Pink Floyd / Definitive Osaka 1972 1st Night / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Definitive Osaka 1972 1st Night / 2CD / Sigma

Translated Text:
Festival Hall, Osaka, Japan 8th March 1972

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Another title this week, Pink Floyd A masterpiece title that has made a wonderful upgrade to the 1972 Japanese performance will appear !!

It is March 8 · the first day of Osaka performance. On the 7th day of the previous day I just finished the 2nd day of the Tokyo performance, but I will not take off the next 8th and I will go on a very tight and hard schedule to do the first day of Osaka as a move from Tokyo It was a performance we had. Starting with “DARKEST MOON (Sirene – 007)” which appeared from the Sirene label in 2004, the sound source which recorded the pattern of this day started with 6 in the full Kansai district performance of the Japanese tour in 1972 in May 2009 I think that there are a lot of people who have heard the sound sources themselves on those already launched such as being recorded as discs 1 and 2 of the group title “ASSORTED LUNATICS (Sigma 40)”.

By the way, there are big similarities between the two original titles, which were both monaural recordings. The latest Sigma that appeared this time is the stereo recording that finally appeared, it is the upper version boasting this ultimate sound quality and sound image, this source directly dropped directly from the master cassette gifts provided specially from the recording person himself! In addition, Whereas the original disc was fading in / out processing at the beginning and the end of the disc, this time the disc appeared as master recording completely unprocessed. It is recorded somewhat longer than before in all places. Of particular note is the cheering scene at the end of disc 2, after all the concerts are finished, and it is a point that it contains a few announcements of the day on the day. Of course this is the first appearance scene. Also, the missing of musical tones that existed in 1 min 30 sec – 2 min 29 sec of “Madman in mind”, and 0 min 12 sec – 17 sec of “Echoes”, another record of the same day still remains Collector the most difficult Updated full length and completeness by replenishing with Megalore board 3 LPs “Pink Floyd” (KP 339-KP 344) by new transfer, the ultimate stereo sound which exhausted richly the sound of the very day of exactly the same day It is realized!

For example, “Speak to Me” became to be able to listen with the master cassette as it is from the beginning of the beating beep as the fade process at the beginning of the disc has disappeared. The stereophonic sound image with increased sound thickness and depth is already beyond the apex at this point, but it will certainly be overwhelmed by its massive, low-center-of-massessive sound that bleeds out in “the breath of life”. “Running” is a development of the middle stage which tempo-up is up to date with the Tokyo gymnasium of the day before and it is filled with a different bustle, and the appearance that it is played for about a minute and a half by being improvisioned also jumps out with the highest sound image . The “empty scat” also has multiple monologue SEs that germinate in the venue and a melancholic reverberation caused by the slide and guitar appear in a rich stereo, and the color of the original sound that could not be grasped in monaural = already released is vividly released.

It is “AS AND SEM” that this color sense blossoms with the highest value, the closeness and depth of the performance sound, and the wave motion of the original sound full of three-dimensional sense will be gooseberry thing. “Hope of the color” is like a “running around”, it has become a big performance on the scale stretched for about two minutes from the previous day, but this dense tone color that makes you feel the scale feeling many times It seems that penetration feeling is also unique if it is a stereo source. “The madman to heart” was lost in the section from 1 min 30 sec to 2 min 29 sec due to a tape change (※ same as each already-to-be-released board), but this also for the first time on the same day same source Mega-ray board 3 LPs where the record is left “Making a compensation from the mint board of” Pink Floyd “(KP 339-KP 344) again by digital transfer, continuity of performance and perfection of show are perfect with waveform level of 1/1000 precision It is regaining it.

And in the latter half of the show “Blowing Wind, Calling Storm”, this stereo thick sound will crown. It is no longer “loud” or “hevi”, but the meat and bones with different weights are more dull than those described as “organic voices that are intensely colliding with each other”, and those who gave a description closely related to this instinctive bass range It emerges as a sound that felt breathing and breathing. This state will be handed over to “Eugene, watch out for an ax” and you will learn a shiver in a stereo sound image that melody of sounds like Morodami will melt one after another. Roger’s whisper, I hope to experience the impact of this master sound that every single sigh is stabbed in my chest. The tuning which enters after a while after a while is surely realized that the instruments of each instrument are very vivid, very close and vivid and harmonics one life also lives.

“Echoes” also has an intense glow, and it is certain that it will be hot in my heart for migrating birds that flies high and high from among the powerful sound images. As well as improving the sense of clarity of the midrange that was ambiguous in the already-to-be-released board, the high range that the line was narrow was also revived with certain sharpness, and it is sure to take a breath on the wave of the sound that the pale phrase firmly emerges. “Atomic heart mother” also jumps out with a tremendous amount of sound and density, and when listening to this, you can see how monaural preexisting sound was flat and not telling the truth. Bouncing and swelling, the bursting feeling of the sound that gradually converges to a large degree as it swells is no longer even compared with the already-released sounds, and the journey of the sound that was issued in Osaka 46 years ago can now be tied down with reliable response I get a disc end with a stereo sound with such a special feeling like I got the opportunity.

The effect born by making monaural into stereo, it will be the point where all the sounds that can be heard there begin singing with the density and spread which has never existed. Moreover, as it appeared in the original master cassette direct dropout, this is already a brand new unknown experience itself. Because it is a direct original sound that lacks quality when it does somewhat, this is the best history ever
The rawness raised with a strong stereo sound is exceptional.

Finally, let me introduce another interesting topic. Another week in addition to this work, another work, March 7th of the previous day · Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium Performance has appeared in the form of truth by Recorder 1 Master Cassette, but in fact these two works, live recording by the same person both It is. There was also a continuous Tokyo performance and Osaka performance between 7th and 8th March, with no off day between, and considering the transportation situation at the time, it is surprising that these were recordings by the same person I think that it is an interesting fact, but when you listen carefully you will certainly know that the directivity of recording is similar. Of course both recordings are recorded on the same aircraft, so both sources have the same level of power and transparency in sound, both recordings become the first-class material sound source in Floyd 72 years It is because there are such reasons in the background. Please take this opportunity to put this latest 2 titles at hand and use it to enhance the sound and life. Both are the latest works of Sigma whole body, which will respond with high grade sound quality that emphasizes on expectations!

★ Advantage with earlier “DARKEST MOON”.
* Completed monaural is the last episode, this time the stereo is recorded.
* Although the fade-in / out process is performed at the beginning and the end of the disc, since the disc is not processed this time, it is recorded somewhat long at all places.
The special point is that it is the biggest point that we recorded a few announcements at the end of Disc 2.
* Previous Brain Damage and Echoes are missing in the previous episode. This board is supplemented from “Pink Floyd” (KP 339 – KP 344) record sound source. Listen with noncut.


それは3月8日・大阪公演初日。前日の7日は東京公演の2日目をこなしたばかりですが、翌8日はオフを取らず、東京からの移動を兼ねて大阪の初日をこなすという非常にタイトかつハードなスケジュールの中で行われた公演でした。この日の模様を収録した音源は2004年にSireneレーベルより登場した『DARKEST MOON (Sirene-007)』を皮切りに、2009年5月にも72年日本ツアーの関西地区公演をフル収録した6枚組タイトル『ASSORTED LUNATICS (Sigma 40)』のディスク1と2として収録されるなど、音源自体はそれらの既発盤で耳にされた事がある方も大勢いらっしゃるかと思います。

ところでその既発盤2タイトルには大きな共通点があり、それはどちらもモノラル収録だった事でした。今回登場するSigma最新作は遂に登場したステレオ収録で、録音者本人から特別に御提供戴いたマスターカセット現物から直落としした、このソース究極の音質と音像を誇るアッパー版なのです!! 更に、上記既発盤はディスクの最初と最後にフェードイン/アウト処理をしていたのに対し、今回盤はマスター録音完全未加工で登場。全ての箇所でこれまでより若干長く収録されているのです。中でも特筆されるのはディスク2の最後、全演目終了後の歓声シーンで、僅かながらも当日の場内アナウンスを収録している点でしょう。勿論これは完全初登場シーンです。また「狂人は心に」の1分30秒~2分29秒、及び「エコーズ」の0分12秒~17秒に存在していた楽音の欠落も、同日の別録音が残るコレクター最難関のメガレア盤3LPs 『” Pink Floyd ” (KP339-KP344)』から新規トランスファーによる補填をした事で全長性と完全性を更新、まさに現存する当日の音を惜しげなくリッチに使い切った究極のステレオ・サウンドが実現しているのです!!


この色彩感が最高値で花開くのが「アス・アンド・ゼム」で、その演奏音の間近さと奥行き、立体感溢れる原音の波動は鳥肌モノでしょう。「望みの色を」は「走り回って」同様、前日より約2分近くも引き伸ばされたスケールの大きい演奏となっていますが、そのスケール感を何倍にも感じさせてくれるこの濃密な音色の浸透感もまたステレオソースならではと言えそうです。「狂人は心に」は1分30秒~2分29秒までの区間がテープチェンジによって音が欠落(※ 各既発盤も同様)していましたが、これも今回初めて同日別ソースでの記録が残るメガレア盤3LPs『” Pink Floyd ” (KP339-KP344)』のミント盤から改めてデジタル・トランスファーによる補填を決行し、演奏の連続性とショウの完全性を波形レベル1/1000の精度で完璧に取り戻しています。

そしてショウ後半「吹けよ風、呼べよ嵐」で、このステレオ極太サウンドは頂点を迎えます。それはもはや” ラウド “とか” へヴィ “という形容よりは、重さの違う肉と骨が鈍く激しくぶつかり合う有機音と形容した方が近く、この楽曲が根底に持っている低音域の本能的な呼吸と息吹きが感じられるサウンドで登場するのです。この様子は「ユージン、斧に気をつけろ」にも引き継がれ、まどろみの様な音の木霊が次々に融解してゆくステレオ音像に戦慄を覚えるでしょう。ロジャーの囁き、吐息のひとつひとつが胸に突き刺さるこのマスター・サウンドの衝撃を是非御体験戴きたいと思います。終曲後に暫く入るチューニングもそれぞれの楽器音が大変生々しく、しかも近く鮮明で、ハーモニクスひとつの響きにも生命が宿っているのを実感されるに違いありません。



最後にもうひとつ、興味深いトピックを御紹介しましょう。今週は本作の他にもう1作、前日の3月7日・東京都体育館公演がRecorder 1マスターカセットによる真実の姿で登場していますが、実はこの2作品、どちらも同じ人物による実況録音なのです。3月7日・8日と、間にオフ日を挟まない連続した東京公演・大阪公演という事もあり、また当時の交通事情を考えれば、これらが同じ人物による録音だったというのは意外で興味深い事実だと思いますが、注意して聴くと確かに録音の指向性が似ているのが分かる筈です。当然ながら両公演とも同一機材で録音しているため、どちらのソースにも音に同レベルの威力と透明感が備わっていますし、両録音ともフロイド72年日本公演第一級の資料音源となっているのは、背景にそうした理由があるからなのです。是非この機会にこの最新2タイトルを併せて手元に置き、サウンド・ライフの充実にお役立て下さい。どちらもその期待に身を乗り出すほどのハイグレード音質で応えてくれる、Sigma渾身の最新作です!!

★既発「DARKEST MOON」との優位点。
*既発Brain DamageとEchoes は既発では欠落したままになっている。本盤は”Pink Floyd”(KP339-KP344) レコード音源より補填。ノンカットで聴ける。

Disc 1 (52:40)

The Dark Side Of The Moon
1. Speak To Me 2. Breathe 3. On The Run 4. Time 5. Breathe(Reprise) 6. The Great Gig In The Sky
7. Money 8. Us And Them 9. Any Colour You Like
10. Brain Damage ★1:30 – 2:29 “Pink Floyd”(KP339-KP344) レコード音源より補填
11. Eclipse

Disc 2 (72:34)
1. One Of These Days 2. Tuning / MC 3. Careful With That Axe, Eugene
4. Tuning 5. Echoes ★0:12 – 0:17 “Pink Floyd”(KP339-KP344) レコード音源より補填
6. Tuning / MC 7. Atom Heart Mother

Sigma 207

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