Prince & The Revolution / The Final Parade / 2CD

Prince & The Revolution / The Final Parade / 2CD / Zion

Translated text:
Live at Yokohama Stadium, Yokohama, Japan 9th September 1986



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Become longer even words of “legend” with feigned ignorance, the first visit to Japan performance of Prince. Among them, a new excavation album appeared the monument live to be handed down as “all is uniform the night”. First visit to Japan has been realized “PARADE TOUR 1986” is the first of the World Tour for him, I had never made a full-scale overseas tour to it. For the first time Tour of Europe, I came up to Japan remains of its momentum. This work, the last day “1986 September 9, Yokohama Stadium” of such first Japan tour concert audience album. First, let’s look at the first visit to Japan of the whole picture should be the memorial.

– September 5, 2011: Osaka Castle Hall “COMPLETE OSAKA 1986”
– September 6, 2011: Osaka Castle Hall “COMPLETE OSAKA 1986”
– September 8, 2011: Yokohama Stadium
– September 9, 2011: Yokohama Stadium [this work]

In this way, the first visit to Japan performances all four performances. This visit to Japan is set to Saishuban to “PARADE TOUR 1986”, this day is not only Japan tour last day, there was also the final day of the entire world tour. Further point is the other one. THE REVOLUTION with this tour is dissolved, is this live is also in their last concert.
Although Yokohama Stadium performance, which is also in such a monumental concert, in fact, there exists a recording for some time, the collectors have been known as “SEPTEMBRE (PIY6991 / 6992)”. It is also famous as a representative recording of the first visit to Japan, let alone “PARADE TOUR 1986”, a masterpiece of the But to be traded as a sound board, this work is of a different, recording, sound with it. It was recorded this work is due to record who was active in Japan and 1980s from the late ’70s, who has been to introduce a number of masterpiece also in our shop. This recording, it uses the original cassette to direct, I this time is all the world’s first public. Moreover, I was surprised is quality. Is why was the name of the recording to be treated as a sound board and from the legendary “SEPTEMBRE,” but this work is to have surpassed lightly such a legend board!
Uncanny, the clear Kiwamarinai musical tone more than anything else. About 3 million people there is almost no sense of distance to say that Yokohama Stadium to accommodate, furiously hit musical tone that was clearly is to direct. The delicate to the treble in a detailed, such as bass and has a rich rich, not the dimensions of the open-air stadium. On top of such a recording, plenty of freshness of the original cassette unique that has not undergone the dubbing. Sharpness of the scat of the Prince, the sound of sweet singing voice, from the groove of THE REVOLUTION up to touch the piano, there is no deterioration even collapse to all of 1 sound. I vivid as if it were like a record yesterday.
Memorial concert to be drawn in its quality is, is great also to contents. As described above, this day always falls on the last day of the first World Tour, especially Japan performances complete a foreign land culture. 30,000 of black hair spread out in front of the eyes, and usually Different also glue, English not even through barely. This week, also in the “COMPLETE OSAKA 1986 (ZION-087)” of simultaneous release, but this era feeling was drifting, this work is Minagiri confident of matches even large success such cross-cultural performances, the last time in “this ! explosion momentum with the rock out of the goodness of “. While also showing the ferocious tension in the songs in, it is repeated endlessly, we will become the maximum number of songs in a concert at the Japan tour if you notice. When you talk in detail, this time will not or reclassified freely about in later years, show the beginning and the end is fixed. It has a structure in which daily song enters the middle and the encore. In terms of this work 16-19 music (middle) of the disk 1, it is why 7-9 tracks of the disk 2 (encore) falls on a daily part. Looking at the track I feel like there is no great difference between “COMPLETE OSAKA 1986”, but in Osaka two shows Buchikomi together a song was a daily, showing off further until “Sometimes It Snows In April” only on this day. As a result, until all 12 songs in the 10 songs of the name board “PARADE” is built into one of the show, is exactly what a night for the culmination of this era.

But on even the record of the precious “PARADE TOUR 1986” in, is the final performance of the first World Tour · THE REVOLUTION, first visit to Japan maximum of also there was Yokohama Stadium enthusiastically. The memorial concert is not Kiri After taking a point, it is a live album that was fully recorded in the best sound that surpasses even the historical name of the sound source. “Under The Cherry Moon” tape change of the cut, which is also the fate of the cassette recording in the early stages of, but there was 26 seconds, it was also finished to be able to experience the full show seamlessly supplemented by its outstanding. But is these days masterpiece group look back on the Prince of life has been a large amount unearthed, one of the oversized-grade definitely among them. Valuable, performance, sound …… that all is all the world premiere with a uniform impact. This weekend, to your handy.

★ it is the best of the title this year.


もはや「伝説」の言葉さえ白々しくなってしまう、プリンスの初来日公演。その中でも、“すべてが揃った夜”と語り継がれる記念碑ライヴの新発掘アルバムが登場です。初来日が実現した“PARADE TOUR 1986”は、彼にとって初めてのワールドツアーであり、それまでフルスケールの海外ツアーをしたことがなかった。初めてヨーロッパを巡り、その勢いのまま日本にまでやってきたのです。本作は、そんな初ジャパンツアーの最終日「1986年9月9日横浜スタジアム」公演のオーディエンス・アルバム。まずは、その記念すべき初来日の全容から見てみましょう。

・9月5日:大阪城ホール 『COMPLETE OSAKA 1986』
・9月6日:大阪城ホール 『COMPLETE OSAKA 1986』
・9月9日:横浜スタジアム 【本作】

このように、初来日公演は全4公演。この来日は“PARADE TOUR 1986”に最終盤に設定されており、この日はジャパンツアー最終日なだけでなく、ワールドツアー全体の千秋楽でもありました。さらにポイントはもう1つ。このツアーをもってTHE REVOLUTIONは解散しており、このライヴが彼らのラスト・コンサートでもあるのです。
そんな記念碑コンサートでもある横浜スタジアム公演ですが、実はかねてより録音が存在しており、コレクターには『SEPTEMBRE(PIY6991/6992)』として知られています。これは初来日どころか“PARADE TOUR 1986”の代表録音としても有名で、サウンドボードとしても取引される傑作なのですが、本作はそれとは 別・録・音 なのです。本作を録音したのは、70年代後半から80年代にかけて日本で活躍した録音家によるもので、当店でも数多くの名作をご紹介してきた方。この録音は、そのオリジナル・カセットをダイレクトに使用しており、今回が全世界初公開なのです。しかも、驚いたのがクオリティ。伝説的な『SEPTEMBRE』からしてサウンドボードとして扱われる名録音だったわけですが、本作はそんな伝説盤を軽く凌駕しているのです!
なによりも凄いのは、そのクリア極まりない楽音。約3万人を収容する横浜スタジアムだと言うのに距離感がほとんどなく、猛烈にクッキリとした楽音がダイレクトに直撃。その繊細にして詳細な中高音、豊かでたっぷりとした低音など、野外スタジアムの次元ではない。そんな録音の上、ダビングを経ていないオリジナル・カセットならではの瑞々しさもたっぷり。プリンスのスキャットの鋭さ、スウィートな歌声の響き、THE REVOLUTIONのグルーヴからピアノのタッチに至るまで、すべての1音に劣化も潰れもない。まるで昨日録音したかのように鮮やかなのです。
そのクオリティで描かれる記念碑コンサートは、中身までもが素晴らしい。前述した通り、この日は初ワールドツアーの最終日にあたるわけですが、特に日本公演は完全な異国文化の地。目の前に広がる3万の黒髪は、普段とはノリも違えば、英語さえろくに通じない。今週、同時リリースの『COMPLETE OSAKA 1986(ZION-087)』にも、そんな時代感は漂っていましたが、本作はそんな異文化公演さえ大成功に収めた自信が漲り、“これで最後だ!”の勢いと思い切りの良さが爆発。1曲1曲でも猛烈なテンションを見せつつ、それが延々と繰り返され、気づけば日本公演で最大曲数のコンサートになっていくのです。詳しくお話ししますと、この当時は後年ほど自在に組み替えたりはせず、ショウ序盤と終盤は固定。中盤とアンコールに日替わり曲が入る構成になっている。本作で言うとディスク1の16-19曲目(中盤)、ディスク2の7-9曲目(アンコール)が日替わりパートにあたるわけです。曲目を見ると『COMPLETE OSAKA 1986』と大差ないようにも感じますが、大阪2公演では日替わりだった曲をまとめてぶち込み、さらにこの日だけの「Sometimes It Snows In April」まで披露。その結果、名盤『PARADE』の全12曲中10曲までが1回のショウに組み込まれており、まさにこの時代を集大成する一夜なのです。

ただでさえ貴重な“PARADE TOUR 1986”の記録な上、初ワールドツアー・THE REVOLUTIONの最終公演であり、初来日最大の熱演もあった横浜スタジアム。ポイントを挙げたらキリがない記念碑コンサートを、歴史的名音源さえも凌駕する極上サウンドで記録しきったライヴアルバムです。「Under The Cherry Moon」の序盤にカセット録音の宿命でもあるテープチェンジのカットが26秒ありましたが、それも既発で補填してシームレスにフルショウを体験できるように仕上げました。プリンスの人生を振り返る傑作群が大量に発掘されている昨今ですが、その中でも間違いなく特大・特級の1本。貴重さ、パフォーマンス、サウンド……その総てが揃った全世界初公開の衝撃。今週末、あなたのお手元へ。


Disc 1 (57:22)
1. Intro 2. Around The World In A Day 3. Christopher Tracy’s Parade 4. New Position
5. I Wonder U 6. Raspberry Beret 7. Delirious 8. It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night
9. Controversy 10. A Love Bizarre 11. Do Me, Baby
12. (How Much Is) That Doggy In The Window? / Lady Cab Driver
13. Automatic 14. D.M.S.R. 15. When Doves Cry 16. Little Red Corvette 17. Do U Lie?
18. The Ladder 19. Condition Of The Heart 20. Under The Cherry Moon 21. Anotherloverholenyohead

Disc 2 (61:14)
1. Love Or $ 2. Head (incl. Hot Thing) 3. Pop Life 4. Girls And Boys 5. Life Can Be So Nice
6. 1999 7. America 8. Kiss 9. Sometimes It Snows In April 10. Purple Rain
Zion – 086

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