Pink Floyd / Ultimate Oakland / 3CD

Pink Floyd / Ultimate Oakland / 3CD / Sigma

Live at Alameda Coliseum, Oakland, CA, USA 9th May 1977

Play sample :

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The latest in the reprint series that brushes up the legendary recording. The ultimate version of “IN THE FLESH Tour”, which has been refined by high-precision mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, is now available on Permanent Preservation Press 3CD.

[Super-name recording that has symbolized the era of Floyd] What is recorded in this work is “May 9, 1977 Auckland performance”. It is the legendary audience recording. If you’ve noticed this article, it’s probably a big classic among the classics that you probably have some kind of existing, but it’s surprisingly pervasive where the “point” of the live album is on the “line” of the tour. It may not be. It’s a good opportunity, so let’s check the position in the biography of the “ANIMALS” era.

“January 21st release of” Animals “”
・ January 23-February 4: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ February 17-March 1: Europe # 2 (11 performances)
・ March 15-31: UK (9 performances)
・ April 22nd-May 12th: North America # 1 (12 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 15-July 6: North America # 2 (14 performances)

This is the 1977 PINK FLOYD. The album “WISH YOU WERE HERE Tour” was released after the tour, but “ANIMALS” started the tour after the release. It consisted of a European Tour until early spring and then a North American Tour. The North American tour is divided into two parts with a one-month off, and the Oakland performance of this work is at the end of the first half. It was the 10th performance of “North America # 1”.
This show is a symbolic performance that boasts exceptional popularity even in the “IN THE FLESH Tour”, but the reason is that the super-name recording was left behind. Its quality and abundance of existing broadcasts are comparable to FM broadcasting, and have evolved over the course of history. Even in our shop, successive groups such as “OAKLAND”, “DEFINITIVE OAKLAND” and “OAKLAND 1977 1ST NIGHT” have updated the cutting-edge and highest peak sounds of each era. This work is the 2021 version.

[High-precision mastering at the paranoid level] The concept of this work is high-precision mastering. The same was true for the simultaneous release of “ULTIMATE MILLARD (Sigma 286)”, but this recording has already been excavated by the Omoto Master. The genetic upgrade is physically a dead end, and the stage is moving to a “difference in polishing”. And in this work, “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, which has a good reputation for vintage recording archives, is in charge of mastering. We are refining the accuracy like never before.
Of course, “polishing” is not “processing”. Rather, the opposite methodology is used. To put that methodology into words, “reproduction of on-site sound”. When it comes to remastering, there are cases where the original sound is squeezed to make it jarring, but at our shop, such an unsophisticated mane is a law. Focusing on the sound held by the master itself, we will correct “disturbance” such as pitch / phase shift and physical deterioration of the tape itself. So to speak, he is devoted to the methodology that leads to the restoration work of paintings.
And “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is lacking in accuracy backed by a huge amount of work. In pitch correction, a deviation of several percent is not overlooked, and it also supports random changes caused by master deterioration. Petit noise also repeats the double check of hearing and eye waveform dozens of times, and is pursuing correction of phase shift up to 1/1000 second. For example, “Eugene” of this work. Our “OAKLAND 1977 1ST NIGHT” has been known as the highest peak in the existing group, but the phase of “Eugene” is still slightly out of phase, and the pitch is also 1% (!!) higher. If you have experience in waveform editing, it will come to your mind, but a 1% shift is a dimension that cannot be discerned by human hearing (a phase shift may be recognized by a subtle difference in stereo feeling. If you have one, please compare it with this work). However, this work is not “I don’t know, so leave it alone”, but “If you pile up seemingly invisible dust, it will become a mountain”. It’s a mastering that has been thoroughly pursued to that extent (if you don’t be afraid of misunderstandings) and has a slightly paranoid obsession.

[“Sound in the field” that exists in a dimension above “good sound”] And another important thing is that the ultimate goal is not “good (sounding) sound” but “sound in the field”. Of course, we are pursuing “good sound” as a musical work, but the delicate final judgment is made in the dimension of historical evidence. In other words, instead of simply refining one recording, I make use of the knowledge and experience of PINK FLOYD over the years, and more specifically, all the records of the 70’s other than FLOYD. For example, in this work, the bass of the phon is slightly boosted from the original sound, but that is also a judgment after verifying “this kind of sound is produced with the equipment of 1977” and “this sound is so much at this venue”.
And don’t put your taste in this judgment. Regardless of whether it is formal or informal, the majority of mastering in the world relies on “engineer’s sense”, but GRAF ZEPPELIN is just “reasonable”. In other words, the sound that is packed in this work is the result of eliminating the “worker’s ego” and giving top priority to “the insatiable quest for historical facts.”
I’m very sorry that I’ve been talking about details with Gudaguda from beginning to end. However, it would not be helpful to write “outside the common sense of audience recording” and “just like an official work” for the 1977 Oakland recording. In order to introduce the horizon on which this work stands and the process of getting there, it was necessary to have such a detailed and heavy story.
Conversely, those who can find value in this difference in dimension can experience the true value of this work. The ultimate board that exceeds such ultimate. Please fully enjoy it with the permanent storage press 3CD.

★ Legendary audience recording of “May 9, 1977 Auckland performance”. It is a symbolic recording of “IN THE FLESH Tour” that has been upgraded over the years, but this work is the 2021 version. Based on the Omoto master, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is used to master the soul. In pitch correction, it corresponds to 1% deviation and random change, and the correction of phase deviation is pursued up to 1/1000 second. Even if the disorder cannot be discerned by human hearing, it is corrected by the idea of ​​”If you accumulate seemingly invisible dust, it will become a mountain” instead of “Leave it because you do not understand it”. In addition, the amount of scooping of each work is decided by historical evidence. Instead of the engineer’s taste, he pursued with the theory that “this kind of sound is produced in 1977” and “this kind of sound is heard in this venue”. It is a cultural heritage album that has been refined from the same perspective / dimension as painting restoration.

伝説録音をブラッシュアップする復刻シリーズの最新弾。“IN THE FLESH Tour”の最高傑作を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による高精度マスタリングで磨き込んだ究極盤が永久保存プレス3CDで登場です。



これが1977年のPINK FLOYD。“WISH YOU WERE HERE Tour”はツアー終了後にアルバムが出ましたが、『ANIMALS』は発売後にツアー開始。春先までの欧州ツアーと、その後の北米ツアーで構成されていました。北米ツアーは約1ヶ月のオフをはさんで二分されており、本作のオークランド公演は前半の終盤。「北米#1」の10公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
このショウは“IN THE FLESH Tour”でも格別の知名度を誇る象徴公演なのですが、その要因は何と言っても超・名録音が残された事に尽きる。そのクオリティと既発の豊富さはFM放送にも匹敵し、歴史の歩みと共に進化。当店でも『OAKLAND』『DEFINITIVE OAKLAND』『OAKLAND 1977 1ST NIGHT』といった歴代の既発群が各時代の最先端・最高峰サウンドを更新してきました。本作は、その2021年版なのです。

そんな本作のコンセプトは高精度マスタリング。同時リリースとなる『ULTIMATE MILLARD(Sigma 286)』でも同じでしたが、この録音もすでに大元マスターが発掘済み。ジェネ的なアップグレードは物理的に行き止まりになっており、ステージは「磨きの違い」に移っている。そして、本作ではヴィンテージ録音のアーカイヴに定評ある「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がマスタリングを担当。これまでにない精度の磨き込みを行っているのです。
そして「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は莫大な作業量に裏打ちされた精度がズバ抜けている。ピッチ補整では数%のズレも見逃さず、マスター劣化で生じるランダムな変化にも対応。プチノイズも耳の聴覚と目の波形というダブルチェックを数十回繰り返し、位相ズレの修正は1/1000秒まで追究している。例えば、本作の「ユージン」。当店の『OAKLAND 1977 1ST NIGHT』は既発群の中でも最高峰として知られてきましたが、それでも「ユージン」の位相が微妙にズレており、ピッチも1%(!!)高かった。波形編集の経験がある方ならピンと来ると思いますが、1%のズレは人間の聴覚では判別できない次元(位相ズレの方はステレオ感の微妙な違いで認識できるかも知れません。既発をお持ちの方は本作と聴き比べてみてください)。しかし、本作は「分からないから放置」ではなく、「一見見えない塵も積もれば山になる」の発想で補整。そこまで徹底追究しており(誤解を恐れずに言うなら)やや偏執気味とさえ言える執念が滲むマスタリングなのです。

そしてもう1つ重要なのは、最終目標が「(聞こえの)良い音」ではなく「現場の音」であること。もちろん、音楽作品として「良い音」を追究しているわけですが、微妙な最終判断は歴史考証の次元で下している。つまり、単純に1つの録音を磨くのではなく、長年に渡ってPINK FLOYDの……もっと言えば、FLOYD以外の70年代のあらゆる記録を手掛けてきた知識と経験を活かしている。例えば、本作は原音からホンの僅かに低音をブーストされていますが、それも「1977年の機材ならこういう出音」「この会場ならこれくらい響く」まで検証した上での判断です。
そして、この判断に好みを挟まない。公式/非公式を問わず、世の中の大多数のマスタリングが「エンジニアのセンス」頼みなわけですが、それに対してGRAF ZEPPELINはあくまで「理詰め」。つまり、本作に詰まっているサウンドは「作業人のエゴ」を排除し、「史実への飽くなき探究心」を最優先した結果たどり着いたものなのです。

★「1977年5月9日オークランド公演」の伝説的オーディエンス録音。長年に渡ってアップグレードを繰り返してきた“IN THE FLESH Tour”の象徴録音ですが、本作はその2021年版。大元マスターをベースに「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による入魂のマスタリングを実施。ピッチ補整では1%のズレもランダムな変化にも対応し、位相ズレの修正は1/1000秒まで追究。人間の聴覚では判別できない乱れでも、「分からないから放置」ではなく「一見見えない塵も積もれば山になる」の発想で補整しています。また、各作業のさじ加減は時代考証で決定され。エンジニアの好みではなく「1977年ならこういう出音」「この会場ならこれくらい響く」という理詰めで追究。それこそ絵画修復と同じ視点/次元で磨き上げられた文化遺産アルバムです。

Disc 1(51:53)
1. Sheep
2. Pigs On The Wing Pt. 1
3. Dogs
4. Pigs On The Wing Pt. 2
5. Pigs (Three Different Ones)

Disc 2(56:21)
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Pts. 1-5
2. Welcome To The Machine
3. Have A Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Pts. 6-9

Disc 3(29:22)
1. Money
2. Us And Them
3. Careful With That Axe, Eugene

Sigma 287

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