Pink Floyd / Kent State Master / 1CD

Pink Floyd / Kent State Master / 1CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Live at Memorial Gymnasium, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA 10th March 1973


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Even during Floyd live performances, the particularly low is the number of sound sources that have been recorded by the audience would be in 1973 and ’74. I think that there is a fundamental reason that both of year also show the number was not so large. But among them in ’73 is a Release year album “madness”, moreover, because the reason is that the masterpiece album will have to start just spring tour to meet the March was released, none of the live of March 73 for the fans You will say that it has a special meaning. To appear from this time this Sigma is a performance that was held at the Kent State University in such a March 10, 1973, we have just become a happy high-quality board from tour sound source that was doing the launch month of this album year . Already Hatsu-ban you enjoyed pattern of this day “SHORTER OF BREATH,” “KENT STATE MASTER” “STOLEN MOMENTS FLOATING SOFTLY ON THE AIR” … There were also a number, such as this is of them “KENT STATE MASTER (ACE867 ) is the latest version of Upper although it has been used to. ” Master itself is the same, but the sound quality is clearly higher than the already issued board, tough and overall clarity of sound pressure, and rich performance sound that strike a sound has exceeded surely one step sound far. Since there is no course also drop out and cut the sound, you will say that after a long time of good news that arrived in ’73 sound even number of sound sources is less for free !!

It is was a sound to be valid in enough even in this state, but there has been a carefully scrutinized Blush up using the trust of Sigma So in 2015 the latest equipment of this label ownership also for the sake of perfection. The correct removal and pitch noise was slightly present in the master original strictly, by being subjected to sound image adjustment so as not to affect the localization correction and original sound of the sound image, freshness best the original master tape has You have successfully a clear sense of Massive sound of the thing to revive at the best quality. Unfortunately, what is recorded in this work it is of such only “crazy” part becomes the second half, the second part of the show. It has been showing off a small first half-Part 1, “Echoes,” “Obscured By Clouds,” “When You’re In”, “Childhood’s End”, “Eugene”, and of the encore that was unveiled after the madness part has finished “One Of These Days “has become a unreleased. Another master its outstanding panel to is also what was recorded first part they show + encore “One Of These Days”, the But Heiroku of the part to excerpt remastered also been examined several times in the label, for the quality of this recording is conspicuous in reverse is good too and disk 1 and evil of the two of balance in 2CD than them another source, this time it was not forced shelved the recording. Although this work in why I made the disk start from the second half, the second part of the show, became high-grade finish that is only thing was pressed to turn off the Heiroku of such accrued scene and proud to reverse and has, it has become one the sound quality of the best is vigorously stimulate the musical curiosity from the beginning !!

Increases the “Speak To Me” first expected how the monologue and the sound effects are swaying in the closeness of the more bizarre of, but this is “Breathe” as soon as the first sound first rang, it will change to the conviction. Along with the surprise that dense sound does not disappoint in hand listening, and I me take it away to a different world drifting at once malaise. Sharp sound and singing melody of guitar Nobiagari with a jerk, how the movement of real stuffed rhythm Yuku created a music of the day with realistic sound image will just awaken the goose bumps mono excited! “On The Run” would be surprised to that sequence of snare beats and VCS 3 appears very close. Also this day a longer is collage of noise coming out at the end, it is the clearly raised was still high tension continues to be attention. Floating feeling plenty of guitar sound in the “Time” has come out from up close, I think overwhelmed by the sound and gloss. Twin female chorus of harmony that appears occasionally behind the vocals also attractive and, also making it the great listening far from the this is coming towards us in the sound with growth along with the sound of the bass in power. “The Great Gig In The Sky” comes out in women scat of gospel-style punchy is “standing” brilliantly sound. From beginning to end ringing are organ in the first half has also been recorded in the texture high sound, (than say …, music) second half while overlapping the sound of the register quietly playing how the Yuku sunk in darkness also expressive to the last It is recorded in.

Appeared along with a high sense of movement rich performance sound that power in the “Money”, accent of singing and guitar code makes this day for us deliver a unique cynical musical expression in the good sound of freshness. Bass part is has become a three-dimensional sound image that each interaction of musical instruments (※ near to 3 minutes 33 seconds) is also funky representation by guitar and piano exhilarating from disappearing, excitement they Yuku run through at the prospect of good sound You think I would like to have it taste Come. “Us And Them” in spread in the investigation texture high sound by organ of the introduction, you should breadth and depth of the range comes through in straight ball. Has come out without that buried in the entire state also sound cymbals is engraved in drifting Kyokuso to, bewitching harmony of singing and women back chorus of Gilmore coming out in the climax part also alive in the fascinating sound. “Any Colour You Like” is also the keyboard of the sound output is a deeply vivid, over and over again woven The past rich timbre Yuku spread to ear pleasure There are a exceptional. After playing also tough, slapping sound representation of Nick which increases the intensity from the middle also appeared in the excellent sound, is how many times along with the guitar in the late slide into the push of sound me left a strong impression on the mind quotient. “Brain Damage” in and out singing howling occurs at the same time, it is also the topics there is a scene to re-approach it from place between some time. And the chorus to increase the depth to the harmony and as advance in the second half, it is an exclamation to the fact that more and more appeared in the sound image fusion of powerful performances Yuku is full of creativity, out “Eclipse” is also in the sound dramatic performance is resilient to the last You should want.

Who Once “… you want to hear the first half of the show in this sound” finished listening also would think surely so. Accrued part but I thought also be Heiroku using a different source of already issued board, but is as why did not so that was your explanation at the beginning. You’ll see if you can here by touching the master sound original brilliant tone and reliable to listen meet to listen, but as well as really fragrant even pieces good coffee that was cut quality, this work also the first of this performance Even if there are only two parts crazy part, it is a translation you are carrying in sound stand smell the sharpness and momentum of performance of this day. Album song was written for the “madness” is lined up exactly the month to a record store, try to touch with the latest master sound in this eloquent expressive power. There is no difference to be filled kit with joy that a new perspective and re-discover the music of that album. Limited numbering sticker with Picture disc specification, popular Sigma labels will be delivered with confidence !!


フロイドのライブ公演中でも、オーディエンスによって録音された音源数が特に少ないのが1973年と74年でしょう。どちらの年度も公演回数がさほど多くなかったという根本的な理由があると思います。しかし中でも73年はアルバム『狂気』の発売年であり、しかもその傑作アルバムがリリースされた3月に合わせてちょうど春のツアーをスタートさせている訳ですから、ファンにとって73年3月のライブはどれも特別な意味を持っていると言えるでしょう。今回当Sigmaから登場するのはそんな1973年3月10日にケント州立大学で行われた公演で、まさにこのアルバム発売年の発売月にやっていたツアー音源からの嬉しい高音質盤となっています。この日の模様を収めた既発盤は『SHORTER OF BREATH』『KENT STATE MASTER』『STOLEN MOMENTS FLOATING SOFTLY ON THE AIR』…など幾つもありましたが、これはそのうちの『KENT STATE MASTER (ACE867)』に使用されていたものの最新アッパー版です。マスターそのものは同じですがその音質は明らかに既発盤を上回っており、音圧のタフさや全体の透明感、そして豊かな響きを醸し出す演奏音はこれまでのサウンドを確実に一歩上回っています。もちろん音のドロップアウトやカットもありませんので、ただでさえ音源数が少ない73年音源に届いた久々の吉報と言えるでしょう!!

この状態でも充分に通用するサウンドだったのですが、そこは信頼のSigmaですから完璧を期す為にも当レーベル所有の2015年最新機材を使って丁寧に精査・ブラッシュアップをしております。マスター原音に僅かに存在していたノイズの除去とピッチを厳密に正し、音像の定位補正と原音に影響が出ない程度の音像調整を施した事で、マスターテープ本来が持っている鮮度最高の明瞭感とマッシヴなサウンドを最高のクオリティで甦らせる事に成功しました。ただ残念なことに、本作に収録されているのはショウの後半・第2部となる” 狂気 “パートのみなのです。ショウ前半・第1部で披露されていた「Echoes」「Obscured By Clouds」「When You’re In」「Childhood’s End」「ユージン」、及び狂気パートが終わった後で披露されたアンコールの「One Of These Days」が未収録となっています。別マスター既発盤にはそれらショウ第1部+アンコール「One Of These Days」を収録したものもあり、その部分を抜粋リマスターしての併録もレーベル内で幾度か検討されたのですが、本録音の質がそれら別ソースよりも良過ぎて2CDではディスク1と2のバランスの悪さが逆に目立ってしまう為、今回は収録を見送らざるを得ませんでした。そんな訳で本作はショウの後半・第2部からのディスク・スタートとなるのですが、そうした未収シーンの併録を切ってまでプレスしただけの事はあるハイグレードな仕上がりが逆に自慢となっており、その極上の音質が冒頭から音楽的好奇心を激しく刺激する一枚になっています!!

「Speak To Me」のモノローグと効果音が異様なほどの近さで揺れ動いている様子にまず期待が高まりますが、これが「Breathe」第一音目が鳴った途端、確信に変わるでしょう。密度の高いサウンドが聴き手の期待を裏切らない驚きを伴って、一気に倦怠感漂う異世界へ連れ去ってくれるのです。ギターのシャープな音と歌唱旋律がグッと伸び上がり、実の詰まったリズム隊の動きがリアルな音像でこの日の音楽を創り出してゆく様子はまさに鳥肌モノの興奮を呼び覚まします! 「On The Run」はスネア・ビートとVCS 3のシーケンスが非常に近く現れる事に驚かれでしょう。またこの日は終盤で出てくるノイズのコラージュが長めで、それが鮮明に浮き出したまま高い緊張感が続くのも注目です。「Time」では浮遊感たっぷりのギターサウンドが間近から出ており、その響きと艶に圧倒されると思います。ツイン・ボーカルの後ろで時折現れる女性コーラスのハーモニーも魅力的で、これが威力ある低音の響きと共に伸びのある音でこちらに向かってくるのも大きな聴きどころとなっています。「The Great Gig In The Sky」はパンチの効いたゴスペル風の女性スキャットが見事に” 立った “サウンドで出てきます。前半で終始鳴っているオルガンも質感高い音で録れており、後半でレジスターの音に重なりながら静かに演奏が(・・というよりは、音楽が)闇に沈んでゆく様子も最後まで表情豊かに記録されています。

「Money」では威力ある濃厚な演奏音が高い躍動感を伴って現れ、歌唱とギターコードのアクセントが創るこの日特有のシニカルな音楽的表情を鮮度の良い音で届けてくれます。低音部が消えてからの各楽器の対話(※3分33秒付近~)もギターとピアノによるファンキーな表現が浮き立つ立体的な音像となっており、それらが見通しの良いサウンドで駆け抜けてゆく興奮を是非味わって戴きたいと思います。「Us And Them」では導入部のオルガンによる調べが質感高い響きで広がり、音域の広さと深さが直球で伝わってくる筈です。漂う曲想の中でシンバルが刻まれる様子も全体音に埋もれる事無く出ていますし、サビ部分で出てくるギルモアの歌唱と女性バックコーラスの妖艶なハーモニーも魅惑の響きで息衝いています。「Any Colour You Like」もまたキーボードの出音が深く鮮やかで、幾重にも織られてゆく濃厚な音色が耳元に広がってゆく喜びは格別なものがあります。演奏もタフなうえ、中盤から激しさを増すニックの打音表現も絶品の音で現れ、終盤でギターと共に何度も音の押し込みをしてゆく様子は強烈な印象を心に残してくれるでしょう。「Brain Damage」では歌い出しと同時にハウリングが発生し、暫く間を置いてからアプローチし直すシーンがあるのもトピックスです。後半に進むにつれハーモニーに深みが増すコーラスと、ますます創意に充ちてゆく演奏の融合が迫力の音像で現れ、「Eclipse」もドラマチックな演奏が弾力あるサウンドで最後まで出ている事に感嘆される筈です。


1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On The Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise)
6. The Great Gig In The Sky 7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage 11. Eclipse

Sigma 128

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