感じさせるワンシーンを挙げるなら、「Love Of My Life」の後でしょうか。フレディが即興で「Keep Yourself Alive」を歌い出して観客と掛け合うのですが、そこでブライアンが「そろそろいいかな?」と言わんばかりにピアノでインプロを静止。「Save Me」に入っていくのです。そのタイミングも無茶な入り方もどこか可笑しく、ほくそ笑みながら弾き出すブライアンや、笑って返すフレディの表情まで目に浮かぶのです。

「God Save The Queen」が流れる中でフレディが「Absolutely fabulous. Thank you very much!」「We shall not forget you!」と叫び、グロリアスに幕を閉じる本作。本来であれば、貴重な「Action This Day」「Staying Power」「Back Chat」にも字数を割くべきなのでしょうが、それどころではありません。とにかく爆テンションの凄まじい大名演を超ダイレクト・サウンドで極上体験できる……この醍醐味が強烈すぎるのです。


Disc 1 (48:45)
1. Flash Intro.
2. The Hero
3. We Will Rock You
4. Action This Day
5. Play The Game
6. Staying Power
7. Somebody To Love
8. Now I’m Here
9. Dragon Attack
10. Now I’m Here (reprise)
11. Love Of My Life
12. Keep Yourself Alive (Vocal Improvisation)
13. Save Me

Disc 2 (53:38)
1. Back Chat
2. Get Down, Make Love
3. Guitar Solo
4. Under Pressure
5. Fat Bottomed Girls
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
7. Bohemian Rhapsody
8. Tie Your Mother Down
9. Another One Bites The Dust
10. Sheer Heart Attack
11. We Will Rock You
12. We Are The Champions
13. God Save The Queen



Queen / Queen Special : The Great Rock N Roll Story Part 2 / 1DVDR
Broadcast Date: 24th November 2003

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 2CD is the pinnacle of live albums where you can enjoy the great performances guaranteed by Brian himself. As I mentioned in the commentary, the pro shot of “June 5, 1982 Milton Keynes performance” reigns as a symbol when it comes to the representative video of this period. Of course, it is also loved as the official work “QUEEN ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL”, but a different broadcast version is specially decided to come with a bonus.

Included in this work is “THE GREAT ROCK’N’ROLL STORY Part 2”, which was broadcast on November 24, 2003, which is Freddie’s 12th anniversary (By the way, Brian 5 days after the broadcast date. & Roger’s QUEEN appeared in Nelson Mandela’s AIDS eradication campaign “46664 CONCERT”). Although it says “Part 2”, the special program for this day is a huge special feature that consists of 4 parts and lasts for 5 hours. While explaining their career, they will follow up with successive PVs and pro shot live performances. Many of the live performances are now formalized, such as the 1975 Hammersmith performance and the 1986 Wembley performance, but they were extremely valuable at that time. What is contained in this work is the second part. However, it is a professional shot program that lasts about 88 minutes, if at all.
This work is also largely divided into the first half and the second half. The first half is a PV collection. This second part will feature “A Day at the Races” to “Flash Gordon”, with 11 clips in chronological order. It’s not particularly valuable, but the last one is “Flash”. The clip itself is familiar, but the program’s own narration is added there, and the story is connected to “HOT SPACE TOUR”. It is a program structure that spells out “QUEEN history” to the last.
And the main part of this work is the “June 5, 1982 Milton Keynes performance” pro shot. As a matter of fact, “ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL” was officially released in 2004. It was not released at the time of 2003 when this broadcast was broadcast. This is also officialized, so I thought it was not unusual, but the version is actually different. It’s an excerpt of about 53 minutes, which is half of the show, but it’s not the only one. Another angle is also used. For example, the opening scene of “Flash”. The official version used blurry image processing to finely switch between the setup scene and the audience scene, but this work is basically a member. What’s more, you can see four people arriving by helicopter and waiting behind the stage with clear and realistic image beauty without image processing. And it will be different even after the performance starts. The outline is the same as the official version, but the timing of the cut split is different, and the scenes that can not be seen officially appear in detail. Also, I’m glad that the MC has its own Japanese subtitles. Playing “I want to take a rest” before “Love Of My Life” and saying “Thank you for your support for 10 years” at the end. Rather, I wonder why there were no subtitles on the Japanese DVD.
And the voice of this work is also different from the official version. It’s different from the mix, but it’s more interesting that it’s uncensored. The easiest to understand is “Fat Bottomed Girls”. In the official version, Freddie sings well from beginning to end, but in this work, the voice is turned inside out in the latter part of the song “Ain’t no beauty queens in this locality”. Of course, the reality is this work, but how did you correct the formula when the same lyrics did not appear?
Even so, this show is really amazing. The European leg of “HOT SPACE TOUR” was a series of shows that Freddie was in great shape to the point of being legendary, but the Milton Keynes performance of this work is a highlight of his home country. The piercing tension and the singing voice that extends forever are tremendous. What a wonderful thing about “Somebody To Love” where vibrato trembles while freely improvising … Some fans call it “the masterpiece of the live”, but you can be convinced without consent. Now that the official version is out of print and has begun to premiere, it’s ridiculous. Although this work is about half of the whole show, you can enjoy another version of such a wonderful pro shot.

You can enjoy the PV of 11 songs and another version of the masterpiece pro shot with the highest quality, but even more than that, the fact that such a special number was set up even 12 years after Freddy’s death makes me excited. It is a masterpiece program that you can intuitively understand the position of this show in the history because it is composed of the familiar PVs and the snow falls.
And the great enthusiasm of the century that shook Milton Keynes. You can enjoy it as a maniac exploring the backstage of the production of the official work, but rather, I would like you to touch it with the intention of seeing the “other side” of the main press 2CD. Please experience this work together with the highest peak live album “DEFINITIVE LEEDS 1982” in “Spring 1982” that enthusiasts love and never stop.

本編プレス2CDは、ブライアン本人が保証する大名演を楽しめるライヴアルバムの最高峰。その解説でも触れましたが、この時期の代表映像と言えば何と言っても「1982年6月5日ミルトン・キーンズ公演」のプロショットが象徴として君臨しています。もちろん、公式作品『QUEEN ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL』として愛されてもいますが、それとは異なる放送バージョンが特別にボーナス付属決定です。

そんな本作に収められているのは、フレディ12周忌である2003年11月24日に放送された“THE GREAT ROCK ‘N’ ROLL STORY Part 2”です(ちなみに、放送日の5日後にはブライアン&ロジャーのQUEENがネルソン・マンデラ氏のエイズ撲滅運動“46664 CONCERT”に出演しました)。「Part 2」とありますが、実はこの日の特番は4部構成で5時間に及ぶ巨大な特集。彼らのキャリアを解説しつつ、歴代のPVとプロショット・ライヴで追っていくというもの。そのライヴは1975年ハマースミス公演や1986年ウェンブリー公演など、現在では公式化されたものも多いのですが、当時は非常に貴重でした。本作に収められているのは、その第2部にあたるもの。しかし、一部とは言っても約88分に及ぶプロショット番組なのです。
そんな本作も大きく前・後半に分かれている。前半はPV集。この第2部で取り上げられるのは『華麗なるレース』から『フラッシュ・ゴードン』で、11曲分のクリップが時系列に流されます。特に貴重ではありませんが、面白いのは最後の「Flash」。クリップ自体はお馴染みのものですが、そこで番組独自のナレーションが加わり、ストーリーを“HOT SPACE TOUR”へ繋げていく。あくまでも“QUEEN史”を綴る番組構成になっているのです。
そして、始まるのが本作のメインとなる「1982年6月5日ミルトン・キーンズ公演」プロショットです。実のところ、『ON FIRE: LIVE AT THE BOWL』は公式リリースは2004年。この放送が流れた2003年当時は未発売でした。こちらも公式化済みなので珍しくないかと思いきや、実はバージョンが異なる。ショウの半分となる約53分の抜粋版なのですが、それだけではない。別アングルも使われているのです。例えば、「Flash」の開演シーン。公式版はボカした画像処理で設営シーンや観客シーンを細かく切り替えていましたが、本作は基本的にメンバー。しかも、画像処理がなくクリアでリアルな映像美で4人がヘリで到着し、ステージ裏で待機する姿が観られます。そして、開演後も異なる。大筋では公式版と同じですが、カット割りのタイミングが異なり、公式では観られない光景が細かく現れるのです。また、MCに独自の日本語字幕が入るのも嬉しい。「Love Of My Life」の前に「ひと眠りしたいよ」と戯けたり、終焉の際に「10年間応援ありがとう」と語ったり。むしろ、なぜ日本盤DVDにも字幕がなかったのか不思議です。
そして、本作は音声も公式版とは異なる。ミックスからして違うのですが、それ以上に無修正なのが面白い。一番分かりやすいのは「Fat Bottomed Girls」。公式版では終始フレディが調子よく歌っているのですが、本作では曲の後半「Ain’t no beauty queens in this locality」のパートで思いっきり声が裏返っているのです。もちろん、現実なのは本作なわけですが、同じ歌詞が出てこないのに公式はどうやって修正したのでしょうか……。
それにしても、このショウは本当に凄い。“HOT SPACE TOUR”の欧州レッグは半ば伝説的なまでにフレディ絶好調のショウが連発していましたが、本作のミルトン・キーンズ公演は母国のハイライト。その突き抜けるテンションとどこまでも伸びる歌声が凄まじい。自在にインプロヴァイズしながらヴィヴラートが震えまくる「Somebody To Love」の何と素晴らしい事か……。「ライヴの最高傑作」と呼ぶファンもいますが、同意はしなくても納得はできる。現在では、その公式版も廃盤でプレミアが付き始めていますが、とんでもないことです。本作はショウ全体の約半分とは言え、そんな素晴らしいプロショットの別バージョンが楽しめるのです。

そして、ミルトン・キーンズを揺るがした世紀の大熱演。オフィシャル作品の製作裏舞台を探るマニアックな楽しみ方もできますが、むしろ本編プレス2CDの“向こう側”を見るつもりで触れていただきたい1枚です。マニアがこよなく愛して止まない“1982年の春”、ぜひ最高峰ライヴアルバム『DEFINITIVE LEEDS 1982』と本作を併せてご体験ください。

1. Introduction
2. Somebody To Love (MV)
3. Tie Your Mother Down (MV)
4. We Are The Champions (MV)
5. We Will Rock You (MV)
6. Bicycle Race (MV)
7. Fat Bottomed Girls (MV)
8. Crazy Little Thing Called Love (MV)
9. Save Me (MV)
10. Play The Game (MV)
11. Another One Bites The Dust (MV)
12. Flash (MV)

National Bowl, Milton Keynes, UK 5th June 1982

13. Flash Intro
14. The Hero
15. We Will Rock You (fast)
16. Play The Game
17. Staying Power
18. Somebody To Love
19. Now I’m Here
20. Love Of My Life
21. Save Me
22. Fat Bottomed Girls
23. Bohemian Rhapsody
24. Tie Your Mother Down
25. We Are The Champions
26. God Save The Queen

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