Public Image Limited / Irvine 1992 Pre Fm Master / 1CDR

Public Image Limited / Irvine 1992 Pre Fm Master / 1CDR / Uxbridge

Live At Crawford Hall Universary Of California Irvine CA USA 26th March 1992 Westwood One Pre-FM Master. SBD

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PiL in 1992 was at a major milestone before the reorganization of SEX PISTOLS. Introducing the “official alternative” definitive board that allows you to enjoy the stage on a superb sound board.
“March 26, 1992 Irvine performance” is included in this work. It is the stereo sound board recording. PiL has been active throughout the 80’s, but it calmed down as it entered the 90’s. In 1992, the activity was completely suspended, but before that, the final work “THAT WHAT IS NOT” and the world tour were carried out extensively. This work is a masterpiece of a live album that symbolizes such an era. First of all, let’s check the position of the show from the schedule at that time.

・ February 7: Performance in Tijuana
“February 24,” THAT WHAT IS NOT “released”
・ February 25 + 28: Promo appearance
・ March 13-April 24: North America # 1 (33 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ May 2-7: UK (5 performances)
・ June 6 + July 4 + August 28: Europe (3 performances)
・ September 2-18: South America / North America # 2 (10 performances)
“activity break”

This is the 1992 PiL. The schedule for more than 50 performances in a year is active enough, but if you look closely, you can only call “North America # 1” a “tour” that repeats the stage and movement every day. The Irvine performance of this work was the 10th concert in the middle of it.
This show is also known to have been broadcast on the prestigious “WESTWOOD ONE” radio, and many of its air checks are one of the classics that have created a group. It was a show that has represented 1992 for a long time. This work is also the FM sound board, but the reason is different from the air check of about 100. It is one of the ultimate generations that was made into a CD directly from the pre-FM master of “WESTWOOD ONE”.
In fact, the quality of this work is completely official. Even if you say “FM broadcast sound board” in a bite, the individuality and quality are all different. There are many things that audience recording is far better than some. Under such circumstances, “WESTWOOD ONE” has become a safe brand. Not only is it a sound board that carefully captures each instrument, but the mix, which is premised on playback on home audio, boasts a perfection that is perfect for the beauty of the sound, and one way to cover it with cheers is a dignity as a musical work. It has. Even in various bands / artists, “WESTWOOD ONE” broadcasting is treated as semi-official.
“WESTWOOD ONE” is trusted by collectors to the extent that it is comparable to even the prestigious BBC in the UK, but this work also does not pollute the gold signboard, but rather it is wonderful to raise fame. All of the above beauty points are at the highest level, and because it is a pre-FM master, every corner is beautiful, and the natural feeling that seems to be analog is also fresh. And it is the show that is drawn with such an extreme sound because it is the end of life that can be said to be “live performance version THAT WHAT IS NOT”. Let’s organize the set here.

● That What Is Not (6 songs)
・ Love Hope / Think Tank / Acid Drops / Luck’s Up / Cruel / Covered
● Others (6 songs)
・ This Is Not A Love Song
・ ALBUM: Rise
・ HAPPY ?: Rules and Regulations / The Body
・ 9 / Nine: Disappointed
・ “Heart Blue” Soundtrack: Criminal

… And it looks like this. Half of the show is occupied by “THAT WHAT IS NOT” numbers, and 6 out of 10 songs on the album behave in a big way. Moreover, there are some songs such as “Cruel” that are also played in reunion words, but the others are rare songs only in 1992. Furthermore, “Criminal” provided in the movie “Heart Blue” is a limited song only for this tour, and “Rules and Regulations” has hardly been played after the reunion. Not only the ensemble, but also the set has a strong color that is different from any other time, and it is a show that feels like another band.
“PiL in the 90’s” set up a world different from the 80’s just before the suspension of activities. This work is a masterpiece instead of the official that conveys the stage. That is the highest peak update board of the super-determined sound board with the same value as the regular studio work “THAT WHAT IS NOT”. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

SEX PISTOLS再編を前に大きな節目に立っていた1992年のPiL。そのステージを超極上サウンドボードで楽しめる“オフィシャル代わり”の決定盤が登場です。
そんな本作に収められているのは「1992年3月26日アーバイン公演」。そのステレオ・サウンドボード録音です。80年代を通して精力的に活動してきたPiLでしたが、90年代に突入すると共に沈静化。1992年には完全に活動を休止するわけですが、その前に最終作『THAT WHAT IS NOT』とワールド・ツアーが大々的に行われました。本作は、そんな時代を象徴するライヴアルバムの代表作なのです。まずは、そんな当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《2月24日『THAT WHAT IS NOT』発売》

このショウは名門“WESTWOOD ONE”でラジオ放送された事でも知られ、そのエアチェックの数々が気は群を生み出してきた定番の1つ。長らく1992年を代表してきたショウでした。本作もそのFMサウンドボードなのですが、凡百のエアチェックとはワケが違う。“WESTWOOD ONE”のプリFMマスターからダイレクトにCD化された究極ジェネの1枚なのです。
実際、本作のクオリティは完全オフィシャル級。ひと口に「FM放送サウンドボード」とは言っても、実は個性もクオリティも千差万別。中にはオーディエンス録音の方が遙かにマシというモノも少なくありません。そんな中で“WESTWOOD ONE”は安心のブランドともなっている。各楽器を丁寧に捉えたサウンドボードというだけでなく、家庭用オーディオでの再生を前提としたミックスは鳴りの美しさまで行き届いた完成度を誇り、歓声の被せ方1つとっても音楽作品としての気品を備えている。さまざまなバンド/アーティストでも“WESTWOOD ONE”放送は準公式な扱いとなっているのです。
コレクター間では英国の名門BBCにさえ匹敵するほど信頼されている“WESTWOOD ONE”ですが、本作もその金看板を汚さず、むしろ名声を高める素晴らしさ。上記した美点がすべて最高峰レベルで揃っており、プリFMマスターだからこそ隅々まで美しく、アナログらしいナチュラル感も瑞々しいのです。そして、そんな極めつけのサウンドで描かれるのは「生演奏版THAT WHAT IS NOT」とでも言えそうな終末期だからこそのショウ。ここでセットも整理しておきましょう。

・Love Hope/Think Tank/Acid Drops/Luck’s Up/Cruel/Covered
・ジス・イズ・ホワット・ユー・ウォント:This Is Not A Love Song
・HAPPY?:Rules and Regulations/The Body

……と、このようになっています。ショウの半分が『THAT WHAT IS NOT』ナンバーで占められ、アルバム全10曲中6曲が大盤振る舞い。しかも「Cruel」のように再結成語にも演奏される曲もあるにはありますが、他はほぼ1992年のみの貴重曲なのです。さらに言いますと、映画『ハートブルー』に提供された「Criminal」もこのツアーだけの限定曲ですし、「Rules and Regulations」も再結成後にはほぼ演奏されていない。アンサンブルもさることながら、セットも他のどの時期とも違うカラーが強烈で、まるで別バンドのようにさえ感じるショウなのです。
活動停止を目前にして、80年代とは違う世界を打ち立てた「90年代のPiL」。本作は、そのステージを伝えるオフィシャル代わりの代表作です。それこそ、正規スタジオ作『THAT WHAT IS NOT』と同等の価値を持つ超決定サウンドボードの最高峰更新盤。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。

01. Intro
02. This Is Not A Love Song
03. Criminal
04. Love Hope
05. Think Tank
06. Rules & Regulations
07. Disappointed
08. Acid Drops
09. Luck’s Up
10. Cruel
11. The Body
12. Covered
13. Rise (Part I)

John Lydon – vocals
John McGeoch – guitar
Allan Dias – bass
Torgun Mann – guitar
Mike Joyce – drums


Uxbridge 1362

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