Pink Floyd / Poitiers 1972 Low Gen / 2CDR

Pink Floyd / Poitiers 1972 Low Gen / 2CDR / Non label

Live at Palais Des Sports, Poitiers, France 29th November 1972

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Recorded the performance of Poitiers in France from the 1972 Madness Tour with high-quality monaural audience recording. This performance debuted around 1990, recording only madness, echoes, and sun hymns with a capacity of 1 CD from the now-defunct Triangle, which produced reasonably good Floyd boots at the beginning of the CD boot. After that, around 2003, a two-disc live full-length board was released on the Ayanami board, and a few years later, the Sirene board “POITIERS 1972” was released as a press board with the best quality at that time in terms of sound quality and content. .. This edition is recorded from the Low Generation Master, which has the same sound source as those already released but has a different distribution channel. Although it contains a lot of hiss noise, it is an excellent master who has outstanding freshness, the performance is bold, and the master quality that makes you feel the depth, and the vivid atmosphere of the venue is captured. If you are a core fan, you know that there are several versions of this sound source with different distribution channels. These are distributed in a state where the texture, freshness, cut condition, etc. of the sound are slightly different from each other depending on the presence or absence of various processing and processing in the distribution process, but this time “master or 1st gen” and his Use the version described in the file. Originally, this sound source seems to be due to monaural recording, but in the process of distribution, the sound localization shifts and the performance is often shifted to one side, but in this version there is not much localization shift and the performance is closer to the center. It is generally stable, and the feature is that the cut part is hardly processed compared to other versions. For example, the crazy intro part of the beginning of the CD is faded in advance in other versions, but in this version it starts with unprocessed cut-in from the noise of pressing the record button of the tape, and moreover, including the existing board such as Sirene board. It can be said that it is an advantage unique to unprocessed that you can hear the beating part of the intro slightly longer than that. In addition to that, at the very end of Disc 2, the performance of Echoes will fade out slightly on the Sirene board, but in this board it will still include the first appearance part as much as it cuts out without fading out, and further cutout Later, the cheers of the audience after the live performance were made to appear for the first time for about 15 seconds. This part does not sound clear, but it also includes a small amount of MC. Also, regarding the tuning part before “One of These Days-” (the beginning of Disc 2 this time), there is also a niche advantage that the organ sound that was heard only small on the Sirene board can be heard loudly and firmly this time because it starts with an unprocessed cut-in. There is. In addition, the cut in the “Money” intro (CD time 0:19) and the cut in the early stage of “Brain Damage” (around 0:09 CD time) are also unprocessed, so the point is that they are slightly longer than the existing ones. It has become.
1972年狂気ツアーよりフランス・ポワチエ公演を高音質モノラル・オーディエンス録音にて収録。本公演は1990年頃CDブート初期に当時としてはまずまず優良なフロイドブートを輩出していた今はなきトライアングルより、1CDの容量で狂気、エコーズ、太陽賛歌のみを収録して初登場。その後2003年頃Ayanami盤で2枚組のライブ全長盤がリリース、さらにその数年後Sirene盤「POITIERS 1972」から音質・内容とも当時としてはベスト・クオリティーの状態でプレス盤としてリリースされ現在に至ります。本盤はそれら既発と同音源ながら流通経路の異なるロウ・ジェネレーション・マスターより収録。ヒスノイズを多めに含みますが、鮮度抜群で演奏は骨太の、奥行きを感じさせるマスター・クオリティで会場の生々しい空気感も捉えられた優良マスターです。本音源には流通経路の異なる数種類のバージョンが存在しているのはコアなファンならご存じのところでしょう。これらは流通する過程でさまざまな加工や処理の有無により、音の質感や鮮度、カットの具合などが互いに微妙に異なる状態で流通しておりますが、今回は「master or 1st gen」と ファイルに記載されたバージョンを使用。元々本音源はモノラル録音によるものと思われますが、流通の過程で音の定位がずれ、演奏が片側に寄った物が多いのですが、本バージョンではさほど定位のズレもなく演奏はセンター寄りで概ね安定しており、また他バージョンに比べカット部分の処理が殆どなされていない点が特徴です。例えばCD出だしの狂気イントロ部分が他バージョンではフェード処理があらかじめなされているところが本バージョンではテープの録音ボタンを押すノイズから未加工でカットインで始まり、しかも、Sirene盤などの既発盤も含めそれらよりも若干ながら長くイントロの鼓動部分を聞けるのは未加工ならではのアドバンテージと言えるでしょう。そのほかにもDisc2の一番最後、エコーズの演奏がSirene盤では僅かにフェードアウトして終わってしまいますが、本盤ではフェードアウトせずにカットアウトする分やはり僅かながら初登場部分を含み、さらにカットアウト後にライブ終演後のオーディエンスの歓声を15秒ほど初登場させています。この部分にははっきいりとは聞き取れませんが僅かながらMCも含みます。また「吹けよ風-」前のチューニング部分(今回のDisc2の出だし)に関しても未加工のカットインで始まる分、Sirene盤では小さくしか聞こえなかったオルガンサウンドが今回は大きくしっかり聞こえると言うニッチな利点もあります。その他「マネー」イントロでのカット(CDタイム0:19)、「Brain Damage」序盤のカット(CDタイム0:09付近)なども同様に未加工な分、僅かながら既発よりも長いのがポイントとなっております。

Disc 1(47:00)
The Dark Side Of The Moon
1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On the Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise)
6. The Great Gig In The Sky 7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse

Disc 2(46:13)
1. Tuning 2. One Of These Days 3. Careful With That Axe, Eugene 4. Echoes

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