Queen / Liverpool 1974 / 1CD+1Bonus CDR

Queen / Liverpool 1974 / 1CD+1Bonus CDR / Wardour
Empire Theatre, Liverpool, UK 1st November 1974 plus Ltd Bonus CDR “BEST COLOGNE 1974”

Play sample :

Click Image To Enlarge

QUEEN in 1974, when the single “Killer Queen” showed signs of a first hit and the door to the world was about to open. Introducing a new excavation master who can experience such a dawn site.
It was “November 1, 1974 Liverpool performance” that was imbued with such a work. It is the excellent audience recording. The biggest point of this work is that you can experience the precious “SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR” on site. In other words, the timing of the show is essential. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and check the position.

● 1974
“October 21 single” Killer Queen “released”
・ October 30th-November 7th: UK # 1 (8 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
“November 8” SHEER HEART ATTACK “released”
・ November 8th-November 20th: UK # 2 (11 performances) ← * Official LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74
・ November 23-December 13: Europe (11 performances)
● 1975
・ February 5-24: North America # 1 (16 performances)
・ March 5-April 6: North America # 2 (21 performances)
・ April 19-May 1: First visit to Japan (8 performances)

This is the whole picture of “SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”. They were working hard on “QUEEN II TOUR” until May 1974, and produced “SHEER HEART ATTACK” from summer to early autumn. We started the tour with the release of the leading single “Killer Queen”. The album “SHEER HEART ATTACK” was released early on, but the Liverpool performance of this work was before that. It was the third concert of “UK # 1”. In addition, we have introduced the first day of the tour (October 30th) as “MANCHESTER 1974”, but no recording is left for the second performance. This work is the next live album of “MANCHESTER 1974”.
Although it was known that the stage at the very beginning of the tour had recordings for a long time, the length of less than 30 minutes was not a satisfactory thing, and the sound was quite severe. However, very recently, a new master of about 54 minutes long & major upgrade sound has been unearthed. That is this work.
In fact, the sound is incomparably improved. The conventional master was also clear and noiseless, but the tape deteriorated severely. I could barely hear Freddy’s singing voice from the voice quality, and I could hear the singing voice from a distance, “I’m sure the recording itself is good, but this is the state …” and sighed. However, this work is completely different! The place where the glossy core penetrates is the same, but it is powerful and stable, and it even feels like the recording position itself is closer to 10 meters or more.
Moreover, this work further brushes up such a new excavation master. It is the highest peak board that pursues the maximum potential. The up is also intense. The point is the transparency of the air, which sorts out the sounds that tend to be a little cloudy. The silent part praises the depth of jet black, and the outline that rises from it is clear and clear. Not only Freddie alone, but even if the chorus overlaps thickly, you can clearly hear each word of the lyrics, and the thickness itself is not rounded, but you can feel the beauty and dynamism of harmony. Digital mastering is not magic, and there are many things that cannot be changed depending on the individuality of the original sound, but in the case of this work, the compatibility was very good. If you know the original sound of the internet, you will be surprised that “This is really the same recording !?” It has been reborn so beautifully.
What is drawn with such an unexpected sound is a group of masterpieces unique to the early days that has been greatly increased. Here, for core enthusiasts who know the old master, let’s organize while paying attention to the increase.

・ Queen of Dread (2 songs): Son And Daughter / Keep Yourself Alive
・ Queen II (6 songs): Procession (★) / Ogre Battle (★) / Father To Son (★) / White Queen (As It Began) (★) / The March Of The Black Queen / Seven Seas Of Rhye
・ Sheer Heart Attack (5 songs): Now I’m Here (★) / Flick Of The Wrist / In The Lap Of The Gods (★) / Killer Queen / Bring Back That Leroy Brown
・ Others: Big Spender / Modern Times Rock’n’ Roll
* Note: “★” marks are songs that the old master could not listen to.

… And it looks like this. Since the old master was only in the second half of the show, the “QUEEN II” number that was played in the first half has been greatly increased. Of course, the live version itself was also heard on the official edition “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74”, but the performance of this work is completely different. Freddie is especially wonderful. To be honest, “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74” wasn’t in good shape probably because of the last day of the UK tour, but this work is in great motivation and condition in the third performance. Although the new song is rough because it hasn’t been mastered yet, the vocalization itself grows comfortably, and you can hear plenty of flexible expressiveness.
It is a new excavation of a valuable and valuable live album that lets you experience the very early days of “SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR” on-site. The ultimate evolution that will surprise not only those who know the old master, but also those who have experienced the original sound version of the new master. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content with the permanent storage press CD.

★ Excellent audience recording of “November 1, 1974 Liverpool performance” which will be 3 performances of “SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”. A new master of about 54 minutes, which greatly exceeds the old master of less than 30 minutes, is newly excavated. The sound has also been significantly upgraded, and the mastering unique to this work is also extremely effective. The crystal clear air shine, and the contours that rise in it are clear and clear, and not only Freddie alone but also the chorus can be heard clearly word by word even if it overlaps thickly. The thickness itself is not rounded, but it is felt as the beauty and dynamism of harmony. This is a valuable live album where you can experience a show that is in great shape, which is far better than the official version “LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74”.

シングル『Killer Queen』が初ヒットの兆しを見せ、今まさに世界への扉が開かれようとしていた1974年のQUEEN。そんな黎明の現場を体験できる新発掘マスターが登場です。
そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1974年11月1日リバプール公演」。その絶品オーディエンス録音です。本作最大のポイントは、貴重な“SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”を現場体験できること。つまり、ショウのタイミングこそが肝要です。まずは、当時のスケジュールを振り返り、ポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《10月21日シングル『Killer Queen』発売》
・11月8日-11月20日:英国#2(11公演)←※公式LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74

これが“SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”の全体像。1974年5月まで“QUEEN II TOUR”に邁進していた彼らは夏から秋口にかけて『SHEER HEART ATTACK』を制作。先行シングル『Killer Queen』のリリースに合わせてツアーを開始しました。その序盤でアルバム『SHEER HEART ATTACK』も発売となったわけですが、本作のリバプール公演はその前。「英国#1」の3公演目にあたるコンサートでした。また、当店ではツアー初日(10月30日)を『MANCHESTER 1974』としてご紹介して来ましたが、2公演目には録音が残されていない。本作は『MANCHESTER 1974』の次となるライヴアルバムなのです。
実際、そのサウンドは比べものにならないほどアップ。従来マスターもクリアでノイズレスだったものの、テープ劣化が激しくヒョロヒョロ。声質からフレディと辛うじて分かる歌声が遠くから聞こえる感じで「きっと録音自体は良いんだろうけど、状態がこれじゃなあ。。。」と溜息が漏れるシロモノでした。ところが本作はまったく、完全に、丸っきり違う! 艶やかな芯が突き抜けてくるところは同じですが、それが力強くビシッと安定しており、録音ポジションそのものが10メートル以上近くなったようにさえ感じるのです。

・戦慄の王女(2曲):Son And Daughter/Keep Yourself Alive
・クイーンII(6曲):Procession(★)/Ogre Battle(★)/Father To Son(★)/White Queen (As It Began)(★)/The March Of The Black Queen/Seven Seas Of Rhye
・シアー・ハート・アタック(5曲):Now I’m Here(★)/Flick Of The Wrist/In The Lap Of The Gods(★)/Killer Queen/Bring Back That Leroy Brown
・その他:Big Spender/Modern Times Rock ‘n’ Roll

……と、このようになっています。旧マスターはショウの後半だけでしたので、前半部で演奏されていた『QUEEN II』ナンバーが大幅増量されています。もっとも、ライヴバージョン自体は公式盤『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74』でも聴けたわけですが、本作は演奏の出来がまったく違う。特に素晴らしいのはフレディ。正直言って『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74』は英国ツアー最終日のせいか調子が今ひとつだったのですが、本作は3公演目でやる気も調子も絶好調。新曲はまだこなれていないだけに荒削りだったりするものの、ヴォーカリゼーションそのものは気持ちよく伸び、硬軟自在な表現力をたっぷりと聴かせてくれるのです。
“SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”の極初期を現場体験させてくれる、貴重な貴重なライヴアルバムの新発掘です。旧マスターをご存じの方はもちろんのこと、新マスターの原音バージョンを体験された方でも驚く究極進化形。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。

★“SHEER HEART ATTACK TOUR”3公演となる「1974年11月1日リバプール公演」の絶品オーディエンス録音。30分弱だった旧マスターを大幅に超える約54分の新マスターが新発掘。サウンドも大幅アップグレードしており、しかも本作独自のマスタリングも効果絶大。クリスタル・クリアな空気感の輝きも、その中にそそり立つ輪郭はくっきり・はっきりとしていてフレディ1人だけでなく、コーラスがぶ厚く重なっても歌詞の一語一語まで鮮明に聴き取れる。その厚み自体も丸みではなく、ハーモニーの美しさとダイナミズムとして感じられます。公式盤『LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74』より遙かに調子の良い絶好調のショウを現場体験できる貴重なライヴアルバムです。


1. Procession
2. Now I’m Here
3. Ogre Battle
4. Father To Son
5. White Queen
6. Flick Of The Wrist
7. In The Lap Of The Gods
8. Killer Queen
9. The March Of The Black Queen
10. Bring Back That Leroy Brown
11. Son And Daughter
12. Keep Yourself Alive
13. Seven Seas Of Rhye
14. Big Spender
15. Modern Times Rock ‘n’ Roll


Queen / Best Cologne 1974 / 1CDR / Non Label

Live at Sartory Hall, Cologne, Germany 6th December 1974

Click Image To Enlarge

From the European tour that took place during the release of “Sheer Heart Attack” in 1974, Germany recorded the Cologne performance for the first time in 80 minutes with master quality on December 6th. The best version of Queen’s first Cologne performance take, obtained directly from a well-known European queen collector. In this era, there was no take that completely recorded the show with such excellent recording, and it is a masterpiece take that should be made into a press CD as it is. (The overseas sound source verification site also introduces that this board is master quality.)

The details of the tour are as follows.

● 1974
“October 21 single” Killer Queen “released”
・ October 30th-November 7th: UK # 1 (8 performances) ← “LIVERPOOL 1974”
《November 8 “SHEER HEART ATTACK” released
・ November 8th-November 20th: UK # 2 (11 performances) ← * Official LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74
・ November 23-December 13: Europe (11 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
● 1975
・ February 5-24: North America # 1 (16 performances)
・ March 5-April 6: North America # 2 (21 performances)
・ April 19-May 1: First visit to Japan (8 performances)

Anyway, the sound quality is wonderful! The overall sound is recorded very clearly compared to the previous ones, the vocals and guitar are very easy to listen to, and you can touch the precious Queen stage of this time without stress. It is no exaggeration to say that the “Best of Early Queen” set selected from the first three albums is all a listening place. The best live sample of Queen at this time, who grew up from the main stage of momentum and began to develop a large-scale and majestic live performance. A performance about a month after the excavation “LIVERPOOL 1974” that captured the beginning of the “SHEER HEART ATTACK” tour. The maturity of the performance is increasing, and the overall listening response is also perfect. In “LIVERPOOL 1974”, a cut was made in the latter half of Seven Seas Of Rhye, and the latter half of the main set such as Liar, Stone Cold Crazy, In The Lap Of The Gods … Revisited, which was performed after that, and Jailhouse Rock, the encore last, And a full recording of exactly 80 minutes including God Save The Queen. It can be said that it is a nice bonus disc that complements the incomplete contents of the extremely valuable “LIVERPOOL 1974” with high sound quality. Throughout the whole, there are few hiss noises and cuts, and anyway, it is a masterpiece live sound source that you can feel the freshness that is incomparable to the existing ones. Please take this opportunity to enjoy the master quality version, which is a must-listen for fans.

1974年「Sheer Heart Attack」リリース期に行われたヨーロッパ・ツアーより12月6日のドイツはケルン公演を初のマスター・クオリティで80分完全収録。ヨーロッパの著名なクイーン・コレクターから直接入手した、クイーン初のケルン公演テイクのベスト・ヴァージョン。この時代、ここまで優れた録音でショウを完全収録しているテイクは皆無であり、本来ならこのままプレスCD化が相応しい大傑作テイクです。(海外の音源検証サイトでも、本盤がマスタークオリティであると紹介されています。)


《10月21日シングル『Killer Queen』発売》
・10月30日-11月7日:英国#1(8公演)←「LIVERPOOL 1974」
・11月8日-11月20日:英国#2(11公演)←※公式LIVE AT THE RAINBOW ’74

とにかく音質が素晴らしい!既発に比べ全体のサウンドが非常にクリアーに収録されており、ボーカルもギターも非常に聴きやすく、ストレス無く、この時期の貴重なクイーンのステージに接することができます。初期3枚のアルバムからセレクトされた「ベスト・オブ・アーリー・クイーン」なセットは、全てが聴き所と言っても過言ではないでしょう。勢いメインのステージから見違えるように成長し、スケールの大きな堂々としたライブを展開するようになったこの時期のクイーンの最良のライブサンプル。『SHEER HEART ATTACK』ツアーの序章を捉えた今回の発掘「LIVERPOOL 1974」から約一か月後の公演。演奏の円熟味は増しており、全体の聴きごたえも満点。「LIVERPOOL 1974」では後半のSeven Seas Of Rhyeでカットが入り、以降で演奏されたLiar, Stone Cold Crazy, In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisitedといったメインセットの後半や、アンコールラストのJailhouse Rock, そしてGod Save The Queenも含めきっちり80分をフル収録。貴重極まりない「LIVERPOOL 1974」のIncompleteな内容を高音質で補完してくれる嬉しいボーナス・ディスクと言えるでしょう。全体を通して、ヒスノイズやカットも少なめで、とにかく既発とは比較にならない鮮度の良さを感じることの出来る大傑作ライブ音源。ファン必聴のマスタークオリティ版をどうぞ、この機会にお楽しみください。

1. Procession
2. Now I’m Here
3. Ogre Battle
4. Father To Son
5. White Queen
6. Flick Of The Wrist
7. In The Lap Of The Gods
8. Killer Queen
9. The March Of The Black Queen
10. Bring Back That Leroy Brown
11. Son And Daughter
12. Guitar Solo
13. Son And Daughter(reprise)
14. Keep Yourself Alive
15. Seven Seas Of Rhye
16. Stone Cold Crazy ★
17. Liar ★
18. In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited ★
19. Big Spender
20. Modern Times Rock’n’Roll
21. Jailhouse Rock ★
22. God Save The Queen★

★が本編「LIVERPOOL 1974」未収録の曲。

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