Queen / Definitive Essen 1980 / 2CD

Queen / Definitive Essen 1980 / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Grugahalle, Essen, Germany 29th November 1980

Play sample :

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The Essen performances where intense quality competition has been taking place, even at “THE GAME TOUR”, which has reached its peak. The best live album to update the highest peak is appeared in the permanent preservation press 2CD.
Such an Essen performance was held on “November 29, 1980”. “THE GAME TOUR” has had many great performances and recordings that are appropriate for the heyday of Hero QUEEN, but this Essen performance is unique. The two great recordings have been upgraded to compete for the highest quality. One of them is a high-quality recording (assuming “TAPE A” here) while lacking in “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Sheer Heart Attack”. The other one has recorded all the songs of the show, but the sound was now a long recording (also “TAPE B”). For a while, although it was sound “A> B”, it is the reverse of the new master of “B” that became popular in “BATLE IN ESSEN (Uxbridge 467)” even in our shop. Not only the length but also the sound side, the live album over “A” reigned on the throne.
The highest peak of “A” that recaptures the throne of such “BATTLE IN ESSEN” is this work. I was a low gene master who was released recently, and it is a hot topic among all the manias in the world, saying, “Koryaya!”. In fact, the sound is just the best. “BATTLE IN ESSEN” was a clear sound called “the top class in Europe in 80’s”, but this work is also full of direct feeling and the beauty of the sound is even. Although “BATTLE IN ESSEN” had beautiful high-pitched growth, it had a sharp acuity that could have been a kink, and the midrange was also reversed. On the other hand, this work has plenty of response in the mids and heavys. Not only the treble but also the bass line is sharp on the vive level, and the total balance is also well balanced. Together with a core without a sense of distance, it sounds great like a little FM soundboard.
It is truly a new master who is also a enthusiast, but this work aimed at the ultimate in mastering further. First of all, the “longest”. As mentioned above, “A” also has the drawback of missing “Bohemian Rhapsody” and “Sheer Heart Attack”. So, in this work, these two songs and the tape change part etc. are complemented by the “BATTLE IN ESSEN” master. Not only the sound side but also the length side is finished to the live album which renews the longest. You can feel the strong direct feeling of “A” from the distance suddenly appearing in the two complemented songs (you may be surprised at the clearness of “BATTLE IN ESSEN” at the same time). And sound. The pitch of the original sound, which was significantly higher, was precisely adjusted, and the sound of the original sound was polished to the maximum extent.
Literally, it is an Essen performance that is covered with the highest peak update sound, but if the show itself is useless no matter how good the sound, then this weekend falls. But this is another great performance. First of all, let’s confirm the show position from the prime “THE GAME TOUR” panoramic view.

● 1980
“June 30” THE GAME “release”
June 30-July 14: North America # 1 (14 performances)
・ August 5-September 30: North America # 2 (35 performances)
-November 23-December 6: Europe a (9 performances) ★ ★ Coco ★
“December 8” FLASH GORDON “sale”
・ December 8-18: Europe b (eight performances)
● 1981
・ February 12-19: Japan (6 performances)
・ February 28-March 21: Latin America # 1 (7 performances)
・ September 25th-October 18th: Latin America # 2 (6 performances)
“October 26” GREATEST HITS “sale”
・ November 24th + 25th: Montreal (2 shows)

This is QUEEN in 1980/1981. The European leg was set at the end of 1980, and “FLASH GORDON” was released in the meantime. This work was a concert that was the 5th performance of “Europe a” just before that. Generally, “FLASH GORDON” has an image that falls by several steps compared to the blockbuster of “THE GAME” and “GREATEST HITS”, but in this work, not only the soundtrack but also the movie itself will be released soon. I don’t know the result, it’s full of mood. What’s more, it’s about two months since the North American Tour, and you’re in good shape, and it’s the fifth performance since your restart. Far from being tired of the tour, it was a great time for the engine just to get into full drive.
The show that flows out from this work is as if it proves such a position. Freddie sings loudly from the early stages, saying good things to the strong throats and raising tension further from the middle. The voice that is growing smoothly even when you talk about “Now I’m Here” etc., and the audience who returns it wonderfully becomes a big excitement. The band is also overheated to be drawn to such a mood, and Brian is spinning the phrase smoothly without any time. Such good-feelings continue until the end, but the one that stumbles is “Tie Your Mother Down”. In the area of ​​the most rust, Brian cuts the strings and the guitar turns off. Although I switch to a spare guitar and return to the performance, I put the slide bar on the strap and hand it over to Lodi, and the subsequent performance also becomes a mysterious feeling of the rhythm main.
The story goes back and forth, but one more interesting thing is “The Hero”. Actually, this day was the world premiere, but the vocal line is quite different from the original. Did Roger go into the chorus, or was it a play experiment? Anyway, I can enjoy a very interesting version with direct sound.

The Essen performances where the two recordings competed at the top and reached “THE GAME TOUR” ‘s best. Such a new excavation master is a two-disc live album that achieves the longest and highest peak by making full use of another famous recording. The scene of Essen where the full-fledged wind is received over the whole body and the overflowing passion bursts. Please enjoy it with perpetual preservation Press 2CD.

一大全盛を迎えた“THE GAME TOUR”でも激しいクオリティ競争が繰り広げられてきたエッセン公演。その最高峰を大幅更新する極上ライヴアルバムが永久保存プレス2CDで登場です。
そんなエッセン公演が行われたのは「1980年11月29日」のこと。“THE GAME TOUR”は英雄QUEENの全盛期に相応しく幾多の名演・名録音が残されてきましたが、このエッセン公演は独特。2つの名録音が最高峰クオリティを競い合うようにアップグレードしてきたのです。そのうちの1本は「Bohemian Rhapsody」「Sheer Heart Attack」に欠けがありつつ、ハイクオリティで知られる録音(ここでは仮に「TAPE A」とします)。もう1つはショウの全曲を収録しているものの、サウンドが今イチな長尺録音(同じく「TAPE B」)でした。しばらくはサウンド的に「A>B」だったものの、それが逆転したのは当店でも『BATTLE IN ESSEN(Uxbridge 467)』で人気となった「B」の新マスター。長さだけでなくサウンド面でも「A」を超えるライヴアルバムが王座に君臨したのです。
そんな『BATTLE IN ESSEN』の王座をさらに奪い返した「A」の最高峰盤、それが本作なのです。最近になって公開されたロウジェネ・マスターでして、今まさに世界のマニア間で「こりゃ凄ぇ!」と話題沸騰中なのです。実際、そのサウンドはまさに最高峰。『BATTLE IN ESSEN』からして「80年欧州のトップクラス」と呼ばれたクリア・サウンドでしたが、本作はさらにダイレクト感たっぷりで鳴りも均整の美。『BATTLE IN ESSEN』は高音の伸びが美しかったものの、ともすればキンキンとしかねない鋭さがあり、中音域は逆に引っ込んでもいました。それに対し、本作は中音域も重低音も手応えたっぷり。高音だけでなくベースのラインもヴァイヴのレベルで鮮明で、トータルのバランスも実に均整が取れている。距離感のない芯と併せ、ちょっとしたFMサウンドボードのような見事なサウンドなのです。
さすがマニアも沸き立つ新マスターなのですが、本作はさらにマスタリングで究極を目指した。まず第1に「最長」。前述したように「A」には「Bohemian Rhapsody」「Sheer Heart Attack」の欠落という欠点もある。そこで、本作ではこの2曲やテープチェンジ箇所などを『BATTLE IN ESSEN』マスターで補完。サウンド面だけでなく、長さ面でも最長を更新するライヴアルバムに仕上げました。補完された2曲で急に距離が出ることから、「A」の強力なダイレクト感を実感していただけるでしょう(同時に『BATTLE IN ESSEN』のクリアさにも驚かれるかも知れません)。そしてサウンド。大幅に高かった原音のピッチを正確に整え、原音が持つ鳴りを最大限に磨き込みました。
文字どおり、最高峰更新サウンドで甦ったエッセン公演ですが、いかに音が良くてもショウ自体がダメなら本末転倒。しかし、これがまた素晴らしい名演なのです。まずは、ショウのポジションを全盛の“THE GAME TOUR”全景から確かめておきましょう。

《6月30日『THE GAME』発売》
《12月8日『FLASH GORDON』発売》
《10月26日『GREATEST HITS』発売》

これが1980年/1981年のQUEEN。欧州レッグは1980年の終盤に設定され、合間に『FLASH GORDON』もリリースされた。本作はその直前となる「欧州a」の5公演目にあたるコンサートでした。一般に『FLASH GORDON』は『THE GAME』『GREATEST HITS』の大ヒットに比べると数段落ちるイメージもありますが、本作はサントラはおろか映画自体も公開間際。結果も分からず、イケイケなムードに溢れている。しかも、北米ツアーから約2ヶ月空いたことで体調も万全で、再始動から5公演目。ツアー疲れどころか、ちょうどエンジンも全力運転に入ったばかりの絶好のタイミングだったのです。
本作から流れ出るショウは、そんなポジションを証明するかのよう。フレディは序盤から好調なノドにモノを言わせて高らかに歌い、中盤からさらにテンションを上げる。「Now I’m Here」等のかけ合いでも伸びに伸びる声が気持ちよく、それを見事に返す観客も大盛り上がり。そんなムードに引っぱられるようにバンドも過熱し、ブライアンもいつになく滑らかにフレーズを紡いでいるのです。そんな快調ぶりは最後まで続きますが、ちょっとつまずくのは「Tie Your Mother Down」。一番のサビの辺りでブライアンが弦を切ってしまい、ギターがオフになってしまう。予備のギターに持ち替えて演奏に復帰するものの、スライドバーをストラップに入れたままローディに渡してしまい、その後の演奏もリズムメインの不思議な感じになってしまうのです。
話は前後しますが、もう1つ面白いのが「The Hero」。実は、この日が全世界初演だったのですが、ヴォーカル・ラインがオリジナルとはかなり違っている。ロジャーがコーラスを入りそびれたのか、遊びの実験だったのか。ともあれ、非常に面白いバージョンをダイレクト感いっぱいのサウンドで楽しめるのです。

2つの録音が頂点を競い合い、“THE GAME TOUR”屈指の域にまで達したエッセン公演。そんな新発掘マスターをメインに、もう1つの名録音まで駆使して最長・最高峰を実現した2枚組ライヴアルバムです。一大全盛の風を全身に受け、その溢れんばかりのパッションが炸裂するエッセンの現場。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで思う存分お楽しみください。


Disc 1 (54:45)
1. Intro.
2. Jailhouse Rock
3. We Will Rock You (fast)
4. Let Me Entertain You
5. Play The Game
6. Mustapha
7. Death On Two Legs
8. Killer Queen
9. I’m In Love With My Car
10. Get Down, Make Love
11. Need Your Loving Tonight
12. Save Me
13. Now I’m Here
14. Dragon Attack
15. Now I’m Here (reprise)
16. Love Of My Life

Disc 2 (45:51)
1. Keep Yourself Alive
2. Tympani Solo
3. Guitar Solo
4. Battle Theme
5. The Hero
6. Brighton Rock (reprise)
7. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
8. Bohemian Rhapsody
9. Tie Your Mother Down
10. Another One Bites The Dust
11. Sheer Heart Attack
12. We Will Rock You
13. We Are The Champions
14. God Save The Queen


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