Queen / Definitive Osaka 1976 / 4CD

Queen / Definitive Osaka 1976 / 4CD / Wardour
Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 29th March 1976 Afternoon & Evening Shows

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Translated text:

Queen of 1976 who came back to Japan with miracle masterpiece “Night of Opera”. A historical masterpiece that captures the site with a wonderful sound is appearing.
Such performance is recorded in 2 performances. It is a 4-tuple containing “Disney of the Day” and “Department of the Night” in 2 discs each, “March 29, 1976: Osaka Health Pension Center.” Although it was a rare day / night performance in QUEEN, it is also the point of this work. First of all, let’s check the situation from the schedule.

· March 22: Nippon Budokan
· March 23: Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium
· March 24: Himeji City Kokusai Kaikan
· March 26: Kyushu Gymnasium (2 performances)
– 2 days off –
· March 29th: Osaka Health Pension Center (Day section) 【Disc 1-2】
· March 29th: Osaka Health Pension Center (Night) 【Disc 3-4】
· March 31st + April 1st: Nippon Budokan (2 performances)
· April 2: Miyagi Prefecture Sports Center
· April 4th: Nihon University Noda Auditorium

This is the second performance of QUEEN to Japan. The number of performances of all 11 shows is the scale after “Jazz TOUR” of 1979, and the horrificness of popularity of Japan at that time is transmitted. Among them, Fukuoka and Osaka were the compression schedule of 2 performances a day.
And this was also a problem. At that time they were exhausted by a long world tour and when I came to Japan I am already tired. Although the recording on the first day Nippon Budokan is not left, Freddy’s knot is not good from the Nagoya performance on the second day. It got worse every time we played performances, and in Fukuoka it was a historical discontinuity. My doctor has fallen into itself diagnosed as “Do not make a voice for a while.” Although it was followed by two days off, it was probably done in the situation that Osaka performance may be canceled …… This work is a press 4 sheet set that permanently preserved such whole day in Osaka. Let’s introduce each performance individually.

【Disk 1-2: day section】
First of all, it is a superb audience recording that recorded “the day part”. This is also a historic masterpiece. It was reprinted from the legendary boot leg LP “ZOOM QUEEN”, and it is a name recording that has long represented the Japanese performance in 1976. According to one theory, “ZOOM QUEEN” was a rare rare board which is said to have been a limited press of 100 sheets, it was a phantom board which has been called “the most rare QUENN Boot” without almost circulating in secondhand markets. “OPERATIC AFTERNOON” that appeared in 2005 from the Wardour label changed its vision to reality. It was a digitized insignificant quality with almost no needle patch, it was a well-known masterpiece whose pitch and stereo balance which was slightly collapsed was also accurately arranged. It was also acclaimed from maniac who knows the sound of legend LP, sold out and out of print soon. This disc is the decision board which brushed up such masterpiece “OPERATIC AFTERNOON” once again.
In fact, that sound is a record high. Of course, rather than making unnecessary sound pressures, I re-adjust the balance and sound of each range. Nuke which was one person was drawn clearly and the treble also grew beautifully. While brilliantness and stereoscopic feeling have improved spectacularly, detailed details have never been lost. The name recording called “Best Recording of 1976” regained the original natural feeling …… Such a supreme sound was realized.
Listen to the show drawn with that quality. Although the holding itself was caught from the circumstances as described above, Freddie’s remodeling remarkable whether the two-day rest was successful. To tell the truth, it is not even a great deal or a bomb tension, but it is quite different from a Fukuoka performance which was on the verge of enrichment, and its fulfilling vocalization is wonderful. Whether it is cautious for 2 performances a day, “Bohemian Rhapsody / Ogre Battle” at the beginning is suppressed, but from “Sweet Lady” it also forgotten it and driving full power. The singing that regains the original sparkle continues.
After that it will only be immersed in the world of the wonderful “A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”. Hammersmith performance of classic Hammersmith from this tour has been formulated as “A NIGHT AT THE ODEON”, but the set has changed over the years. Early not to listen to “Flight Of The Wrist”, “The Prophet’s Song”, “Stone Cold Crazy”, “Doing All Right”, “Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon” and “A NIGHT AT THE ODEON” as well as the aforementioned “Sweet Lady” Plenty of famous songs. Especially “Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon” is a rare number only in 1976. You can enjoy it carefully with the name sound representing the tour.

【Disk 3-4: Night Club】
On behalf of disk 3 – 4 is also a great name recording. This is the recording that first appeared in masterpiece “ZOOM” (titles are similar, but different from “ZOOM QUEEN”), say that you can not lose to the day part … …, more clear. Although it is a difference level of preference, it is a superb recording that completely aligns the shoulders with “ZOOM QUEEN” which was said to be “the best of 1976”.
Of course, this is also the latest and meticulous remaster to brush up. Although it was a delicate name recording on from the original sound, there was a sound deterioration that seemed to be tremolo violently in one channel at the beginning, and petit noise was also scattered. The pitch was also incorrect. This work has reworked all the (slight) disadvantages that have been done, and readjusted each range to prepare the total balance. The result is clear. The bass that was quite lumpy was unraveled and the range expanded, and the undulating base was also clear to the line. At the same time midrange and treble are also brilliant, left and right stereo balance is even. To tell the truth, in our store we introduced this recording as a gift title “EVENING FALLS”, but it was totally different dimension. I succeeded in bringing out the possibilities to the maximum without losing the fine dust of the recording itself.
What is drawn with such a sound is a show that changed beyond the day section. I will play “Big Spender” which I did not play in the daytime, but the more serious thing is the voiceless Freddie’s voice. Even though it is not so much as Fukuoka ‘s absolutely disappointing, it is becoming obsolete to skip it in the daytime. Although the utterance itself is made, it is a way of singing without considerably holding high tones. Especially severe is the “Bohemian Rhapsody” whose treble continues. It is completely limiting here, and the voice has been scratched without being able to ride even with fake.
Still it will show off terrible ad-lib in the second half of “Sweet Lady”, and there are also interesting voices of “The March Of The Black Queen”, such as the disappointing unique fun. I thought that it was a show that enjoyed the taste of fake as it was, but then it did not end. Whether the break at “Brighton Rock” guitar solo worked or not, “The Prophet’s Song” gradually revitalizes in voice. “Doing Allright” powerfully sing a fascinating melody, rare “Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon” listens to fancy funk and breaks in the middle stage, snowing to hard rockin ‘Keep Yourself Alive’ and ‘Liar’ Keep Yourself Alive “Brian is losing sight of composition as well). In the first half I made it stinky, but at this time I forget the things that was not good, the four people dramatically blast towards the great circle together.

It was exactly wild, “Osaka in 1976”. Impressing, making you hang around, or relieving you in 2 performances a day. It is a luxurious four-sheet set that you can experience on a whole-day superb sound like a rollercoaster. QUEEN did not perform a show with 2 performances on the day after that, or was it a precious document as well. The highest quality quality record ever. Please enjoy plenty with the permanent preservation press 4CD.
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これがQUEEN2度目の来日公演。全11公演という公演数は1979年の“JAZZ TOUR”に次ぐスケールであり、当時の日本人気の凄まじさが伝わる。中でも福岡と大阪は1日2公演の圧縮スケジュールでした。

まず登場するのは「昼の部」を収録した極上オーディエンス録音。これがまた歴史的な大傑作。伝説的なブートレッグLP『ZOOM QUEEN』から復刻されたもので、長らく1976年の日本公演を代表してきた名録音なのです。一説によると『ZOOM QUEEN』は100枚の限定プレスだったとも言われる激レア盤で、中古市場でもほとんど出回らず「最もレアなQUENNブート」と呼ばれてきた幻盤でした。その幻を現実に変えたのがWardourレーベルから2005年に登場した『OPERATIC AFTERNOON』。針パチもほとんどない極上クオリティでデジタル化された銘品で、LPでは若干崩れていたピッチやステレオ・バランスも正確に整えられた名盤でした。伝説LPのサウンドを知るマニアからも絶賛され、間もなく完売・廃盤。このディスクは、そんな名作『OPERATIC AFTERNOON』を今一度ブラッシュアップし直した決定盤なのです。
そのクオリティで描かれるショウが必聴。上記したような経緯から開催そのものが危ぶまれましたが、2日間の休養が功を奏したのかフレディの復調が目覚ましい。実のところ、未だ絶好調でもなければ爆テンションでもないのですが、醜態寸前だった福岡公演とはまるで違う充実したヴォーカリゼイションが素晴らしい。1日2公演のために慎重になっているのか、冒頭の「Bohemian Rhapsody/Ogre Battle」こそ抑え気味なものの、「Sweet Lady」からはそれも忘れて全力運転。本来の輝きを取り戻した熱唱が続くのです。
こうなると後は素晴らしき“A NIGHT AT THE OPERA TOUR”の世界に浸りきるだけ。このツアーからはド定番のハマースミス公演が『A NIGHT AT THE ODEON』として公式化もされていますが、セットは年をまたいで様変わり。前述の「Sweet Lady」を始め、「Flick Of The Wrist」「The Prophet’s Song」「Stone Cold Crazy」「Doing All Right」「Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon」と、『A NIGHT AT THE ODEON』でも聴けない初期の名曲がたっぷり。特に「Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon」は、1976年だけのレア・ナンバー。それをツアーを代表する名サウンドでじっくりと楽しめるのです。

代わってのディスク3-4も素晴らしい名録音。こちらは名作『ZOOM』で初登場した録音(タイトルが似ていますが『ZOOM QUEEN』とは別です)で、昼の部に負けない……と言いますか、一層クリア。好みの差レベルではあるものの、「1976年のベスト」と言われた『ZOOM QUEEN』と完全に肩を並べてしまう極上録音なのです。
もちろん、こちらも最新・細心リマスターでブラッシュ・アップ。原音からオンで繊細な名録音ではあったものの、冒頭部で片チャネルでの激しくトレモロがかかったような音劣化があり、プチノイズも散見。ピッチも不正確でした。本作はそうした(わずかな)欠点をすべて洗い直した上で、各音域を再調整してトータル・バランスも整えました。その結果は歴然。かなり塊だった低音は解きほぐされてレンジも広がり、うねるベースもラインまでくっきり。同時に中高音もヌケが鮮やかになり、左右のステレオ・バランスも均等になっている。実のところ、当店ではこの録音をギフト・タイトル『EVENING FALLS』としてご紹介したこともあったのですが、それともまったく別次元。録音そのものが持つ繊細さを微塵も失うことなく、その可能性を最大限に引き出すことに成功したのです。
そんなサウンドで描かれるのは、昼の部とは打って変わったショウ。昼の部には演奏しなかった「Big Spender」も演奏しますが、そんな事より重大なのはボロボロなフレディの声。福岡の絶不調ほどではないにしろ、昼の部で飛ばしすぎたのが徒になっている。発声自体はできているものの、高音が出ず、かなり押さえた歌え方なのです。特に厳しいのは高音が続く「Bohemian Rhapsody」。ここではもう完全に限界で、フェイクでも乗りきれずに声が擦れてしまっています。
それでも「Sweet Lady」後半の凄絶なアドリブを披露しますし、「The March Of The Black Queen」のドスの利いた声など、不調ならではの面白味もある。そのままフェイクの妙味を楽しむショウかと思いきや、それでは終わらなかった。「Brighton Rock」のギターソロでの休憩が効いたのか、「The Prophet’s Song」から次第に声に力強さが蘇る。「Doing Allright」では魅惑のメロディを力強く歌い上げ、レアな「Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon」も中盤で見事なフェイクやブレイクを聴かせ、ハードロッキンな「Keep Yourself Alive」「Liar」へと雪崩れ込む(その「Keep Yourself Alive」ブライアンが構成を見失ってしまうのもご愛敬)。前半ではハラハラさせましたが、この頃には不調だった事も忘れさせ、4人が一丸となって大団円に向かってドラマチックに爆走していくのです。



Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 29th March 1976 Afternoon Show

Disc 1 (40:11)
1. Intro 2. Bohemian Rhapsody 3. Ogre Battle 4. Sweet Lady 5. White Queen 6. Flick Of The Wrist
7. Bohemian Rhapsody 8. Killer Queen 9. The March Of The Black Queen
10. Bohemian Rhapsody (Reprise) 11. Bring Back That Leroy Brown 12. Brighton Rock
13. Son And Daughter

Disc 2 (46:22)
1. The Prophet’s Song 2. Stone Cold Crazy 3. Doing All Right 4. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon
5. Keep Yourself Alive 6. Liar 7. In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited 8. Now I’m Here
9. Jailhouse Rock incl. Whole Lotta Shakin’ Going On 10. God Save The Queen

Live at Koseinenkin Kaikan, Osaka, Japan 29th March 1976 Evening Show

Disc 3 (53:08)
1. Intro 2. Bohemian Rhapsody 3. Ogre Battle 4. Sweet Lady 5. White Queen
6. Flick Of The Wrist 7. Bohemian Rhapsody 8. Killer Queen 9. The March Of The Black Queen
10. Bohemian Rhapsody (Reprise) 11. Bring Back That Leroy Brown
12. Brighton Rock incl. Guitar Solo 13. Son And Daughter
14. The Prophet’s Song 15. Stone Cold Crazy

Disc 4 (40:31)
1. Doing All Right 2. Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon 3. Keep Yourself Alive
4. Liar 5. In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited 6. Now I’m Here 7. Big Spender
8. Jailhouse Rock incl. Stupid Cupid, Be Bop A Lula 9. God Save The Queen


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