Pink Floyd / Zurich 1972 Matrix / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Zurich 1972 Matrix / 2CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Live at Hallenstadion, Zurich, Switzerland 9th December 1972

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Pink Floyd 72 years Zurich performance finally appeared in 2 source matrix! The legendary performances will be revived with high resolution sound with wide field of view with no precedent !!

Speaking of Zurich’s performance on December 9, 1972, Floyd you all know that two good recordings exist. It was familiar to us Floyd sound source fans as a prototype version of “The Dark Side Of The Moon” continued from January the same year, its final type can be enjoyed with good quality stereo AUD sound. Just to be sure, I will organize the two sound sources again and I think that it will be as follows.


<Recorder 1>:
It is the most popular sauce that saw the sunshine eyes in the boot leg LP “LIVE IN ZURICH (FROG RECORDS – PF 1 A / B PF 2 A / B)” or “LIVE IN ZURIGO (WIND RECORDS – BP 0013)” in the early 80’s. Later on, the original tape source used in these analog LP boards was excavated, and the full length version source (also used in this work ※) including the part cut at the time of LP recording has become the standard of Recorder 1 now. Stereo AUD recording by normal L / R recording.

<Recorder 2>:
From such Recorder 1 “Speak To Me” was recorded for more than one and a half minutes, including the encore “Childhood’s End” which appeared completely, about 107 minutes wonderful recording of the same day. Sound quality is also somewhat better than Recorder 1, and suddenly when it appeared on the net suddenly when the Internet became popular, Floyd sound source fans around the world got overwhelmed. Recording using stereo AUD recording by unusual M / S (midside) recording, probably using the microphone wired to M / S specification
Decoded to stereo is the master.


It was the “ZURICH 1972 (Sigma 179)” which was introduced in June, 2017 as a 4-disc settlement board that can listen to these two existing sources in the best form, but this work was used for this Recorder 1 And a matrix version 2, it is amazingly high quality tone 72 years Zurich who is hotly exposed to the Internet among Floyd sound fans all over the world in recent years!

【Keyword “Reverberation” and “Distance” between 2 sources】

Naturally, with Recorder 1 and 2, the recorded position will differ if the person who recorded it also differs. Unfortunately the exact recording position is unknown, but since Floyd’s live has speakers in front and back of the hall and left and right so that Quadrophonic effects can be obtained, if you synchronize 2 sources digitally on a digital basis You can see that the same sound in the same scene comes out with a different delay of strength. Speaking of what this means, the approximate recording position can be grasped from the difference. For example, since the laughter that comes out in the lyrics “♪ … The lunatic is in my head” of “Brain Damage” was found to have been the main sound (= laughter) from the back speaker behind the hall, That laughter is near
If it is not close to the venue, if there is not too close to it, there will be a recording machine in the center to the front of the venue, and even if the laughter is strongly emanating from either the right or left channel, if left / right stereo recording of L / R It is a translation that you can grasp almost. Similarly, even if you compare the reverberation of isolated surround effect left / right such as “Time” watch sea, register sound of “Money”, if the stereo recording, the place where there was a recorder that was not easily noticed by source alone is roughly I can identify it.

In view of this, when listening to the sound of each source, Recorder 1 almost definitely appears behind the hall, while Recorder 2 appears to be drowning from the position near the center front to front right speakers , The important point here is that the recording positions of these two sources are so far apart. In other words, if you digitally combine it into a matrix, that is, matrix, there is a reasonable distance at the recording position of two sources, so it is possible to create a wide sound image that presents the venue 360 ​​degrees in a well-balanced manner. Even with a common 2 source matrix, even if you record from a position similar to both sources, you can not get much effect, and even with the recent IEM (in-ear monitor) recording, The blend of the distance between the actual sound of the audience and the audience seismic recording is the translation that produces a realistic sound image, so the two sources of Zurich in this 72 years are stereo recordings with moderate distance from each other so the matrix effect is enormous. Floyd’s unofficial sound source often has two or more same day recordings remaining, but why this is the reason why the two sources of Zurich in this 72 years were chosen as a matrix. If the sound comes from all directions like Floyd, you can easily imagine what kind of unknown excitement the wide feeling / stereoscopic effect of the virtual coupled sound carries Is not it?

【Fidelity and completeness of presentation】

By the way, speaking of one of the most important matrix titles on Floyd, the 75-year Boston performance “Steve Hopkins and Dan Lampinski” recorded the same day source that the recording giants recorded in the 1970s recorded, respectively “RAVE MASTER MATRIX (Sigma 79) “is also recalled many people think. Actually this work / 72 years Zurich’s matrix version was produced by the same person who produced the matrix of “RAVE MASTER MATRIX”, and it is not to be missed that the finish can enjoy the same level of work as that outstanding board.

Although the original sound which was just released on the net has an impression that the sound pressure is excessively large and is over loud, and why hiss noise is occurring frequently in Recorder 2 why he has not repaired anything, and some problems remain as a sound quality It was a fact. In addition, in some places the misadjustment of the pitch as soon as I heard it remained unadjusted, and the matrix work itself was extremely excellent, but on the other hand it was awkward content that such fine disadvantages were unnecessarily noticeable. Therefore, this label carefully corrected these weak points with the latest sound software, re-adjust the sound pressure too strong of the original sound to the optimum level not damaging the power, and carried out the latest remaster to realize a significant reduction of the noise. In addition, each pitch was also strictly checked and corrected for each measure so that each song was played with the correct melody, etc. It surpassed the public original sound and gained a matrix / sound that was extremely accurate. This is the latest work, Zurich in 1972 It is a 2-disc press book boasting the ultimate sound quality and sound image !!!

【Special remastered matrix: its verification】

The matrix feeling is overwhelming from the disc start. The elongation of the sound that is adjusted and spread with the best sound pressure is reviving with transparency exceeding the open original sound and a wide sound image. Introduction From “Speak To Me” you can see that the realistic feeling floating on the scene is growing more exciting, but from when the “Breathe” stands up, who is in the matrix high-resolution image penetrating from the bass range You will lose words, too. The overwhelming sound radiant power further increases with “On The Run”, and the hitting sound that the response of a drum hit is more acute, the closeness of the electric piano and the attack feeling of the melody also clearly appear . At “Time” Gilmore and the harmony of the light will appear as intersection of lively voices and it will certainly be nailed to the bass that jumps over the main melody and sings. The stereoscopic feeling of “The Sea of ​​the Clock” appearing at the beginning of the song is also preeminent, and even if it reaches “The Great Gig In The Sky” it will be even a feeling that it is almost in the surround environment though it is two channels. In “Money” you will be burned to the excitement hit by many real noises sharpened. The thick deep sounding reaches to a deeper place so that “Us and Them” also has beautiful shadows, and the sound of listening to the tone of the organ entering in the second half with a single source is completely deep and scale feeling I think you will notice that it is different. And the expansion and volume feeling that extends to all directions that can be experienced with “Eclipse” also realizes the high-quality finish unique to Sigma that dismisses the open original sound that had a powerful sound and a peeky impression.

“One Of These Days” also has thick walled tonal touch and three-dimensional feeling is wonderful, but it is surprising that it is matrix and sound is not turbid even if the core of the sound becomes thick, and has acquired the sharpness of several ranks It will be a point. “Careful With That Ax, Eugene” also spreads the whisper like Roger’s poetry reading with a more dense sound image, the flow of the image proceeding with words and performance became to be grasped by the next level sound experience, This must be marveled at the difference as long as you are familiar with listening with a single source from the earlier stage. “Echoes” also comes out with its sound art with a somewhat sounding sound, and the fusion of two sources realizes a sound of euphoria excelling in volume feeling and instantaneous power. Especially the appearance that the width of the midrange expands and extends is impressive, but the thing that I want to draw attention is the thickness of the silent part when moving to the scene of the bark, even with a scene with a slight sound this only three-dimensional The point that it has a sense of volume is noteworthy. The swinging pitch was also corrected, and the point that I can listen in the correct form is also the advantage of this work. After the end of this, “Childhood’s End” which starts after about 1 minute 45 seconds of sound check is one existing source. In other words, only this song Recorder 2 alone is not a matrix, but the center of gravity is low and it is sticky The 2018 year new digital remaster that was carefully given the rhythm was reviving, and I would like to be interested in that scaleful sound I will.

It is Zurich of Floyd 72 years that each single source original sound remains with a wonderful figure. It was the aim of the main board to provide a precise sound presentation unique to the Sigma label by raising this to a higher level by supplementing all the weak points that the public original sound matrix had, and it was aimed at the main board It has become a tremendous matrix title that the performance of this day reaches ears with a high degree of completeness. Please do not just stop with the upper feeling alone, please try this weekend, this sense of improvement of this dynamic sound with + α and the sound image!


ピンク・フロイド72年チューリッヒ公演が遂に2ソース・マトリックスで登場!! 伝説の公演が前例の無いワイドな視界を持つ高解像サウンドで甦ります!!

フロイド1972年12月9日のチューリッヒ公演と言えば2つの良録音が現存しているのは皆様御存知でしょう。同年1月から続いた” The Dark Side Of The Moon “の試作版演奏、その最終型がどちらも良質なステレオAUDサウンドで堪能出来るものとして我々フロイド音源ファンには馴染み深いものでした。念のため改めてこの2音源を整理しておきますと以下の様になると思います。


〈Recorder 1〉:
80年代初頭のブートレッグLP『LIVE IN ZURICH (FROG RECORDS – PF1A/B PF2A/B)』や『LIVE IN ZURIGO (WIND RECORDS – BP 0013)』で陽の目を見た、最もポピュラーなソース。後にこれらアナログLP盤で使用した大元のテープソースが発掘され、LP収録時にカットされた部分も含んだ全長版ソース(※ 本作でも使用)が現在ではRecorder 1の定番になっています。通常のL/R収録によるステレオAUD録音。

〈Recorder 2〉:
そんなRecorder 1より「Speak To Me」が1分半以上も長く収録され、完全初登場のアンコール「Childhood’s End」をも含んだ、約107分にも及ぶ驚異の同日別録音。音質もRecorder 1より幾分優れており、インターネットが普及して間もない頃に突如ネット上にこれが出現した時は世界中のフロイド音源ファンが度肝を抜かれました。珍しいM/S( ミッドサイド )収録によるステレオAUD録音で恐らくM/S仕様に配線されたマイクを使っての収録


これら現存する2ソースを最良の姿で聴ける4枚組の決定盤として2017年6月に登場したのが『ZURICH 1972 (Sigma 179)』だった訳ですが、本作はそれに使用されたこのRecorder1と2のマトリックス版で、近年ネット公開され世界中のフロイド音源ファンの間で熱い視線を浴びている驚異の高音質72年チューリッヒなのです!!

【キーワードは2ソース間の” 残響 “と” 距離 “】

当然ですが、Recorder 1と2とでは録音した人物も違えば録音した位置も異なります。残念ながら正確な録音位置は不明ですが、ただフロイドのライブはクアドロフォニック効果を出す為に会場の前方と後方、そして左右にもスピーカーがあるので2ソースをデジタル上にミリ秒単位で同期させると同じシーンの同じ音が強弱の違うディレイで出ているのが確認出来ます。これが何を意味するかと言えば、その違いからおおよその録音位置が掴めるのです。例えば「Brain Damage」の歌詞”♪ …The lunatic is in my head “のところで出てくる笑い声は会場後方のバックスピーカーからメインの音( =笑い声 )が出ていた事が判明しているため、その笑い声が近い

これに鑑みて各ソースの音を聴くとRecorder 1はほぼ間違いなく会場後方、Recorder 2は会場中央~前寄りの右側フロントスピーカーに近い位置から録っている事がおぼろげに見えてくるのですが、ここで重要なのはこの2ソースの録音位置がそうして離れている点でしょう。つまりこれをデジタル上で仮想結合、すなわちマトリックスさせると2ソースの収録位置に適度な距離があるため会場360度をバランス良くプレゼンテーションするワイドな音像が出来る訳です。よくある2ソース・マトリックスでも両ソースが似た様な位置から録音したものをマトリックスさせてもさほど大きな効果は得られませんし、昨今のIEM(イン・イヤー・モニター)録音にしてもゼロ距離の実音と客席録音との距離のブレンドこそがリアルな音像を生む訳で、この72年チューリッヒの2ソースもお互いに適度な距離があるステレオ録音だからこそマトリックス効果が絶大な訳です。フロイドの非公式音源にも2ソース以上の同日録音が残るケースはしばしばありますが、何故この72年チューリッヒの2ソースがマトリックスに選ばれたのかもこれが理由でしょう。ましてやフロイドの様に全方位から音が向かってくるものであれば、そうして仮想結合されたサウンドのワイド感・立体感がどの様な未知の興奮を運んでくれるのか、容易に御想像戴けるのではないでしょうか。


・・ところでフロイドで屈指のマトリックス・タイトルと言えば、あのスティーヴ・ホプキンスとダン・ランピンスキという70年代を代表する録音の巨人がそれぞれ録音した同日ソースをマトリックスした75年ボストン公演『RAVE MASTER MATRIX (Sigma 79)』を想起される方も多いかと思います。実は本作・72年チューリッヒのマトリックス版はその『RAVE MASTER MATRIX』のマトリックス制作をした同じ人物が制作したもので、その仕上がりはあの傑出盤と同レベルの作業を堪能出来る事も見逃せません。

ただネット公開された原音は音圧が過剰に大きくラウド過ぎる印象があり、また何故かRecorder 2にヒスノイズが多発しているのに何も補修していないなど、サウンドの質としては若干問題が残るのも事実でした。加えて幾つかの箇所では聴いて直ぐに分かるほどのピッチの狂いも未調整のまま残っており、マトリックス作業自体が極めて優秀な反面そうした細かい欠点が余計に目立つぎこちない内容だったのです。そこで当レーベルはこれらの弱点を最新音響ソフトで入念に補正、原音の強過ぎる音圧を威力を損なわない最適レベルに再調整し、ノイズの大幅な軽減も実現させる最新リマスターを敢行しました。またピッチも小節ごとに厳しくチェック補整した事で各曲が正しい旋律で再生されるようになったなど、公開原音を凌駕し精度極まるマトリックス・サウンドを結実させたのです。それが本最新作、72年チューリッヒ究極の音質・音像を誇るプレス盤2枚組なのです!!!

【特上のリマスター・マトリックス : その検証】

そのマトリックス感はディスクスタートから圧倒的。調整されベストな音圧で拡がるサウンドの伸びが、公開原音を超える透明度とワイドな音像で甦っているのです。導入「Speak To Me」からして現場に生々しく漂う臨場感がグッと増しているのが分かりますが、ここから「Breathe」が立ち上がる時の、低音域から突き抜けるマトリックス高解像音には誰もが言葉を失うでしょう。その圧倒的なサウンドの放射力は「On The Run」で更に高まり、ドラムの一打一打のレスポンスが更に鋭くなった打音、エレキピアノの近さと旋律のアタック感にも明確に現われています。「Time」ではギルモアとライトのハーモニーが一層生々しい生声の交差として現われる様になり、主旋律以上に跳ね回って歌うベースにも釘付けになること確実でしょう。曲冒頭で現われる” 時計の海 “の立体感も抜群ですし、「The Great Gig In The Sky」に至ってはもう2チャンネルながら殆どサラウンド環境に居る様な感覚にすらなる筈です。「Money」では研ぎ澄まされた実音が幾つもぶつかってくる興奮に身を焦がされるでしょう。厚みのある深い響きが更に深いところまで届く様になった事で「Us And Them」にも美しい陰影が備わり、後半で入るオルガンの音色も単一ソースで聴く響きとは奥行きとスケール感が全く違っている事に気付かれると思います。そして「Eclipse」で体験出来るその全方位へ伸びる音の拡がりと量感も、音圧強めでピーキーな印象を放っていた公開原音を一蹴するSigmaならではの高品質な仕上がりが実現しています。

「One Of These Days」もゴリゴリした肉厚の音触と立体感が素晴らしいですが、驚くのはマトリックスされサウンドの芯が太くなっても音が濁らず、数ランク上の鋭さを獲得している点でしょう。「Careful With That Axe, Eugene」もロジャーによる詩の朗読の様な囁きが更に濃密な音像で拡がり、言葉と演奏で進行するイメージの流動がネクストレベルの音体験で掴める様になりましたが、これは既発盤の単一ソースで聴き馴染んでいればこそその違いに驚嘆されるに違いありません。「Echoes」もその音響芸術がひと際冴えたサウンドで出る様になり、2ソースの融合によって量感と瞬発力に優れた陶酔のサウンドが実現しています。特に中音域の幅が伸びて拡がっている姿が印象的ですが、御注目戴きたいのは鳴き声のシーンに移行してゆく際の静音部分の厚みで、音が微かなシーンでもこれだけの立体的な量感を備えている点は特筆されるでしょう。揺れていたピッチも修正され、正しい姿で聴ける点も本作のアドヴァンテージです。これの終曲後、約1分45秒間ほどのサウンド・チェックをしてから始まる「Childhood’s End」は現存するソースが1つ。つまりこの曲のみRecorder 2単体でマトリックスではありませんが、重心が低く粘っこいあのリズムが注意深く施された2018年最新デジタル・リマスターで甦っており、そのスケール感溢れるサウンドにも是非御注目戴きたいと思います。



Disc 1 (49:12)
Dark Side Of The Moon
1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On The Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise) 6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like 10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse

Disc 2 (59:17)
1. One Of These Days 2. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 3. Echoes 4. Childhood’s End

Sigma 212

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